
Sunday, March 15, 2009

Episode 128: Keeping It Honest

So far, that last blog stirred up two comments on MySpace and a whole lot of email. The idiots who emailed with nothing intelligent to say, I deleted after reading only a few lines. Most of them with well-thought stances (even those in disagreement) I made replies.

Truth is, I've got lotsa weaponry in the house. I've got everything from a full-tang samurai sword to my guns and a refusal to give up any of them. I know some didn't like the wording of that last post. That's all well and good but had I actually gone on my usual pitch, I don't think it would have stirred people to response as effectively. The fact that some were stirred to response is a fairly big indication of one thing...The Truth Is Not Always Pretty.

When the anti-gun nuts went off on their tangent about The Right To Keep And Bear Arms being a collective right, not all of them were initially eloquent and I guarantee that there were times where they had to ditch eloquence to make the point. I felt that eloquence was not saving lives.

See, when a gun-wielding maniac comes in and starts shooting up your church or other place of worship, you see people dying because of his pure, vicious killer instinct. I'm sick of it. Presenting things in an intelligent fashion has helped to preach to the choir but it hasn't shaken the minds of those who wish to hide behind whatever excuse they can to hope they can survive by taking refuge in Stockholm Syndrome.

For those who responded, one and all, I ask only one question.

Where Is YOUR Line In The Sand?

When do you say "Enough is enough!" When do you quit leaving it in the hands of others and start actually attempting to do something? When do you quit tying hands that would actually do something if you won't?

I'm fine with those who do not take action so long as I am allowed to take action and don't have to put up with some stupid crap from them standing in my way or making ridiculous demands of me later. If you won't do something, shut up and get outta my way. If you're going to do something then do it and shut your mouth.

If ministers and congregation being shot to hell isn't where you're going to say, "Okay! That's it!" then perhaps you're comfy with being driven out of your favorite church next. Stay at home, do whatever you like but while your head's in the sand, your ass is up in the air and guess what, the gunmen are still on their way.

Now I'm not saying go lawless and turn this thing into the wild west again, I'm saying let's start getting the community ready to rise and resist armed criminals and even unarmed criminals. Let's start questioning with intensity and authority, everyone who asks you to surrender your freedom because of some perceived threat from inside. Screw licensing. No more begging the permission of the government for a RIGHT that is GUARANTEED by our Constitution and upheld as an INDIVIDUAL RIGHT by The United States Supreme Court. You do know that this is affirmed by our Declaration of Independence as an inalienable RIGHT to LIFE endowed by our Creator. At least I hope you do. If you needed three pieces of evidence, there they are. If you need more evidence, read The Founders Second Amendment by Stephen Halbrook.

With that out of the way, I feel it's time for us to really act locally. Let's provide a few community models. Let's start swarming the town hall meetings and TELL them that the situation is unacceptable. Let's propose our own solutions and tell them that those solutions proceed with or without their permission. The strategy is full-on aggressive standing with no backing down. Let them make their threats, they'll be empty and hollow. If the media refuses to cover people making their stand then we will give that media competition.

The time to get our shit together and act is long overdue. I'm not saying take the law into our own hands. I'm saying let's take a proactive step forward and keep taking those steps.

We cannot, nor will we ever be terrorized.


Blogger Tamara said...

loading up my laptop so I can come back and read this.LOL

2:34 PM  
Blogger Tamara said...

I hear ya!
We've been having ALOT of people just here lately shooting up the schools,and OMG they are going too far shooting up the churches.
It's getting crazy,right?

10:05 AM  

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