Lord Genocyde vs. Westboro Baptist Church: Round 1

Lord Genocyde To Westboro Baptist Church: The Only Hatred Is YOURS

You know, Westboro Baptist Church actually has an extensive FAQ and even Q&A sections as well as a contact section. I've tried to contact them but the site keeps rejecting my letter saying that my email address (LordGenocyde@yahoo.com) isn't valid and I didn't have a subject...which I repeatedly typed in time and again. I'll just post it here...maybe someone will wake up over there and have enough testicular fortitude to respond.
My Letter To Westboro Baptist Church:
To whom it may concern,
I went through the website. I've spent most of the night reading and reading through your pdf files. Understand, I'm not here to rant. I'm not here to insult you. You don't even have to respond but also understand that while I'm not homosexual and I'm not a soldier, I want to issue you the challenge of reading through what I have to say. After that, agree to disagree as I have and we can go our separate ways.
I can honestly say it's no wonder why people shut down and refuse to listen to you. You've taken on the role of God Himself while assuming that you are merely preaching his word. You specifically name people as you say they are hellbound in the same breath.
That is not up to you to decide. That is up to God.
The bible also states that He will come again to "judge both living and dead." If I am to believe what the Bible and Christ teaches then I am to reject your teachings. If what the Bible and Christ are saying is truth as I am prone to believe then I cannot, under good conscience, fall in with condemning anyone to Hell. Have you also forgotten His words to us that "all have sinned and have fallen short of The Glory of God"? Still, there isn't one place on this site or on any of your sister sites, nothing in the files, nowhere, anywhere that would mention this crucial piece of information to those to whom you preach. If Our Lord is returning to judge the living and the dead then, obviously, your condemnation of individuals will fall on deaf ears and not be worthy of acknowledgement. If you are confident that God will cast them into The Great Inferno, why not try giving homosexuals the facts...there are risks to health on which they must be ready to accept. It's not Divine Judgment, it's a health-related issue. Has God's own word stopped you from eating pork, shellfish, red meat perhaps? If your answer is no, then you are also putting your own health at risk. Pork contains high levels of parasites that can cause brain dysfunction and heart disease, same as red meat. Shellfish and bottom-feeding sea life also contain these parasites as well as other toxins that can cause your health to deteriorate. Would God hate a meat-eater?
You have also interpreted "lusting after strange flesh" to mean homosexuality. Beastiality or meat-consumption would be a more accurate term to give an interpretation to this passage.
Beastiality: Obviously this is a rather unnatural sexual drive. It is a much-agreed upon point by "the apostate church of psychology" that people with inclinations toward animals do suffer from a treatable mental illness. Some can be simply counselled and others must be medicated to achieve results. Counselling can come from any source including your church. This is something which I have yet to see offered.
Meat-Eating: If you remember the health risks to eating meat that I've mentioned then let's go for one more meat that you probably, erroneously, believe is safe...poultry. Chicken, turkey, and other poultry birds contain levels of e.coli bacteria from fecal matter. This can result in diptheria, typhoid fever and the list of other fecal-related health issues that you mentioned in your letter. Why not preach against this as well? Are you all carnivores? Meat is flesh, muscle and sinew. Would you consume a loved one? Would you consume a church member? I will give you the benefit of the doubt by saying that you don't.
Sexual Practices: Homosexuality seems to be a large focus for your organization. You've actually gone as far as giving these homosexual organizations that you highly condemn far more publicity than what they have collectively given you. Since you have nothing to hide, would you all be so daring as to post your own sexual experiences past, present and future or is this something of which you are also ashamed?
While I can respect the fact that you assume you're delivering God's message, I cannot accept the fact that you have all appointed yourselves The Executors of God's Will.
On this I ask if God is truly omnipotent, omnipresent and created us, the universe(s), and worlds...why does he need you to Execute his Judgment? The truth is, he doesn't and the spiritual disservice to your church is done by publically displaying your own self-righteousness pride in the destructive sense.
Would it not be more of a service to humankind and your church to help people to repent rather than compel them and, in the process, bring into the world a new person, one to further your mission of eliminating sin by denying Satan another soul to serve him?
The truth is, your articles are filled with seething venom. From this, people gather that you hate sinners, not their sins. Christ Himself spent his time in the company of thieves, tax collectors, prostitutes and murderers because they were the ones that needed salvation the most.
If soldiers, homosexuals, pagans, athiests, satanists, etc. are in need of God's Divine Love and Salvation, why do you offer wanton wrath in it's place?
I will conclude my missive here as, through the reading and digging, I simply cannot find the word of humankind's Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, through the anger that has driven and compelled you to visit more heartache and sorrow upon the world. I mourn for our nation and I mourn also for you.
Remember that you also grew up here in America and if we are doomed, you are as doomed as those that sin.
May God Bless You And Light Your Path,
Damien v. Cross.
My Letter To Westboro Baptist Church:
To whom it may concern,
I went through the website. I've spent most of the night reading and reading through your pdf files. Understand, I'm not here to rant. I'm not here to insult you. You don't even have to respond but also understand that while I'm not homosexual and I'm not a soldier, I want to issue you the challenge of reading through what I have to say. After that, agree to disagree as I have and we can go our separate ways.
I can honestly say it's no wonder why people shut down and refuse to listen to you. You've taken on the role of God Himself while assuming that you are merely preaching his word. You specifically name people as you say they are hellbound in the same breath.
That is not up to you to decide. That is up to God.
The bible also states that He will come again to "judge both living and dead." If I am to believe what the Bible and Christ teaches then I am to reject your teachings. If what the Bible and Christ are saying is truth as I am prone to believe then I cannot, under good conscience, fall in with condemning anyone to Hell. Have you also forgotten His words to us that "all have sinned and have fallen short of The Glory of God"? Still, there isn't one place on this site or on any of your sister sites, nothing in the files, nowhere, anywhere that would mention this crucial piece of information to those to whom you preach. If Our Lord is returning to judge the living and the dead then, obviously, your condemnation of individuals will fall on deaf ears and not be worthy of acknowledgement. If you are confident that God will cast them into The Great Inferno, why not try giving homosexuals the facts...there are risks to health on which they must be ready to accept. It's not Divine Judgment, it's a health-related issue. Has God's own word stopped you from eating pork, shellfish, red meat perhaps? If your answer is no, then you are also putting your own health at risk. Pork contains high levels of parasites that can cause brain dysfunction and heart disease, same as red meat. Shellfish and bottom-feeding sea life also contain these parasites as well as other toxins that can cause your health to deteriorate. Would God hate a meat-eater?
You have also interpreted "lusting after strange flesh" to mean homosexuality. Beastiality or meat-consumption would be a more accurate term to give an interpretation to this passage.
Beastiality: Obviously this is a rather unnatural sexual drive. It is a much-agreed upon point by "the apostate church of psychology" that people with inclinations toward animals do suffer from a treatable mental illness. Some can be simply counselled and others must be medicated to achieve results. Counselling can come from any source including your church. This is something which I have yet to see offered.
Meat-Eating: If you remember the health risks to eating meat that I've mentioned then let's go for one more meat that you probably, erroneously, believe is safe...poultry. Chicken, turkey, and other poultry birds contain levels of e.coli bacteria from fecal matter. This can result in diptheria, typhoid fever and the list of other fecal-related health issues that you mentioned in your letter. Why not preach against this as well? Are you all carnivores? Meat is flesh, muscle and sinew. Would you consume a loved one? Would you consume a church member? I will give you the benefit of the doubt by saying that you don't.
Sexual Practices: Homosexuality seems to be a large focus for your organization. You've actually gone as far as giving these homosexual organizations that you highly condemn far more publicity than what they have collectively given you. Since you have nothing to hide, would you all be so daring as to post your own sexual experiences past, present and future or is this something of which you are also ashamed?
While I can respect the fact that you assume you're delivering God's message, I cannot accept the fact that you have all appointed yourselves The Executors of God's Will.
On this I ask if God is truly omnipotent, omnipresent and created us, the universe(s), and worlds...why does he need you to Execute his Judgment? The truth is, he doesn't and the spiritual disservice to your church is done by publically displaying your own self-righteousness pride in the destructive sense.
Would it not be more of a service to humankind and your church to help people to repent rather than compel them and, in the process, bring into the world a new person, one to further your mission of eliminating sin by denying Satan another soul to serve him?
The truth is, your articles are filled with seething venom. From this, people gather that you hate sinners, not their sins. Christ Himself spent his time in the company of thieves, tax collectors, prostitutes and murderers because they were the ones that needed salvation the most.
If soldiers, homosexuals, pagans, athiests, satanists, etc. are in need of God's Divine Love and Salvation, why do you offer wanton wrath in it's place?
I will conclude my missive here as, through the reading and digging, I simply cannot find the word of humankind's Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, through the anger that has driven and compelled you to visit more heartache and sorrow upon the world. I mourn for our nation and I mourn also for you.
Remember that you also grew up here in America and if we are doomed, you are as doomed as those that sin.
May God Bless You And Light Your Path,
Damien v. Cross.
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