The Further Misadventures Of DJ Genocyde or Building The Ultimate Broadcast Port Without Spending My Soul

The Construction Of The Bridge Of The USS Virus Is Coming Along Quite Nicely...More Upgrades To Follow

Of course the only thing added in this pic were two desktop mics and two popscreens. Popscreens serve only one real function. Elimination of kinetic noise. You know how when you're talking to someone over the phone and their Bs, Ps, Ts and breathing makes noise over your speaker that you're holding to your ear? Well the popscreen eliminates that and still some people wanna go through that damned thing.
After listening to playback of the World Rock Radio show I did (the first five hours that I recorded that is) I heard how immensely improved the sound quality had been. If I didn't know any better, you'd almost swear I was using pro-grade mics but I'm not...just cheap $3 desktop mics...with $10 screens hangin in front of them.
More of these esoteric qualities are soon to follow. I'm installing a second sound card, a gig of RAM, USB speaker system about the diameter of a CD, Two splitters so I can run both mics and two sets of headphones that are sure to give anyone what I've called the Leia Look. They're the kind of headphones AKA "cans" ...the type that swallow your ears whole.
With that gig stick of RAM in here, this thing will fly. After that I'll purchase a new motherboard and chipset and slap another gig in here. Prepare to go to Ludicrous Speed! For the moment, I'll settle for Hyperactive Speed. Once this thing goes big, it will no longer resemble the emachine I bought only a year and a half ago. No, it will be a menacing machine full of multicolored lights, switches and an esoteric assortment of programs which I will never be able to understand. Tooling along at Mach 9 on the Information Superhighway will be just fine by me. But where will I go? What happens next?
The time and money spent on this machine will prove the fools wrong. Sometimes, it's best to buy something as a base and then build from there. This thing will always be my emachine but modifications have been made. Nothing...and I repeat nothing stays "factory" with me for long. No, it must be meaner, faster, harder, and more of a monster than it has been or I'll simply grow bored with it.
I want to put this thing in a position to where when I begin broadcast the words I have planned to say have reached your speakers before I've had a chance to say them. must be fast!!!! That's must be quick.
For now, this is what it looks like and there's a small, innocent desklamp that now looks like something out of War Of The Worlds with it's two popscreens and flexnecks everywhere. In some instances, it can even look like a small metallic beast, with a heat ray to blast a hole in me...and two massive black arms to pound what's left of me. The two mics are hidden behind the popscreens like cannons and the drawers are filled with a various assortment of multicolored items to keep the clutter on my bridge at a minimum.
Wait til you tune in once all the components are in and everything's set up.
Wanna get on the show?
Wanna go live?
Ask me how!
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