God Hates? Are You Sure?
I'll admit rather proudly that I do my part to piss off the Religious Right. Why? It's not because I hate God or whatever you wish to refer as to what to refer our Creator. It's because I severely dislike the mentalities of It's self-proclaimed followers.
Slayer once named a CD of theirs "God Hates Us All." It can certainly seem that way sometimes. Take the day-to-day natural catastrophe/Bush getting re-elected/war and controlled media fiasco that graces our life on this rock. Hey, wake up call time!
And I'm gonna give it to you straight.
I came across this site called GodHatesFags.com and I thought it was a joke of some parody site called LandOverBaptist.org but I found that these were no parodies, these people were serious. Seems that Reverend Phelps has used both of these organizations to build a mass of hate-seething bigots and the fun doesn't stop there, folks. These people have actually shown up at demonstrations to taunt, bicker at, belittle and degrade anyone who doesn't believe as they do until police refuse to hold the line and flat-out tell them that their safety is no longer guaranteed. The last demonstration they held, I heard right after the cops left, there were bikers to greet them...with exhaust from their bikes. Normally, I'd be appalled at such a flagrant disservice to our environment but I know a few things that we can take to the bank as absolutes.
1. These people are tough until their protectors leave.
2. Motocycles get the best gas mileage and actually have more noise pollution than emissions from exhaust.
3. Imagining the roar of Harleys (and we all know they sound as roaring farts...which I always think is cool) and then gunning that back tire to throw gravel at them...well that should make them think twice about fucking about when bikers are present.
Now, with that in mind, I wonder, If God truly hated homosexual people, why create them. Why give them that attraction. I'll never understand the attraction to the same sex...ever. I don't agree with it. But then again, I never opted for that. For anyone who has. You know the health risks involved and you know the social stigmas. If you've still chosen this route, ok. I won't tell you what to or what not to do.
If I created a site and a ministry about...say...God Hates Idiots, I suppose they'd be offended wouldn't they? I cannot bring myself to do that, however, and I'll clarify why momentarily.
Then there's these Church of The Hammer types. Their hatred is based largely on The Old Testament (and I'm only making the assumption that both this group and Land Over Baptist disregard the New Testament largely) and the Malleus Maleficarum. The Malleus Maleficarum was a document sanctioned by The Roman Catholic Church just before the Inquisitions took place. This singular document was the basis for annhilation of anyone who did not agree with The Church and many many innocent lives were horribly extinguished. The membership and leadership of Church of The Hammer have committed violent acts against goths, blacks, anyone they perceive to be satanic, people with birth defects, the mentally ill, homosexuals, and the list goes on and on. The last thing I heard about them was that their current leader is in jail for assaulting a 14-year-old kid dressed goth. The kid was beaten to within an inch of his life. The head of this group, The Reverend R.Green has actually encouraged his membership in acts of murder, citing both The Old Testament and The Malleus Maleficarum (aka The Witch's Hammer) as justification for the murders, promising his membership higher honor in the eyes of God should they be successful in their killing.
Westboro Baptist Church and Reverend Phelps have gone even farther, they have actually gone as far as citing that the only good soldier is a dead soldier. They've ultimately disrespected the people that protect their constitutional right from all enemies, foreign and domestic, to resort to their own acts of profanity.
The veritable tale of the pot and the kettle anyone?
Still, there are more mainstream sources of Christianity's spokesmen that have made blatant intolerant attacks against others. Pat Robertson of The 700 Club actually went on the record, stating Ariel Sharon's stroke was "God's Divine Judgment for dividing his land."
Let's not make myself seem biased here, I've known bigoted Satanists, Wiccans, Pagans of all types and even Muslims. I've never seen a bigoted Buddhist.
From what I've read and studied on the subject of Christianity, it's a spiritual belief and code of ethics and morals based on the concepts of love and common sense. Today, science has proven that pork and bottom-feeding animals are bad for you to eat and that love truly does endure.
How can a spiritual code of something as great as love be twisted into hatred?
The New Testament talks of Jesus Christ telling his followers to turn the other cheek if they're struck, to give up their clothing if they are to be stripped of it and to give freely and openly. I can agree with that to some degree. I will say that nothing is more satisfying at times than revenge but it always escalates from there. Sometimes, when confronted, it's best to let the opposition undo itself. I just wish this Christ guy had just said that. It's a devious little trick and if he'd appealed to our sense of deviousness...he might have actually had more followers that way.
He also told us to love one another unconditionally. I have personally taken this to mean you don't have to like someone or even what they're doing but leave them the hell alone. If what they're doing bothers you that much, divert your attention elsewhere and it won't bother you any longer.
Then, there's the most horrid part of that section of The Bible. That awful crucifixion. You know that story and for those of you who braved The Passion Of The Christ...my hats off to you. I can't watch a movie I have to read. Get an English Dubbed version and I'll watch it.
Ok, these three points, combined with Creation itself, and we are all a part of that to be certain, then their message of hatred is wrong. Then again, I'm holding my biblical facts against theirs to be self-evident.
Too bad it takes a Pagan to point this out.
This is why I have chosen the Christian route in this excersize. I don't care to spend the time, nor the energy on them. They'll meet their God and it will be severely disappointed in them. I'll pray that thier Creator does help them see the error they make on a daily basis. I'll do it, not because I dislike them as they are, but because I dislike what they do. Chances are, these people have some redeeming quality that can make them great. Whatever it is, they'll have to find it on their own, I suppose. I'm not a huge believer in the decency of humans...never have been but I believe that a Higher Authority telling them, "Hey! You Mind Getting Off My Stinkin Throne! Thank You! Mind If I Run Things For Awhile?" will be enough to humble them.
I've been there. I've let my own ego get the better of me at times and I've had to be knocked off my pedastal. Sometimes, it's the only way to get through to the thick-skulled.
So, I wonder, If God Truly Hates People...Why Doesn't He Destroy Us All Now?
That's just something to think on and same with the following:
Before appointing yourself His Chosen Messenger, just remember that he built this Universe Of Infinite Possibility...what the hell would he need you to hurt or kill another for?
Good grief!
I just got off work,and I'm so tired I had to read your post twice you long winded thing you!lol
What a debatable issue.I say "If it makes you happy....do it".
If you are comfortable with what you feel God thinks about it,then go for it.In the Bible,it does say"Confusion is of the devil"...so if you are uncertain about whatever it is you are doing,then it may not be the right thing....or maybe it is....but you just have to come to that conclusion on your own.You brought up some really good points,and your opinion is just as valid as the next Joe-blow.Personally,I hate stigma's that are attached to alot of things....like ex-inmates,dancers,homosexuality,etc....because people are ALL different.Example:Just because ONE person does something offensive like sell axxx when they leave a strip club,doesn't mean that ALL women choose that route.I find it scarey and a serious health risk,while alot of men say we women "sit on a gold mine" ha ha
But my point is....everyone is entitled to their opinion.As long as your not hurting the next person...go ahead and do what it takes to make yourself happy and at peace w/ who you are.
Your a good person.Very opinionated....but being broadminded like you are is soooo awesome.Too many close-minded people these days that want to put you down for one reason are another,when they ought to be checking their own traps,so to speak.
Gona hit the hay...but before I do...I wanna add one more opinion.LOL
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