Holiday Irritation

Just Do Us All A Favor And Quit Your FUCKING WHINING!!!
Each and every year, I hear the sobbing, the pissing, the moaning and the crying over why people hate with such fervent intensity the holiday known worldwide as Christmas. Frankly, I'm sick of it. Personally, there are some drags that come with the Christmas holidays. Mom's bitching about what I'm wearing no matter that I have toned it down in the most extreme cases. She complains that I wear "entirely too much black." I've learned to completely ignore that part of her neuroses and just move on. Maybe there are just annoying as shit relatives who want to know for the umpteenth time how I could go from a mass of long hair to no hair at all. Nevermind the fact that I've told them time and again I was losing my hair and decided to just give nature the helping hand. Or, the worst flea with the dog...the relative who just won't get over the pictures they have of the "sweet, young and vibrant optimist" that they knew. Hey, shit happens. It's called life and experience and I still have plenty to go, gods willing. I still, through it all, remain thankful that my Paganism hasn't come up. That would not make for a Christmas Dinner conversation that I'd particularly want...especially in a house of Catholics with one hardline Baptist in the room.
I'm willing to put up with these things. It is only once a year on a vast majority of them and I know how they are. I understand that not all of them can be as far slung into left field, enjoying every moment of pure, raw, unbridled intense insanity as I can. In that, I try not to become offended. I make up smartass comebacks for stupid questions and they have accepted the fact that I am just that way.
I also accept that in thier respective houses, they are gonna wanna do the pre-meal prayer thing...hey, no problem. They'll pray to their one God and I'll pray to my many. It's not an issue because I refuse to make it one.
Unlike some in the world and here's where I get completely pissed.
Lawsuits flood the courtrooms at a higher rate these days. All the children in the world couldn't use a fraction of the paper spent writing Santa letters to even touch the papers filed on lawsuits. These suits are aimed at the one thing that just inflames me to no end...Political Correct shit.
Let's face it, a nativity scene has never bothered me, "Jesus Is The Reason For The Season", while illogical to me, has never offended me and finally "Merry Christmas" is the same to me as someone wishing me a "good day."
Here is a Holiday Fuck You Cannon fired at those morons who file the suits.
Why are they doing it? Well there's a host of reasons. They feel like they're doing themselves and you a favor. They are "protecting their constitutional rights." Hey, fucktard, try not lookin or just ignoring it. It is everyone's constitutional right to freedom of speech and the freedom to disagree...get the fuck over it. Stop your whining asshole. In the end you're the one spending all that money in court costs just to protect yourself from being offended. Just ignore it you stupid fuck...cheaper on your pocketbook that way.
For those who support that P.C. shit...Fuck You Too!
Now why would I say something like that? Why would I defend a Christian viewpoint even though I am not one myself? put it simply, when you restrict one's freedoms you put your own at risk.
Get all that? Here I'll spell it out for you.
When...You...Restrict....One's ...Freedoms...You...Put ...Your ....Own....At....Risk. Simple.
When you tell someone they cannot express their viewpoints on an issue then you're looking for one thing...thought and speech control.
I have two words for these fucks....George fuckin' Orwell! Remember him? Wrote "Animal Farm" and "1984". In 1984, speech and thought were controlled to extreme levels with doublespeak, antispeak, whatever. Now it's Politically Correct Speech...same thing, different dress on.
If I said "Jesus Fucking Christ!" as a reaction to something and someone got offended, hey, deal with it. I'm the one that will reap the eternal consequence, not you.
Jesus was born in Mid July as scholars have pointed out. Horus, Mithras, and a host of other deities were born on the 25th of December. Holiday may even have its roots in Paganism of the Druid variety. Do I care about this? Does any of this directly affect me? No.
I'd laugh at the amount of people suing others over dumb shit like that but I can't. The thought of the stupid of our society in large numbers frightens me.
Happy Chanukka, Merry Christmas, Happy Yule, Hail Satan, Happy Holidays! That's for as many of you as I could remember on my sleep-deprived mind.
Want to sue me to take some of this down? Just go fuckin have a beer and use it as an excuse to celebrate the weekend. And, for fuck's sake, stop the whining!
I'm willing to put up with these things. It is only once a year on a vast majority of them and I know how they are. I understand that not all of them can be as far slung into left field, enjoying every moment of pure, raw, unbridled intense insanity as I can. In that, I try not to become offended. I make up smartass comebacks for stupid questions and they have accepted the fact that I am just that way.
I also accept that in thier respective houses, they are gonna wanna do the pre-meal prayer thing...hey, no problem. They'll pray to their one God and I'll pray to my many. It's not an issue because I refuse to make it one.
Unlike some in the world and here's where I get completely pissed.
Lawsuits flood the courtrooms at a higher rate these days. All the children in the world couldn't use a fraction of the paper spent writing Santa letters to even touch the papers filed on lawsuits. These suits are aimed at the one thing that just inflames me to no end...Political Correct shit.
Let's face it, a nativity scene has never bothered me, "Jesus Is The Reason For The Season", while illogical to me, has never offended me and finally "Merry Christmas" is the same to me as someone wishing me a "good day."
Here is a Holiday Fuck You Cannon fired at those morons who file the suits.
Why are they doing it? Well there's a host of reasons. They feel like they're doing themselves and you a favor. They are "protecting their constitutional rights." Hey, fucktard, try not lookin or just ignoring it. It is everyone's constitutional right to freedom of speech and the freedom to disagree...get the fuck over it. Stop your whining asshole. In the end you're the one spending all that money in court costs just to protect yourself from being offended. Just ignore it you stupid fuck...cheaper on your pocketbook that way.
For those who support that P.C. shit...Fuck You Too!
Now why would I say something like that? Why would I defend a Christian viewpoint even though I am not one myself? put it simply, when you restrict one's freedoms you put your own at risk.
Get all that? Here I'll spell it out for you.
When...You...Restrict....One's ...Freedoms...You...Put ...Your ....Own....At....Risk. Simple.
When you tell someone they cannot express their viewpoints on an issue then you're looking for one thing...thought and speech control.
I have two words for these fucks....George fuckin' Orwell! Remember him? Wrote "Animal Farm" and "1984". In 1984, speech and thought were controlled to extreme levels with doublespeak, antispeak, whatever. Now it's Politically Correct Speech...same thing, different dress on.
If I said "Jesus Fucking Christ!" as a reaction to something and someone got offended, hey, deal with it. I'm the one that will reap the eternal consequence, not you.
Jesus was born in Mid July as scholars have pointed out. Horus, Mithras, and a host of other deities were born on the 25th of December. Holiday may even have its roots in Paganism of the Druid variety. Do I care about this? Does any of this directly affect me? No.
I'd laugh at the amount of people suing others over dumb shit like that but I can't. The thought of the stupid of our society in large numbers frightens me.
Happy Chanukka, Merry Christmas, Happy Yule, Hail Satan, Happy Holidays! That's for as many of you as I could remember on my sleep-deprived mind.
Want to sue me to take some of this down? Just go fuckin have a beer and use it as an excuse to celebrate the weekend. And, for fuck's sake, stop the whining!
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