The Genocydal Empyre v2.0....With Crew!

Get Ready For More Rock Than A Crackhouse...And It's Legal!!!!

Today's the day....CREW! Finally! I've got crew!
Ok, actually, I lie. I've HAD crew but this one won't be looming around behind the scenes. Nope, she'll be right in the forefront with me. Her name's Stacy (aka DJ Rayne) and I've known her for 11 years or so. I've known her since she was 12 and every passing year of that friendship has had lots of ups, a few downs but mostly it's rocked.
Maine has been nothing but trouble for her. So-called friends dicking her around (when Genocyde has a shit day, you know why) and people she's done so much for just basically telling her to fuck off...well, what else did I do? I'm a lonely half-life. While you may not think it to look at me it's true. Here in this town there are people who simply detest my existence. That's fine by me but it's a real bummer because when you get right down to it, there's just nothing to fraggin do in this town. Nothing to do unless your intention is to go to bars night after night, get loaded and watch the most blissfully ignorant people sit around, drunkenly telling thier personal war stories. Let's face it, that's depressing. It's why I love my cats so much.
There's Zeph and Lycan but damned if they're not day people. Other than that, not really many in the way of friends here. Not many know this but living alone with only my was driving me to the depths of insanity. Sure, the computer was here and plenty of Creatures O' The Night as well as Crew to talk to but let's face it. I'm still somewhat human and some of that nature stuff still lurks within me. I like getting out on occasion. I like going for walks, checking out the new music that's come in and just basically taking in some fresh air. Bottom Line: I don't like spending my every waking moment on this thing.
With a friend in trouble and no one where she was to really turn to and trust, I did the only thing I know to do, kill two birds with one stone. I could alleviate some of this lonliness by having a companion...a night person like myself, and at the same time, I could give her a place away from all that crap. I offered her a place to stay with me. I'd do it for anyone to be honest. With her, me, Lycan, Zeph, and their kids living here, I'm maxed for room. Now, maybe I won't have to be online so much just to have someone to stinkin talk to.
I have to say this for the rest of my crew. Cerny, Bunny, Aldreal, Autumn, Zeph, Lycan, Bara, Pet, and even VM (sorry if I left anyone out but I've been up all night with my brain taxed to shit and on top of that there's no prospect of sleep until possibly late this afternoon) they've all been great. Even though some of them have their own shows, their advice and even hanging in there and dealing with my constant Impyrial Sized Bullshit has been amazing. Some found they couldn't take it and I don't blame them. I'd walk on me too if I'd acted like that to me. There are even days when I'd say, "Just quit being a prick and pull your head outta your ass!" to me but the truth is when it comes down to the bareknuckled and nasty...they have been the gnarliest. Everyone and I mean every goddamned one of them is going on the Official Website when it's up and running and each of them will get their props outta this deal. Damn right.
I wish I could honestly count everyone in the vast and growing audience and put them on the page, they're crew as well. They provide the feedback, they stay for long hours. They scream cheers when their World Of Warcraft faction kicks the other's asses because my music charged them up and pushed them on...all pyrrhic victories aside.
Then there's DJ Rayne. Some of you have seen the pics of the setup (scroll below) and you've heard about the massive upgrades to the machine...why were there two mics? Why were there two sets of headphones? Co-host baby!
I'm sick and tired of The Genocydal Empyre v2.0 always being about me. It's about time that everyone involved got thiers. I'm gonna stagnate if it's just me. Same old dick and fart jokes, same old ranting and raving and carrying on about the conspiracy to brainwash the masses into submission by essentially bending their will to ultimately make us police each other...David Icke's prison without the bars, so to speak. No, I need something fresh, exciting and an unpredictable element and a co-host would do just that. Once I get this thing running well enough, a couple of Skype-hosts may be in order. It might even be you someday. Got what it takes?
The Genocydal Empyre v2.0 has always been spontaneous, unruly, uncensored, unapologetic and unflinchingly real. Slowly, over time I've noticed the trend and I need new ideas. Merchandising was just one of those ideas but now, I'm looking down a path that offers no quarter and asks for none. This is an ominous assignment with extreme overtones of personal danger. It's an affirmation of everything right and true in the National Character; a gross mental salute to the fantastic possibilities of life in this nation...but only for those with true grit. And we are chock full of that, man!
Once World Rock Radio goes full tilt, I expect the show to be bigger, louder, and more insane than any before and damned well any after it.
I started doing this on March 28th of last year. I made compromises. Compromises to my show and my own integrity, not truly knowing what it was upon which I was sitting. I regret making those compromises but I do not regret taking the final stand and telling that shit stain of a DJ/Station Manager to go get fucked.
This was a hobby at first. Now it's a machine...and it's motion is perpetual....unstoppable. Goddammit, I love every second. When I'm tired, I fake the energy. Most can never tell the difference but I'll tell you this, if you can't tell....believe it. Just hit play and enjoy the ride. You won't get it anywhere else. I give to you, my loyal listeners and readers and subjects.
In the future, I hope I'm able to give more back.
Rocking In The Police States Of Amerika,
DJ Genocyde
Ok, actually, I lie. I've HAD crew but this one won't be looming around behind the scenes. Nope, she'll be right in the forefront with me. Her name's Stacy (aka DJ Rayne) and I've known her for 11 years or so. I've known her since she was 12 and every passing year of that friendship has had lots of ups, a few downs but mostly it's rocked.
Maine has been nothing but trouble for her. So-called friends dicking her around (when Genocyde has a shit day, you know why) and people she's done so much for just basically telling her to fuck off...well, what else did I do? I'm a lonely half-life. While you may not think it to look at me it's true. Here in this town there are people who simply detest my existence. That's fine by me but it's a real bummer because when you get right down to it, there's just nothing to fraggin do in this town. Nothing to do unless your intention is to go to bars night after night, get loaded and watch the most blissfully ignorant people sit around, drunkenly telling thier personal war stories. Let's face it, that's depressing. It's why I love my cats so much.
There's Zeph and Lycan but damned if they're not day people. Other than that, not really many in the way of friends here. Not many know this but living alone with only my was driving me to the depths of insanity. Sure, the computer was here and plenty of Creatures O' The Night as well as Crew to talk to but let's face it. I'm still somewhat human and some of that nature stuff still lurks within me. I like getting out on occasion. I like going for walks, checking out the new music that's come in and just basically taking in some fresh air. Bottom Line: I don't like spending my every waking moment on this thing.
With a friend in trouble and no one where she was to really turn to and trust, I did the only thing I know to do, kill two birds with one stone. I could alleviate some of this lonliness by having a companion...a night person like myself, and at the same time, I could give her a place away from all that crap. I offered her a place to stay with me. I'd do it for anyone to be honest. With her, me, Lycan, Zeph, and their kids living here, I'm maxed for room. Now, maybe I won't have to be online so much just to have someone to stinkin talk to.
I have to say this for the rest of my crew. Cerny, Bunny, Aldreal, Autumn, Zeph, Lycan, Bara, Pet, and even VM (sorry if I left anyone out but I've been up all night with my brain taxed to shit and on top of that there's no prospect of sleep until possibly late this afternoon) they've all been great. Even though some of them have their own shows, their advice and even hanging in there and dealing with my constant Impyrial Sized Bullshit has been amazing. Some found they couldn't take it and I don't blame them. I'd walk on me too if I'd acted like that to me. There are even days when I'd say, "Just quit being a prick and pull your head outta your ass!" to me but the truth is when it comes down to the bareknuckled and nasty...they have been the gnarliest. Everyone and I mean every goddamned one of them is going on the Official Website when it's up and running and each of them will get their props outta this deal. Damn right.
I wish I could honestly count everyone in the vast and growing audience and put them on the page, they're crew as well. They provide the feedback, they stay for long hours. They scream cheers when their World Of Warcraft faction kicks the other's asses because my music charged them up and pushed them on...all pyrrhic victories aside.
Then there's DJ Rayne. Some of you have seen the pics of the setup (scroll below) and you've heard about the massive upgrades to the machine...why were there two mics? Why were there two sets of headphones? Co-host baby!
I'm sick and tired of The Genocydal Empyre v2.0 always being about me. It's about time that everyone involved got thiers. I'm gonna stagnate if it's just me. Same old dick and fart jokes, same old ranting and raving and carrying on about the conspiracy to brainwash the masses into submission by essentially bending their will to ultimately make us police each other...David Icke's prison without the bars, so to speak. No, I need something fresh, exciting and an unpredictable element and a co-host would do just that. Once I get this thing running well enough, a couple of Skype-hosts may be in order. It might even be you someday. Got what it takes?
The Genocydal Empyre v2.0 has always been spontaneous, unruly, uncensored, unapologetic and unflinchingly real. Slowly, over time I've noticed the trend and I need new ideas. Merchandising was just one of those ideas but now, I'm looking down a path that offers no quarter and asks for none. This is an ominous assignment with extreme overtones of personal danger. It's an affirmation of everything right and true in the National Character; a gross mental salute to the fantastic possibilities of life in this nation...but only for those with true grit. And we are chock full of that, man!
Once World Rock Radio goes full tilt, I expect the show to be bigger, louder, and more insane than any before and damned well any after it.
I started doing this on March 28th of last year. I made compromises. Compromises to my show and my own integrity, not truly knowing what it was upon which I was sitting. I regret making those compromises but I do not regret taking the final stand and telling that shit stain of a DJ/Station Manager to go get fucked.
This was a hobby at first. Now it's a machine...and it's motion is perpetual....unstoppable. Goddammit, I love every second. When I'm tired, I fake the energy. Most can never tell the difference but I'll tell you this, if you can't tell....believe it. Just hit play and enjoy the ride. You won't get it anywhere else. I give to you, my loyal listeners and readers and subjects.
In the future, I hope I'm able to give more back.
Rocking In The Police States Of Amerika,
DJ Genocyde
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