Truth, Justice And The American Way...Edited For Your Safety
The American't Media
By DJ Genocyde
By DJ Genocyde
A small child actuall held a real profoundity just yesterday. Her mom and dad are staying with me at the moment and this child, only an elementary schooler, said, "How can you have free speech and get punished for saying something?"
She was right and within the past few weeks I've seen the examples of it.
Fred called me up a few weeks ago to tell me his small segment on The Tonight Show had been edited out. That pissed me off. You know, about all I wanna know about Hollywood at this point is that so and so is gonna be in such and such movie, directed by whatshisfuck and that's about it. Brad got to Angelina before I did, hey, that's fuckin life. Way to go, Brad, nice move but get the hell outta the way for fuck's sake.
Another instance occurred when I saw Paradise Lost 2: Revelations. The Leeza Gibbons show was supposed to feature the mothers of Damien Echols and Jason Baldwin and John Mark Byers, father of Christopher Byers who was killed in that horrible triple murder in 1993 in West Memphis Arkansas. They went in, The WM3 supporters were there lending their encouragement to the mothers of Damien and Jason. They went in, they did the show and what did they get when they came out? The show never aired. Why? Was it because Byers had so many holes in his story and has from the beginning that bringing up reasonable doubt in the minds of the public would devastate some political footholds? Everyone knows what took place on that show thanks to Burk, Kathy and the WM3 supporters. They posted the transcripts of it at ...go have a look.
Now, Angie Turner...isn't that a shame? How did Marilyn Manson put it? No Salvation, No Forgiveness.
I have only two words for her...Karma...motherfucker. Two barrels, port side...thank you for calling. Fred will know what I'm talking about when I say that.
Today, there is so much power to do the right thing within the media. Distribution of the truth and public opinion have taken a backseat to the chagrin of the public that cares enough about it to raise their voice and say "HEY! I WAS WATCHING THAT YOU FUCKIN PRICK!" Now, we're robotic slaves to pop culture. We're all lined up like good little Manchurian Candidates, brainwashed on Celebrity, our thoughts policed to the tune of "What Will Others Think Of Me" and furthermore, heavily censored by our own government. Now, all of our news must be distributed through "Government-Approved News Sources."
This is the last thing that will ever be Government-Approved. I genuinely hope they never approve my messages. Why? Because I never asked them.
People, this is a nation of, for and by us. That means WE make policy, and those knucklefucks carry it out...NOT the other way around. It's time our voices be heard. Select what you watch on TV. Yell it, scream it, and if the end result isn't what you wanted to see on your screen turn that motherfucker off. Ignore the news and don't pay attention to it. They answer to ratings and that's it. That almighty rating will drive them to sit up and take notice.
It's literally life-draining to watch this kind of complacent and lethargic behavior escalate.
I liken it to seeing a long-haired Damien Echols from behind the glass on Death Row looking as though he was in some type of daze, as though his will had been broken and he screamed, "WAKE ME UP FROM THIS FUCKING NIGHTMARE YOU SWINE!" from inside himself. There was the defiant 18-year-old in the courtroom that only cared about music and his child during the first trial and then he'd been reduced to this skinny 21-year-old that seemed to have given up when he said almost pathetically, "I mean, what's the worst they can do to me? Kill me? I'm already here? There's not much left that they can do to me now..."
I remember times like that. When you're this different from everyone around you, you know how destructive other people can be because they want you out of the way. They don't want to see someone who expresses their individuality...they want a drone, following the rest blindly. You can't ask questions. You can't rebel. You can't even get the real news because it's all government-approved sealed and delivered. Oh don't listen to the rest of them out there, those fringe types are what's eating at the fabric of this nation.
I've lived through violence and I've pushed it aside. No more for me, thanks, I'm driving.
I've seen the new war, the best one to fight and like a few others in the world, I'll fight it straight to the death.
This war is a war for the truth and the battlefields are our minds.
Are you an AmeriCAN or an AmeriCAN'T?
She was right and within the past few weeks I've seen the examples of it.
Fred called me up a few weeks ago to tell me his small segment on The Tonight Show had been edited out. That pissed me off. You know, about all I wanna know about Hollywood at this point is that so and so is gonna be in such and such movie, directed by whatshisfuck and that's about it. Brad got to Angelina before I did, hey, that's fuckin life. Way to go, Brad, nice move but get the hell outta the way for fuck's sake.
Another instance occurred when I saw Paradise Lost 2: Revelations. The Leeza Gibbons show was supposed to feature the mothers of Damien Echols and Jason Baldwin and John Mark Byers, father of Christopher Byers who was killed in that horrible triple murder in 1993 in West Memphis Arkansas. They went in, The WM3 supporters were there lending their encouragement to the mothers of Damien and Jason. They went in, they did the show and what did they get when they came out? The show never aired. Why? Was it because Byers had so many holes in his story and has from the beginning that bringing up reasonable doubt in the minds of the public would devastate some political footholds? Everyone knows what took place on that show thanks to Burk, Kathy and the WM3 supporters. They posted the transcripts of it at ...go have a look.
Now, Angie Turner...isn't that a shame? How did Marilyn Manson put it? No Salvation, No Forgiveness.
I have only two words for her...Karma...motherfucker. Two barrels, port side...thank you for calling. Fred will know what I'm talking about when I say that.
Today, there is so much power to do the right thing within the media. Distribution of the truth and public opinion have taken a backseat to the chagrin of the public that cares enough about it to raise their voice and say "HEY! I WAS WATCHING THAT YOU FUCKIN PRICK!" Now, we're robotic slaves to pop culture. We're all lined up like good little Manchurian Candidates, brainwashed on Celebrity, our thoughts policed to the tune of "What Will Others Think Of Me" and furthermore, heavily censored by our own government. Now, all of our news must be distributed through "Government-Approved News Sources."
This is the last thing that will ever be Government-Approved. I genuinely hope they never approve my messages. Why? Because I never asked them.
People, this is a nation of, for and by us. That means WE make policy, and those knucklefucks carry it out...NOT the other way around. It's time our voices be heard. Select what you watch on TV. Yell it, scream it, and if the end result isn't what you wanted to see on your screen turn that motherfucker off. Ignore the news and don't pay attention to it. They answer to ratings and that's it. That almighty rating will drive them to sit up and take notice.
It's literally life-draining to watch this kind of complacent and lethargic behavior escalate.
I liken it to seeing a long-haired Damien Echols from behind the glass on Death Row looking as though he was in some type of daze, as though his will had been broken and he screamed, "WAKE ME UP FROM THIS FUCKING NIGHTMARE YOU SWINE!" from inside himself. There was the defiant 18-year-old in the courtroom that only cared about music and his child during the first trial and then he'd been reduced to this skinny 21-year-old that seemed to have given up when he said almost pathetically, "I mean, what's the worst they can do to me? Kill me? I'm already here? There's not much left that they can do to me now..."
I remember times like that. When you're this different from everyone around you, you know how destructive other people can be because they want you out of the way. They don't want to see someone who expresses their individuality...they want a drone, following the rest blindly. You can't ask questions. You can't rebel. You can't even get the real news because it's all government-approved sealed and delivered. Oh don't listen to the rest of them out there, those fringe types are what's eating at the fabric of this nation.
I've lived through violence and I've pushed it aside. No more for me, thanks, I'm driving.
I've seen the new war, the best one to fight and like a few others in the world, I'll fight it straight to the death.
This war is a war for the truth and the battlefields are our minds.
Are you an AmeriCAN or an AmeriCAN'T?
You are right on it.
Isn't it pretty funny the lack of morals and principles our country has though D.?
We can pay football players tons of money to run up and down the field w/ a football,but yet can't get our elders in the nursing homes taken care of properly because of lack of funds.Health care sux.Older people have to pay for their medication,even if it means $100 meds a month just to keep them alive.The rich get richer and the poor keep struggling.
Talk about what's watchable and what's NOT,tho.I can't believe a nobody like me would wind up on the TV on a silly talk show (Gordon Elliot).And btw,they DO prep you before these talk shows even begin.They come in the room and tell you about all the info that they gathered about the OTHER person,and ask you(pressure) you to say certain things or do certain things,for the sake of the watchers pleasure.Anything to get higher ratings,huh?
And the way that they edited that particular show,it made ME look like the saint and HIM look like an asshole.The crazy part hard as it is to was the other way around.LOL...Of course New York is more liberal than East Texas,so it appeared that way...but HE was a saint,for real.A good guy.A keeper,that's for sure,but being the "smart" one I am,I let that one get away(big duhhh)...but the way it was edited,it only showed what they figured the people would rather see.
Anyways...did you have to say Angelina Jolie? You know how J us haters can get.She's cool.I think I wanna get those lip injections to have
I can't believe they edited out Fred.What a drag!Your show w/ Fred on it was so cool.Has he been back on since?
Take Care,
Oh,and BTW,I just googled Gordon Elliot to see what he was up to since his talk show was taken off,and he's on a food no,we weren't on THAT show.LOL
Gordon had a talk show a while back.I was SUPPOSED to go on the Rolonda Show,but got a better deal w/ his.ha ha...Talk about morals,huh?
Hey,how can I get rid of my picture and put another one on? I had help getting that one on my profile,and can't figure out how to change it.
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