
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Episode 122: Paranoia

Let me fill you in on a little something. If you want to join PrisonPlanet.tv, by all means, I suggest it. Go look at all the information there and share it with others. It's Alex Jones' site and it's a really good site with plenty of video (downloadable, no less) audio and news. On top of that you can listen to his show via the web or even your phone. I listen through my iPhone most of the time. Then again from the previous entry you probably caught that.

If you're thinking about joining the discussion forum...let it go. I was there and recently bore witness to the biggest spiritual pissing contest I have ever seen in my life. Christians have non-Christians pegged as types who are disinformation agents for the New World Order and non-Christians are more frightened of the Christians than they are of those in positions of power that want them dead or enslaved.

Okay, I'm of the mind that there are people in positions of power that use us like cattle and would like to see about 80% pass on while the remaining 20% just serve them like a buncha good little monkeys. Anyone who agrees that there is something wrong and agrees that something needs to be done (like imposition of more oversight by the citizenry) is fine by me. I'm a Christian of about two years and I'm still discovering more and more about my faith by the day. It's no prerequisite of mine that you believe in what I believe to stand against traitors and those who would commit the act of treason against our constitution. My only prerequisite is that you keep an open mind. It's fine to question and make observations. Hell, that's something that's needed but a spiritual pissing contest is not.

I'd kindly pointed out that there's an old war tactic known as "Divide and Conquer." This tactic makes perfect sense when you need to end the whole mess. You simply get the people divided and blaming each other and then you move in for the endgame. The endgame usually doesn't take long. Once those people realize that the game is up, it's too late...they're pretty well fucked.

Needless to say, it did nothing to abate the bullshit. The bullshit floweth over in that instance. I figured I'd just ignore it until I began getting attacked myself.

My mistake was that thinking I had found a solid group of people who wanted to take their country back. No, they're just as divided. Sadly, this is where our country's headed.

If I'm right, over half of us will end up dead and the rest will end up microchipped and shoved away into some microcity somewhere. Families will be divided and the tyrants in government, finance and world politics will have their agenda completed. We will end up falling in line.

I still remember on September 11, 2001. I'd heard about children crying to their parents that the world was going to be blown up. I can't say that the concerns of those children weren't legitimate. I don't remember anyone being black, white, asian, mexican, christian, jewish, satanist, pagan or otherwise. That day, we were all Americans with one sentiment. As horrible as that day was, I would like to think it was also our best day. In the week that followed, I remember seeing the best of us step forward to help with the cleanups, rescues and comforting of those who needed it. Now, I see we have degenerated. We've been staring in the face of a new 9/11 for about two years since those in government stated that they felt another one coming. With that will come more legislation and our freedoms taking a backseat...if not the goddamn trunk. We'll probably see martial law all over. We'll probably see America get locked down and guns confiscated. Basically, we're going to have our asses handed to us.

Chances are, we probably deserve it. See, we need to rise up and take back our freedoms. We need to send a clear and intelligent message to our government that we're not going to give any more than what we have and we're taking that which we've given back. We don't deserve those freedoms, though. We've used them to get the wrong kind of legislation passed. We've used them to impose upon each other. Honestly, we deserve those FEMA camps that are now popping up in the news that we were told did not exist. We deserve the more losses. We deserve the government we've ended up with because of our lack of participation. We wanted security so badly, now, here it comes; one side of it's face, a kiss and the other, genocide.

We deserve all this, mostly, because of our paranoia first and our apathy next.


Blogger Tamara said...

You have me dieing to check that site out...BUT.....always a BUT in the way,huh?LOL
I MUST get my butt in high gear or I'm gona be late for work,my dear.Will be back after work to check this out and holler back at cha'.
That's me moving in fast motion now to make up time.UuGH!

6:06 AM  

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