The Dark Lord Genocyde Speaks About....Whatever! (In Memory Of Eddie Guerrero)

So Long, Eddie...We'll Miss You!

WWE Wrestler Eddie Guerrero was found dead in his hotel room. only 38 years old. I still wonder where my Latino World Order shirt went. I'd be wearing it right now in Eddie's honor. He started that whole thing back when he was in WCW. Sad thing really. Wrestlers as a whole...even though it's "fake" tend to have short life spans. Drugs, alcohol, car wrecks, a laundry list of violent crimes, and if it's none of the above, it's the wear and tear on the body over the years of physical self-abuse from the chair shots to the head, falls from high name it.
Eddie was a different caliber of wrestler. Love him or hate him, he was entertaining and I'd bet my balls to a barn dance he died of a heart attack. Chavo, his nephew, found him by forcing his way into the hotel room. Damned sorry to hear about that Chavo. Just know I was a fan of your uncle. Despite the fact I haven't watched it in forever and a week, I was still a fan of watching Eddie do his patented Frog Splash to finish the opposition and crush his opponent.
Last year, it was Road Warrior Hawk and Big Boss Man. BBM was something else. Big dude from Cobb County, GA who marketed himself as an asshole C.O. I don't know why but I thought that was funny. Unfortunately, it still gave the rest of us a bad rap. Not that I didn't still enjoy the humor of the fact that he started dressing all tactical. OH man did I forever use that image against those goons that let it go to their head. Road Warrior Hawk was another one I heavily respected. "AAAAAAHHHHHHH WHAT A RUSH!!!" Whatta line! Nothing said "Tough guy" like that line. Good thing The Rock has a good head on his shoulders and some acting ability...should I say Talent. That man has played the Action dude, the gay dude, the serious guy, the comedy role. That's one dude that Knows His Role. Steve Borden aka Sting has even turned his life around. He still wrestles but isn't really in the limelight anymore. I'd like to see him make a comeback. There are some greats in there still but this loss will be a devastating one to the WWE same as when they heard during WWF In Your House '97 that Flyin Brian Pillman died of a drug overdose in his hotel room. Not too long after that, on May 23, 1999 at the age of 32, Owen Hart died when his harness snapped at WWF Backlash. For those who are not fans of wrestling, lemme tell ya something. You may not care and that's fine but these dudes get out there pulling dangerous stunts that the guys from Jackass wouldn't even pull and each and every night they risk life and limb for the entertainment of others. Fuck football, baseball, hockey and's bullshit. THIS is the last of the gladiator events in this nation and it's still a worldwide phenomenon. Whenever our Titans end up in jail, it doesn't make the news. Personally, I'd like to know what happened to Lex Luger over Kobe Bryant anyday.
Speaking of criminal shit, a friend of mine is now in deep trouble thanks to someone who was supposed to be her friend. Our system's flaws rear thier ugly heads again. Seems this friend of hers stayed with her for a couple of nights, broke into a house, stored the stolen goods at her place and left them there. Now she has a court date and the cops are still "trying" to find him. Nice.
Give me three days up there....guaranteed I'll find him. When I do, I'll take him in myself. Granted he wouldn't be in "mint" condition but falling back on some old aikido and jeet kune do would help greatly in this moron's downfall. Furthermore, he'd forever have my face burned into his retinas for fuckin with someone I've been close to for the past ten years. Karma Incarnate with Evil for flavor. I hope he reads this message. Turn yourself in before I'm forced to. Nuff said. Don't FUCK with a DJ Who is Evil Incarnate, motherfucker. Karma's a bitch, I'm a motherfucker. I won't kill you. I won't do anything of the sort, I'll just take your fuckin soul.
Third item. I've often realized that, by talent, I'm an entertainer of sorts. There is one thing I'd like to make mention of. Some rivers flow consistently. Some don't. I'm one of those that doesn't. I need to reload every once in awhile. Hence, the reason I haven't posted lately. I can understand that there are some who have nothing better to do but it baffles me when I show up to get the third degree on where I've been. Not trying to be a prick here but while I may have chains hanging off the wall behind me as a conversation piece, they don't connect me to this computer. I've got walks to take that I haven't been on since the Hurricane's damned curfews came around, movies to watch, shows to prepare, bands to talk to and a laundry list of shit to catch up on. Like I said, not to be a prick but, for fuck's sake, gimme time. Once I'm done with all that stuff I'll come out with better stuff and it'll be stuff that will blow your top, I guarantee it. I have a lotta ideas I need to work on before I lose em. You'll love em, trust me. I just need the time to get to them, that's all.
(Left Field Moment...Delusion Of Grandeur In Here Somewhere):
Price of fame's a motherfucker too, I know. Being an internet celebrity means shaking virtual hands, autographs and then the people at the mall have me on the horn wanting to do book signings, Johnny Depp wants to play me in the movie and then he and Vin Diesel got into a fight over the part....ugghh....does it ever end? Fuckin Bush wants to meet me and was appalled at the price I asked. Come on! Paying 11.2 Mil to meet the man who beat him to the punch on Building An Empyre Effectively isn't too much! That's Fucking Moderate, you prick! I'm your Lord and Master, now, Pay Fuckin Tribute....MY NAME IN LIGHTS!!! DARTH GENOCYDE, BITCH!!!
Now, that I got that outta the way. Your Lord And Master is officially done. SQUIRRELY WRATH!!!!
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