
Friday, May 05, 2006

Star Wars: Entertaiment Or Hysteria?

Remember when a movie meant that it was time to be entertained? You settled in with your popcorn and soda, you cared about the characters during that brief time, the world's troubles couldn't touch you or that person you were snuggling with. That's right, movies were an escape and a great one at that. You weren't searching for the meaning of life in a movie...this was the meaning of life. It meant to get out, go place, experience. The movie-going experience has been shamefully reduced, though.

If it's not those Trekkies that are borderline delusional, it's the fans of Star Wars that are doing the same.

We're nearing total sensory immersion on this one-way bullet train to hell, everyone. It's nearly becoming stigmatic to be a sci-fi fan anymore. I remember when Star Wars had fallen out of favor with me for awhile. The Trilogy was memorable enough but I just wasn't as into it. I took it for granted, you could say and I looked on in pure Generation-X Apathy when they digitally remastered the Trilogy in THX. It wasn't until my first girlfriend got me Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope (digitally remastered) as a Christmas gift that I soon fell right back into my childhood all over again.

After the digitally remastered versions came the Special Edition which included the deleted scenes, which made the films as George Lucas intended for them to be. These were the only ones to be released onto DVD. They were released in theaters and then the prequels. The prequels weren't met with much in the way of fanfare. Most of the fans hated them.

When the Star Wars Trilogy hit the shelves in a boxed set, the fans didn't just get livid, they were rabid. Why? In the original Episode VI: Return Of The Jedi, Luke sees Obi-Wan (Alec Guinness), Yoda (A puppet with Frank Oz's arm rammed up it's ass), and an adult version of Anakin Skywalker but in the new version it still featured the old Obi-Wan and Yoda but Anakin Skywalker this time as Hayden Christensen. This meant that Anakin was younger. Lucas had wanted to bring the two trilogies together cohesively and this was the best way to do it.

I watched in horror as fans on the Star Wars site screamed, "George Lucas is raping our childhood!"

Get a life, people!

I loved the entire host of Star Wars movies. I'm a Star Wars nut. Big Geek moment comin up.

I'd love it if Lightsabers were real. Who the hell would need a gun then? Get yourself in tune with The Force and it's all go, Jedi Master, go! Can you imagine what would go through an intruder's mind when he breaks into someone's home and finds themselves being choked down...from the other end of the house? Then the terror as that red laser blade lights up with it's menacing hum? Oh yeah, I'd attend the Jedi Academy and go a little Dark Side.

But it's not real, guys. Probably never will be. I can accept that.

Star Wars gave a post-Vietnam culture hope that tyranny will be overcome, the good guys will win and it's been the only movie in which the hero never got the girl...his pirate buddy did, though. Am I supposed to be outraged over one point that wasn't even the pivotal moment? Do I really want to go searching for existentialism? Am I seriously being bothered with how cheesy the love scenes were or the scene where Luke and Leia are born? No! Was I entertained? You betcha!

Well, I see Lucas broke down. A random web surf brought me to this link.

  • Star Wars Original Theatrical Releases On DVD

  • Seriously, did we need it? Apparently some did. I'll probably grab my copies of them, no doubt but just remember that when the chips all fall down. Lucas made the movies as he intended. He made millions defying corporate rules and made it on his own. He built it all with his own bare hands, his brains and the drive to do what it took to get the job done. He doesn't give a crap about what you think. He's not raping your childhood, he's simply doing these movies as they were originally meant to be. You're doing him a favor if you decide to criticize him about it. Sure, he'll give you what you want but remember this, he's making a fortune off of you doing it. The main point, however, to all of this is simply this...it's just a movie.


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