
Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Fraggin DSL Lines Screwed Us All.

Yep, you got that last message right. I had to have Lisa, who'd been promoted to my manager just weeks ago, bust up into my blogs and stuff like that to deliver the bad news. I'm not exactly sure when this whole thing happened but I do know that I'd awakened at 5:30pm, rolled outta my bed an hour later...really wanting to just pass out longer and then after taking care of scrubbin myself, hit up the DSL on my system to find...total lockout.

"You've gotta be fucking kidding me!" I thought, "I've got a fuckin show to do and movies to check on! I've got CD Reviews to post! Come On!"

When the error 678 shows up, that's when you know you don't have a chance in hell of seeing the datastream for a while.

I frantically searched for an old phone bill so I could dial tech support. I usually keep one handy just in case I need the phone numbers from it. Where the hell they keep disappearing to...I'll never know. Rayne usually does the cleaning. Perhaps she throws them out on occasion? If so this is not her fault, I suppose. She just didn't know any better.

When I finally found one, Lisa called me to tell me that Loki is on for Saturday night's show. Shit, I still haven't finished off the 6Bit Interview segments and Loki of Gotham Road is going to be joining us? Goddamn. I cut the call kinda short, I had a tech issue that needed resolving in a hurry.

I called the tech support number and hung up after the automated message. All the DSL lines in the southern part of the state (guess where I am?) were down and they were "currently working to fix the problem." Why is it they can never give you an E.T.A. on that kinda thing?

This left me with only one solution, as much as I didn't want it. I'd made up my mind to call Doc to let him know. I had to gather up the laundry for drying first. Rayne was on my phone which made calling Doc an impossibility until later. We gathered the laundry, took it down to the laundromat, threw it and a buck into the dryer and then went for something to eat. As we sat in the restaurant, bullshitting over dinner I remembered to call Doc.

I'd told him about the DSL lines and the inability to make my shift. Yes, the USS Virus would not fly that night, or, at least, the possibility was highly likely. I'm also thinking about a couple of new things for the show. Something possibly humorous. Not sure yet. There is also the possibility of a version of The Genocydal Empyre in the works for Attitude Radio but nothing solid yet. I have a couple who bitch incessantly that the show has turned into more talk and less music when before it was too much music and not enough talk. Hey, I got mics and I like to put them to use. If it takes another show, it will be done. One more place for me to show up and be exposed. Even if it means doing a show in the nude. They'll listen to me and think I'm stupid but dammit they'll listen to me.

Anyway, Dinner was finished, Clothes were done. We came back with the hope that perhaps the DSL was working again...no dice.

Each hour, on the hour, every thirty minutes, every ten, whenever I could remember, I checked and nothing would happen. As the time passed I lost hope. Lisa called and I ended up talking to her about the whole mess. That's when I gave her the usernames and passwords to get into these blogs and an email address. I was having her go over what was in my myspace, my messages...anything she could read off to me and type up a short response in dictation. She never ceases to rise to the occasion when it comes to tactics on helping me out with the show.

Now, with the show postponed, and no way of getting online, there was but a few things left to do. Charlie Drown loved the reviews for her CDs "Silent Rizing" and "Pretty Machine Gun" and I'll be posting those as soon as a few grammatical faux pas are finished being adjusted so the overall syntax is dead on. A tentative playlist for the next show has been made in which Hyeno, Charlie Drown and Gotham Road will premier. Naturally, Loki will be calling in to the show to kick back and bullshit with us. Anyone reading this should join us and feel free to ask questions. I don't have any prepared and I probably won't. I wing them all.

Anyway, I spent last night editing sounds, mulling a playlist over, and working. Does Lord Genocyde stop working because the internet doesn't work? Hellz no! Tell ya one thing though, I'm gonna take a vacation from it all someday. I'm working toward it right now. This is the life of an MP3J...working working working and the outcome is always worth the effort.
After I did all I could do, I sat down to watch Dark City and passed out. I just woke up. I plan on going back to bed soon. Why? I gotta work my regular job. The one that pays.

Sunday night was harrowing there. One inmate smeared shit on his face (literally) and then tried to hang himself. His attempt wasn't successful and we haven't heard anything negative about our push to do our duty to keep him among the Land of Finite Temporal Existence.

Should have seen the statement on that shit I had to write, plus the paperwork, plus the logbook, plus the mass of shit we had to deal with with two or three other inmates who wouldn't shut their damn mouths and then had the audacity to literally make fun of him openly. Our past interim warden wouldn't let us open up a can of Act Right on them for acting like that and causing disturbances. They know that the legacy from that cowardly fuck continues and those types continue to keep railing, meanwhile writing letters to our former Deputy Warden-turned-Warden to get their good time back, claiming that they've been shafted. There are two of those guys in particular that I have no respect for because they only know that we can't do much to them for now. As much as it's against my ethics to do so, metaphysical means may need to be employed to put them in their place. Perhaps a persistant nightmare or two.

Enough, Genocyde....The show, man. Focus on the show.

Anyway. Saturday night from 12am - 3am on http://www.worldrockradio.com/ Playlist plus Reviews for Charlie Drown's CDs will be posted here and other places tomorrow. Keep Your Eyes Peeled!


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