
Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Thinking In Absolutes (The Newsspeak Remix)

I've been accused of a great many things since I began exposing the truth about how corrupt our system is. I've been called a kook, whackjob, crackpot, insane, in need of professional help, etc. I've even consulted some of the social workers at my job to get their opinions. Some have said that there may be some truth to them, how much of it is true is where we get lost. Others have said that it's inherent within the individual's anger and level thereof; it's a search for a faceless scapegoat, in their opinion and others have expressed thier deepest concerns with how quickly our freedoms have been eroded due to the overwhelming amounts of evidence. The key factor within this is simply the individual.

Some of them have been shocked and surprised when I pull out the printouts from "reputable" news sources like CNN or MSNBC. I've pulled from other sources like The American Free Press, a far more reputable source than the others which I've mentioned. These guys keep track of the things popular media is afraid to tell you.

Everyone who reads my writings on the political arena knows that I come into a battle of wits armed....to the teeth. I say nothing I cannot back up with hard, documented and verifiable through research evidence. Whatever I can't back up with that type of evidence, I let you know it's merely my point of view or speculation on my part or the part of many.

I never expected to see what dropped into my email from a musician. Musicians to me have always fallen in one of two categories; they're either politically oriented choirboys and cheerleaders or they're free-thinkers who give you the way they actually think. This is the tale of one such cheerleader.

I know nothing of this man's life, I'll be sure to note that outright. He's supplied me with no information to show me where he was coming from and I, therefore, know absolutely nothing about him except that he's in a band.

I posted the actual House Resolution (#4752) detailing that men and women ages 18 - 42 are now required to serve a mandatory two years of military service. I'm not joking. I honestly wish I were. I posted the quote from me, "Our present administration has done naught but take and take never giving anything but newspeak, lies and more rhetoric among the many criminal acts in which they've engaged. Time to draw the line people. Make your stand and make it now!" Why? Because they strip us of our rights and civil liberties nearly daily, commit criminal acts with virtually no accountability and we, the people, are letting them. Now, they want to take you because they're largely stretched for resources.

I found this email from this particular musician sitting in my inbox. I've offered the band in which he plays promotion the same as all others that I've met and was ignored...this bulletin post was not. When I opened it, I thought I would be receiving, at a possibility, support. What I got instead was nasty character assassination. I was insulted. I was in essence, being asked to no longer ask questions, to just shut up and quit complaining. I could go into detail but this would make for the longest post in the history of my blogs. If you want the actual post, I'll email them uncut and unedited, email me at LordGenocyde@yahoo.com if you're interested in reading the exchange.

Bottom line, he was going to stick to his guns...normally, this is a trait I admire but he brought nothing to the table to substantiate his claims.

If there's anyone who wants to back this issue, fine. If you think me signing up today and going against my morals and ethics and killing people who haven't done anything to me or invading some country I have no business being in will serve my community, let me run a few things down.

Defending our freedoms does not begin with attacking another country. It begins with the oversight by the people of this nation on the people within our government and codified policies both past and present. When we make posts concerning our civil liberties and freedoms, we make sure we have documentation and evidence to back up the fact that even yours are being violated. Yes, we do have a concept of what it is like to defend those civil liberties because that is what we are doing now with our posts. And, each time we post, this is exactly who we are. We are fighting a war of information. In this day and age, that's truly what it's all about.

The problem that most of us have with just war (in the physical sense) is that it's wrong. We've all been taught from cradle on out that violence and killing is wrong. Killing one person can have ramifications that ripple outward. I personally can see no moral or ethical reason to be anywhere, killing anyone for any reason. They've done nothing to me or my family. I cannot see a reason for killing unless it's some animal for food and that's it or possibly using a measure of preventative force to protect my home, my family or those who dwell within it.

If military service were compulsory to serve to defend our borders, that, to me, would be reasonable but a keeping the armed forces strictly voluntary makes it more professional. First, you're not going to have total slackers who do not wish to be there slacking and dragging down the whole team. Second, you're not going to have those like myself who object to senseless murder getting killed and murder is murder whichever way you go with it. Third, those who volunteered will, as always, have more of a sense of duty than someone who is just told that this is where they're going or what they're doing when they don't have the mindset to take orders.

I cannot count the number of times I've been told by people who were formerly military (all of them volunteer) that the draftees they saw (not all but many) were inadequately trained, completely without a sense of direction within the jobs they were assigned and doing the bare minimum while the others who had volunteered had gone the extra mile to get the job done.

I have no problem with team efforts. I have no problem with a chain of command. I have no problem with missions. I defend my country, the land but never my country in terms of government. Our present civil liberties and freedoms aren't threatened by an outisde force and we have only been attacked two times (i.e. Pearl Harbor and the 9/11 attacks) ever since. Why make military service compulsory if we don't face an invasion? Border defense is one thing but invasion of another country is something else entirely. That's an offense as opposed to a defense.

Service of the community should be mandatory, I agree with you on that much as should showing some responsibility. I have a few ideas for that.

First, let's take some of these able-bodied people living on welfare off of it. If they are able to work, they should.

Second, let's repopulate our "positions of governmental power" with the common, American working man or woman. No more political parties, just Americans stripping this policy back down to basic Constitution/Bill Of Rights kinda stuff.

Third, The current administration, president included need to stand trial for a string of criminal offenses. No more smoke screen scare tactics to control this nation.

Fourth, break this system to pieces and bring it down to the county level. For more on this, visit
  • Building The Local Solution
  • for starters. There are plenty of links all around to show you that there are a world of Americans out there spreading Truth (another item on This guy's general interests) about a variety of topics in the realm of politics.

    Most of us are growing a local solution to the problem we have at hand. We have the information in our hands that our people involved within the current system are corrupt and that corruption stayed there and festered through most of us living in a bubble, I agree with him on that. There are many that still live in those microcosms, I also agree with him on that but here we are, those who woke up, spreading this word around as we felt that this is our responsibility to do so. Many of us are taking a stand towards keeping our life, liberty and our pursuit of happiness alive.

    Making military service compulsory under this administration will only serve to throw the lives of more Americans away. The responsible solutions that he mentions (i.e. possibly making a service with the U.S. Border Patrol mandatory or perhaps the U.S. Coast Guard) will not happen. This is to feul their own ends. If we, as the people, attempted to apply it to a senator's son or even our own President's daughters, they would be very apt to object and they'd win.

    Yes, we're crying foul because we know they're not talking about any and all as they've stated. They're talking about the poor to middle class. The wealthy and "elite" will never have to go through the pain and suffering of losing their only children. They'll be blessedly free of having to go through this.

    I'm more than happy to do what's needed to help my community. I do something each day whether it's helping someone learn something new or possibly setting out to learn something myself each day and experience something new each day so that I can pass it on. I took that to the next level as soon as I got my show. It's not about me and yes, I want more listeners so that they can at least have exposure to something documented, factual and verifiable, even though I do attempt to entertain the audience to keep them listening. I don't watch TV. I have one but the only thing I'm really doing with it is popping in a videotape or DVD into it. I'm not into all this pop culture crap, I'm more into documentaries such as Paradise Lost: The Child Murders At Robin Hood Hills or Paradise Lost 2: Revelations. I spend large amounts of my free time preparing information that isn't just Orwellian Newsspeak, rallying support for three innocent men locked away for crimes they didn't commit, rallying support for independent bands like your own or, most recently, running sound and lights for a stage production on short notice because a 13-year-old boy needed a heart transplant and that particular production was using the proceeds to go to his medical bills.

    These are things that I believe in. To me, these are morally and ethically right and true.

    Do I accept one red cent or dime for any of that? No.

    That's what I have my job for. That's what I have my cafepress site for. I don't need them to pay me for all these things I do. I do them because I know something and I feel that it's my responsibility to make one person stronger. It's my duty to aid in someone's healing rather than aid in the genocide currently taking place.

    Yes, I'm crying foul but not without reason. I'd ask no one, not even you to do things that I wouldn't do myself.

    I'm no saint. I'm no angel. I'm not a "good" person and I don't care whether or not you see me as that but I will cry foul at this and continue to do so because I know I am qualified and justified in doing so. If you don't like it, hey, that's fine and great with me. That is your right to think that but never assume that we don't know what we're talking about when we come armed with the evidence. We feel our responsibility and we are living it through to it's end.

    Do I think in terms of absolutes? Damn straight but I temper it with a little common sense. I don't claim to have all the answers but I do have some of them and I will offer them. Take Them or Leave Them.

    Perhaps I'm as lost in this philosophy as Young Anakin when he turned to The Dark Side but like him, I do mean well.


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