Getting With The Program: The Path of Genocyde II
The rain fell as though it would never end. Lightning flashed. We'd fought through buildings, streets, the hands hurt and my mind was spinning. There was a calming of the excited adrenalin surge as he spoke to me, questioning my reason for going.
"Is it freedom or truth?" he asked, "Perhaps peace? Could it be for love?"
I was struggling to ease the pain emanating from all the tendons and knuckles. They had taken some serious wear and tear
"Temporary constructs of a feeble human intellect," he continued, enraged, "trying desperately to justify an existence that is without meaning or purpose, and all of them as artificial as the Matrix itself!"
Had I actually had an answer, it would have matched the one Keanu Reeves gave him as I watched the amalgamations of cutscenes. My hands were recovering from continuous clicking, pressing buttons and having to throw my hands into awkward positions to actually perform the controls for the superhuman-style moves that Neo would perform on my screen.
"Because I choose to," he told Smith.
This only further served to enrage him as we had one final battle in the air. Two digital supermen, both alike in ability and opposing in ends of the spectrum; thesis and antithesis, Christ and Antichrist, God and The Devil, Good and Evil, Light and Darkness. Whole in their makeup, they beat each other unmercifully as I screamed, "BACK TO RIVENDELL YOU ELVEN FUCK!" or "PRISCILLA CALLED FOR YOUR MONKEY ASS TO TOUR SYDNEY ONE MORE TIME, FAG!" or "NO WONDER YOU NEVER TOOK THE MASK OFF IN 'V FOR VENDETTA' YOU PRICK!" With each punch, kick, killing blow, evasion, code sighting and act of brutality that each would deal, a new Hugo Weaving-related insult would fly from my mouth as each of them would be in my favor until finally, Smith fell.
Like Lucifer being cast from Heaven to dwell among the first of the Adamic Races of Earth, he fell and like the Archangel Michael, I set Neo upon him as one more street battle ensued. In the streets, with rain falling like a group of double-dicked cows pissing on flat rocks, Neo stood victorious in battle, sending Smith flying backward with one punch after the Bullet-Time Smackdown he'd gotten from me. As he landed and began sliding backward, the street buckled, creating a pile of asphalt to halt his sliding.
Then, the screen went white. Two chairs appeared.
"Some silly fuckin idiot has gotten into my system," I thought, "In the middle of my goddamned game I'm going to have to debate The Strange Case of The West Memphis Three with some numbshit nonsupporter using linux and outdebate him in bullet time."
I was aggravated and ready to send my fist, sore as it was, through my flat-screen monitor.
Then, two pixellated images in the shape of Atari people showed up in the chairs. It was the Wachowski Brothers, and they explained that the Martyr Act of the movie worked for the movie but for the game I was playing, "The Jesus thing was pretty lame." as they put it.
So they decided to do a rewrite for the end. A new cinematic showed Smith and the Spectator Clones he'd made all scrambling. Suddenly, the Smiths (not the band) were the cohesive unit to a huge mound of destroyed buildings and cars and rubbish becoming "The Megasmith."
Yep, a new fight was ahead of me...this huge monolithic juggernaut roared and began trying to swat me out of the air. It was an attempt that he was successful on three times. As I ascended back into the air, I'd dodge whatever he had to throw at me until I could charge him and rip through him like a bullet. He outweighed me, he was up on me by sheer destructive ability but I counted of my agility, dexterity and the ability of timing and finally ripped him apart. Took about 15 minutes, but he was finally damaged enough to where, like the movie, he exploded. Neo didn't die. The Kid ran through the caverns of Zion screaming, "HE DID IT! THE WAR IS OVER, HE DID IT!" Game over, I win...and might I emphasize that there is NOTHING....AND I MEAN NOTHING....TERRIFYING ABOUT A DEAD MOTHA FUCKA!
Ok, so the game's over, a couple of cheats are unlocked that will make the next difficulty level slightly easier and I can choose levels and see what happens if I do something different.
Problem. Neo still gets the shit blinded out of him. Trinity still dies and by the end of the have no clue WHATSOEVER about what happens with Neo. You're just kinda left to drawing your own conclusion. Great. I thought that maybe...just maybe, the choices I made in this game WOULD affect the outcome but I see you have only two options: Success or Failure.
Next on my list, I'm thinking about playing The Matrix Online. From what I've been reading, they actually introduce a female agent. I'm not too hot on beating some chick with a gun down but maybe if I can get one of my friends who qualifies as a femme fatale, that Agent might just count herself a Femme Fatality.
The Path of Genocyde Is Complete.
Mission Accomplished....for now
"Is it freedom or truth?" he asked, "Perhaps peace? Could it be for love?"
I was struggling to ease the pain emanating from all the tendons and knuckles. They had taken some serious wear and tear
"Temporary constructs of a feeble human intellect," he continued, enraged, "trying desperately to justify an existence that is without meaning or purpose, and all of them as artificial as the Matrix itself!"
Had I actually had an answer, it would have matched the one Keanu Reeves gave him as I watched the amalgamations of cutscenes. My hands were recovering from continuous clicking, pressing buttons and having to throw my hands into awkward positions to actually perform the controls for the superhuman-style moves that Neo would perform on my screen.
"Because I choose to," he told Smith.
This only further served to enrage him as we had one final battle in the air. Two digital supermen, both alike in ability and opposing in ends of the spectrum; thesis and antithesis, Christ and Antichrist, God and The Devil, Good and Evil, Light and Darkness. Whole in their makeup, they beat each other unmercifully as I screamed, "BACK TO RIVENDELL YOU ELVEN FUCK!" or "PRISCILLA CALLED FOR YOUR MONKEY ASS TO TOUR SYDNEY ONE MORE TIME, FAG!" or "NO WONDER YOU NEVER TOOK THE MASK OFF IN 'V FOR VENDETTA' YOU PRICK!" With each punch, kick, killing blow, evasion, code sighting and act of brutality that each would deal, a new Hugo Weaving-related insult would fly from my mouth as each of them would be in my favor until finally, Smith fell.
Like Lucifer being cast from Heaven to dwell among the first of the Adamic Races of Earth, he fell and like the Archangel Michael, I set Neo upon him as one more street battle ensued. In the streets, with rain falling like a group of double-dicked cows pissing on flat rocks, Neo stood victorious in battle, sending Smith flying backward with one punch after the Bullet-Time Smackdown he'd gotten from me. As he landed and began sliding backward, the street buckled, creating a pile of asphalt to halt his sliding.
Then, the screen went white. Two chairs appeared.
"Some silly fuckin idiot has gotten into my system," I thought, "In the middle of my goddamned game I'm going to have to debate The Strange Case of The West Memphis Three with some numbshit nonsupporter using linux and outdebate him in bullet time."
I was aggravated and ready to send my fist, sore as it was, through my flat-screen monitor.
Then, two pixellated images in the shape of Atari people showed up in the chairs. It was the Wachowski Brothers, and they explained that the Martyr Act of the movie worked for the movie but for the game I was playing, "The Jesus thing was pretty lame." as they put it.
So they decided to do a rewrite for the end. A new cinematic showed Smith and the Spectator Clones he'd made all scrambling. Suddenly, the Smiths (not the band) were the cohesive unit to a huge mound of destroyed buildings and cars and rubbish becoming "The Megasmith."
Yep, a new fight was ahead of me...this huge monolithic juggernaut roared and began trying to swat me out of the air. It was an attempt that he was successful on three times. As I ascended back into the air, I'd dodge whatever he had to throw at me until I could charge him and rip through him like a bullet. He outweighed me, he was up on me by sheer destructive ability but I counted of my agility, dexterity and the ability of timing and finally ripped him apart. Took about 15 minutes, but he was finally damaged enough to where, like the movie, he exploded. Neo didn't die. The Kid ran through the caverns of Zion screaming, "HE DID IT! THE WAR IS OVER, HE DID IT!" Game over, I win...and might I emphasize that there is NOTHING....AND I MEAN NOTHING....TERRIFYING ABOUT A DEAD MOTHA FUCKA!
Ok, so the game's over, a couple of cheats are unlocked that will make the next difficulty level slightly easier and I can choose levels and see what happens if I do something different.
Problem. Neo still gets the shit blinded out of him. Trinity still dies and by the end of the have no clue WHATSOEVER about what happens with Neo. You're just kinda left to drawing your own conclusion. Great. I thought that maybe...just maybe, the choices I made in this game WOULD affect the outcome but I see you have only two options: Success or Failure.
Next on my list, I'm thinking about playing The Matrix Online. From what I've been reading, they actually introduce a female agent. I'm not too hot on beating some chick with a gun down but maybe if I can get one of my friends who qualifies as a femme fatale, that Agent might just count herself a Femme Fatality.
The Path of Genocyde Is Complete.
Mission Accomplished....for now
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