Has Tom Cruise Really Lost It?
Now That I'm Going To Address This Can We...oh...LEAVE IT ALONE! 

When I first saw this pic, I wanted to know what was going on. I fell asleep to Tom Cruise being one of the most celebrated A-list actors out there. Now, I wake up to people screaming to the heavens or anyone that will listen, "Tom Cruise Is NUTS!"
"Ok, so what makes him so nuts?" I would ask anyone who would repeat this phrase verbatim over and over ad nauseum. I never received an answer. So, in my apathy towards Hollywood Celebrity figures, I gave up. I never really gave a shit in the first place, I was just a tad curious but since no one would answer, I just went back to what I was doing.
Then, one day, rant requests began springing up like mad.
"Do one about how nuts Tom Cruise is," they said. By then, I had somewhere in the neighborhood of 9 or 10 requests for this but the problem was, I didn't know enough about it and since no one would tell me anything, I didn't care enough about it. Michael Jackson was enough of a media fiasco that went far too long and much too far for my tastes. I had to tell people to just relax over him because it was the same shit every time.
There's a discernable pattern with celebrities and if you just step back you'll notice it. Once their star fades they become obscure or they go bugfuck. If the latter occurs then they're back in the limelight and, as we all know, there's no such thing as "bad publicity." This will carry on for awhile until it fades again and they'll either fade into obscurity or they're back at it again. It's a vicious cycle which never ends for some. It continues until the whole thing gets uglier than Barnum's Bearded Lady looting during the L.A. Riots.
Just relax people...calm down. This isn't affecting your paychecks.
Ok, so Tom's excited about Katie and Scientology. I'm happy for ya, Tom. Feel free to jump on my couch any old day of the week. Guaranteed, I'll be selling it on eBay once it's all done just to get the money to refurnish my home. Or I'll have him jump on my copy of Interview With The Vampire while autographing the movie box. Does no one but me see the endless possibilities?
I say leave him alone. Some of us know the euphoria about finally finding that spiritual walk through life that works every time. Some of us even know the intensity of finding that special someone. Are we really being made to believe that he's not entitled to this? He's human, everyone. He wasn't abducted by aliens. If he was and they sent a pod person to replace him then this would show you one thing...the proof of extraterrestrial ability is here and we don't need any more. I don't think this is the case. He's entitled to his expression of his happiness and he has a career that spans back over a decade and a half. Guess what? He's more famous than any of us. You people at TomCruiseIsNuts.com are doing him a favor.
If your favorite actor/actress does something you don't like or agree with, discuss it with others if you like but quit going to their movies, quit watching their shows, QUIT SENDING THEM YOUR MONEY!!! Do something constructive with your time, for fuck's sake. These people are more famous than you or I. They have most of the money and half the admiration. They worked and they earned it.
If I ever become half as rich as any of these people, I'm going insanely wierd. No more eccentricity, I'm going insanely wierd...off the rocker. Many of you ask "why?" The answer is simple...because I can. By the time I've earned that kinda money, I'll get bored. There won't be struggling to make ends meet. Ends will be meeting like all hell by that time. Ends will be wrapping around each other in spades, becoming twisted in the process and so will I.
Now, back to the point. Tom Cruise is that rich and that famous. He doesn't care what you think. He's made his money. Michael Jackson obviously doesn't either. On that note, is Scientology and Katie Holmes (who's my age) really that terrible of a reason to be in the limelight. I'd rather be known for that than a washed-up entertainer with a nutty family and three times accused of child molestation or child endangerment. Keep that one in mind for later, trust me, it will come in handy.
Point is, Hollywood will keep going on as long as it has the money to do so. If we quit giving them our money in favor of things we actually LIKE, they lose power. If we quit giving our government money (in the form of your high-as-all-hell taxes) collectively, all in one shot, sure they can threaten and try to intimidate us but how would they be able to pay anyone to enforce their rule? If money and knowledge equal power than guess what? We have it. quit giving it away and start taking it back. Then WE'LL be the rich, wealthy and elite...the way it should be. Don't be in awe of them. They played parts and did it well. They convinced you that they were someone else for a moment. I can do that, it's easy and, at it's end, I'm still the same me that you know. I'm still nuts. I'm still a bit on the wierd side. Those that know me more than they should will know this for an undisputable fact.
I reserve that right, and so does Tom Cruise.
Now, even if he can't calm down...do you guys think you can?
"Ok, so what makes him so nuts?" I would ask anyone who would repeat this phrase verbatim over and over ad nauseum. I never received an answer. So, in my apathy towards Hollywood Celebrity figures, I gave up. I never really gave a shit in the first place, I was just a tad curious but since no one would answer, I just went back to what I was doing.
Then, one day, rant requests began springing up like mad.
"Do one about how nuts Tom Cruise is," they said. By then, I had somewhere in the neighborhood of 9 or 10 requests for this but the problem was, I didn't know enough about it and since no one would tell me anything, I didn't care enough about it. Michael Jackson was enough of a media fiasco that went far too long and much too far for my tastes. I had to tell people to just relax over him because it was the same shit every time.
There's a discernable pattern with celebrities and if you just step back you'll notice it. Once their star fades they become obscure or they go bugfuck. If the latter occurs then they're back in the limelight and, as we all know, there's no such thing as "bad publicity." This will carry on for awhile until it fades again and they'll either fade into obscurity or they're back at it again. It's a vicious cycle which never ends for some. It continues until the whole thing gets uglier than Barnum's Bearded Lady looting during the L.A. Riots.
Just relax people...calm down. This isn't affecting your paychecks.
Ok, so Tom's excited about Katie and Scientology. I'm happy for ya, Tom. Feel free to jump on my couch any old day of the week. Guaranteed, I'll be selling it on eBay once it's all done just to get the money to refurnish my home. Or I'll have him jump on my copy of Interview With The Vampire while autographing the movie box. Does no one but me see the endless possibilities?
I say leave him alone. Some of us know the euphoria about finally finding that spiritual walk through life that works every time. Some of us even know the intensity of finding that special someone. Are we really being made to believe that he's not entitled to this? He's human, everyone. He wasn't abducted by aliens. If he was and they sent a pod person to replace him then this would show you one thing...the proof of extraterrestrial ability is here and we don't need any more. I don't think this is the case. He's entitled to his expression of his happiness and he has a career that spans back over a decade and a half. Guess what? He's more famous than any of us. You people at TomCruiseIsNuts.com are doing him a favor.
If your favorite actor/actress does something you don't like or agree with, discuss it with others if you like but quit going to their movies, quit watching their shows, QUIT SENDING THEM YOUR MONEY!!! Do something constructive with your time, for fuck's sake. These people are more famous than you or I. They have most of the money and half the admiration. They worked and they earned it.
If I ever become half as rich as any of these people, I'm going insanely wierd. No more eccentricity, I'm going insanely wierd...off the rocker. Many of you ask "why?" The answer is simple...because I can. By the time I've earned that kinda money, I'll get bored. There won't be struggling to make ends meet. Ends will be meeting like all hell by that time. Ends will be wrapping around each other in spades, becoming twisted in the process and so will I.
Now, back to the point. Tom Cruise is that rich and that famous. He doesn't care what you think. He's made his money. Michael Jackson obviously doesn't either. On that note, is Scientology and Katie Holmes (who's my age) really that terrible of a reason to be in the limelight. I'd rather be known for that than a washed-up entertainer with a nutty family and three times accused of child molestation or child endangerment. Keep that one in mind for later, trust me, it will come in handy.
Point is, Hollywood will keep going on as long as it has the money to do so. If we quit giving them our money in favor of things we actually LIKE, they lose power. If we quit giving our government money (in the form of your high-as-all-hell taxes) collectively, all in one shot, sure they can threaten and try to intimidate us but how would they be able to pay anyone to enforce their rule? If money and knowledge equal power than guess what? We have it. quit giving it away and start taking it back. Then WE'LL be the rich, wealthy and elite...the way it should be. Don't be in awe of them. They played parts and did it well. They convinced you that they were someone else for a moment. I can do that, it's easy and, at it's end, I'm still the same me that you know. I'm still nuts. I'm still a bit on the wierd side. Those that know me more than they should will know this for an undisputable fact.
I reserve that right, and so does Tom Cruise.
Now, even if he can't calm down...do you guys think you can?
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