The Power Or Consumerism

See The Finger That's Hanging...Read On!

Yeah, that's me smugly flaunting my own power voice and button finger of the almighty consumer.
Why you may ask? Let me refer you to the Sony/BMG DRM Fiasco.
This was where SunComm/MediaMax in association with Sony, BMG, EMI and others decided to resort to criminal behavior in order to stop it.
How? They began putting root kit software that secretly downloaded to your computer even if you were an innocent buyer seeking to simply play the music on your computer. Well, after the blogosphere and it's fellowship cried out for relief, Antivirus software developers made a downloadable patch to let you know if you had these root kits. They wouldn't get rid of them, they'd just detect them and tell you they were there.
What's that mean to you? Well, let's get to the heart of The Root Kit and why it's criminal.
Hackers created root kits years ago that secretly downloaded to your computer...once it was downloaded, it installed. Real ninja-like kinda stuff. Once it installed, this would kick a backdoor on your computer open in order to let the perpetrator have free reign.
Imagine the tower as your home and some malignant perp removes the backdoor and you know nothing about it. Well that means that they can come in, look around, take stuff, put more stuff in and essentially ruin your home if they wanted to. Yep, this can also happen to your computer.
Now, back to computers. When The Computer Fraud And Abuse Act of 1986 came out, that made these kinds of things illegal. Now that it's been made illegal, we thought the use would only be left to criminals right?
Enter Sony/BMG/EMI and an assortment of other corporations did, much to the chagrin of some of their artists and large populaces of consumers, was use this, now telling us that we now have to pay with our systems in order to protect their bottom line. The problem, they took it one step farther.
Another analogy: Imagine ordering a pizza. The pizza delivery guy brings you the pizza but comes straight in, grabs a beer from your fridge, switches your favorite show that's been on for the past thirty minutes to something lame and pretty much has the run of your house and then kicks the back door clean off and does not bother asking you. Being the street savvy person you are, you'd throw him out. He does not take this lying down. Upon leaving your abode, he trashes the place and then leaves, leaving you with a chaotic house and a backdoor that no longer exists.
This is what would happen with your computer but to give it to you exact would mean simply this; any attempt at removing the rogue program will disable your CD/DVD drives, rendering them useless under any capacity and essentially leaving you to pay out more hefty sums to have the computer or parts replaced. Guess what? You still don't have a backdoor anymore.
Well we cried out for relief. They began giving us the End User License Agreement, upping the stakes. Even if you say "No" to the EULA, it forgets that you don't want this crap program on your computer and installs it anyway, giving you the illusion that you're saying no to the program itself. Well, under the EULA, you lose any rights to any digital copies that you made. If you have the CD in MP3 format or if you made a copy of the CD for whatever purpose, you trash any and all the minute your original copy of the CD is lost, stolen or damaged. This is just one of the many things in the list that's extensive.
Class action suits against them brought a settlement. Great. Problem. There are still CDs being pressed and shipped with the software on it.
Bring this thing around fullcircle with my index finger and The Awesome Power of Choice In Consumerism.
I'm a net DJ and shortly after becoming one, I subscribed to BMG as a means of getting music for my show instead of illegally downloading it due to the fact that BMG's prices were so cheap that it would help me in keeping up to date. I bought several discs from them, fulfilling my agreement before I figured out that thier selection sucked and all I was going to get out of them were a ton of metal bands I didn't particularly care for. After getting into the underground bands on MySpace, well over half of them were sending me their selections for free in exchange for promotion and I'm loving this stuff more than what the mainstream had to offer.
I got locked out of my yahoo account...this is where the emails from BMG were going. Forming a new one, my former card that I was using was expiring and I didn't know. They sent me something in the mail saying so but I didn't pay it any mind, let the thing expire and it would save me the trouble of having to cancel the account myself. They sent me something in the mail today stating that they'd tried to send me this month's featured selection but the card wasn't accepting.
Well, I see they just don't get it. I logged onto the BMG site and where cancelling the account was easy before, I had to jump through hoops like some dog and pony show to cancel the account but I finally got it, letting them know that I'm proudly boycotting them altogether.
Take that you backward thinking morons!
I'm constantly ranting about how much power we hold. This is just one of many illustrations. When we quit giving our money out, they have no choice but to listen to us. Why? Without our money they are nothing. Start taking back your authority today.
In other news, further proof that the Recording Industry Artists of America (RIAA) has become less concerned with protecting the copyrights of their artists and more concerned with money, they are now suing satellite radio for their podcasts because they're downloadable. It's not enough that the Napster victory was won on their behalf but they sued until WinMX, Morpheus, Kazaa, Ares, and Bearshare were casualties as well. I've been saying any artist who backs them is foolish and it's proven true. I wonder how many of these artists are getting their cut?
The Answer: They're not. They're getting just as shafted as the rest of us.
People, quit buying CDs from these guys. Dig. Go into the underground and buy their CDs. They won't screw up your computer, they are producing quality music at prices that not even the CD shops can beat and the best part, they'll show more appreciation towards you if you do.
Quit buying from the big wigs and start buying from the little guys because, in the end, the RIAA and the artists they claim to support will scramble like mad to kiss our behinds to placate us.
To the RIAA: Lord Genocyde's Bottom Line.
Why you may ask? Let me refer you to the Sony/BMG DRM Fiasco.
This was where SunComm/MediaMax in association with Sony, BMG, EMI and others decided to resort to criminal behavior in order to stop it.
How? They began putting root kit software that secretly downloaded to your computer even if you were an innocent buyer seeking to simply play the music on your computer. Well, after the blogosphere and it's fellowship cried out for relief, Antivirus software developers made a downloadable patch to let you know if you had these root kits. They wouldn't get rid of them, they'd just detect them and tell you they were there.
What's that mean to you? Well, let's get to the heart of The Root Kit and why it's criminal.
Hackers created root kits years ago that secretly downloaded to your computer...once it was downloaded, it installed. Real ninja-like kinda stuff. Once it installed, this would kick a backdoor on your computer open in order to let the perpetrator have free reign.
Imagine the tower as your home and some malignant perp removes the backdoor and you know nothing about it. Well that means that they can come in, look around, take stuff, put more stuff in and essentially ruin your home if they wanted to. Yep, this can also happen to your computer.
Now, back to computers. When The Computer Fraud And Abuse Act of 1986 came out, that made these kinds of things illegal. Now that it's been made illegal, we thought the use would only be left to criminals right?
Enter Sony/BMG/EMI and an assortment of other corporations did, much to the chagrin of some of their artists and large populaces of consumers, was use this, now telling us that we now have to pay with our systems in order to protect their bottom line. The problem, they took it one step farther.
Another analogy: Imagine ordering a pizza. The pizza delivery guy brings you the pizza but comes straight in, grabs a beer from your fridge, switches your favorite show that's been on for the past thirty minutes to something lame and pretty much has the run of your house and then kicks the back door clean off and does not bother asking you. Being the street savvy person you are, you'd throw him out. He does not take this lying down. Upon leaving your abode, he trashes the place and then leaves, leaving you with a chaotic house and a backdoor that no longer exists.
This is what would happen with your computer but to give it to you exact would mean simply this; any attempt at removing the rogue program will disable your CD/DVD drives, rendering them useless under any capacity and essentially leaving you to pay out more hefty sums to have the computer or parts replaced. Guess what? You still don't have a backdoor anymore.
Well we cried out for relief. They began giving us the End User License Agreement, upping the stakes. Even if you say "No" to the EULA, it forgets that you don't want this crap program on your computer and installs it anyway, giving you the illusion that you're saying no to the program itself. Well, under the EULA, you lose any rights to any digital copies that you made. If you have the CD in MP3 format or if you made a copy of the CD for whatever purpose, you trash any and all the minute your original copy of the CD is lost, stolen or damaged. This is just one of the many things in the list that's extensive.
Class action suits against them brought a settlement. Great. Problem. There are still CDs being pressed and shipped with the software on it.
Bring this thing around fullcircle with my index finger and The Awesome Power of Choice In Consumerism.
I'm a net DJ and shortly after becoming one, I subscribed to BMG as a means of getting music for my show instead of illegally downloading it due to the fact that BMG's prices were so cheap that it would help me in keeping up to date. I bought several discs from them, fulfilling my agreement before I figured out that thier selection sucked and all I was going to get out of them were a ton of metal bands I didn't particularly care for. After getting into the underground bands on MySpace, well over half of them were sending me their selections for free in exchange for promotion and I'm loving this stuff more than what the mainstream had to offer.
I got locked out of my yahoo account...this is where the emails from BMG were going. Forming a new one, my former card that I was using was expiring and I didn't know. They sent me something in the mail saying so but I didn't pay it any mind, let the thing expire and it would save me the trouble of having to cancel the account myself. They sent me something in the mail today stating that they'd tried to send me this month's featured selection but the card wasn't accepting.
Well, I see they just don't get it. I logged onto the BMG site and where cancelling the account was easy before, I had to jump through hoops like some dog and pony show to cancel the account but I finally got it, letting them know that I'm proudly boycotting them altogether.
Take that you backward thinking morons!
I'm constantly ranting about how much power we hold. This is just one of many illustrations. When we quit giving our money out, they have no choice but to listen to us. Why? Without our money they are nothing. Start taking back your authority today.
In other news, further proof that the Recording Industry Artists of America (RIAA) has become less concerned with protecting the copyrights of their artists and more concerned with money, they are now suing satellite radio for their podcasts because they're downloadable. It's not enough that the Napster victory was won on their behalf but they sued until WinMX, Morpheus, Kazaa, Ares, and Bearshare were casualties as well. I've been saying any artist who backs them is foolish and it's proven true. I wonder how many of these artists are getting their cut?
The Answer: They're not. They're getting just as shafted as the rest of us.
People, quit buying CDs from these guys. Dig. Go into the underground and buy their CDs. They won't screw up your computer, they are producing quality music at prices that not even the CD shops can beat and the best part, they'll show more appreciation towards you if you do.
Quit buying from the big wigs and start buying from the little guys because, in the end, the RIAA and the artists they claim to support will scramble like mad to kiss our behinds to placate us.
To the RIAA: Lord Genocyde's Bottom Line.
Geez,Hopw do u get locked vout of your yahoo acct.I have saved stuff I need! long winded friend of mine.I luv ya tho!
D.J. Genocydes fan--->Tammi
Hey, I got lots to say sometimes. That's the nature of this beast. It might be long but ya can't deny that by the end of it, you know what I'm talking about.
It's not that I'm really long-winded, just detailed.
Clive Barker....He's long-winded. This guy took six pages in one book to describe the sky in nit picky detail.
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