
Sunday, August 06, 2006

A Path To The Dark Side: Bladed Misanthropy

For a week, I've been looking over rejection after rejection. Large corporations are all about protecting their bottom line and increasing it, this much I know, but, after pitching the idea of the publicity stunt in favor of mutual advertisement (both for their bands and their product) each flat rejected me saying that, "After research, it was decided that this didn't meet with thier goals" and that they would keep my information handy should they find something for me to do.


So far, not many in the way of bands have offered thier support but the ones that have have done it in a big way. Now, their sponsors won't back them up. After repeated bulletins, postings and whatever else I could do, I was beginning to wonder if I should just pack in the whole idea and just do a Halloween Bash Show and go for some distance, meet the commitments and then just fuck off to whatever hole from which I crawled. I was in a real conundrum and I had no idea what to do with what I was faced. I was even beginning to wonder if calling up the newspapers about it was even worth the damned time.

I torched the emails I'd printed out and sat there on my front porch, smoking cigarettes thinking, "Goddamn, what next?"

That's when tonight's show happened. Bands were happy to see my playlist as it featured mostly the electronic EBM/Industrial I loved to play so much. Tommy T. of Cyberage and DSBP Records was howling ecstacy over the way the playlist looked. I liked it too. Considering it was mostly stuff he sent, I wasn't going to just let it trickle out when I'd spent the past week listening to it. No, that would be wrong...this had to be an explosion.

The night went crazy. People I didn't know were IMing me out of the blue. By the end of the night I had 27 IM windows open. By the end of the show, I'd had no less than five people calling into the show via my speakerphone. One right after the other...keep an eye on the podcaster, that's coming out soon. Overall, the show itself was like any other weekend thrall...a success.

BUT more frustration was to come during the show. One Who Shall Remain Nameless had been found out. If it's one thing I hate it's people talking shit. Worse still, talking shit about me behind my back thinking I'll never find out. Nameless began pissing and moaning about my show. I only wish I were joking. Yes, Nameless is a DJ who's got a bug in their panties about my show now.

Let's break this down. I've had to watch people on the Candle Vigil let apathy set in early. I've sat here wondering what good, if any, I was doing and if it was, where the hell was it? Now, coupled with the idea that maybe I shouldn't go as all-out as I'd originally planned because it seems like it isn't worth the time or effort, I have this fuckin' bullshit to deal with. Cool...let's go with the breakdown of some things just to set the record straight.

1. Scheduling - It's not something I can help. Why? I have a job that requires me to be there on certain days throughout the rotating schedule. Guess what? If I want every weekend off to do a show, they'll laugh in my face and/or fire me. Simple as that. Deal with it, this is how those of us with a job do it and if the idea is to change my job. I'd love to. Fuck, turn this net radio thing into a moneymaker and I'll consider it, no problem. Until then, fuckin deal.

2. Interviews - Who I have on the show is the final decision of one person...My Ass! That's right! If I don't feel like having someone on the show then I tell them to fuck off, simple as that. It's all decided in the creative process as I'm doing it. Guess who's permission I don't ask?

3. Talk segments - I schedule enough damn music to listen to. I talk as long and as loud as I like. On that show, I'm the boss until Doc says otherwise. Don't like it? Take the stream or shut the fuck up.

4. Music - I'm my own program director. Don't like the music I play then make a goddamned request or fuck off.

5. The Hype - "It's Like He's Starting To Believe His Own Hype." That was one of the quotes. None of this is simple hearsay. I saw the logs on it and I was floored. You can only imagine how livid about it I was. I reach out to support good causes and things like that. Sure, I'm the star of my show but I
Let People Share The Fucking Limelight With Me, Fucktard! Though I'm not sure if that occurred to you or not. Take a flying fuck to a rolling doughnut and call mommy in the morning.

6. The Bottom Line - I originally started doing this because I have an idea of how I wanna hear radio and what's being played on it. As it turns out, there are people that fuckin agree with me. These are my fans and my crew. They've all found shit they don't like but they give me some suggestions and they help me. When The Genocydal Empyre v2.0 breaks...those people come with me. Those that oppose will get left behind, dig?

I'm not on Krush playing for One DJ. Never have and I never will. Don't expect apologies for that because you're in for some serious fucking disappointment, bet?

The DJs that have helped me out on Krush? Hey, they get cut in too. Pissed off because my show is rating better than yours? I might have helped. I've sat here and talked of DJ unity for some time and it PISSES me STRAIGHT the FUCK OFF that there are those who submit to their own inflatable egos because it didn't turn out the way they thought. Guess what? It's as simple as asking and Wham! Bam! Amster-fucking-Damn! I'm right there in the thick of things pimping your show, giving you one helluva lead-up and even giving pointers for whatever you wanna use or do.

Let the record show that I've been in competition with no one and nothing but ME. I try to make each show better than the one before that. If you're getting your ass dragged down to a goddamned one-share then how about putting a little more effort into it or coming up with a gimmick of your own, I don't care but, as for now, Never...and I mean fucking NEVER think that just because your numbers are suffering means I'm gonna cry over you pissing and moaning because I'm outrating you. Fuck, Get inventive! Innovate, for fuck's sakebut don't take your shit aggression out on me for it. I'll do anything to help most good DJs that I think deserve it but what I won't do is play ball and just remember that when the day is all said and done, the dust settles and the chaos calms down, that figure standing dressed in black with a blade covered in blood amongst the bodies and the drive to keep doing it...that's me and the only ones standing with me, you'll know them too...

as The
Genocydal Empyre v2.0

P.S. After setting up the second encoder last night for the show and actually going through all the bullshit it took to get that thing on track, something happened. What, I don't know but whatever happened didn't have a destination to save the encoded file of the show for me to edit the podcasts out of it. No podcasts will be available for this show. Sorry all. *whips out a shotgun and blasts his computer in frustration*...goddammit.


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