Got The Feeling We Missed Something?
Ok, I know this will make the second fuckin thing I've posted but I'm pissed off and I feel it's for a damned good reason.
Has anyone seen this shit yet? I didn't even know they made a Left Behind Video Game until I saw this.
I won't go into detail on it because I think you can read the damn article but, look, I just recently "went back home" and what do I find when I get there? The same PMRC-Ass-Kissing bunch has gone way more flaky than when I left. Look, every religion out there feels picked on. The pagans have their flakes screaming shit about The Burning Times, The Muslims have their extremists radical fringes, The Satanists in Norway are torching churches and desecrating graves claiming it's a revenge thing...Ok, look...get the fuck over it.
Now, ready to be sick? Check out The Discusion on This Crap. Ok, so let me get this straight. Let's make sure I'm perfectly clear on this fuckin' subject. Christians had a book series. Left Behind was a gnarly series and I have to admit that I read it over two years ago. Took me four months but I got those books read and not only were they involving but they were really intense. Who got offended? The Catholics over being portrayed as the basis for the One-World Religion. I grew up Catholic. Didn't piss me off. It's a book. It's not written in stone and inked in blood that the Catholics are going to go that way. Just chill out and quit taking yourselves so seriously. This series was a best-seller, prompting Left Behind: The Kids and a movie series of the same name. Spoiler Alert: By the third really gets away from the books while remaining heavy-handed and preachy. Trust me on this, I own all three.
So now, we have a mainstream media game on the shelves and They're bitching about it? Waitaminute! When did I hire these idiots to speak for me!?
I didn't even know the game was in the damned works until I read in this article that it's on the shelves! Many video gaming magazines haven't given it a good rating for fuck's sake! ReLAX! It's going to be ok, you know why?
IT'S A FUCKING VIDEO GAME! Calm down, it's when your kid starts really getting into the works of Hitler and Stalin that you need to worry. If they start looking into Gene Simmons...panic. Ok, that's all you have to do now...panic and hope some government alphabet agency is going to step in and do your Nazi dirty work.
Ok, now granted, I'm not a gamer. In fact, I might have played three PC games in the entire time I've had this computer but I'm so tempted to check this game out to see if it follows the movies to any capacity. Why? I dig the series and how fucking taut the suspense was. It was like watching Prison Break and I don't see anyone bitching about that show.
Now, I think it's time that everyone heard this so gather 'round and let Lord Genocyde let you in on a little secret. It's so simple. In fact, it will break your heart to hear it in all it's simplicity.
GROW UP, GET A JOB, GET A DOG, GET A LIFE BUT, WHATEVER YOU DO, FOR FUCK'S SAKE IT'S A GODDAMNED VIDEO GAME!!! It's not something that's lurking in your closet waiting to take your children and I understand that you're worried about what it could teach them but that's what your fucking parenting skills were made for. If you're too goddamned lazy to sit down and teach them right from wrong, you shouldn't be breeding.
Next, you athiests need to severely fuck off. You piss and moan about your rights being violated whenever the fuckin subject is touched on well, let me ask you this, and I hope you've stopped to consider it.
Did you know I'm going to say a prayer in your presence? Did you know there isn't one fucking piece of enforceable legislation that can stop me? Did you ever really wake up long enough from your stupid self-deluded existence to think that maybe, just possibly, someone wishing you a Merry CHRISTMAS meant well? Oh, piss and moan, did I just step on your toes by mentioning that? Well guess what, I did it anyway. Know why? Because I mean well. I did it, it's over and I'll be on my way. If God doesn't exist, it won't piss you off.
You piss and moan about your rights being violated but you're quick to impose your own shit on others whether they like it or not. Separation of Church and State? Yeah, I'm all for it! One thing you forgot, though. It's only to keep a Church of America from forming! Yeah! No shit, look it up. Piss and moan some more and someone get me a damn violin!
Granted I know people worry. I know these days, people get scared easily but if you want to know any more of my views on it, just check out page three of the discussion forum on that thing and I guarantee you that should make it clear.
I think by the time this Rapture shindig goes down, a lot of people are gonna get left behind because they spent so much time worried about video games, music, movies or the way some emo kid is dressed. That might be a helluva thing to watch though. It would be like The Ultimate Cosmic Gag Reel.
Has anyone seen this shit yet? I didn't even know they made a Left Behind Video Game until I saw this.
I won't go into detail on it because I think you can read the damn article but, look, I just recently "went back home" and what do I find when I get there? The same PMRC-Ass-Kissing bunch has gone way more flaky than when I left. Look, every religion out there feels picked on. The pagans have their flakes screaming shit about The Burning Times, The Muslims have their extremists radical fringes, The Satanists in Norway are torching churches and desecrating graves claiming it's a revenge thing...Ok, look...get the fuck over it.
Now, ready to be sick? Check out The Discusion on This Crap. Ok, so let me get this straight. Let's make sure I'm perfectly clear on this fuckin' subject. Christians had a book series. Left Behind was a gnarly series and I have to admit that I read it over two years ago. Took me four months but I got those books read and not only were they involving but they were really intense. Who got offended? The Catholics over being portrayed as the basis for the One-World Religion. I grew up Catholic. Didn't piss me off. It's a book. It's not written in stone and inked in blood that the Catholics are going to go that way. Just chill out and quit taking yourselves so seriously. This series was a best-seller, prompting Left Behind: The Kids and a movie series of the same name. Spoiler Alert: By the third really gets away from the books while remaining heavy-handed and preachy. Trust me on this, I own all three.
So now, we have a mainstream media game on the shelves and They're bitching about it? Waitaminute! When did I hire these idiots to speak for me!?
I didn't even know the game was in the damned works until I read in this article that it's on the shelves! Many video gaming magazines haven't given it a good rating for fuck's sake! ReLAX! It's going to be ok, you know why?
IT'S A FUCKING VIDEO GAME! Calm down, it's when your kid starts really getting into the works of Hitler and Stalin that you need to worry. If they start looking into Gene Simmons...panic. Ok, that's all you have to do now...panic and hope some government alphabet agency is going to step in and do your Nazi dirty work.
Ok, now granted, I'm not a gamer. In fact, I might have played three PC games in the entire time I've had this computer but I'm so tempted to check this game out to see if it follows the movies to any capacity. Why? I dig the series and how fucking taut the suspense was. It was like watching Prison Break and I don't see anyone bitching about that show.
Now, I think it's time that everyone heard this so gather 'round and let Lord Genocyde let you in on a little secret. It's so simple. In fact, it will break your heart to hear it in all it's simplicity.
GROW UP, GET A JOB, GET A DOG, GET A LIFE BUT, WHATEVER YOU DO, FOR FUCK'S SAKE IT'S A GODDAMNED VIDEO GAME!!! It's not something that's lurking in your closet waiting to take your children and I understand that you're worried about what it could teach them but that's what your fucking parenting skills were made for. If you're too goddamned lazy to sit down and teach them right from wrong, you shouldn't be breeding.
Next, you athiests need to severely fuck off. You piss and moan about your rights being violated whenever the fuckin subject is touched on well, let me ask you this, and I hope you've stopped to consider it.
Did you know I'm going to say a prayer in your presence? Did you know there isn't one fucking piece of enforceable legislation that can stop me? Did you ever really wake up long enough from your stupid self-deluded existence to think that maybe, just possibly, someone wishing you a Merry CHRISTMAS meant well? Oh, piss and moan, did I just step on your toes by mentioning that? Well guess what, I did it anyway. Know why? Because I mean well. I did it, it's over and I'll be on my way. If God doesn't exist, it won't piss you off.
You piss and moan about your rights being violated but you're quick to impose your own shit on others whether they like it or not. Separation of Church and State? Yeah, I'm all for it! One thing you forgot, though. It's only to keep a Church of America from forming! Yeah! No shit, look it up. Piss and moan some more and someone get me a damn violin!
Granted I know people worry. I know these days, people get scared easily but if you want to know any more of my views on it, just check out page three of the discussion forum on that thing and I guarantee you that should make it clear.
I think by the time this Rapture shindig goes down, a lot of people are gonna get left behind because they spent so much time worried about video games, music, movies or the way some emo kid is dressed. That might be a helluva thing to watch though. It would be like The Ultimate Cosmic Gag Reel.
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