Better Get To Killin'...
Those words from Mark Phillips will ring forever in my mind. I'll never forget Cathy being taken aback by those words when he told her that was what he told the Feds that threatened him as I read their book Access Denied: For Reasons of National Security and it screamed in my mind loudly.
I wasn't threatened by any Feds or Spooks but by people who have only proven one thing; They've Found The One Man They Can't Shut Up.
It's been a no-brainer that I haven't been able to keep my mouth shut since birth. I can roll with things when I need to but, when you come right down to it, I talk when I feel it's warranted and I take kid gloves off when I'm threatened.
I'm described by people who know me as nice, smart, a good person, etc. To those that don't, you'd swear I was the only person with Down's Syndrome who had the Illuminati working for him. The laundry list of insults has been launched at me even after I had to watch the disintegration of all the hard work that my crew and I put together. Yeah, rough week and when I thought I'd finally earned a reprieve, they had to come out of the woodwork to ambush. I'm not whining about it, mind you. This is what I'd set out to be, initially...The Most Dangerous Mind On The Internet. The Most Hated DJ Around. This, to me, has shown confirmation. I've actually seen these people say things like "He thinks too highly of himself!" Well, at least I know that the self-esteem problem isn't mine.
Among some of the other rather tawdry quotes I've received were the following with my commentary:
"I did enough to get you to dedicate a show to me and publicly announce it.
You're welcome btw.
I'm sure your listener enjoyed it immensely.
But tell your mum that she should really be listening to music within her own age bracket."
And I think too highly of MYself? I wonder when I dedicated anything to this one. I might not get many listeners live but the ones the can't make the live shows (and hey, I know not everyone is as nocturnal as myself) there are always something called podcasts. Buy a clue or do better.
"DJGenital hasn't advanced past Kindergarten obviously."
About the only thing that's obvious is that this dude has a fixation...and an unhealthy one to boot. The Westboro Baptist Church is gonna have a field day with this if I can just find what I did with thier number...
"I think he is trying to impress with his macho grande attitude."
What am I, a menu item at Taco Fuckin Bell? Looks like I'm the item that people order most. Let's not belabor the fact that there's a huge ocean of difference between what I know and what this one thinks.
"It must be real, otherwise if you could act that stupid, and not really be, then you would be in Hollywood."
Anyone got an application for The Church of Scientology? I think this one needs Dianetics...pronto.
"Damn, can't you even be original with anything DJGenital?"
Sure I can, ask your mom sometime. Told you his fixation was unhealthy. Watch this, he continues.
"You wanna try and talk all big and tough like, but you prove with every post that you are nothing but a big mouthed punk."
Let's get one thing straight. I don't have to try anything, I just do it and I make it look fuckin great. The only Punk I see here is the one who has the unhealthy fixation. Textbook Closet-Case Self-Loathing, it's an ugly thing, isn't it?
"I could go on and on about your bullshit, but I don't have the time at the moment."
Ah, yes, the famous cop-out of everyone who doesn't have an arguement that they can back up. Coming from a person with no spine, I consider the source.
:You won't get far around here. While I'm sure it would be fun for you to try and fuck with me, you might want to think twice. Two things. First, you may not feel the repercussions for a while, but you'll feel them eventually. I never forget, and I have lots of patience. I can assure you that you might want to think twice about it."
My first ever threat and not much of one. I wonder what the specifics are? Obscene calls? Kill one of my cats and stuff them in my mailbox? Propose marriage? Crossdressing? Another one on a message board in the same breath went as follows:
"Second, I can ban your ass."
Well seeing as how they haven't done that yet I see Spineless is as Spineless does. I think I can still sleep well during the day without going emo over being banned off the message board. Wait...nevermind...can I borrow someone's shoulder, I feel tears coming on...of laughter.
"Smartass, shitty comments aren't a requirement. Being nice isn't really hard, when you are dealing with a nice bunch of people. But come in with a shit for brains attitude, and you get it back."
I'm dealing with "nice" people? Smartass shitty comments are my specialty. It's how I got YOU to listen isn't it? Keep loading my gun, doll, but you're runnin outta places for me to shoot you.
I think this about sums it up. These people make one thing very obvious...they're terrified they have nothing else to offer. They have nothing to say and no way to say it and instead of actually making an attempt to do better, they'd rather throw their shit.
Got a piece of advice for you guys, think you can do better? By all means go for it! I'll give you whatever you need to get started. Gonna ban me? Hey, get to killin' Pahdnah. I'm sure you'll feel much better in the morning when you wake up. Wanna make references to my genitals? Hey, I'm all for that but you should remember two things. First, no one cares about your latent homo fantasies and second, I haven't had a single complaint...ever. When in doubt, just ask your mom. She just got off the phone with me asking me if I was going to be bringing my bondage gear she loves so much. Yeah, you only THOUGHT you were a deviant.
One thing for all these people is more than blatantly obvious...this is what happens when you're breast fed by your father.
I wasn't threatened by any Feds or Spooks but by people who have only proven one thing; They've Found The One Man They Can't Shut Up.
It's been a no-brainer that I haven't been able to keep my mouth shut since birth. I can roll with things when I need to but, when you come right down to it, I talk when I feel it's warranted and I take kid gloves off when I'm threatened.
I'm described by people who know me as nice, smart, a good person, etc. To those that don't, you'd swear I was the only person with Down's Syndrome who had the Illuminati working for him. The laundry list of insults has been launched at me even after I had to watch the disintegration of all the hard work that my crew and I put together. Yeah, rough week and when I thought I'd finally earned a reprieve, they had to come out of the woodwork to ambush. I'm not whining about it, mind you. This is what I'd set out to be, initially...The Most Dangerous Mind On The Internet. The Most Hated DJ Around. This, to me, has shown confirmation. I've actually seen these people say things like "He thinks too highly of himself!" Well, at least I know that the self-esteem problem isn't mine.
Among some of the other rather tawdry quotes I've received were the following with my commentary:
"I did enough to get you to dedicate a show to me and publicly announce it.

You're welcome btw.
I'm sure your listener enjoyed it immensely.
But tell your mum that she should really be listening to music within her own age bracket."
And I think too highly of MYself? I wonder when I dedicated anything to this one. I might not get many listeners live but the ones the can't make the live shows (and hey, I know not everyone is as nocturnal as myself) there are always something called podcasts. Buy a clue or do better.
"DJGenital hasn't advanced past Kindergarten obviously."
About the only thing that's obvious is that this dude has a fixation...and an unhealthy one to boot. The Westboro Baptist Church is gonna have a field day with this if I can just find what I did with thier number...
"I think he is trying to impress with his macho grande attitude."
What am I, a menu item at Taco Fuckin Bell? Looks like I'm the item that people order most. Let's not belabor the fact that there's a huge ocean of difference between what I know and what this one thinks.
"It must be real, otherwise if you could act that stupid, and not really be, then you would be in Hollywood."
Anyone got an application for The Church of Scientology? I think this one needs Dianetics...pronto.
"Damn, can't you even be original with anything DJGenital?"
Sure I can, ask your mom sometime. Told you his fixation was unhealthy. Watch this, he continues.
"You wanna try and talk all big and tough like, but you prove with every post that you are nothing but a big mouthed punk."
Let's get one thing straight. I don't have to try anything, I just do it and I make it look fuckin great. The only Punk I see here is the one who has the unhealthy fixation. Textbook Closet-Case Self-Loathing, it's an ugly thing, isn't it?
"I could go on and on about your bullshit, but I don't have the time at the moment."
Ah, yes, the famous cop-out of everyone who doesn't have an arguement that they can back up. Coming from a person with no spine, I consider the source.
:You won't get far around here. While I'm sure it would be fun for you to try and fuck with me, you might want to think twice. Two things. First, you may not feel the repercussions for a while, but you'll feel them eventually. I never forget, and I have lots of patience. I can assure you that you might want to think twice about it."
My first ever threat and not much of one. I wonder what the specifics are? Obscene calls? Kill one of my cats and stuff them in my mailbox? Propose marriage? Crossdressing? Another one on a message board in the same breath went as follows:
"Second, I can ban your ass."
Well seeing as how they haven't done that yet I see Spineless is as Spineless does. I think I can still sleep well during the day without going emo over being banned off the message board. Wait...nevermind...can I borrow someone's shoulder, I feel tears coming on...of laughter.
"Smartass, shitty comments aren't a requirement. Being nice isn't really hard, when you are dealing with a nice bunch of people. But come in with a shit for brains attitude, and you get it back."
I'm dealing with "nice" people? Smartass shitty comments are my specialty. It's how I got YOU to listen isn't it? Keep loading my gun, doll, but you're runnin outta places for me to shoot you.
I think this about sums it up. These people make one thing very obvious...they're terrified they have nothing else to offer. They have nothing to say and no way to say it and instead of actually making an attempt to do better, they'd rather throw their shit.
Got a piece of advice for you guys, think you can do better? By all means go for it! I'll give you whatever you need to get started. Gonna ban me? Hey, get to killin' Pahdnah. I'm sure you'll feel much better in the morning when you wake up. Wanna make references to my genitals? Hey, I'm all for that but you should remember two things. First, no one cares about your latent homo fantasies and second, I haven't had a single complaint...ever. When in doubt, just ask your mom. She just got off the phone with me asking me if I was going to be bringing my bondage gear she loves so much. Yeah, you only THOUGHT you were a deviant.
One thing for all these people is more than blatantly obvious...this is what happens when you're breast fed by your father.
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