Damien Cross Interviews Lord Genocyde
I've often wondered if me and my alter-ego were one and the same. As I found out, very rudely, we are not. I have since decided to embark upon the surreal trip of interviewing my alter-ego and presenting it to you, completely uncensored.
His Name is Lord Genocyde. He is the self-proclaimed Host, Main Event, Showstopper, Lord and Emporer of The Genocydal Empyre v2.0 and boasts one of the most eclectic music collections among those of his peers.
This is what transpired...
Based On Actual Events
Damien Cross: Lord Genocyde, glad you could do this and let me post it. Maybe we'll finally clear a little air for once.
Lord Genocyde: Yeah, right, whatever. Look, let's get one thing straight sport. There's no fuckin' air to clear ok? Nobody gets an explanation. I don't owe a goddamned thing to a goddamned soul unless they hopped onboard to toss something into the mix and when those people have, I owe them a lot and I'll continue fuckin' givin' where it's due. There have been plenty who've stood in my way...still are. Don't worry your fuckin' bald-ass head...they'll never know why they'll have thier asses blasted back at them. I find it's pretty convenient to forget but they don't get that luxury when they fuck with me.
DC: Ok, it's apparent you're pretty ruffled about something. Why don't we address that? Who pisses you off.
LG: They know goddamned good and well who they are. If they don't have any idea it's because they don't have any sense of honor or responsibility. Look, when something I do fucks over someone else, hey, they not only get an apology of utmost sincerety but they get whatever else I can offer them. I do my fuckin best to make amends on anything I've done but when it's some cowardly fucktard who uses their selective amnesia, they just get steamrolled and humiliated. There's no secret to me. I don't hold a fuckin thing back and I know the number one thing that always helps put shit into perspective.
DC: And what's that?
LG: That some run nothing...not one single goddamned thing other than their mouths. Some people, and I'll spare them a shred of dignity by just saying this, are living examples that post-birth abortions should be made legal fuckin procedures.
DC: Ok, with that out of the way, let's move onto some other things like, what makes Lord Genocyde tick?
LG: Well, Lord Genocyde feels like this. If it's fun and appeals to my hedonism, I'm going to fuckin rip in and go for it. The only rule I have is Never At The Expense of Others. I don't go around just straight up jackin someone unless they deserve it. Truth is, I like to just do off-the-wall shit for no other reason than just to do it. It's a value that most others have lost. They just don't have fun anymore.
DC: How so?
LG: Yuppie fuckin schmucks keep putting the damn kibosh on it, you retard! Look around! For fuck's sake, it's like looking at all these asshats getting all twisted up over Nativity scenes this time of year. I'm not much on them but the reason I don't go off my goddamn chain about it is the fact that I just don't care what others are doing. I don't give two fucks. I'm doing other shit that's far more important to me and nothing less. While I'm busy doing that, when do I have time to come around, fucking you off because of shit that's your business?
DC: Just recently you took a four-week leave of absence from Krush Network.
LG: Fuckin A Right!
DC: But why did you do that?
LG: Look, kid, what you don't understand is I have shit to do. A lot of what I do can be taxing on your damn body and mind if you just let me constantly run riot each and every time I wanted to. Truth is, shit, even I need to rest sometime. I've got ideas that have never been instituted because of some teenage bilgecrapping shitweasel just camping all my time. Adulation, while being a fuckin awesome thing at times is a cross that I bear and hey, gotta put it down sometime or collapse under the weight. I've had options I've needed to weigh lately. I can accept that four months of work got flushed down the shitter and commitments that I've made are STILL left unfulfilled but when I saw that it's pretty much unnoticed, I thought it best that I walk away from the bullshit for awhile. Let's face it, there's a whole lotta backbiting going on that I don't want any part of and I'd rather just deal with my own shit for now and then worry about all the other stuff later.
DC: You've been a huge proponent of the station itself. You used to show a lot of support, why did that start to wane?
LG: At first, I was handling everything myself. I set up all interviews and promo...it was all more low-tech then and it's not really gotten high-tech in the past year but anyway, I was doing it all and business hadn't picked up yet. When I tried to show support for other DJs. When I tried for the unity that others blabbed so much about, I was accused of being coerced into doing shit. That pissed me off. I blasted off on them about that. Never a single apology for the accusations which had me in a fury and, of course, work wasted. Got appreciation from those I supported and that, to me was enough to show me who had the nuts but no apologies, just excuses. I don't do excuses. I did them when I didn't know any better on Hear The Pulse but now, there are no acceptable excuses. Everyone on that station started out with my full respect but now, I know where I stand there and if someone feels like I'm upstaging them they need to just do their damned shows better. Some that I've tried to help, they've just done nothing but run their mouths. Then they wonder why I don't tell them much or do anything at all for them.
DC: Can you describe one of those instances?
LG: Sure, let's go back about almost a year. Bara and Pet, they had this awesome morning show called London's Kalling. I still listen to them. Even though they play country and some really off the wall shit I don't dig, I still listen to them. They have a helluva show. Well, something happened with them and they ended up being let go. I'll try to keep this as short as possible. I decided to pop on and punk their fans to stir up a little fan support. As it was starting to work, I was really wrapping my brain around it. I thought, Hey! This could be the start of something awesome! but leave it to one person to start the ball rolling. A third party came in and destroyed it all. Then, there were people on the forums at Krush saying that Bara and Pet pushed me to do it. Now, let's get one thing straight. Lord Genocyde don't do what Lord Genocyde don't wanna do. YOU don't change that. Fuckin' NO one does...ever. Now, that's the spot I was in. I felt like hell but naturally, hey, yanno a little help might have been nice but I got excuses, excuses, excuses and a load of bullshit. When you hear people say Lord Genocyde sides with the underdog, it's not bullshit. LK (London's Kalling) must have moved from station to station before they finally came back. My respect for a lot of people on Krush was shaken. I knew the DJ unity bit was a lot of lip service with no action to back it up. Sadly, with a lot of the DJs I've met over the years, there's a scant few that still believe in it and work toward it.
DC: The Three-Day Impyrial Death March was partially a move toward that, wasn't it?
LG: Oh yeah and that was another huge thing that showed me who was still left in the DJ unity army. These days, I focus on my own show, those who support it and the smooth running of it all. When my show runs smoothly, then the station gets that. I put the name on some things like banners and whatnot, that's the station support. Bottom Line is...the show must run smoothly even if we don't get the big interview or we get the big break so that's where the focus now lies.
DC: What are some shows you like?
LG: London's Kalling and VM Underground...big time. Those two shows are a real asset to internet radio. They have it all, personality, they're entertaining and even though the music's incidental, they just goddamn rule. Mongo's Blues Show rules because I dig the blues. Great beer-drinkin music and he's got that mellow vibe that I need sometimes. Doc's show is alright. Reminds me a lot of 106.1FM which is my favorite rock station. Difference is, he actually has some shit that isn't played on traditional FM. Cru...well...Disciples of Rock is cool because Cru is so laughable and that's what makes it entertaining. He has great tunes and he's always humiliating himself for the entertainment of his people. That's an admirable quality in a DJ. Zeph's show has a lotta damn music that I love...the dark shit and I know her and her hubby, Lycan (of The Lycan's Den) and they're good people. Lycan's show has some pretty awesome rock and what you hear is pretty much what you get. No bullshit. I like that. Then again, this names just a few.
DC: Where does the line between you and me end?
LG: Fucked if I know. That's anyone's guess. That's all I really have to say. No further comments. I gotta jet. I got an interview with Asylum Magazine to do.
*End of Interview*
His Name is Lord Genocyde. He is the self-proclaimed Host, Main Event, Showstopper, Lord and Emporer of The Genocydal Empyre v2.0 and boasts one of the most eclectic music collections among those of his peers.
This is what transpired...
Based On Actual Events
Damien Cross: Lord Genocyde, glad you could do this and let me post it. Maybe we'll finally clear a little air for once.
Lord Genocyde: Yeah, right, whatever. Look, let's get one thing straight sport. There's no fuckin' air to clear ok? Nobody gets an explanation. I don't owe a goddamned thing to a goddamned soul unless they hopped onboard to toss something into the mix and when those people have, I owe them a lot and I'll continue fuckin' givin' where it's due. There have been plenty who've stood in my way...still are. Don't worry your fuckin' bald-ass head...they'll never know why they'll have thier asses blasted back at them. I find it's pretty convenient to forget but they don't get that luxury when they fuck with me.
DC: Ok, it's apparent you're pretty ruffled about something. Why don't we address that? Who pisses you off.
LG: They know goddamned good and well who they are. If they don't have any idea it's because they don't have any sense of honor or responsibility. Look, when something I do fucks over someone else, hey, they not only get an apology of utmost sincerety but they get whatever else I can offer them. I do my fuckin best to make amends on anything I've done but when it's some cowardly fucktard who uses their selective amnesia, they just get steamrolled and humiliated. There's no secret to me. I don't hold a fuckin thing back and I know the number one thing that always helps put shit into perspective.
DC: And what's that?
LG: That some run nothing...not one single goddamned thing other than their mouths. Some people, and I'll spare them a shred of dignity by just saying this, are living examples that post-birth abortions should be made legal fuckin procedures.
DC: Ok, with that out of the way, let's move onto some other things like, what makes Lord Genocyde tick?
LG: Well, Lord Genocyde feels like this. If it's fun and appeals to my hedonism, I'm going to fuckin rip in and go for it. The only rule I have is Never At The Expense of Others. I don't go around just straight up jackin someone unless they deserve it. Truth is, I like to just do off-the-wall shit for no other reason than just to do it. It's a value that most others have lost. They just don't have fun anymore.
DC: How so?
LG: Yuppie fuckin schmucks keep putting the damn kibosh on it, you retard! Look around! For fuck's sake, it's like looking at all these asshats getting all twisted up over Nativity scenes this time of year. I'm not much on them but the reason I don't go off my goddamn chain about it is the fact that I just don't care what others are doing. I don't give two fucks. I'm doing other shit that's far more important to me and nothing less. While I'm busy doing that, when do I have time to come around, fucking you off because of shit that's your business?
DC: Just recently you took a four-week leave of absence from Krush Network.
LG: Fuckin A Right!
DC: But why did you do that?
LG: Look, kid, what you don't understand is I have shit to do. A lot of what I do can be taxing on your damn body and mind if you just let me constantly run riot each and every time I wanted to. Truth is, shit, even I need to rest sometime. I've got ideas that have never been instituted because of some teenage bilgecrapping shitweasel just camping all my time. Adulation, while being a fuckin awesome thing at times is a cross that I bear and hey, gotta put it down sometime or collapse under the weight. I've had options I've needed to weigh lately. I can accept that four months of work got flushed down the shitter and commitments that I've made are STILL left unfulfilled but when I saw that it's pretty much unnoticed, I thought it best that I walk away from the bullshit for awhile. Let's face it, there's a whole lotta backbiting going on that I don't want any part of and I'd rather just deal with my own shit for now and then worry about all the other stuff later.
DC: You've been a huge proponent of the station itself. You used to show a lot of support, why did that start to wane?
LG: At first, I was handling everything myself. I set up all interviews and promo...it was all more low-tech then and it's not really gotten high-tech in the past year but anyway, I was doing it all and business hadn't picked up yet. When I tried to show support for other DJs. When I tried for the unity that others blabbed so much about, I was accused of being coerced into doing shit. That pissed me off. I blasted off on them about that. Never a single apology for the accusations which had me in a fury and, of course, work wasted. Got appreciation from those I supported and that, to me was enough to show me who had the nuts but no apologies, just excuses. I don't do excuses. I did them when I didn't know any better on Hear The Pulse but now, there are no acceptable excuses. Everyone on that station started out with my full respect but now, I know where I stand there and if someone feels like I'm upstaging them they need to just do their damned shows better. Some that I've tried to help, they've just done nothing but run their mouths. Then they wonder why I don't tell them much or do anything at all for them.
DC: Can you describe one of those instances?
LG: Sure, let's go back about almost a year. Bara and Pet, they had this awesome morning show called London's Kalling. I still listen to them. Even though they play country and some really off the wall shit I don't dig, I still listen to them. They have a helluva show. Well, something happened with them and they ended up being let go. I'll try to keep this as short as possible. I decided to pop on and punk their fans to stir up a little fan support. As it was starting to work, I was really wrapping my brain around it. I thought, Hey! This could be the start of something awesome! but leave it to one person to start the ball rolling. A third party came in and destroyed it all. Then, there were people on the forums at Krush saying that Bara and Pet pushed me to do it. Now, let's get one thing straight. Lord Genocyde don't do what Lord Genocyde don't wanna do. YOU don't change that. Fuckin' NO one does...ever. Now, that's the spot I was in. I felt like hell but naturally, hey, yanno a little help might have been nice but I got excuses, excuses, excuses and a load of bullshit. When you hear people say Lord Genocyde sides with the underdog, it's not bullshit. LK (London's Kalling) must have moved from station to station before they finally came back. My respect for a lot of people on Krush was shaken. I knew the DJ unity bit was a lot of lip service with no action to back it up. Sadly, with a lot of the DJs I've met over the years, there's a scant few that still believe in it and work toward it.
DC: The Three-Day Impyrial Death March was partially a move toward that, wasn't it?
LG: Oh yeah and that was another huge thing that showed me who was still left in the DJ unity army. These days, I focus on my own show, those who support it and the smooth running of it all. When my show runs smoothly, then the station gets that. I put the name on some things like banners and whatnot, that's the station support. Bottom Line is...the show must run smoothly even if we don't get the big interview or we get the big break so that's where the focus now lies.
DC: What are some shows you like?
LG: London's Kalling and VM Underground...big time. Those two shows are a real asset to internet radio. They have it all, personality, they're entertaining and even though the music's incidental, they just goddamn rule. Mongo's Blues Show rules because I dig the blues. Great beer-drinkin music and he's got that mellow vibe that I need sometimes. Doc's show is alright. Reminds me a lot of 106.1FM which is my favorite rock station. Difference is, he actually has some shit that isn't played on traditional FM. Cru...well...Disciples of Rock is cool because Cru is so laughable and that's what makes it entertaining. He has great tunes and he's always humiliating himself for the entertainment of his people. That's an admirable quality in a DJ. Zeph's show has a lotta damn music that I love...the dark shit and I know her and her hubby, Lycan (of The Lycan's Den) and they're good people. Lycan's show has some pretty awesome rock and what you hear is pretty much what you get. No bullshit. I like that. Then again, this names just a few.
DC: Where does the line between you and me end?
LG: Fucked if I know. That's anyone's guess. That's all I really have to say. No further comments. I gotta jet. I got an interview with Asylum Magazine to do.
*End of Interview*
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