Happy Returns And TOO Much Realism

Relax, He's Just Gettin A Snuggle
Yep, that's me and Snowball. Snowball's been missing for some time now. Probably ever since Misty left and went back to Jersey. I don't know where he went and yesterday, Misty and I were thinking about him.
"He's most likely found somewhere that serves better food," I said. I didn't really mean that, though. I couldn't think of anyone serving Snowball any better than what I buy for him. I do not spend sparingly on such fine cats. Their coats are smooth and they're either fat as all outdoors or in great muscular shape for a reason. To me, the only way to feed them any better would be to literally cook meals for them and to do that would thoroughly interfere with the diet in which I give them. Come to think of it, I don't even treat myself this well.
"I don't know," she began.
"Well I'd rather think that than the alternative," I said. I didn't want to think about Snowball being lost and alone, the only sign that he's mine being the flea collar around his neck that is perfectly camoflauged in his fur. We both agreed we didn't want to think of him as roadkill. All we knew was that we missed him. Misty's cat, Whitey, had to be put down yesterday as well but not until that afternoon. His name was originally Snowball and he was 24 years old. That, to me, was not a good omen. Especially after suffering Muffin's loss.
Tonight I walked to the convienience store across the street from me to get some Pepsi. As I came out with the Pepsi, something caught my attention. A cat had quickly turned I noticed something. The half-tail! The markings!
"Snowball?!" I asked.
The cat stopped and turned around, delivering his trademark, "Mraow-ow!"
I nearly ran to snatch him up but thought the better of it. It might spook him and then all I'd have had of my best friend in the world would be a glimpse. Instead, I walked over to him and picked him up and carried him home. Nermal was happy to see her son again, though he wasn't happy in the least to see her. He became defensive and hissed at her.
Long story short, after this pic was just taken, he now lies in my lap here at the computer, sleeping his pure white life away.
Now, I'd actually had the idea proposed to me about possibly walking around during Halloween dressed as an inmate. Part of me already had problems with this. That part being I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE IN SAN MARCOS DOING A LIVE SHOW! Then again, Halloween itself was three days away from The San Marcos Fiasco. Did I get the costume? Bet your ass! A crazy stunt like that? Me? Oh yeah! Did I wear it out? No. Now, before you go nuts on me, check this out.
I did try the two-piece the day I got it and after checking it out, I took it off and gave it long, serious thought. While posessing no markings, it just looked too damned real. I was gonna spend a night in jail behind that and I'd already had that cemetary incident counting against me from earlier in the year. Mom so strategically brought that up on Dad's birthday during dinner. Why? My younger brother just joined the local P.D. and he got the story from one of his co-workers. Mom thought it would be funny. Yeah, fuckin hilarious.
Anyway, I decided not to wear it. In fact, this is the first year in 28 that I didn't "get dolled up" for Halloween. I found out I didn't have to. I still got stares anyway. How bad is that? Did the ones that did get all dressed up and made up suddenly feel like a crowd alone? Thank you, all...welcome to my world. Now, I was wondering, should I have gotten dressed up? Naaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh! Look At This And Know...I Rest My Case!
"He's most likely found somewhere that serves better food," I said. I didn't really mean that, though. I couldn't think of anyone serving Snowball any better than what I buy for him. I do not spend sparingly on such fine cats. Their coats are smooth and they're either fat as all outdoors or in great muscular shape for a reason. To me, the only way to feed them any better would be to literally cook meals for them and to do that would thoroughly interfere with the diet in which I give them. Come to think of it, I don't even treat myself this well.
"I don't know," she began.
"Well I'd rather think that than the alternative," I said. I didn't want to think about Snowball being lost and alone, the only sign that he's mine being the flea collar around his neck that is perfectly camoflauged in his fur. We both agreed we didn't want to think of him as roadkill. All we knew was that we missed him. Misty's cat, Whitey, had to be put down yesterday as well but not until that afternoon. His name was originally Snowball and he was 24 years old. That, to me, was not a good omen. Especially after suffering Muffin's loss.
Tonight I walked to the convienience store across the street from me to get some Pepsi. As I came out with the Pepsi, something caught my attention. A cat had quickly turned I noticed something. The half-tail! The markings!
"Snowball?!" I asked.
The cat stopped and turned around, delivering his trademark, "Mraow-ow!"
I nearly ran to snatch him up but thought the better of it. It might spook him and then all I'd have had of my best friend in the world would be a glimpse. Instead, I walked over to him and picked him up and carried him home. Nermal was happy to see her son again, though he wasn't happy in the least to see her. He became defensive and hissed at her.
Long story short, after this pic was just taken, he now lies in my lap here at the computer, sleeping his pure white life away.
Now, I'd actually had the idea proposed to me about possibly walking around during Halloween dressed as an inmate. Part of me already had problems with this. That part being I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE IN SAN MARCOS DOING A LIVE SHOW! Then again, Halloween itself was three days away from The San Marcos Fiasco. Did I get the costume? Bet your ass! A crazy stunt like that? Me? Oh yeah! Did I wear it out? No. Now, before you go nuts on me, check this out.
I did try the two-piece the day I got it and after checking it out, I took it off and gave it long, serious thought. While posessing no markings, it just looked too damned real. I was gonna spend a night in jail behind that and I'd already had that cemetary incident counting against me from earlier in the year. Mom so strategically brought that up on Dad's birthday during dinner. Why? My younger brother just joined the local P.D. and he got the story from one of his co-workers. Mom thought it would be funny. Yeah, fuckin hilarious.
Anyway, I decided not to wear it. In fact, this is the first year in 28 that I didn't "get dolled up" for Halloween. I found out I didn't have to. I still got stares anyway. How bad is that? Did the ones that did get all dressed up and made up suddenly feel like a crowd alone? Thank you, all...welcome to my world. Now, I was wondering, should I have gotten dressed up? Naaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh! Look At This And Know...I Rest My Case!
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