
Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Setting The Record Straight

I do want to begin this and end this on a good note. Though I wish I could, I know that there will be something along the way that gets under my skin and therefore causes me to vent.

It seems that in a blessed moment of silence, I've found myself at the crossroads again. I find myself asking the eternal question of where the hell do I go from here? I've encountered The Great Duality War again and I'm not really sure which side will win it.

Hell, I guess I should just balance it out, right? Just write the damned thing and see what comes of it.

For starters, I'm beginning to despise just about any and every messageboard in existence. I find a multitude of idiots there. Many of them not having the common decency to cease reproduction and kick natural selection up a few gears, they seem to bear much in the way of dual-natured primates. Prime example is the user who uses "He Who Angers You, Controls You" in their signature line while resorting to nothing less constructive in any online conversation than namecalling and penny-ante, high school tactics. Why? If you guessed that they were doing it out of anger, I suppose you'd be right. Then again, that particular user posting thier love for Nirvana opens up many doors to the realm of possibility of a barrage of insults from me. Yep, I guess he who angers that user does control that user and nothing in the world makes the tedium relieved like playing someone like a damn playstation.

A huge thing that makes me completely amused by the level of inanity of it is this attempt to slash at my own endeavors. Time and again, a project initiated by me and built by me and those involved has some chucklehead who would like to see me completely silenced. That's right. There are people that don't want to see me succeed and even I can admit that I've thrown in the towel on a lot of different projects including bands and a various assortment of other things (all of which even I am unable to recall) but there is one on which I will not back down. Internet radio. I've been involved in it for nearly two years now and I have much invested. From the start, I put my time, effort and some cash into it. Two years and now, rumor circulates about me sending out a mass message that I said, "Hey, guys, I'm done...finished...I can't do it anymore."

Ok, let's break this down so we gain a better understanding. Remember, you're getting this from the source...the one right smack in the middle of it all. You'll get no lies about this. I'm not going to sugar-coat or smooth it over or mindlessly fluff it for you. I'm going to give it to you honestly

The Brief History on Nearly Everything:

I first dabbled in internet radio back in 2000 on Live365.com. Back then, my knowledge of internet connections and equipment was extremely limited. I didn't know you needed a high-speed connection to keep your stream from being choppy. Mine was. Though I sought a high-speed connection then and was unable to get one due to my location and then the program went irrevocably wonky, the idea died. It wasn't anyone's fault, it just wasn't meant to happen yet.

In 2005, I resurrected and reincarnated an old project, The Genocydal Empyre, and the show now had a name, a stream, a face and a voice. Hear The Pulse's (the station on which I hosted) owner began making massive cuts to the content covertly and, though I fought, I faced a choice...put up or shut up. If I valued my spot, my access and my fanbase, I would simply sit by and allow these cuts to happen or I would lose it all and my work would be for absolutely nothing. I made the sacrifice and I quit mid-show because as the show was happening, he decided to wage an information war the he could not win. Why? He had four DJs who were close friends within the same town who could compare notes. Hear The Pulse collapsed soon afterward.

Later in 2005, I resurrected the show. Using a different program and new techniques of my own design, it had a fresh sound and new angles. I had a lotta work to do to wash the Hear The Pulse stink off of it. I had a lotta help and a lot of support that had come out of the woodwork. I have those people for which to be grateful and I am, everyday, without fail.

Not too long after that, Hurricanes Katrina and Rita threatened to take me off the air permanently but, as it has been proven, also irrevocably, not even the forces of nature would stop me.

2006 would see me expand, taking on crew members to handle the affairs that had, like the show, grown and expanded.

2007...now. So much time since when I began and now, when I look back on it, I smile...then I laugh in my megalomania and I have no doubt in my mind that I've done the right thing in staying my course. Sacrifices have been made and not all of them paid off immediately. I've been frustrated at having to do boring and tedious things just to get things rolling but I've done them and they've paid off...everytime.

Right now, we're in the middle of filming the documentary. Initially, I'd slated that to end when Misty leaves but now, I'm not so sure. Why? We lost footage. The chip that I've sent back to the seller for an exchange corrupted crucial data that would have been absolutely wonderful in the documentary.

When I aired the pieces on the Tampa Bay Iraq War Protests, they were not well-recieved. Many of the listeners could not bring themselves to look up the facts for themselves. Many of them said, "Dude, I love your show but just cut to music." My response, "This will air as I've promised them. In it's entirety." Then I was smacked with, "These talk segments are running people out of the chatroom." Then, the next show on World Rock was nowhere near as heavily promoted by our own World Rock Army...our promoters. Still, the talk segments aired. If there was no promotion to be given to us then the damage has been done. I aired them anyway. It seemed odd to me that the listeners had no problem when the SiNDADDY interview aired and they spoke of our involvement in Iraq being a cover to rebuild alien landing pads. When they were hit with the facts, they ran like hell. I still went on.

Ok, so we've been hit with monumental opposition. Our tech toys have even turned against us, we've been deemed not credible because we're not mainstream, MySpace has decimated our contact with many bands, friends and fans when we were snared into the Almighty Phishing Philter of Doom and we're little less than "pretenders" in the realm of music, entertainment and information.

Now, with opposition like that, it's pretty easy to say, "Screw it. What was I thinking? Broadcaster? Yeah right! Rock journalist? Suuuuure! Just pack it in, everyone. Go to lunch, we're done."

I could have done that. I could have sent out the mass message saying "I quit."

But I didn't. If you have received one of these messages, contact me at LordGenocyde@yahoo.com with the actual message. I can tell you one thing...it wasn't me that sent it.

Still, rumors are flying like mad that Lord Genocyde threw in the towel but, rest assured, that's all they are...rumors. Until it comes from me directly...that's all they'll ever be. We're still working on things, does that sound like someone who threw in the towel?

Sure I'm looking around at other stations...for syndication. Still sound like someone who just woke up one morning, weighed all the options on the toilet and then decided to just pack it all in and call it a life?

If your magic 8-Ball still shows the "Not Freakin' Likely" indicator, that's how you know you're on the right track. If it shows "Most Definitely" then throw that thing away...it's repeating the crap it heard spewed out of the rumor mill.

So, Lord Genocyde's Bottom Line Is: I HAVE NOT Quit, I AM NOT Quitting Nor Will I Ever Quit. End of Story.

The one thing that I have quit doing is using the CherryTap Lounge. Why? Well, when you're using it to have more interaction and then the people in the chatroom are completely rude to your guest, I think the answer is pretty simple. Yep, that came out of the Iraq War Protestors airing. The people in our chat were completely rude to them and I'm thankful the interviews weren't live or else they would have been disasterpieces.

The people that were interviewed were put on the air by me, my choice to do that. They have offered to advertise the show and I have accepted. This means that websites like 9/11Truth.org, 9/11DVDProject.com, and LoneLantern.org advertise us to draw more attention to their causes and to the show...mutual benefit. Also, a business (Sacred Grounds Coffeehouse) will also be telling their people about us. Everyone wins. If our existing fanbase doesn't want to hear it...theirs will. There is method to my madness and the plan was to work out a pseudo-sponsorship (non monetary) to help this thing get built up. Starting to see the logic yet?

I was also accused during that show of being afraid of the opinions contrary to the concepts and ideas which are my own. Not true, I stated time and again that night both in that lounge and over IMs that the only things I wouldn't listen to were mindless drivel like, "Take that one to the looney bin" or "The guys in the white coats should be showing up soon." That's crap that wastes my time and I won't put it on the air. Have hard proof to the contrary that the official story of 9/11 or the war in Iraq is legitimate? Then offer it without insulting the others and I'll be more than happy to help you put it out there but, so far, even the 9/11 Commision's Report was a whitewash at best and deception at worst. Got something better? Bring it. Simple as that. Just don't waste my time with your desire to be petty.

Nope, I haven't quit the show, I just quit using the chatroom. I refuse to subject those I interview to that level of disrespect. That means ANYone I interview...ever. I just will not stand for it. Think of me what you will but remember, I've called the shots since this started and I will continue to call the shots until this thing is over...don't hold your breath on this being over anytime soon.


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