
Monday, October 30, 2006

Lord Genocyde's Days Off

By Cathy O’Brien 12-05

Testifying before the US Congress regarding torture is exactly what I should be doing right now. Experience taught me all I know, and it is enough to prove once and for all that torture is inhumane, to say the least.

I am a fully rehabilitated US Government White House/Pentagon level mind control survivor whose testimony for the US Congressional Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Oversight was censored for so-called “Reasons of National Security”. Upon the advice of an attorney in 1995, this testimony was released en masse in book form, aptly entitled TRANCE Formation of America, to bring truth to light and survive whistle blowing on US Government tortures. Despite media censorship and death threats and attempts, these proven, documented facts have now reached over 48 countries, been licensed and translated into 8 languages, and are in major universities worldwide such as the Oxford Law Library. Now that torture is finally a predominant political issue, the reality of how it is actually being used continues to be kept from the public by those in control of the American government and corporate media. Those who control information control knowledge, which in turn controls the thoughts, perceptions, opinions, and actions of those they inform.

Learning to think for myself after 3 decades of abuse, torture, and mind control programming required mind expansion and thinking out of the box so-to-speak. Torture was used to make me forget… not to remember and “tell all”. It was only when I felt safe that I was able to begin remembering the government secrets and criminal covert operations I’d been tortured to forget. The same criminals that are in control of the American government today were in control of me, and they are acutely aware that torture and trauma causes humankind to forget. So why is torture being justified as a means to “extract information”? That is akin to swimming in ice water to warm up! And yet when the public is told by the media to jump in the lake, people do it because they’ve been assured the water is warm….

The original Manchurian Candidate brought forth the concept of “brainwashing” as it was termed back then. “Brainwashing” and the newer term “mind control” were both used in the brilliant, highly publicized Canadian victory against the CIA’s Dr. Ewen Cameron and his torturous “experiments” on patients at the Allen Memorial Institute in Montreal in the1950’s and1960’s. Considering today’s technological advancements, pharmaceuticals, computerization, and classified mind manipulating weaponry, it is clear to see that torture is not only archaic, but is actually a diversionary issue from more prevalent forms of mass mind manipulation of the human population. With the corporate media controlling our knowledge base while traumatic global events terrorize us, we’ve become blinded by the lies, justifications, and fear mongering explanations.

Truth freed me from fear and enabled me to think to speak about the government secrets that torture had caused me to forget. The truth that set me free can make us all free. Knowledge is our only defense against mind control. Once we consciously understand mind control and how trauma and lies perpetuate it, it can no longer be used against us- either as individuals or as a population. We have allowed a handful of criminals to box us in deeper and deeper for years, and now awareness is rising and truth is coming to light. Wake up. It is a new day! Think out of the box. Think beyond what you’ve been led to believe. Ask questions. Research answers. Expand your thinking to consider other perceptions. Think for your self and know the truth that will set us free, once and for all.

By Cathy O’Brien 1-06 www.ForReasonsOfNationalSecurity.com

Hope is contagious. And Hope is precisely what we need these days in epidemic proportions as a sweet reminder that life’s fearful conditions are merely temporary, ever changing, and always evolving. Even those of us who’ve spiritually arrived at that joyous level of living unconditional love, unconditional peace, and unconditional happiness need Hope when life gets in the way of our optimism, causing us to stumble. Rather than be brought down, we need to stand strong in these times of positive change.

Positive change? Yes! Light of truth has penetrated the darkness, bringing the reality of world events to the forefront of our awareness. Now we can clearly see the crimes against nature and humankind that have politically prevailed for decades. Truth frees us from fear, sharpens our vision, strengthens our spirit, and empowers us to take necessary action. Awareness is indeed the first step toward positive change.

In these exciting times, there are still those who hopelessly cave in to media perpetuated fear. They have buried their head in the sands of corporate controlled media social engineering, and that sand is running out of the proverbial hourglass inevitably revealing what is already realized by those of us with eyes to see, ears to hear, and soul to know truth. It’s about time!

When I woke up from decades of US Government MK Ultra mind control, it was clear to see that plans I had been privy to during the Reagan-Bush Administration regarding mass mind manipulation of humanity through social engineering had, indeed, taken effect. We all formulate our thoughts, opinions, and ultimately our actions based on what we know. And we need to know that our knowledge base is being altered to suit the agenda of a few government puppet-masters who are keeping pertinent issues such as mind control secret while using it against us.

People struggle with spirituality when they need to get social engineering out of the way and think for themselves. With free thought comes wisdom, and wisdom outthinks a criminal mind every time. I am living proof! The truth that made me free can set the controlled populace free. Knowledge is our only defense against mind control.

I know from experience that without free thought, there is no free will, and ultimately no soul expression. Without soul expression, there is no ability to stand for basic human rights and live in harmony with love where synchronicity unfolds. Now that I have regained my free thought through strenuous deprogramming, I celebrate having free will and soul expression again. With strength of spirit and true-to-soul wisdom, I choose to live in harmony with love and make a positive difference by bringing the reality of mind control to light. By living purpose on purpose, I feel inner peace. After all, world peace begins within. What a lovely place to rest our hopes.

Peace reverberates peace. Love, the most powerful force in the universe, reverberates love. Hope reverberates hope. It is contagious! Pass it on…


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