
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Episode 32: CyberWar 2.0 The Ubuntu Directive

In the interest of just saying "Fuck It" to Windows Vista, I'd just stopped using my beloved laptop.

The last time I used it was over at Pop's place after walking his dog and I had a serious back and forth battle royal with it over, of all things, a movie download.

Downloading films is pretty simple. Even if your last technological reference point dates back to the mid-70s. All you do is click and watch the little meter fill, go find your file and then watch away.

Not for this Compaq that featured Windows Vista as it's operating system. It's a lot like getting away from the snow here. No luck. Three feet and then, less than a week later, another day of the heavy white stuff. So was my frustration with the declining performance of Vista.

Enter my new best friend. A new guy at work was shoulder surfing some notation I was writing. I didn't have the laptop with me. Frankly, the performance and program clutter was atrocious and embarrassing. I'd written down an objective to find Android and load it in. That's when he cleared his throat and asked what I was doing.

Normally, that kind of shit gets on my last nerve but the kid knows what he's doing. I translated my chickenscratch and he sat there listening. He did mention that he was only amazed I didn't want to weaponize my computer. I should have mentioned that that's the next part of my evil plan.

He took a look over my notes and then started in on one of the terminals. He pointed out a free Linux system called Ubuntu. I know, I thought of an African tribe somewhere in the Congo when he mentioned it, too. Then he pointed out all kinda stuff it could do. The only downside I saw...no iTunes. So, if I didn't need that to work one of my phones and my iPod, I'd slap it onto this desktop as well.

Being snowed in, I finally installed it. Now, all I need is my new Whiz-Kid to give me a little instruction on how to install the themes onto it properly so I can give it that Umbrella Corporation look that I want to give it.

Now, my laptop speeds are blazing...but I did have to do a little digging in order to get my Wi-Fi to work again. If you're not too stuck on Windows 7 or the new Snow Leopard system, try it...it rocks.

Now...to start rolling out applications. I'm going to turn my laptop in a damn mobile command center.


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