
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Episode 26: Snowblind

I thought that, when I moved into the North, I'd never see the intensity of the sun killing my sight but I know that I was wrong.

Near blizzard conditions happened on Saturday. My poor new PT Cruiser was buried in snow while I was at work. My new manager and I took our phones and filmed the progression of it all. Keep in mind, I have never driven in snow. I've seen snow all of maybe three or four times in my life and nothing compared to the awesomeness that was this snowfall. Normally, you only see this kinda thing in movies. The snow fell...and fell...and fell. The wind howled outside blowing freshly fallen snow off of their mounds and into the air. It literally moved like sand in a windblown desert. I'd ventured out into it several times and found myself tromping through the stuff. It fell and the layer outside became thicker and thicker. By the time we closed, I had to rock my car out of the stuff. I drove half the speed limit and getting home was no easy task.

The next day was no easier. I had to open which meant I had to dig my car out of the snow first, warm it up and then I spent most of the drive nearly sliding sideways. It was by far the most terrifying experience ever. All I wanted to do was go home and get comfy. I couldn't believe just how bad snow could get in the North. As terrible as it was, I'd still rather deal with that than hurricanes. Hurricanes wreck things. Hurricanes wreck entire cities and snow...well, you just have to be careful.

The snow is still around. Slowly but surely, it's melting off of the back roads. All of the main roads are clear now but what the weather is calling for is sleet and rain. I don't know but I've been told that the rain, if enough, will wash the snow away. I'm fine with the snow going away now. Mainly because of the holdup it's presenting. Plus, there's the ice to worry about. Walking along the sidewalks is proving to be perilous as well. Spots of black ice are all over the place. One wrong step and you're on the ground, my friend.

What I couldn't believe in terms of the snow was how it could increase the intensity of the sun. When everything around you is white, the sun just becomes more than a mere enemy, it becomes a tyrant devoid of mercy. Sun's rays reflecting off of the white, sparkling, undisturbed snow, make my lenses go the darkest they've ever been. Even still...the sun is still bright as hell.

The cold isn't so much what bothers me. I'm used to that and I'm perfectly at home in it. It's the wind. In the snow up here, I could actually venture outdoors without my jacket, hat and gloves but once the wind starts kicking, those become a necessity. Jersey residents must be insane. There are still people that will go out and shop in this type of weather. The streets are a deathtrap and the smell of consumerism still lingers. Granted, it's not heavy but it's still there. Worse yet, people still don't make it worth their while or ours. I can't tell you how many requests I'd had for a discount because they'd had to dig their way out of their driveways. I'm all for making customers happy but I had to dig my way out to make it to work and brave conditions that no sane person would just to make it there. I would say we're even.

It would seem that behavior of most wealthy people becomes more and more insulting during the holiday season. Not really sure why but the way I see it, I'm happy as hell I'm not one of them. If you ever find me living amongst those people, you'll find that I'm not going to be the neighbor they like. They're only one of the many reasons I support legalizing marijuana. Seems that most marketing should target stoners anyway. Don't think I'm crazy just yet. Let's seriously think about this for a minute.

First, the wealthy didn't get that way by spending the money, they got that way by penny pinching no matter how much they had. Stoners with questionable math skills, however...hell, all they want is something flashy and pretty to look at and play with, right? Right! So, the wrong audience is being targeted. Second, you'd never have to worry about the registers being short. Most of these people would probably tip the employees pretty heavily. Third, there's no real "selling" that has to be done...you just kinda talk to 'em. Show them something flashy with pretty colors and that item is going out the door quickly.

Then again, most of them might have sense enough to stay the hell home on a day when the roads become lethal.

Anyway, I think I'm done ranting really. My Christmas blog will be following soon.


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