
Sunday, November 15, 2009

Episode 24: Dude...Seriously...

We went to see Roland Emmerich's new film Shit Got All Blowed Up but you might know it by it's other title 2012.

All I have to say is, "Dude...seriously..."

At least with the movie Knowing, there was some seriously frightening shit there. Big solar flare, we all get burnt until we're all nice and crispy and I don't mean from smoking something. I'm talking hellfire and the lot. Then there was all the dark shit surrounding it and those weird fuckers running around in black trenchcoats and the weird woman who did nothing but write a bunch of numbers down only to be decoded later. The ending was horrible for those of us on Earth.


Emmerich's film was like something out of Michael Bay's Magazine Explosions Afficionado. What we got treated to was a seriously shitty Arnold imitation that spoke too soon, the whole world going to Hell in a hand basket and not one, not two, no, not even three or four but FIVE instances involving vehicles attempting to outrun chaos because someone or another would make a huge error in judgment. I was literally getting motion sickness and a bad case of the nerves from watching it. The only thing that surprised the shit out of me was that John Cusack managed to keep from boombox serenading our planet back to it's calm state.

The other thing that surprised me was that no one had sense enough to fucking deck Oliver Platt's character for being a real fuckwit through the entire movie.

Emmerich's made some really good movies but how about making one that doesn't just illustrate in some Day After Tomorrow sense what the whole Mayan Calendar thing was all about. Hell, they barely explained the damn calendar at all. All we got was, "Hey everyone, guess what? The sun hit us with neutrinos and we decided to only save a few. Good luck to the rest of ya...totally sucks to be in your positions!" Admittedly, it was the only part of the movie I didn't find to be completely bullshit.

After seeing this movie, I rolled my eyes and swore I'd never go see another disaster movie ever.

You know, I'm all for seeing the big End O' The World kinda thing with the touching moments of levity and humanity where desperate times show people really pulling together but, seriously, to think people actually decided of their own volition to go see this piece of shit?

Look, if you've seen the commercials for the movie, you've seen the best parts. The ending isn't remotely something that could happen.

I think the more accurate ending would have been the most logical.

As one character put it, "We're All Gonna Die!"


Blogger Tamara said...

Dont guess I'll be going to see that movie...I wouldn't have picked it anyways.I like chic-flix...isn't that what u guys call them? Like "The Notebook"..."Just Married"(with Ashton Kutcher & Brittany Murphee) had to mention them,cuz I think theres another movie named the same as the one I just love.
Of course my TOTAL faves are the older movies,cuz lately every movie I've went 2 see disappoints me.
So I'd rather watch a "Meet the Parents" again,and of course the sequel....as opposed to sitting in the cold theatre watching a movie I fall asleep the first 30 minutes.I swear D...the last 2 movies I slept through.Umm...lemme go see if I can even remember what the name of that one-before-last was...ummm...was...brb...oh oh oh..."All About Steve"...I mean,it was Ok...I just dig Sandra Bullock,but I DID snooze through the last 30 plus minutes.Didn't even see the damn ending.lol
And the last one..."Couples Retreat"..dannng,I think Vince Vaughn rocks!! But damn it,I snoozed through 85 percent of the movie.Well,I'll admit,I had been awake since 3 am...and was already sleepy,but that movie wasn't enough to keep me awake,thats for sure.He was badass in "Wedding Crashers",but in THIS movie...UUGH! from what I can recall..LOL
But then again,your into action packed movies and stuff,so there's a big difference in what I like and what you like.lol..
oh...wait...I seen a commercial(a trailer) for some new Ninja movie..cant remember the name..and I usually dont dig those kind like I know u do...but THIS movie looks really cool.I'll have 2 go google it and get back w/ you on that one.
Anyways...sorry 4 rambling...hope all is well and u have a good Thanksgiving.Will you be seeing your family for the holidays,ya think?
Get back at me...huggggggs

6:08 AM  
Blogger Tamara said...

Wow...sorry my last comment was so friggin SHORT...LOL

6:09 AM  
Blogger Tamara said...

Update plzz... ;-}

3:59 AM  
Blogger Lord Genocyde said...

I think the movie you're referring to is Ninja Assassin and I won't be going to see that one, nor will I be buying the DVD of it. Reason: I recently found out that a woman named Sophia Stewart had written The Third Eye for which, the entirety of The Matrix was sitting on. The Wachowski Brothers plagiarized the entire thing and only edited out a paltry thirty minutes of the film to keep out of a copyright infringement suit. If they'll rip off one person, who else will they victimize?

I can't stand chick flicks or romantic comedies for one reason...none of those situations would ever work out like that. If I'm going to watch fiction, give me guns, explosions, swordfights and let the hero get the girl...and let's see her naked once or twice.

As for Holidays in Louisiana...the likelihood of that occurrence is low as shit. I escaped Louisiana and am happy to be "living life on the lam." There is no way in hell I'm going back. As I've observed, everyone who does go back, gets stuck there and has to start all over...not for me. I escaped and that's a wrap.

9:04 PM  

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