A Wellspring Of Waffling

If This Isn't The Truth I Don't Know What Is.

There are times when I wonder just how I got myself here. How is it some hotheaded kid from Bum-Fucked Egypt, Louisiana managed to become a near overnight sensation over the internet? How could a nobody in high school have achieved popularity to this magnitude and have made something of himself, even if it were a total ass at times?
What I wonder most is how something so simple...something of a hobby could turn someone like me into a near media frenzy? Maybe Deb was right when she said there should be a movie made of my life. It has been interesting. Life has taken me down some interesting roads. Not all of them were good and a great many of them I'd never travel again but now it seems as though nearly everything I'd ever wanted in life has happened to me. Some things, I'm still working on.
I get like this sometimes. I wonder why? Why has this happened, why has that happened? Where the hell was this popularity when I was a teenager. Granted I had no sense of style and shit like that but fuckin hell, what a rush. Working class dude makes good finally. Finally making my break into journalism...doing it my way. Write on a 4th Grade Reading Level, my ass.
I had a thought somewhere...there was probably a point to this.
It's gone.
No. A real friend will be sitting beside of you saying "Damn, that was fun!" :)
Get it straight.
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