Episode 7: One Night At The Atlantic

Welcome to the Atlantic Ocean. This is where part of the lost continent of Lemuria was submerged. What you see behind me is the final resting place of Atlantis, hence, the name of this particular bathtub behind me. The sky wasn't pretty that day, but that still didn't stop me from enjoying it.

Would you believe that there was some loony fuck actually FISHING off of that jetty? I'm not kidding. He'd asked me not to photograph him so I had to crop him out in the viewfinder of the camera.

Keep in mind, we're both wearing hoodies and shorts. Most would think that there was something wrong with that picture but, then again, try telling all the other loony people there that...for some reason, it's the style. We had a blast even with the wind coming off of the ocean. No pun intended

Night falling on the beach...the whole damn boardwalk just lit the hell up and it was beautiful.

Keep in mind, I'm used to concrete jungle and urban Sprawl...I have never walked in sand and my apologies to Johnny Depp for laughing about the way he walked in Pirates of The Caribbean

I could only walk so far and then I ditched my surf shoes, and dropped the camera equipment and my ass on the sand. My eyes are squinting from the wind blasting the hell out of me.

I thought this was one of the best pics I've ever taken. Period.

These pictures were actually not taken by me. Some boardwalk hand actually just hit the button twice and we didn't have anyone posing with us so we figured...what the hell?
My new camcorder's battery died on the beach in mid film. On top of that, there's still a helluva latency issue between the synchronization of the sound and video. Right now, I'm still shooting some shit and I'll end up editing it all down on the laptop for a big video later.
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