
Sunday, August 12, 2007

Episode 79: Of Partisan Stances On Non-Partisan Issues...

Let's clear the air before I begin this. First, let me start off by saying that I'm not going to lay into one side (and rather mercilessly) without laying into the other. Each and every side will become a target if necessary because I feel it's time to say what many have thought but have never taken the time to say.

Second, I'm not going to suffer anyone's negativity. I'm going to say what I have to say and then walk away. If you have negative comments, you'll be ignored...period. I can tolerate differences of opinion and even intense (though not heated) debate but nastiness will harm YOU more than it will ME. That's the bottom line.

Third, I'm asking everyone to stand down from arms for just a moment. Just long enough to hear what I have to say and give it consideration. Let it sink in. I've come, not to offer a rant bereft of solutions but a striking portrait of how our common goal means nothing to any of us at present and how it can mean something again and how we can rise above, adapt and overcome yet another illusion that surpasses those of Criss Angel or David Blaine.

We've all made some mistakes. I'm a rather young guy at the still-primitive age of 28 and my earliest understanding of politics came when Bush Sr. was in office. My dad and my mom were two politically polar opposites. My dad was a staunch Republican and my mom was ardent in her Democrat stance. I remember the first Gulf War scared the crap out of me. I was just a kid and I was hearing stories at the time of some of my friends having family members deployed. Many of them were understandably worried. Some of them were outright depressed and rather distraught. When the first Gulf War ended so quickly, I was puzzled as to why Saddam hadn't been taken out right then. Then, there were more political fiascos behind the first Bush to which I'd been able to bear witness. I saw his now-famous New World Order speech. I saw him disappointingly reneg on his promise of "no new taxes." He'd lost much of the nation's confidence. I remember thinking that the "Clinton/Gore" signs looked promising...note that I say that with sarcasm but I knew we couldn't trust Bush either. I really didn't know what to make of Perot at the time.

I spent all of high school under Clinton and, as I became more politically aware (I wish I could thank my History and Civics teachers today), I began to realize that he was dangerous to our freedoms. The more I researched the more I realized that half the things I had been thinking had to be crazy and began writing a lot of it off as conspiracy theory. I knew why our Bill of Rights was important. I just didn't know it was under attack...and I, like many of you, was caught in surprise and completely unaware of the attacks on our freedoms we would face in the years ahead. Perhaps I should have paid closer attention to what Megadeth's lyrics had been saying rather than the headbanging factor of the music. Then again, with age, normally, comes wisdom and clarity.

Presidential candidates have become more and more fierce when it comes to eroding our constitution, if not simply brazen about it's eradication.

This is where I finally come to the point and I thank everyone for actually sifting through all of the material that I'd written before.

It seems that, in the face of an issue that doesn't know political divisions, people are divided over who's best to handle the job. We've had people claim that a democratic candidate, a republican candidate, this person, that person, the other person, is best for the job based nearly solely on party affiliation. Many have vowed that they'll never vote Republican again based on Bush Jr.'s performance and actions, despite the fact that many other Republicans are distancing themselves from his actions and policies. Others have stressed populating the "upper echelons" with Democratic candidates, despite the fact that John Conyers has done the same exact thing that Bush has done...violating the terms and conditions of his office. Both have taken oaths of office only to betray the people, their country, their constituents and their respective words.

Many believe that it should be an obvious sign of what happens when we vote Republican based on Bush's many foul-ups. Should it not also be a sign of what happens when we vote Democrat based on John Conyers' betrayal of his most ardent backer, Cindy Sheehan? Some may believe this to be an unfair portrait but let me remind you that both of these respective people have failed to do the job that they were appointed to do and have failed the American people. Both sides have committed injustices of the gravest level and believe me when I say this, Bush's regime has been the most aggressive in ridding us of our freedoms, eliminating most of The Bill of Rights in many ways. In my personal opinion, it would be dangerous to vote against simply to oust the current administration. My prime worry is our second amendment which guarantees us to two things as a safety against a tyrannical government. First, it gives us a provision as states to have a well-regulated state militia made up of it's citizens who volunteer. We had that in our National Guardsmen and women until they were federalized under The Department of The Army and The Department of Defense. The second thing that it did was give us a safety against that very thing happening by stating "The Right of The People To Keep And Bear Arms Shall...Not...Be...Infringed." Still, we are in danger of losing this as well and, while I am opposed to the use of violence, I still say that each and every American Citizen should at least know how to use force to, at the very least, defend themselves. Live to fight another day, if you get my meaning and, if you must be killed, do so doing what is right. For tyrants, this is all they understand at times and, in a perfect world, we would never need that Second Amendment but we do. It has nothing to do with being a barbarian Conservative or "one of those damned" Liberals, it has to do with protecting you, your family and your community.

Remember that, when we're presented with two "evils" that there never is such thing as a "lesser evil."

Still, this is the way we've chosen to attack this issue within the 9/11 Truth movement as only one example. Many have decided to take it from different viewpoints whether it's part of some conspiracy involving aliens from outer space to religious viewpoints. Fortunately, for the adversaries we face, we are divided and are, therefore, easily conquered.

There's the Bad News but I do have Good News!

The Good News is that we can still unite. Look at each other. Liberals and conservatives alike, black people, white people, latinos, hispanics, asians, just name a nationality, a religion, a political affiliation...we're all here under the banner of getting answers and demanding that our questions be addressed, a formal investigation be implemented and, getting the truth behind what happened on 9/11. If that's what we're working towards, then understand something...the architecture of our adversary's aggression.

These criminals do not hate you because of your race, size, color, gender, party affiliation or which brand of cigarettes you smoke. These lines that have been drawn between us have had their reign...time to let them go. Save your vote for the candidate who will do the work to make sure that the oath of office they've taken holds true. Research them thoroughly and remember, they're your employees...hey MUST listen to you.

Remember that these criminals killed nearly 3.000 people and not because of party affiliation or whatever. They did that because they want you living in fear and, when people live in fear, they begin to make decisions that are fear-based...their minds stop working efficiently and thus, we make poor decisions. They did this because those of us they can't control, they'll kill or simply make you wish they had.

If we can't unite to save our Republic, we will be divided and we will lose it.

This is why I ask each one of you today to really look inward and ask yourself why is it you're here and what do you hope to accomplish? If you're here for the same reasons as the rest of us, then back your candidate at the polls. Just don't expect me to back the same person as you. In the meantime, we have our work cut out for us.

Rocking The Police States of America,
Damien "Lord Genocyde" Cross


Blogger Tamara said...

Politics are too confusing to me.
It just sems like a bunch of people running around collecting donations for some election,and getting rich.
It all gets too confusing to me...so I avoid it.There are 2 things(basically)that people loooove to argue about.Politics and religion...so I steer clear from both.
Well...I talk religion,that is if it doesn't become a debate.
Miss ya.
Did u get my invite???
Hugs :-}

9:56 PM  
Blogger Lord Genocyde said...


Politics and Religion are two things I love to discuss. Mainly because, when I realize what I did so long ago by ignoring it, I realize that I once thought like you did...both subjects were too complicated. This, however, is not true. The details are complicated, this is true but the overall picture isn't. Especially when you look at the history. The number one rule: Follow the money. Money is a great servant but a shitty master and it loves to do the one thing that no career criminal (the truly vicious ones) like at all; it loves to snitch. Following the financial record through history will show you that the degeneration of the state of American Politics started in 1913 with the establishment of The Federal Reserve. Our gold, the only true constitutional currency, was now placed into that huge bank and notes were issued. This wasn't a congressional coining of currency, but the coining of currency by private banks. Doesn't sound like much but the rest hasn't come in yet.

What this did was empower private banks to start establishing credit. Now, to the average citizenry, credit can be a good thing or a bad thing depends on how you look at it. Private banks are creating money that doesn't exist and charging you interest on it. At the same time, our own federal government now has to borrow money to operate...from The Federal Reserve, established in 1913 by a small cartel of a few banks. That national debt you keep hearing about...that's what it is. The federal income tax, this is where it comes from. Where does your income tax go? Every bit is thrown at the interest on the debt and it's not putting a dent in it. Nevermind the fact that you and I don't actually generate income...we work for wages. We offer services and goods for money. Income has been defined at gains generated by a corporation. That's not us. Watch John Russo's film America: From Freedom To Fascism. I can probably make you a copy of a disc I have with that film on it if you really want to when I get done with these discs of yours...still need to get more discs before I can do that but once I do, I'll include it.

I'll put it to you this way. A Look at this chilling quote will tell you exactly who is in charge and how they're getting away with making YOU work as much as YOU are and barely scraping by.

"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes it's laws."-- Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild

Now, religion I really don't get into. That's something manmade and unwhole and used to rob us of hope. I don't do religion...ever. I am more of a spiritual person. Sure, everyone has their preference and who doesn't, right? This, isn't what people need to hear. In light of the previous stuff I've posted, it's very simple again. Religion, Race, Republican, Democrat, big, small, name your faction...these have been instilled in us so greatly that we don't understand that these corporate interests love this stuff. Why? Well as long as we stay divided up into these groups and subgroups, we are easily conquered and it's going to leave those criminals in office past and present unprosecuted for reasons of "national security."

This is an uphill battle that I'm fighting. As a minister, it's going to be great because I'm still composing the sermon on it. I won't attack that stuff directly like I have in this email but it will give people a sense of hope that maybe these few thugs and criminals can be subjected to the same laws and penalties (if not much much harsher) as the rest of us.

Now I'm not one to go to bat for a party or a candidate but here is the advice I give to everyone. Each president elect takes an oath of office to uphold and defend the constitution of the united states. The minute that they go against one item on the Bill of Rights...they have committed Treason. I refuse to vote for anyone who takes a stand on those first ten amendments and I never will. Maybe no one else will vote that way, but I always do. That's my part and I'm going to do it.

This stuff is really simple to me and I try to simplify it as much as possible for anyone else. Just remember, if nothing else, for every control that's placed on us. They are becoming more and more afraid. As the grip closes, the more will slip through their fingers. Eventually, when we start taking the control back, it's game, set, match...we'll be free again.

3:03 AM  
Blogger Tamara said...

Where art thou dearest D.J.
My long winded best bud?
I'm off and can ubelieve I am half online...half watching pre-recorded HBO movies.PTL for DVR's
Lotsa Hugs!

4:10 PM  
Blogger Lord Genocyde said...

Right here, chillin at home. Watchin the world go by on a day that I'm normally scheduled to work, wondering what it is my coworkers are doing. Oh yeah...they're working!

5:29 PM  

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