
Saturday, April 12, 2008

The Finish-The-Quote Challenge (Blogger Exclusive)

Who posted this first? Tammi. It took me a little while to decide on what I would use in a response. I still haven't decided but here goes nothing...

I dream...of really horrible things. Long story.
I cannot stand...Fake and apathetic people who honestly think that I'm going to stop doing what I do because they can't do what they want to do based on their social status. I work, I pay my bills and if I don't owe you money, I'm not your kid or I'm not fucking you then I don't owe you an explanation. End of Story.
I stopped...giving a crap what others thought of me. Hate me all you want if that's what you like but take it elsewhere. If you accept me for who I am then that's cool. I'd rather have a few true friends than many false ones
I wish...larger groups of people would quit taking shit. There are people out there fucking you around in just about every aspect of your life both financially and socially. Know why they're doing it? Because they can. Know why they can? Because you let them with your "Oh but that's just the way it is and nothing's going to change it" mentality.
I could...be a real monster if that's what you wanted
I would...never drive through another fog patch again.
I don't understand...how so many people out there just don't give a damn enough to change things when, if they just took a few minutes to organize, they could.
I yell...just to blast it all out and then I'm alright.
I get aggravated...when people state their opinion as fact and then act like I'm simply not to question them just because they're saying so.
I'm shocked...that there are many of us working our asses off but we're not able to support ourselves while others out there are having that living handed to them and they've got it better than those of us that are working. Wonder why some won't work? Don't be shocked when those people tell you "I can't afford to work!" I'm not making this up. Sadly, neither are they.
I dislike...our troops are being denied their benefits to which they're entitled! Weren't they promised that when they signed up? It's theirs, give it to them. If V.A. Hospitals are so understaffed then perhaps it's time to staff them.
I can't wait...to get the fuck outta here and head for Jersey!
I sense...a disturbance in The Schwartz.


Blogger Tamara said...

Ohhh snaps!
I must say! You out-did me on this list.Or is it that YOU said what I REALLY wanted to say,but didn't know how to quite put it into words!LOL
Oh,I've been meaning to tell you...hahahahha....I was just looking at your movie faves and noticed that I simply can't get through 5 minutes of 90% of your movies you like.LOL....Can you see us in a video store together argueing over movies?OK,about all I really dug as Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas..only cuz I've had many days like that in the past.PAST! PTL!
But I got so tickled imagining you with your little Matrix movie and me and my chic flick Georgia Rule movie....having it out in the video store after we've reached the movie limit,that is.hahaha
Oh well....to each his own,huh?(giggle)
Props for the V.A. Hospital suggestion by the way!

4:58 AM  

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