It's Big Letters For This One....Because It's Fuckin Important
You Mean If I Serve, THIS Is The Way I'm Gonna Be Treated? BTW, Shade, Take A Look At This Before You Open Your Mouth To Me About How Essential This So-Called Military Protection Of Freedom Is Now.
Ok, I know I'm going to go off because I see things like this day in and day out and I have to say this is just plain disrespect.
The U.S. Military Handbook For Chaplains officially recognizes Wicca as a religion and furthermore, we have an amendment in our Constitution (if it hasn't been eradicated by The Patriot Act) that protects people's freedom of religion and the expression thereof.
The Department of Veteran's Affairs has no say so in the matter.
DJ Genocyde's Bottom Line: VA, You Will Respect This Soldier's Wish, plain and simple.
Bottom Line Illustration:
We've been suckered time and again into believing that "terrorists" are stripping us/threatening our Constitutional freedoms and that we must rush overseas to some godforsaken rock to dodge bullets, scuds, IEDs, Imperial Star Destroyers, Vorpal Bunnies and whatever other fictional threat they make up for us. Ok, well if you believe that then how about starting with this one soldier's wish. Isn't his freedom won? He went, he fought and he died to protect this particular freedom which he cherished and it's being forcefully stripped from him. That part is a fact. Now, the part that is speculation but only made fact by the answer to the issue of whether or not he died directly in the combat zone is will his family also get shafted out of benefits promised to them by our military. Anyway, I digress. Back to the point.
This war has been nothing less than insults on our fighting men and women. First, I don't agree with this war or any for that matter. It reflects poorly on us as a society BUT this man did what he believed in. Give it to him
I've seen this disrespect time and again. I've watched with a friend as her dad died as a result of cancer from the agent orange he got hosed down with during just one of two tours in Vietnam and the VA denied him his benefits. The VA hospital in Arizona even had the gall to deny the family his personal effects after he died. I've watched as people who come back from tours in Bosnia completely unstable get locked up in jails and prisons because the VA denied their use of mental health facilities and professionals. That's just two of the many things I've seen that I can recall and now I have to look at this? No! Unacceptable! Wrong!
I've had to watch as The Idiot Child stole two elections after going AWOL on his own National Guard unit to avoid going to Vietnam only to later let a House Resolution pass that makes it mandatory for every man and woman ages 18 - 42 now serve two years in the military. I'm not lying here, it's now compulsory.
Ok, now, let's see if I'm CRYSTAL Stinkin Clear on this. First, the VA denies rights and benefits at will despite what's in the Last Will And Testament that every soldier writes prior to being deployed much less the fact that the contracts are now no longer legal and binding on their end. That's right, once you sign up, it doesn't matter if that contract says two years, the laws now state that they can keep you as long as they like and without justification.
We have been made to believe that we need more controls and levels of fear under our Federal Government (and if you don't believe me, just ask yourself when the Color Coded Alert System has ever gone into the green meaning we're all safe)and finally the clincher here (and people, feel free to throw in anything I've missed) It's all compulsory...you have no choice.
No way!
The Very Least This soldier has earned is that symbol if he wants it. You don't have to like it but understand, it's going to be there and if you're so afraid of seeing it then the solution is simple, don't look at his particular Memorial. It's not yours. It's none of your business. It's bad enough our rights as citizens are being eroded more quickly than the Louisiana Coastline during Hurricane Katrina but still, our soldiers signed up as volunteers with that concept that they were defending all freedoms. Is it their fault that they've been sent out somewhere to kill off entire generations? No, not at all so it's about time we quit spitting on them and give them the last few things they are Owed by the Government and Us as The People.
And THAT's My Bottom Line
Ok, I know I'm going to go off because I see things like this day in and day out and I have to say this is just plain disrespect.
The U.S. Military Handbook For Chaplains officially recognizes Wicca as a religion and furthermore, we have an amendment in our Constitution (if it hasn't been eradicated by The Patriot Act) that protects people's freedom of religion and the expression thereof.
The Department of Veteran's Affairs has no say so in the matter.
DJ Genocyde's Bottom Line: VA, You Will Respect This Soldier's Wish, plain and simple.
Bottom Line Illustration:
We've been suckered time and again into believing that "terrorists" are stripping us/threatening our Constitutional freedoms and that we must rush overseas to some godforsaken rock to dodge bullets, scuds, IEDs, Imperial Star Destroyers, Vorpal Bunnies and whatever other fictional threat they make up for us. Ok, well if you believe that then how about starting with this one soldier's wish. Isn't his freedom won? He went, he fought and he died to protect this particular freedom which he cherished and it's being forcefully stripped from him. That part is a fact. Now, the part that is speculation but only made fact by the answer to the issue of whether or not he died directly in the combat zone is will his family also get shafted out of benefits promised to them by our military. Anyway, I digress. Back to the point.
This war has been nothing less than insults on our fighting men and women. First, I don't agree with this war or any for that matter. It reflects poorly on us as a society BUT this man did what he believed in. Give it to him
I've seen this disrespect time and again. I've watched with a friend as her dad died as a result of cancer from the agent orange he got hosed down with during just one of two tours in Vietnam and the VA denied him his benefits. The VA hospital in Arizona even had the gall to deny the family his personal effects after he died. I've watched as people who come back from tours in Bosnia completely unstable get locked up in jails and prisons because the VA denied their use of mental health facilities and professionals. That's just two of the many things I've seen that I can recall and now I have to look at this? No! Unacceptable! Wrong!
I've had to watch as The Idiot Child stole two elections after going AWOL on his own National Guard unit to avoid going to Vietnam only to later let a House Resolution pass that makes it mandatory for every man and woman ages 18 - 42 now serve two years in the military. I'm not lying here, it's now compulsory.
Ok, now, let's see if I'm CRYSTAL Stinkin Clear on this. First, the VA denies rights and benefits at will despite what's in the Last Will And Testament that every soldier writes prior to being deployed much less the fact that the contracts are now no longer legal and binding on their end. That's right, once you sign up, it doesn't matter if that contract says two years, the laws now state that they can keep you as long as they like and without justification.
We have been made to believe that we need more controls and levels of fear under our Federal Government (and if you don't believe me, just ask yourself when the Color Coded Alert System has ever gone into the green meaning we're all safe)and finally the clincher here (and people, feel free to throw in anything I've missed) It's all compulsory...you have no choice.
No way!
The Very Least This soldier has earned is that symbol if he wants it. You don't have to like it but understand, it's going to be there and if you're so afraid of seeing it then the solution is simple, don't look at his particular Memorial. It's not yours. It's none of your business. It's bad enough our rights as citizens are being eroded more quickly than the Louisiana Coastline during Hurricane Katrina but still, our soldiers signed up as volunteers with that concept that they were defending all freedoms. Is it their fault that they've been sent out somewhere to kill off entire generations? No, not at all so it's about time we quit spitting on them and give them the last few things they are Owed by the Government and Us as The People.
And THAT's My Bottom Line
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