Too Cool To Care (The Crusader Speaks!)

Wake Up And Realize We Are Doomed...
I wish I were joking, but I'm not. Socially we're the equivalent of pondscum. The once-uncool Conservative Right has been taken over by Neocon swine and it only gets worse from here.
Remember the '60s and '70s when the young people of the nation decided they weren't going to have any more of the shit? Remember when they took the streets by storm, making the lives of every cop harder by the day? Remember when "Hell No! We Won't Go!" was the mantra and you didn't want to be in politics for facing the business end of these crazy people who were bent on seeing change?
Know what it was? A test run. After nearly three complete decades of decadence, drugs, money and all-you-can-eat-economy-size-built-for-your-conveinience that's when we notice that we've been lulled to sleep and what we woke up to wasn't the nice world that was there when we fell asleep but a full-blown night terror from which there is no waking up.
Now, where does our news take us? War, Famine, Pestilence, Death, buy the Acura, the Lexus, All-American: That's Chevrolet, Godiva, the X-Box 360 Now With The Brain You Lack Because We Not Only Bought That But Your Soul Too. Are you getting the picture? How hard was it just to get off our asses and decide that this isn't what we want to hear? How many of us wanted facts?
The West Memphis Three Case...I could go on about this one but it was someone who didn't support them that pointed out, "If Paradise Lost 1 and 2 hadn't been made, no one would give a rat's ass about this case." Wow...That's sort of a statement isn't it? He's right! No one outside of the small circle dealing with that case would have known a damned thing about it and probably wouldn't have cared.
Look at us now. We're all superstars, no spectators. Where is our adoring audience? MySpace has become High School Round Two. Cyberschoolyard bullies, con-artists and the overwhelming popularity contest runs rampant. Hey, we're all supposed to be stars like it's our goddamned destiny. If you're not a star by proxy then tear down the work that one piece of swine did. We're all too cool to care.
Hey Rawanda's in a bind! Who cares?
There are no WMDs in Iraq? Aw, you just don't back this country!
What the fuck are we possibly going to do in Iran? Blow up more camel jockeys!
Where's Osama? I thought we were going to catch him? He's hiding in caves! Who Cares?!
Our Legal system is in dire jeopardy... Yeah, so what, I'm gonna see Kelly Clarkson!
Hurricanes damaged the Gulf Coast which still hasn't recovered. So what, let someone else handle it!
Too cool to give a shit. What's worse is this goddamn JonBenet Ramsey case. I will agree that her death was sad and tragic but how many more children her age are getting brutally murdered and I guarantee you there aren't even half of them getting that kinda coverage. John Mark Karr should have been left in Thailand until the DNA came back. After that, find the killer or killers.
There are more gross miscarriages of justice out there. Everything from our legislative branch taking money over ethics to our politicians doing the same.
We're all in harm's way, make no mistake about it and we'll continue to be that way.
Going back to WM3, I've also heard, "No small group of activists are going to change a thing."
Ok, granted but at least I got off my ass.
See, the problem is with those that grew up around the time Vietnam was going on and most of the Boomer Generation is that half of them are in power and they bitch incessantly about us, the youth, having everything handed to us and we won't do shit. Ok, I'll give them that but don't come bitching at me, slinging stupid remarks about "crusading" when the point is I've Gotten Off My Ass To Do Something Besides Bitch. If you can't be satisfied, that is not my problem. Take it like a man, suck it up, rise above it, overcome and adapt.
As much as I don't like giving into my anger, it gets to the point where the next damned finger that gets pointed at me, blaming me for the world's ills when I'm trying to help out in fixing something that isn't right...I'm going to break it and everyone will hear the snap.
Wake up. Check this out.
Things were set up to be a certain way. It's supposed to be fair to everyone. I know life isn't fair but our system was damned certain to be just that.
There is the way things are, which is anything but fair. Darlie Routier, The WM3, Mumia-Abu Jamal, The Lindale, TX Baby, Ray Krone, just to name a few of the really fucked-around cases that we have that few have looked up. Ever heard of Tyler's Law? Check that one out sometime. That's a seriously fucked-up case.
Still, for those of you that still remain Too Cool To Care, I'll be waiting til the day your case comes up because it's headed straight for you. When it does, I'm sure you'll be wondering just where all of your supporters went. Sure, you might post to websites or have someone do it for you but when it all comes down, it will be your neck on the block, not mine. What do I care? If I take on your case, I'm in some damned-fool crusade, right? This one activist won't change shit for you. I did try though, just remember that. I tried before the train hit you.
The Crusader Hath Spoken.
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