
Tuesday, October 31, 2006


My Rankings In The Top Entertainment Blogs.

Ok, now that I did just to see where my blog stood among the ever-expanding world of The Blogosphere. I was never one to consider myself much of a blogger. I've always been the type that has wondered just who, if any, wanted to put their personal journals online for all to see? Were we really that into that level of voyeurism?

Then I saw them, the editorialists, the columnists, the journalists...all those that mainstream media wouldn't take because some of us never earned our degrees. We circumvented the system. We divided and we are conquering at an alarming rate.

Who have we alarmed? Big Telecoms who want your internet. Seriously.

Now more than ever, each and every one of us need to push our representatives, senators, congresspeople and our people in Poly-Tricks for Net Neutrality.

Why? Imagine this for just a moment:

On one hand you have certain sites that are your faves. They might be The American Idol site, music sites like KrushRadio.com or even just your run-of-the-mill chatsite. Today you can visit any site on the web. You can use Google to find whatever you want. You have the whole world at your fingertips.

Tomorrow, when you wake up, you try to access a few sites. Mostly weather and news if you don't care to watch TV to wait for them. After that, you go about your daily routine. You go to work, you talk with friends and you can't wait to get home to take a listen in to Launch on Yahoo and otherwise surf the net for oddball and rather off-beat sites that you wanted to see. Now maybe you're not huge on big government but that one site called The Propaganda Remix Project really had you laughing. You try to access it and, suddenly...nothing. No 404 Errors, no This Damned Browser Connection Timed Out, just nothing. So, you try it again. Same story. Odd, isn't it?

Then you get a bill or a hefty charge comes out of your bank account to some big telecom. You call their 800 number and you get a representative.

"Hey," you asked, trying to remain polite, "What is this charge for?"

"Your website," they answer.

You try to explain to them that the domain you purchased is current until next year and all the hosting fees are up to date as well. That's when they explain to you that the way it works now is you are paying this hefty fee on top of that (if it doesn't replace the domain/hosting/design costs altogether) to have your site on the net.

"Okay," you relent, "do you protect my site from hackers?"

"No," they answer, "That's the webhost's responsibility" That is...if it is anyone's at all

Now you ask questions...big time.

Is the net having connection problems? Why can't I access these sites? Why is it taking so long for some sites to load? Why do some sites not exist all of a sudden? Why is it only the corporate sites are loading so quickly and some of the simple blogs I like to read are not?

Let me give you the answer they won't tell you. The big telecos will own the internet. It will be called Internet 2 and it will have these features:

All the corporate sites (ex. Yahoo, MSN, etc.) those will load without fail.

Small Internet-based businesses just getting started or making just enough to cover site costs and maybe a little extra profit? Gone...they can't afford to keep their sites now. Elimination of competition. Free Enterprise will be a thing of the past.

Internet sites that offer "alternative news?" Gone as well. These sites will be deemed inappropriate by some government branch. Why? The telecos used their money to buy out some poly-tricksters to actually pass yet another bill that reins in Freedom of Speech and believe me when I say, this is the last bastion of it.

How about eBay? One of the best auction sites on the web? Gone as well. They're not going to charge outrageous sums of money to users just for this so-called "privelege to auction/buy/sell and trade."

See where this is heading? Internet 2 will be the ultimate censorship and the blogosphere helped us in ways but it became a double-headed axe ...and yours is in trouble too.

If these telecos don't want you emailing someone? guess what, they'll block, intercept or make it a helluva frustration to send that email. Imagine people coming up to you at work, pissed that you blocked their email. It can happen.

Where we have hope is that our representatives will hear us. Deluge their emails...practically inundate them. Let them know you will not be ignored. We used to have to write letters and now, it's all at our fingertips. Let's keep our voices free in at least one area. Let's keep having fun with our blogs. Let's keep our free-thinking society by sharing our commonality, enjoying our differences and bringing our experiences and our learning to the table.

Let's teach a new kind of system...one that will forever keep us free in this nation. Let's remember the three "R"s that founded us; Rise, Refuse and Resist.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Lord Genocyde's Days Off

By Cathy O’Brien 12-05

Testifying before the US Congress regarding torture is exactly what I should be doing right now. Experience taught me all I know, and it is enough to prove once and for all that torture is inhumane, to say the least.

I am a fully rehabilitated US Government White House/Pentagon level mind control survivor whose testimony for the US Congressional Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Oversight was censored for so-called “Reasons of National Security”. Upon the advice of an attorney in 1995, this testimony was released en masse in book form, aptly entitled TRANCE Formation of America, to bring truth to light and survive whistle blowing on US Government tortures. Despite media censorship and death threats and attempts, these proven, documented facts have now reached over 48 countries, been licensed and translated into 8 languages, and are in major universities worldwide such as the Oxford Law Library. Now that torture is finally a predominant political issue, the reality of how it is actually being used continues to be kept from the public by those in control of the American government and corporate media. Those who control information control knowledge, which in turn controls the thoughts, perceptions, opinions, and actions of those they inform.

Learning to think for myself after 3 decades of abuse, torture, and mind control programming required mind expansion and thinking out of the box so-to-speak. Torture was used to make me forget… not to remember and “tell all”. It was only when I felt safe that I was able to begin remembering the government secrets and criminal covert operations I’d been tortured to forget. The same criminals that are in control of the American government today were in control of me, and they are acutely aware that torture and trauma causes humankind to forget. So why is torture being justified as a means to “extract information”? That is akin to swimming in ice water to warm up! And yet when the public is told by the media to jump in the lake, people do it because they’ve been assured the water is warm….

The original Manchurian Candidate brought forth the concept of “brainwashing” as it was termed back then. “Brainwashing” and the newer term “mind control” were both used in the brilliant, highly publicized Canadian victory against the CIA’s Dr. Ewen Cameron and his torturous “experiments” on patients at the Allen Memorial Institute in Montreal in the1950’s and1960’s. Considering today’s technological advancements, pharmaceuticals, computerization, and classified mind manipulating weaponry, it is clear to see that torture is not only archaic, but is actually a diversionary issue from more prevalent forms of mass mind manipulation of the human population. With the corporate media controlling our knowledge base while traumatic global events terrorize us, we’ve become blinded by the lies, justifications, and fear mongering explanations.

Truth freed me from fear and enabled me to think to speak about the government secrets that torture had caused me to forget. The truth that set me free can make us all free. Knowledge is our only defense against mind control. Once we consciously understand mind control and how trauma and lies perpetuate it, it can no longer be used against us- either as individuals or as a population. We have allowed a handful of criminals to box us in deeper and deeper for years, and now awareness is rising and truth is coming to light. Wake up. It is a new day! Think out of the box. Think beyond what you’ve been led to believe. Ask questions. Research answers. Expand your thinking to consider other perceptions. Think for your self and know the truth that will set us free, once and for all.

By Cathy O’Brien 1-06 www.ForReasonsOfNationalSecurity.com

Hope is contagious. And Hope is precisely what we need these days in epidemic proportions as a sweet reminder that life’s fearful conditions are merely temporary, ever changing, and always evolving. Even those of us who’ve spiritually arrived at that joyous level of living unconditional love, unconditional peace, and unconditional happiness need Hope when life gets in the way of our optimism, causing us to stumble. Rather than be brought down, we need to stand strong in these times of positive change.

Positive change? Yes! Light of truth has penetrated the darkness, bringing the reality of world events to the forefront of our awareness. Now we can clearly see the crimes against nature and humankind that have politically prevailed for decades. Truth frees us from fear, sharpens our vision, strengthens our spirit, and empowers us to take necessary action. Awareness is indeed the first step toward positive change.

In these exciting times, there are still those who hopelessly cave in to media perpetuated fear. They have buried their head in the sands of corporate controlled media social engineering, and that sand is running out of the proverbial hourglass inevitably revealing what is already realized by those of us with eyes to see, ears to hear, and soul to know truth. It’s about time!

When I woke up from decades of US Government MK Ultra mind control, it was clear to see that plans I had been privy to during the Reagan-Bush Administration regarding mass mind manipulation of humanity through social engineering had, indeed, taken effect. We all formulate our thoughts, opinions, and ultimately our actions based on what we know. And we need to know that our knowledge base is being altered to suit the agenda of a few government puppet-masters who are keeping pertinent issues such as mind control secret while using it against us.

People struggle with spirituality when they need to get social engineering out of the way and think for themselves. With free thought comes wisdom, and wisdom outthinks a criminal mind every time. I am living proof! The truth that made me free can set the controlled populace free. Knowledge is our only defense against mind control.

I know from experience that without free thought, there is no free will, and ultimately no soul expression. Without soul expression, there is no ability to stand for basic human rights and live in harmony with love where synchronicity unfolds. Now that I have regained my free thought through strenuous deprogramming, I celebrate having free will and soul expression again. With strength of spirit and true-to-soul wisdom, I choose to live in harmony with love and make a positive difference by bringing the reality of mind control to light. By living purpose on purpose, I feel inner peace. After all, world peace begins within. What a lovely place to rest our hopes.

Peace reverberates peace. Love, the most powerful force in the universe, reverberates love. Hope reverberates hope. It is contagious! Pass it on…

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Day One Update


Friday, October 27, 2006

Update: The Good News And The Bad

Ok everyone, I know that the initial run of The Impyrial Death March flopped

Last night, I thought, "You have GOT to be FUCKING kidding me!"

Last night as I was talking to Misty, my executive producer, everything...all the lights, the computer, the alarm clock...all of it went out. All power got up and said "FUCK IT! RUN!" Right after the power went out, there was a flash outside and then a loud BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!

"What the hell was that?" Misty asked.

"Goddammit," I said in pure frustration, "That was the fucking power going out."

The thunderstorm outside was raging and the clouds overhead were supremely pissed off.

The transformer outside, the big one, was struck by lightning. It took out power to me, the Valero (Diamond Shamrock) across the street and the new gift shop next to me. Everything else was lit up. Well, I read by flashlight after contacting Lisa and trying to maximize the life of my cellphone battery by giving her the list to send the bulletin out to.

During the reading, my kitten, Anastasia crawled up on me and fell asleep, which, in turn, made me sleepy. I passed out. I slept beside this kitten as the storm howled and raged outside. Finally, at four in the morning, I noticed that it was peaceful outside. Valero's power was back and so was the shop just next door. When I went to turn on lights...nothing.

Long story short, power was restored to me two hours after everyone else and, while the computer is okay, the modem is fried. I have a new one coming in but it won't be here til Wednesday at the very earliest. Again, I'm sorry, everyone for the sudden drop in stream. I'm sorry for the state of the whole mess. Now, that's the bad news.


Bands, listeners, I have five days off but guess what, this is an awesome chance for you! Now we have way more time to organize and attack.

Bands, contact Lisa at demented_tinkerbell_freak@yahoo.com to schedule your interviews! If you have stuff you've sent for giveaways, it makes it better for you. We'll have a full week until I have to go back to work so if you schedule and set up your interviews, your giveaways, whatever you want to do, we're still offering!

Let's take the salvage from the disaster and make it a monster.

Damien "Lord Genocyde" Cross

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Effective Immediately!

We regret to inform you that The Impyrial Death March will be cancelled for the remainder of the night. DJ Genocyde is having bad weather in his location and is now without power.He is hoping to have power restored tomorrow so be on the look for the rescheduled times for the rest of the show. We do apologize for the inconvience and we thank you for being so patient. We do appreciate it.

Thanks Again,
Lisa (Manager Of The Genocydal Empyre V2.O)

Something Tells Me It Wasn't Supposed To Happen...

GODDAMMIT!!! What a cruel joke that has been played. For those that tuned into the 10/26/06 show The Impyrial Death March Part II, again, I must apologize.

I wasn't able to do the interviews with Raval or Misty. I wasn't able to do shit for giveaways on this show.

I know a lot of you are probably wondering, "Goddamn Damien, what the hell happened NOW?!"

A thunderstorm pouring down heavy rain came along today. The rain came down so bad that I found four leaks in my roof that I didn't know I had. It also took out the fuckin phone lines like it did this past weekend.

After I'd gone through the crap of putting the whole thing together and running it, it fails yet again. Still, for those that know me, I'm stubborn and when you combine that with a dimension of pissed off that I've never been in before in my life, you know that means only one thing...encore performance for Saturday Night. Ok, so I can't make it to San Marcos but I'd planned on holding back some of this stuff for more giveaways at the event on Saturday Night anyway. Or I could do it Halloween Night and make it even more special? What would be preferrable to you guys?

There is a new element though. Premiers! New stuff from Immune System, a goth/pop band called The Cauldrons will premier and then we'll be doing all this wonderful stuff as well.

The playlist will be the same, save for the added premiers. I'm going to be getting this done, one way or the other, best believe that. I refuse to sit around and NOT salvage SOMETHING from four fuckin months of planning.

Again, everyone, my apologies for this rather nasty Act of God.

The Impyrial Death March Episode II (Insert Clever Title Here)

Here's Ya Button For Winamp...Tune In, Rock Out!!

Here's Ya Button To The NEW Microsite...Tune In, Rock Out!!

The Genocydal Empyre v2.0

Playlist for 10/26/06

10/26/06 @ 7:00pm - Whenever It Ends EST

1. The Genocydal Empyre v2.0 (Faith And The Muse - Cantus) (6:05)

2. WRR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

3. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

4. The Gemini Ritual - At Last (4:21)

5. Starlit - Transformation (5:04)

6. Y-Luk-O - electricity (3:49)

7. WRR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

8. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

9. The Gemini Ritual - Lovesong (4:24)

10. Collide - Euphoria (5:27)

11. Bella Morte - My heart will go on (4:37)

12. Atreyu - You Give Love A Bad Name (3:26)

13. Andrew WK - She Is Beautiful (3:36)

14. Dimmu borgir - Burn in hell (5:05)

15. WRR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

16. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

17. Drones - I Wanna Know (4:40)

18. Ayin Aleph - Butterfly (4:20)

19. F5 - Dissidence (2:33)

20. BAD CAMERA - Sustain The Pain (3:45)

21. Cocteau Twins - Heaven or Las Vegas (4:53)

22. Angtoria - Do You See Me Now (4:25)

23. Godsmack - Speak (3:57)

24. Supersuckers - Born With A Tail (3:20)

25. Lacuna Coil - Entwined (3:59)

26. Imperative Reaction - TERRORFAKT (4:20)

27. Mongrel - West Memphis Hell (2:14)

28. Metallica - Die, die my darling (2:29)

29. WRR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

30. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

31. OUTERKORE - TakerGiver (6:16)

32. Bloodhound Gang - Three Point One Four (3:55)

33. All:My:Faults - Alles ist gesagt! (3:40)

34. Bile - I Reject (19:53)

35. Concrete Blonde - Dance Along the Edge (5:31)

36. Bound In Oblivion - Don't You Forget About Me (5:41)

37. Argyle Park - The Red Shirt Conspiracy (2:36)

38. joan jett - i hate myself for loving you (4:07)

39. WRR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

40. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

41. Doro - Descent (With Peter Steele) (4:02)

42. Mankind is Obsolete - Still Right Here (4:17)

43. HIM - Wings of a Butterfly (3:30)

44. Charlie Drown - Lithium Nephalim (2:58)

45. David Bowie - The Pretty Things Are Going To Hell (4:46)

46. Unter Null - Sick Fuck (Tamtrum mix) (4:08)

47. Bio-Mechanical Degeneration - Wasteland (5:30)

48. Drain STH - I Wish (4:39)

49. Digital Dream - Angel of Disorder (5:30)

50. WRR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

51. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

52. Prodigy - Smack My Bitch Up (5:42)

53. Head Drone - Looking Glass (3:15)

54. In Extremo - Vollmond (4:03)

55. Murderdolls - 197666 (2:19)

56. Punish Yourself - Gay Boys in Bondage (4:01)

57. Organ - Exploited Freedom (2:25)

58. Venus Fly Trap - World Turned Upside Down (3:55)

59. Reism - Demons (4:33)

60. kHz - It's Yours (2:47)

61. WRR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

62. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

63. Immaculate Deception - Blood Red Sky (3:45)

64. Ozzy Osbourne - Shot In The Dark (4:16)

65. Interlock & Needleye - Interlock & Needleye - Death By Design (7:11)

66. Lost Souls - Skinstripped (4:07)

67. Endemic - Life Dependency (3:00)

68. Descendents Of Cain - Alive (3:25)

69. Curse Icon - Down (4:10)

70. The Other - In The Dead Of Night (4:06)

71. Severe Illusion - The Giant Never Speaks Enough (4:24)

72. Andraculoid - Detach (3:43)


74. Biopsy - Harsh Disposal (3:24)

75. Diverje - Amphibian (The Mercy Cage) (5:19)

76. Rammstein - Amerika (3:47)

77. WRR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

78. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

79. Cradle of Filth - From The Cradle To Enslave (6:39)

80. Metallica - it's Electric (3:33)

81. Endemic - Life Dependency (3:00)

82. blutengel - Gothik (4:52)

83. SiNDADDY - Prostheticize Me (Darva Sett mix) (3:02)

84. Lexincrypt - Sleepwalker (7:08)

85. Queensryche - Jet City Woman (5:22)

86. Mindless Self Indulgence - Bitches (2:47)

87. Static X - Cold (3:40)

88. T3CHN0PH0B1A - Aliena Ferox [Format Race *.*] (3:55)

89. symbiont - behind the lie (4:20)

90. KMFDM - Dogma (4:06)

91. DJ Genocyde - The Genocydal Empyre - Outro (0:48)


Wednesday, October 25, 2006

The Impyrial Death March/San Marcos Incident ...Bad News


I have to extend my apologies to all of you. I'll understand if my
credibility has been shaken with some if not most of you but the only
thing I ask is the ability to explain.

First, The Three-Day Impyrial Death March has not gone down as
expected. The show lasted from approximately 7pm EST until 4am EST.
Why? The server's encoder constantly errored stating that it couldn't
send information quickly enough. After discussion with Doc, the
station's head, we figured it must be my connection. Severe
thunderstorms over this past weekend did temporarily take out both my
internet AND my phone. Even though it only took out my internet for
only about two hours (I'm on DSL), it took out my phone until Monday
afternoon sometime.

A call to tech support after a full reboot of both the tower and the
modem lead to a speed test which showed my range being awesome, I
tried reconnecting and with no luck. I still have about four hours
worth of the original playlist left, though it's changed a bit. I'll
send it out and set times and dates. I'll be doing shows as I can over
the next couple of days...possibly into Halloween. The giveaways?
They'll still happen. The premiers? Same thing, they're still going to
happen. I just won't be going straight through with it as I was. As
for the length of the shows, I can go that long. I used to do it all
the time on Hear The Pulse where my shifts would last for 12 hours.

The San Marcos Incident:

Tonight, I cancelled on the event. Here is a complete history behind
it and trust me, you'll understand.

San Marcos is roughly about three to four hours away from me. At
present, my car is out of order and, until it's fixed, I'm stuck going
nowhere slowly. The one throwing the event told me ON THE AIR that if
I agreed to work this event, arrangements would be made to transport
both me and the equipment, board me, feed me...whatever. I wasn't
going to be paid for it, I was doing it because I had nothing planned
for this Halloween and I thought it might be some fun for me, get some
more exposure for you guys and on top of it all, if people found that
they could party to your music (which undoubtedly they can) then that
would drive your CD sales up.

Last week, I was asked by this person if I'd still planned on going.

"Goddamn Right!" I answered, "I've been talking about this event like crazy."

"Ok, how are you getting there?" he asked me.

I was floored. Suddenly, I had to figure something out. Friday, an
opportunity for some overtime at work would have afforded me a way to
rent a car, get a room, feed myself and literally transport myself
back and forth easily and wouldn't have gotten in the way of a damned
thing. That, however was cut out quickly when what would have been a
simple 16-hour shift turned into a 23-hour shift. My partner and I
were not allowed to return to work the next night thereby turning our
overtime into compensatory time. In essence, we got fucked. The only
way to actually square it would be to bring the whole thing before the
labor board but by the time I figured up what I'd be spending vs. what
I'd had coming to me, it was far more time, money and trouble than it
was worth. Leaving that being my best option out, I asked him if he
had any ideas. Since he never got back to me, I just cancelled. Again,
I had to consult with Doc and then we figured some things out. He has
called back since telling me to let him see if he can "pull a miracle
out" but at this rate I'm not holding my breath.

After tonight's disasterpiece theatre, I pretty much figured my
credibility was blown to bits due to technical issues and people I
wouldn't dare enter into agreements with unless contracts of the
ironclad variety were involved.

Again, I apologize to all of you in the bands and those of you in my
audience that wondered just what the hell happened. I figured if
nothing else, you deserve an explanation at the very least.

If there is anything I can do to make it up to you guys, simply let me
know and consider it yours.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

CD Review: Starlit

Lord Genocyde's CD Reviews

Band: Starlit

Title: She Was A Spicy She-Wolf

Simara Rose's aggressive and hard-rockin' band Starlit brings us She Was A Spicy She-Wolf, the ever-present tour-de-force, in-your-face audio assault that will only leave you begging...for more.

Musically pulling no punches, the guitars drive like Mad Max through a sound that can only be described as apocalyptic. The drums pound your eardrums to a pulp, the bass bumps, booms and throbs and then...the intensity seems to be both strengthened and tempered by Simara's vocals.

Muther comes off as a vaudeville and rather playful version of an old childhood lullabye gone almost nightmarish but fun.

Transformation presents itself as a pure, intense and serious song, prompting us all to rise above the pain and negativity, spit in the face of adversity, kick it in the nuts, defiantly display individuality at all costs and walk off thereby labelling adversity a cunt.

I Want You is pure expression of love and lust all at once.

Social Slut is a scathing and rather venomous take on those that fake lifestyles simply to fit in.

And these are just a few of Lord Genocyde's faves so far.

Still songs like "Our Sinz", "Sanctuary", "God Complex" and "The Light" are not to be ignored and niether are "Heart In A Cage", "Parasite" or "Daizies".

Now, this song I saved for last. Why? You'll see.

Starlit's take on David Bowie's "Modern Love" showed an altogether new side of it. Starlit's cover ventures into burlesque territory and fearlessly tackles the song's subject content in the way that, I'm sure, even Bowie himself never dreamed possible.

Ok so let's summarize here:

A. Great Songs that range in intensity and function

B. The entire album itself is fresh, new, unique and would otherwise dethrone well over half if not all the mainstream cutie wannabes that are commercially available today.

C. The cover art brings back a style that's very old and an art that was nearly lost with the likes of Betty Page (and who DIDN'T like her?)

D. The sound is cherry and professional

E. You could almost be satisfied with imagining live performances of these songs in your head but why bother? They're probably even better on stage!

F. KMFDM remixed Muther for a special CD single that you can snag when you go to snag your copy of this CD...and you know you wanna.

Bottom Line: What's Not To Like?!

Better Question: What Are You Waiting For?! Why Are You Still Reading?!

Grade: A+

Sunday, October 22, 2006


Here's Ya Button For Winamp...Tune In, Rock Out!!

Here's Ya Button To The NEW Microsite...Tune In, Rock Out!!

Drop Your Cocks And Grab Your Socks Because It's Time For THE THREE-DAY IMPYRIAL DEATH MARCH!! PLUS You Make Your Requests, Tune In, Amp Up, Get Down, Rock Out And The GenoCam In Geno-Vision Goes LIVE On Yahoo Giving YOU A Behind-The-Scenes Look As Things Happen And As You Know...On This Show...ANYTHING Can Happen!!!

The Genocydal Empyre v2.0

Playlist for 10/24/06, 10/25/06, 10/26/06

10/24/06 @ 7:00pm - 10/27/06 @ 12:00am EST

1. The Genocydal Empyre v2.0 (Faith And The Muse - Cantus) (6:06)

2. The Virus Commcenter - Your Options Have Changed (1:06)

3. WRR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

4. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

5. Immune System - Quitter (3:14)

6. Joe Scott - Egypt (5:21)

7. Antitrust - Trust (3:55)

8. The Unknownn - Blood (5:22)

9. Cockfight Club - H.P. Lovecraft (3:13)

10. Collinwood 13 - Osiris (4:44)

11. Encoder - Supernatural (Hardbeat Mix) (4:59)

12. Matri-X-Trax - Inure - Subversive (5:08)

13. WRR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

14. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

15. Diverje - No Time For Compromise (4:54)

16. Dark Avatar - Devil (4:23)

17. Dr. Steel - Land Of The Lost (4:48)

18. The Gemini Ritual - Lovesong (4:24)

19. Carfax Abbey - Cry Little Sister (3:56)


21. WRR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

22. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

23. Michale Graves - Beware (1:59)

24. Mister Monster - Over Your Dead Body (4:29)

25. Korn - Word Up! (2:53)

26. Children Of Bodom - Oops I Did It Again! (Britney Spears Cover) (3:18)

27. i:scintilla - scin (4:21)

28. Scum of the Earth - Altargirl 13 (3:41)

29. WRR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

30. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

31. Infernosounds - Engel Der Nacht (3:15)

32. Gasr - Survivor (6:55)

33. Apocalyptica feat. Sandra Nasic fromGuano Apes - Path (3:23)

34. DerDRAKOS - Lust For Chaos (6:15)

35. Guano Apes - Open your eyes (3:08)

36. Asseptic Room - Bones of Angels (3:58)

37. WRR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

38. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

39. Poker Face - Kontrol (5:36)

40. Sepultura - Slave New World (2:54)

41. King Rat - Lightning In The Mind (4:31)

42. Rage Against The Machine - Bombtrack (4:04)

43. WRR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

44. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

45. L3V3L 5 - Control (I Am God) (3:58)

46. Collide - Beneath the Skin (6:18)

47. London After Midnight - Gothic (5:22)

48. Girls Under Glass - Frozen (unreleased track) (5:03)

49. Mankind is Obsolete - Puppet (3:36)

50. Lords of Acid - Slave To Love (3:23)

51. Matri-X-Trax - Zombie Girl - Bleeder (4:28)

52. Inkubus Sukkubus - All Hallows Eve (Candia & Tony duet, different style) (4:23)

53. WRR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

54. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

55. Corrosion of Conformity - Albatross (5:20)

56. Black Label Society - 1919 Eternal - Bleed For Me (5:32)

57. Antitrust - Pain Inside. (4:58)

58. Leaves Eyes - Elegy (5:06)

59. Dope - Fuck Tha Police (2005 studio version) (3:48)

60. Genitorturers - Sin City (3:39)

61. Lamb Of God - Now You've Got Something to Die for (3:39)

62. WRR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

63. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

64. AC/DC - Thunderstruck (4:55)

65. Nightwish - Ever Dream (4:45)

66. Alice Cooper - Poison (4:28)

67. Anathema Device - Don't Look Back (2:32)

68. Bella Morte - My heart will go on (4:37)

69. Atreyu - You Give Love A Bad Name (3:26)

70. Andrew WK - She Is Beautiful (3:36)

71. WRR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

72. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

73. Dimmu borgir - Burn in hell (5:05)

74. Deadstar Assembly - Send Me An Angel (4:14)

75. Ayin Aleph - Butterfly (4:20)

76. F5 - Dissidence (2:33)

77. 6Bit - Halloween (2:19)

78. BAD CAMERA - Sustain The Pain (3:45)

79. Cocteau Twins - Heaven or Las Vegas (4:53)

80. Angtoria - Do You See Me Now (4:25)

81. Godsmack - Speak (3:57)

82. Lacuna Coil - Entwined (3:59)

83. Imperative Reaction - TERRORFAKT (4:20)

84. Mongrel - West Memphis Hell (2:14)

85. WRR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

86. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

87. OUTERKORE - TakerGiver (6:16)

88. Bloodhound Gang - Three Point One Four (3:55)

89. All:My:Faults - Alles ist gesagt! (3:40)

90. Bile - I Reject (19:53)

91. Concrete Blonde - Dance Along the Edge (5:31)

92. Bound In Oblivion - Don't You Forget About Me (5:41)

93. Argyle Park - The Red Shirt Conspiracy (2:36)

94. joan jett - i hate myself for loving you (4:07)

95. WRR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

96. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

97. Pantera - Revolution Is My Name (5:15)

98. Doro - Descent (With Peter Steele) (4:02)

99. HIM - Wings of a Butterfly (3:30)

100. Charlie Drown - Lithium Nephalim (2:58)

101. Stigmata - The Pretty Things Are Going To (4:46)

102. Bio-Mechanical Degeneration - Wasteland (5:30)

103. Drain STH - I Wish (4:39)

104. Digital Dream - Angel of Disorder (5:30)

105. WRR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

106. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

107. Head Drone - Looking Glass (3:15)

108. In Extremo - Vollmond (4:03)

109. Murderdolls - 197666 (2:19)

110. Punish Yourself - Gay Boys in Bondage (4:01)

111. Organ - Exploited Freedom (2:25)

112. Venus Fly Trap - World Turned Upside Down (3:55)

113. Reism - Demons (4:33)

114. kHz - It's Yours (2:47)

115. WRR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

116. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

117. Immaculate Deception - Blood Red Sky (3:45)

118. Ozzy Osbourne - Shot In The Dark (4:16)

119. Interlock & Needleye - Interlock & Needleye - Death By Design (7:11)

120. Lost Souls - Skinstripped (4:07)

121. Descendents Of Cain - Alive (3:25)

122. Curse Icon - Down (4:10)

123. Andraculoid - Detach (3:43)

124. Biopsy - Harsh Disposal (3:24)

125. Diverje - Amphibian (The Mercy Cage) (5:19)

126. Rammstein - Amerika (3:47)

127. WRR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

128. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

129. Cradle of Filth - From The Cradle To Enslave (6:39)

130. Metallica - it's Electric (3:33)

131. Endemic - Life Dependency (3:00)

132. blutengel - Gothik (4:52)

133. SiNDADDY - Prostheticize Me (Darva Sett mix) (3:02)

134. Lexincrypt - Sleepwalker (7:08)

135. Queensryche - Jet City Woman (5:22)

136. Mindless Self Indulgence - Bitches (2:47)


Friday, October 20, 2006

A Telemarketer's Nightwish Nightmare

A telemarketer just got an earful of Nightwish's song "Ever Dream" at top volume with my rather horrid attempt at harmonic operatic vocal accompaniment

Here are the lyrics to this rather beautiful song I just slaughtered:

Ever Dream (Century Child)

Ever felt away with me
Just once that all I need
Entwined in finding you one day

Ever felt away without me
My love, it lies so deep
Ever dream of me

Would you do it with me
Heal the scars and change the stars
Would you do it for me
Turn loose the heaven within

I'd take you away
Castaway on a lonely day
Bosom for a teary cheek
My song can but borrow your grace

Come out, come out wherever you are
So lost in your sea
Give in, give in for my touch
For my taste for my lust

Your beauty cascaded on me
In this white night fantasy

I Am James Howlett

You scored as Wolverine. Wolverine is a loner, and a skilled fighter. He's got the hots for Jean Grey but a better fit for him would be Storm. He doesn't like to follow orders which pisses Cyclops off. He has terrible memories from the experimentation done on him at Weapon X. Even though he doesn't show it, he loves the X-Men. Powers: Fast healing and adamantium skeleton and claws.





Jean Grey










Emma Frost








Most Comprehensive X-Men Personality Quiz 2.0
created with QuizFarm.com

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Playlist For 10/20/06

Here's Ya Button For Winamp...Tune In, Rock Out!!

Here's Ya Button To The NEW Microsite...Tune In, Rock Out!!

Drop Your Cocks And Grab Your Socks Because It's Time To ROCK!! PLUS You Make Your Requests, Tune In, Amp Up, Get Down, Rock Out And The GenoCam In Geno-Vision Goes LIVE On Yahoo Giving YOU A Behind-The-Scenes Look As Things Happen And As You Know...On This Show...ANYTHING Can Happen!!!

The Genocydal Empyre v2.0

Playlist for 10/20/06

12:00am - 2:00am EST

1. The Genocydal Empyre v2.0 (Faith And The Muse - Cantus) (6:05)

2. KR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

3. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

4. Inkubus Sukkubus - All Hallows Eve (Candia & Tony duet, different style) (4:23)

5. Nightwish - Ever Dream (4:45)

6. Corrosion of Conformity - Albatross (5:20)

7. Dope - Fuck Tha Police (2005 studio version) (3:48)

8. Genitorturers - Sin City (3:39)

9. KMFDM - Free Your Hate (5:17)

10. KR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

11. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

12. Encoder - Supernatural (Hardbeat Mix) (4:59)

13. Diverje - No Time For Compromise (4:54)

14. Dark Avatar - Devil (4:23)

15. Dr. Steel - Land Of The Lost (4:48)

16. The Gemini Ritual - Lovesong (3:46)

17. KR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

18. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)


20. Carfax Abbey - Cry Little Sister (3:56)

21. The Unknownn - Blood (5:22)

22. Def Leppard - Rock of Ages (4:07)

23. Collide - Beneath the Skin (6:18)

24. KR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

25. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

26. SiNDADDY - 2 Wrongs (4:09)

27. H-427 - Marching Men (5:01)

28. XP8 - Escape Velocity (4:01)

29. God Komplex - Long Since Dead (3:57)

30. KMFDM - Dogma (4:06)

31. DJ Genocyde - The Genocydal Empyre - Outro (0:48)


Monday, October 16, 2006

Tribute To Muffin.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but this precious little thing you see here was Muffin, one of two kittens born to my cat, Nermal. Yesterday morning as I came out of my room from packing wet laundry up to be taken to the laundromat, I found her mauled in my hallway. Sadly, she passed on before I could do anything about it. Misty made a memorial blog for her and I thought it was far better than anything I could do so if you click the pic, it will take you right to it. Dosvidanija Muffin. We miss you already...

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Playlist For 10/14/06

Here's Ya Button For Winamp...Tune In, Rock Out!!

Here's Ya Button To The NEW Microsite...Tune In, Rock Out!!

Drop Your Cocks And Grab Your Socks Because It's Time To ROCK!! PLUS You Make Your Requests, Tune In, Amp Up, Get Down, Rock Out And The GenoCam In Geno-Vision Goes LIVE On Yahoo Giving YOU A Behind-The-Scenes Look As Things Happen PLUS The Premier of Ayin Aleph, King Rat & Dark Avatar!!!

The Genocydal Empyre v2.0

Playlist for 10/14/06

12:00am - 3:00am EST

1. The Genocydal Empyre v2.0 (Faith And The Muse - Cantus) (6:05)

2. WRR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

3. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

4. Inkubus Sukkubus - All Hallows Eve (Candia & Tony duet, different style) (4:23)

5. Dark Avatar - Devil (4:23)

6. King Rat - Lightning In The Mind (4:31)

7. Ayin Aleph - Alcove (4:08)

8. Lords Of Acid - Show Me Your Pussy (4:05)

9. WRR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

10. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

11. Cockfight Club - H.P. Lovecraft (3:13)

12. Carfax Abbey - Cry Little Sister (3:56)

13. Collinwood 13 - Osiris (4:44)

14. WRR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

15. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

16. The Unknownn - Blood (5:22)

17. The Gemini Ritual - Lovesong (3:46)

18. Asseptic Room - Bones of Angels (3:58)

19. DerDRAKOS - Lust For Chaos (6:15)

20. WRR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

21. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

22. God Komplex - Not Human (9:00)

23. Apocalyptica feat. Sandra Nasic fromGuano Apes - Path (3:23)

24. Inure - Subversive (X-Fusion Mix) (4:22)


26. WRR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

27. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

28. AC/DC - Thunderstruck (4:55)

29. Gasr - Survivor (6:55)

30. Diverje - No Time For Compromise (4:54)

31. Alice In Chains - Man In The Box (4:46)

32. Scum of the Earth - Altargirl 13 (3:41)

33. WRR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

34. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

35. London After Midnight - Gothic (5:22)

36. Children Of Bodom - Oops I Did It Again! (Britney Spears Cover) (3:18)

37. i:scintilla - scin (4:21)

38. WRR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

39. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

40. L3V3L 5 - Control (I Am God) (3:58)

41. XP8 - Escape Velocity (4:01)

42. Leaves Eyes - Elegy (5:06)

43. Ben Moody feat. Anastacia - Everything Burns (3:43)

44. Korn - Word Up! (2:53)

45. KMFDM - Dogma (4:06)

46. DJ Genocyde - The Genocydal Empyre - Outro (0:48)


Monday, October 09, 2006

Playlist For 10/11/06

Here's Ya Button For Winamp...Tune In, Rock Out!!

Here's Ya Button To The NEW Microsite...Tune In, Rock Out!!

Drop Your Cocks And Grab Your Socks Because It's Time To ROCK!! PLUS You Make Your Requests, Tune In, Amp Up, Get Down, Rock Out And Who Knows WHAT Could Happen!!!

The Genocydal Empyre v2.0

Playlist for 10/11/06

2:00am - 4:00am EST

1. The Genocydal Empyre v2.0 (Faith And The Muse - Cantus) (6:05)

2. KR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

3. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

4. Infernosounds - Engel Der Nacht (3:15)

5. H-427 - Marching Men (5:01)

6. Diverje - No Time For Compromise (4:54)

7. KR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

8. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

9. Corrosion of Conformity - Albatross (5:20)

10. Lords of Acid - Slave To Love (3:23)

11. Encoder - Supernatural (Hardbeat Mix) (4:59)

12. KR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

13. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

14. Dr. Steel - Land Of The Lost (4:48)

15. Shinedown - Heroes (3:24)

16. The Gemini Ritual - Lovesong (3:46)

17. Collinwood 13 - Osiris (4:44)

18. KR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

19. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

20. The Unknownn - Blood (5:22)

21. Cockfight Club - H.P. Lovecraft (3:13)

22. Neuroactive - Obsession (plastic mix) (4:15)

23. 6Bit - Damned (6:24)

24. Collide - Somewhere (6:16)

25. KR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

26. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

27. Def Leppard - Rock of Ages (4:07)

28. Megadeth - Trust (5:10)

29. Mankind is Obsolete - Puppet (3:36)

30. KMFDM - Dogma (4:06)

31. DJ Genocyde - The Genocydal Empyre - Outro (0:48)


Thank You, Drive Through

There are times in my life that I'm glad I live where I do. Everything is within walking distance of me. Hell, if I just want smokes, I make my Matrix-style Neo Jump over the street and head on in to what used to be the Diamond Shamrock. For food...there are at least three burger joints and a chicken shack or two. The laundromat is just a bit beyond that. Two walking paths and the football field sporting the track around it are prime for going walking.

So what do I need a car for? I've got a computer and I can order things online that I might need. Dig long enough and you can get it slightly cheaper than shelling out the cash to go buy the goddamned thing at the store. Sure I have a couple of beaters. One in my name that actually belongs to a friend because of a paperwork SNAFU in Michigan (they keep up with the maintenance and I keep up with the insurance) and then the other...well...it's carbuerator is fucked for some reason. Sure, it would be nice to have one that's working. Then again, with the Mongoose (the bike) I can tell OPEC to get fucked...they're making a minimal amount on me. When all others are in a crunch, I can still get to work. It will take me about 30 minutes and I may have to brave the elements...but I can still get to work. That reminds me...I oughtta clean that damned thing.

I love my bike. My bike, my backpack and my waistpack...that's really all I need and off I go to Destination: Whatever Is In My Backpack. Normally, it's laundry...wet laundry which makes it a shite sight heavier than you might think. I know you're thinking, "Just how much laundry can one backpack hold?" Next time you wonder that, if you're in WalMart, go check out the "cargo backpacks. The types with wheels and the extending handle...yep...THAT backpack. I can fit up to five days worth of laundry in that fucker. Sometimes...it's more than that. I know what you're thinking and let me confirm that it is true....Heavy As Shit. On a hot day, it's misery and combine that with a laundromat that likes to trap in heat from the day (No AC whatsoever in the place...just an enormous fan) and you have pure Hell. Most times you can spot me kind of easily in the laundromat. I'm the figure clad in black that sits there, loitering outside, smoking and listening to the iPod. I let my thoughts wander then. Not to any one place in particular but just...wherever. Sometimes I'll write a letter to my penpal Ann. She's great. She actually puts up with my insanity and, like this state, she gets the category five version of the insanity superstorm. How she's put up with it this long...well...either she's really bored, really awesome or she's found a kindred spirit.

Once the clothes are done in the megadryer then it's time to pack them away and head home. Now, when it comes to t-shirts...this past year has been kind to me. Too kind as a matter of fact. I have tons of them and I can fit them all into two drawers. How this works comes from an old military space-saving trick I learned from co-workers, family members and even Zephyrael. Yep, all of the above were ex-military. Each t-shirt is rolled up as tightly as humanly possible and then set aside. Pants, socks, towels...everything gets rolled up into tight little units. Sometimes, enough to only take up half the space in the backpack. This is when I get taps on the shoulder. I pull out my headphones and look at the person. Sometimes, they'll apologize for interrupting my listening. To them, I'll simply tell them no need to apologize. I'll do that for people that nice. One man has shaken my hand in an iron grip and saluted me. I never understood why until I got the first question. I'm thinking that, by my appearance (bald, somewhat athletic, West Memphis Three Dogtags), some of these people were happy to have met a soldier. That's when I apologize and have to tell them otherwise. Now, if the person just rudely interrupted my listening, I get really shady.

"Several years," I tell them, "Formerly Marines. Two tours in Afghanistan, three in Iraq, Purple heart...took some shrapnel to the knee. I've moved on to other things...oooh rah...." and I give them that cold, dead look.

"What other things?" they'll normally ask

"I'm sorry ma'am/sir," I respond robotically, "Due to national security interests being protected I am not allowed to divulge that information. Have a nice day."

I spin on my heels and go back to packing. This causes even more confusion and usually gets them and their kids to staring at me. As those people look at me, their folding suddenly gets rushed. I swear I've heard one say, "He's a spook! C.I.A. type."

No doubt I'm a spook. Gotta add that "y" in there.

Speaking of C.I.A. operations, some of you who come and read this still haven't read Trance-Formation of America or it's companion book Access Denied: For Reasons of National Security by Cathy O'Brien and Mark Phillips. You should. Currently, I have the second book and the DVD of A Trance-Formation: From C.I.A. Slave To Whistleblower coming to me. This story is either a total work of fiction great enough to rival Tom Clancy or it's breaking news of the biggest government cover-up shitstorm of all time. Personally, from all that I've observed and have been reading...I choose to think it's the latter of the two. I recommend just shelling out the $60 and getting the entire package. Go to the Trance-Formation Website and have a look.

I got to this by looking into David Icke's stuff. Interesting shit, let me tell you but brace yourself, Trance-Formation of America is not for those faint of heart. The things Cathy endured...I wouldn't wish that on Osama. Trust me, you need to know this stuff...big time.

The juicy gossip section:

I've gotten closer to The West Memphis Three case. I'm currently talking to not only Mark Byers (who's been cooler than IceCast with me despite the fact that I'm a supporter) but also Jason Baldwin's brother, Matt. Since 1996, when I saw the first documentary Paradise Lost: The Child Murders At Robin Hood Hills, I never dreamed I'd get this close to the case. I'm still not sure how it happened. It just did. My own life has been a string of these coincidences. When you just roll with things to see where you'll end up...sometimes the results can be amazing. Right now, I'm also planning a few pics of me in my Free The West Memphis Three t-shirt. The planning came from the lead singer of a band who locked handcuffs on her wrists, thrust them into the air and screamed "FREE THE WEST MEMPHIS THREE!!!" Inspiration. I've planned on doing a few Riddick-style pics like that myself and have the photos manipulated. In case you're wondering, yep, I'm going to be in restraints for the photos. Trust me, it's not my first time.

Misty's stay down here with me was nothing but a joy. We had a lot of fun taking pictures, looking at stars through her telescope, watching a bootleg copy of X-Men III: The Last Stand (though I didn't like the way it ended), doing the shows and otherwise just plain floundering about, doing nothing in particular, talking about nothing in particular and going over the subjects of life, the universe and everything. The answer to it all is still 42, though I don't know the question. She'll be back in March of next year and I can't wait. I'm sort of caught in a conundrum. I can't wait for her to come in March but I miss my Long-Awaited Winter.

A few weeks ago, I welcomed new kittens into the household. Muffin and Anastasia had been born to Nermal and Nermal had chosen to give birth to them in a hidden location in the house. That hidden location was given away when Muffin (who was old enough to have her eyes open when I found her) began crying out to Nermal...from under my ottoman. Later that day, Nermal brought Anastasia to the doorstep of my bedroom. Now, they're getting to where they can eat solid cat food but they're still nursing from Nermal.

I beat Enter The Matrix with the Ghost character. Quite a bit about this secondary character from the movie was learned and it was really interesting. There are scenes that were filmed strictly for this game that weren't in the movie and provided a little more of the backstory. For instance, there's a scene where Ghost and Niobe make it to a hardline (pay phone) in an abandoned subway tunnel (where Smith fought Neo and got his Elrond-looking ass kicked) and Ghost jacks out of the Matrix. Just then, the Trainman shows up, wearing his vast assortment of watches, looking like a street bum.

"72 hours," he says in the sort of ominous tone that makes you worry.

"What?" Niobe asks

"The last Zion only lasted 72 hours," he mentions...then he says something else but it slipped my mind.

I can't wait to get my hands on the game Enter The Matrix: The Path of Neo to see what that's like...hopefully they'll have it for PC.

Now, let's do some sex talk. About the closest I've gotten in two years is a ton of net porn, my subscriptions to Penthouse, Playboy and Hustler and, XPosed Radio. Now, I'll be interviewing porn stars and the music I play will be something optional for people to listen to as the girls of CamGirlsXPosed.com dance on webcam. Oh yeah, physically, I have a two time a day habit that has been going pretty well. Hey, I've been good for two years here. Over that, really. I dunno, hell, maybe I've started to view sex as something that could just ruin everything else I've been working on lately. Then again, it might be overrated. I've long since forgotten what it feels like and, to be honest, with how busy I am at times, I wonder if I'd be really effective in a relationship anyway.

Time for me to close this thing out. There was a point to this somewhere, but it was lost in the maelstrom. Perhaps there is no point. Perhaps this is just another path for me, another series of coincidences set before me to do what I've been needing to do most. Maybe life is really predestined and pre-ordained. Who knows?

Oh well, whatever, nevermind.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Playlist For 10/6/06

Here's Ya Button For Winamp...Tune In, Rock Out!!

Here's Ya Button To The NEW Microsite...Tune In, Rock Out!!

Drop Your Cocks And Grab Your Socks Because It's Time To ROCK!! Brand New Music From H-427 PLUS You Make Your Requests, Tune In, Amp Up, Get Down, Rock Out!!!

The Genocydal Empyre v2.0

Playlist for 10/6/06

12:00am - 2:00am EST

1. The Genocydal Empyre v2.0 (Faith And The Muse - Cantus) (6:06)

2. KR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

3. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

4. The Virus Commcenter - Your Options Have Changed (1:06)

5. Immune System - Quitter (3:14)

6. The Unknownn - Blood (5:22)

7. Cockfight Club - H.P. Lovecraft (3:13)

8. Collinwood 13 - Osiris (4:44)

9. The Gemini Ritual - Lovesong (3:46)

10. KR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

11. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

12. Dr. Steel - Land Of The Lost (4:48)

13. DerDRAKOS - Lust For Chaos (6:15)

14. Encoder - Supernatural (Hardbeat Mix) (4:59)

15. Tamtrum - In Blood We Trust (5:03)

16. Lords of Acid - Slave To Love (3:23)

17. KR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

18. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

19. Diverje - No Time For Compromise (4:54)

20. Matri-X-Trax - Zombie Girl - Bleeder (4:28)

21. Charlie Drown - Dazed (4:18)

22. Matri-X-Trax - Inure - Subversive (5:08)

23. Holocaust 427 - Nuclear Winter (7:17)

24. KR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

25. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

26. Gasr - Survivor (6:55)


28. XP8 - Escape Velocity (4:01)

29. Hatred Hurt Itself - Triggerfinger (4:31)

30. KMFDM - Dogma (4:06)

31. DJ Genocyde - The Genocydal Empyre - Outro (0:48)


XPosed Radio News

Greetings Fellow Chaos Minds,

A few things I wanna clear up at the moment as I realize I probably hadn't before.

XPosed Radio is going to work like any other station on the net. This means that all DJs are volunteers and the airplay is licensed and royalty-free.

What you get out of this as a band are two more sources of exposure. I get more time on-air to play your music, and, for advertising who may be dancing on cam (which will be my end) that person will be advertising the show to whomever might be watching. The only money being paid out will be from Subscriber to the site and then from the site to the models. That's it. This is why I asked all bands if they had a problem with their music being affiliated with this new venture. You as a band will not be on any actual recorded soundtracks or anything downloadable. The day that happens the heads of XPosed Radio will contact you and I'm sure they'll have the paperwork.

What having your music on this station means nothing more than I was able to put your music on another net station by syndicating the show...it's more promotion for you. The difference is the affiliation and how much advertising we'll be getting.

I know I've had a few contact me about possibly getting paid royalties for being played. That wouldn't be up to me and since the station is just getting started (there are actually only 4 DJs including me at present) and we're still seeking some talented DJs and things like that...there isn't any money changing hands for XPosed Radio.

For those who have contacted me, concerning this, I've kept you guys on for the Krush playlists and World Rock and I'm keeping track of which among you feels the same way about this so that I don't really fuck up and slide one of your songs into the playlist

In other news the beta test went well, I still have to listen to the playback of it but it worked out just like any other show I do where things normally get screwed nine ways to sunday when it comes to having any sort of interaction with anyone via phone. The show was a host of bloopers and fuckups on air from yours truly over here.

There's no definite launch date for XPosed Radio as of yet and paying out royalties per song, per band...that's something that may happen in the future but there are no guarantees as of yet. For now, everything remains net radio business as usual.

Lord Genocyde vs. Westboro Baptist Church: Round 1

Lord Genocyde To Westboro Baptist Church: The Only Hatred Is YOURS Posted by Picasa

You know, Westboro Baptist Church actually has an extensive FAQ and even Q&A sections as well as a contact section. I've tried to contact them but the site keeps rejecting my letter saying that my email address (LordGenocyde@yahoo.com) isn't valid and I didn't have a subject...which I repeatedly typed in time and again. I'll just post it here...maybe someone will wake up over there and have enough testicular fortitude to respond.

My Letter To Westboro Baptist Church:

To whom it may concern,

I went through the website. I've spent most of the night reading and reading through your pdf files. Understand, I'm not here to rant. I'm not here to insult you. You don't even have to respond but also understand that while I'm not homosexual and I'm not a soldier, I want to issue you the challenge of reading through what I have to say. After that, agree to disagree as I have and we can go our separate ways.

I can honestly say it's no wonder why people shut down and refuse to listen to you. You've taken on the role of God Himself while assuming that you are merely preaching his word. You specifically name people as you say they are hellbound in the same breath.

That is not up to you to decide. That is up to God.

The bible also states that He will come again to "judge both living and dead." If I am to believe what the Bible and Christ teaches then I am to reject your teachings. If what the Bible and Christ are saying is truth as I am prone to believe then I cannot, under good conscience, fall in with condemning anyone to Hell. Have you also forgotten His words to us that "all have sinned and have fallen short of The Glory of God"? Still, there isn't one place on this site or on any of your sister sites, nothing in the files, nowhere, anywhere that would mention this crucial piece of information to those to whom you preach. If Our Lord is returning to judge the living and the dead then, obviously, your condemnation of individuals will fall on deaf ears and not be worthy of acknowledgement. If you are confident that God will cast them into The Great Inferno, why not try giving homosexuals the facts...there are risks to health on which they must be ready to accept. It's not Divine Judgment, it's a health-related issue. Has God's own word stopped you from eating pork, shellfish, red meat perhaps? If your answer is no, then you are also putting your own health at risk. Pork contains high levels of parasites that can cause brain dysfunction and heart disease, same as red meat. Shellfish and bottom-feeding sea life also contain these parasites as well as other toxins that can cause your health to deteriorate. Would God hate a meat-eater?

You have also interpreted "lusting after strange flesh" to mean homosexuality. Beastiality or meat-consumption would be a more accurate term to give an interpretation to this passage.

Beastiality: Obviously this is a rather unnatural sexual drive. It is a much-agreed upon point by "the apostate church of psychology" that people with inclinations toward animals do suffer from a treatable mental illness. Some can be simply counselled and others must be medicated to achieve results. Counselling can come from any source including your church. This is something which I have yet to see offered.

Meat-Eating: If you remember the health risks to eating meat that I've mentioned then let's go for one more meat that you probably, erroneously, believe is safe...poultry. Chicken, turkey, and other poultry birds contain levels of e.coli bacteria from fecal matter. This can result in diptheria, typhoid fever and the list of other fecal-related health issues that you mentioned in your letter. Why not preach against this as well? Are you all carnivores? Meat is flesh, muscle and sinew. Would you consume a loved one? Would you consume a church member? I will give you the benefit of the doubt by saying that you don't.

Sexual Practices: Homosexuality seems to be a large focus for your organization. You've actually gone as far as giving these homosexual organizations that you highly condemn far more publicity than what they have collectively given you. Since you have nothing to hide, would you all be so daring as to post your own sexual experiences past, present and future or is this something of which you are also ashamed?

While I can respect the fact that you assume you're delivering God's message, I cannot accept the fact that you have all appointed yourselves The Executors of God's Will.

On this I ask if God is truly omnipotent, omnipresent and created us, the universe(s), and worlds...why does he need you to Execute his Judgment? The truth is, he doesn't and the spiritual disservice to your church is done by publically displaying your own self-righteousness pride in the destructive sense.

Would it not be more of a service to humankind and your church to help people to repent rather than compel them and, in the process, bring into the world a new person, one to further your mission of eliminating sin by denying Satan another soul to serve him?

The truth is, your articles are filled with seething venom. From this, people gather that you hate sinners, not their sins. Christ Himself spent his time in the company of thieves, tax collectors, prostitutes and murderers because they were the ones that needed salvation the most.

If soldiers, homosexuals, pagans, athiests, satanists, etc. are in need of God's Divine Love and Salvation, why do you offer wanton wrath in it's place?

I will conclude my missive here as, through the reading and digging, I simply cannot find the word of humankind's Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, through the anger that has driven and compelled you to visit more heartache and sorrow upon the world. I mourn for our nation and I mourn also for you.

Remember that you also grew up here in America and if we are doomed, you are as doomed as those that sin.

May God Bless You And Light Your Path,
Damien v. Cross.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The Line Between Enemy And Critic.

Lord Genocyde: Terrorist In The Matrix? Posted by Picasa

You know, several things really fuckin irk the shit outta me. Pardon the lack of elequence in this post but they had it coming.

Seems that the dreaded "Torture Bill" (6166) was passed recently and, to compound problems, we now have the uberdreaded Military Tribunal Courts and the already broad-sweeping powers have now been extended. That's right, when the Agents aren't hopping over international waters or borders to illegally detain those on "suspicion of terrorist activity" they can now do it here.

The bill actually goes as far as saying this (special thanks to the kcar for posting this):

Here Is Where You Can View The Bill Itself

(1) UNLAWFUL ENEMY COMBATANT- (A) The term `unlawful enemy combatant' means--

`(i) a person who has engaged in hostilities or who has purposefully and materially supported hostilities against the United States or its co-belligerents who is not a lawful enemy combatant (including a person who is part of the Taliban, al Qaeda, or associated forces); or

`(ii) a person who, before, on, or after the date of the enactment of the Military Commissions Act of 2006, has been determined to be an unlawful enemy combatant by a Combatant Status Review Tribunal or another competent tribunal established under the authority of the President or the Secretary of Defense.


90 pages.... congress was just decapatated by the bushSHIT adimistration.

understand this... we just lost our rights to a "fair and just" system of LAW!

congress has abondoned us ALL.

now all we need is the next false flag operation with the execitive orders and BAM!

Seriously, look over these. Pen, paper, president, signature...It can happen that fast.

EO 10995 Allows the government to seize and control the communication media

EO 10997 Allows the government to take over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels and minerals

EO 10998 Allows the government to take over all food sources and farms

EO 10999 Allows the government to take over all modes of transportation and control of highways and seaports

EO 11000 Allows the government to mobalize civilians into work brigades under government supervision

EO 11001 Allows the government to take over all health, education and welfare funtions

EO 11002 Designates the Postmaster General to operate a national registration of all persons

EO 11003 Allows the government to take over all airports and aircraft, including commercial aircraft

EO 11004 Allows the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate communities, build new housing with public funds, designate areas to be abandoned, and establish new locations for populations

EO 11005 Allows the government to take over railroads, inland waterways and public storage facilities

EO 11051 Specifies the responsibility of the Office of Emergency Planning and gives authorization to put all Executive Orders into effect in times of increased international tensions and economic or financial crisis

EO 11490 Assigns emergency preparedness function to federal departments and agencies, consolidating 21 operative Executive Orders issued over a fifteen year period

EO 11921 Allows the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency to develop plans to establish control over the mechanisms of production and distribution, of energy sources, wages, salaries, credit and the flow of money in U.S. financial institution in any undefined national emergency. It also provides that when a state of emergency is declared by the President, Congress cannot review the action for six months. The Federal Emergency Management Agency has broad powers in every aspect of the nation
Isn't that something?

The funny part of this is that the Executive orders listed did not come from the Bush Camp. These were signed in back during the Kennedy Administration! Kennedy himself put his signature to this. What the Warren Courts were doing for us in terms of protection, our politicians are systematically destroying.

Well what does this mean?

It means that Anti-War/Anti-Bush bloggers, protestors (peaceful or not) or even anyone who vocally disagrees with the actions of our Federal Government can now be expected to start having to look over your shoulder. Why? Now, you too can join the ranks of terrorists around the world by simply speaking your mind.

But why? Does our own government fear us that much?

Let's get a few things straight.

First: I love our system. I think it could work. I think it could even be the model for all of civilization but the fact is, I don't like the actions of the people within it, operating it. These people are not our representatives, they're becoming our owners and we're slowly becoming their slaves whether we'd like to admit that or not.

Second: I will forever support our troops. I have family members all over the place in places they don't want to be. They have it in their minds that they're protecting our freedoms. We're being told, they're protecting our freedoms. They're sworn to protect The Constitution of The United States (Police States?) of America from all enemies, foreign...and domestic. The only terrorists and criminals I've seen in the past two administrations have been the ones in office. While our soldiers have been away, our politicians have been playing...with our lives.

Now, imagine saying, publically, that you don't like the course of action being taken by our government and then, one day you're suddenly in their hands. Well don't count on a lot of amnesty.

First thing, you're not going to be in U.S. Custody...that I can guarantee.

Second, you're going to be held for as long as they can possibly hold you and they can do that without a single charge being filed.

Third, forget a lawyer...you're not getting one. These Military Star Courts work FAAAARRRR differently from Civilian Domestic Courts.

Fourth, don't plan on being able to refute a damn thing they present against you. You can bet you're not there to be represented. You're being tried as an Enemy Combatant, a terrorist sympathizer/ally.

Fifth, once that's done...who the hell knows what lies behind that.

You can also bet you're gonna get a taste of coercion and, since you'll not be in U.S. Custody...you can hang your hat on the fact that there are a lot of treatments that they aren't supposed against you probably will happen. Why? There's nothing in the document that specifically enumerates a lot of different treatments. There's so much that's loosely defined if at all that you're looking down the barrel of an experience most horrifying.

So what's the alternative?

Well if you want to listen to our out-of-control, unhinged employees, then you shut up and comply and, if you're not a terrorist: STOP ASKING QUESTIONS!

You could form an army and go shooting, bombing and calling yourselves Freedom Fighters...but I wouldn't recommend that.

You could call your representatives, congresspeople and the like and ask them if they supported this bill.

If they didn't, tell them why you don't as well.

If they did, tell them to step down from office for failure to properly represent their constituency. Tell others to do the same. Chances are you'll end up with my luck, a seething mass of people willing to just go along because they don't care until it starts affecting them.

My friends, by that time...we'll be too late.

Let's make our system start working as it should...

FOR us and BY us!

Monday, October 02, 2006

I Know Kung-Pow: Enter The Matrix

As You Can See, The Shit Shot Cops Prove You Don't Need Bullet-Time Posted by Picasa

Ok, so I could have taken my own screen shots to use but I felt that the ready-made ones would suffice.

Everyone who knows me that I'm the biggest Star Wars/Matrix fan out there. About a year or two ago, I bought Enter The Matrix from Walmart's sale rack. The first problem popped up when I found out the game was on DVD and not a traditional CD.

I bought the DVD-ROM drive but to no avail, the game installed but it wouldn't play. Later, I upgraded some things...still no dice. Now, give or take, I probably dropped about $900 on my computer system easily. It made one of the baddest music machine/studio/stereo systems I've ever owned...but it wouldn't play my game.

I'd nearly given up until the computer died. Then, a friend dropped nearly $400 and got me this one for my birthday. Cool huh?

I think it's needless to say it was the fraggin video card from the previous one that didn't want to commit to a relationship with a DVD game. This system, was totally unafraid of commitment.

Enter The Matrix serves two functions. The first is it makes you a part of the movie series. By posing the question, "In The War To Save Zion, Which Part Will You Play?" it appeals to that nerdy desire to do some serious live-action Matrix roleplaying and that is guaranteed to get you hurt...or at least your feelings. The second is that it fills you in on all the information that you didn't get from (in order) The Matrix, The Animatrix, The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolutions.

Even With Crappy Kung-Pow Moves, You Can Still Beat Down Gun-Toting Cops Posted by Picasa

Let's take Character selection for starters. You can select from Niobe (Jada Pinkett-Smith) or Ghost, her assassin companion. Niobe's ship, The Logos, consists of her, Ghost and Sparks...that is a wrap. In short, your options are two of the three crew members of this enormous hovercraft. Sparks provides annoying text messages to your phone while you're in gameplay. Nice for when your signal is supposedly shit and the actual calls from The Logos's Commcenter can't get through to you. I've been playing as Ghost so far and his martial arts/kung-fu still lacks that Neo or Morpheus flair but the man's fighting still rocks.

Speaking of which, let's talk about fighting. At first, you're pitted against Post office security guards who's biggest ambitions are probably using the uniform in some wierd sexual roleplay with women they've picked up. Then the police arrive (pictured) and they're a bunch of real Barney Fifes walking around trying to fire at you and missing you each time. Then, they send in the Darth Vader-wannabe S.W.A.T. team who really need to hit the range again. Then come in the S.W.A.T. team cops that look as though they just didn't make the cut to become Marines...or they're compensating. These guys actually have a better shot of hitting you than all the others.

People Complain About Ice-T Back In The Day But No One Questions This? Posted by Picasa

Now, actually fighting the cops doesn't take much. The first two, even three waves you can take down by using your martial arts. No lie, just dodge the bullets, get in close and let them catch that beat-down you've been meaning to throw them for the speeding ticket they want to pull you over for in the freeway scene. The third and fourth waves require a little ordinance to take care of them but once you get the hang of the moves, it's all smooth-sailing and you can make short work of them in no time. Just remember, a little strategy of duck-dodge-kick-the-living-hell-out-of-them goes a long way.

The problem with the martial arts moves is that they're not so good over those precarious spots. The movements require you to jump, kick, punch and advance. Believe me when I say that advancing in those moments isn't advisable.

Jada And Will Act Out Their Fantasies In Public Posted by Picasa

Well with the crappy kung-fu moves, movie footage that wasn't in the films, and, limited character selection, the game is ok for starters and it does sort of immerse you into the films with secondary characters, however, don't expect to do Neo's Superman Thing because he's not one of the characters from whom you can select and even though you're kicking much ass through the game remember...you're not The One.

I do love this game though.