
Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Episode 115: Drowning In The Datastream

I finally managed to figure it out after installing a couple of useless programs and just ran the file through an extraction program to get all the data off of the disc image. What I ended up finding was something even I wasn't prepared to find.

I ended up mired down in a shitload of e-books on various religions. I mean damned near all of them. I was like a kid in a candy store after the Apocalypse. I ran through the file, sampling everything. The file was called Bibliotech vol. 1 and it was the work of seven years of tracking down religious texts from nearly every conceivable religion on the planet. Talk about a megafile.

This file had books like The Bible, books on Neo Paganism, Mormonism, Satanism, Scientology, Judaism, Islam, Ancient Civilizations...let me put it to you this way...what do you NEED or WANT to know? I've probably got it.

I've got the works of Erich Von Daniken, Immanuel Velikovsky, Michael Ford, Anton LaVey, Christ, Mohammed, The Apocrypha, etc.

And I ran through this file like a madman through the streets. I couldn't stop myself. Hundreds, literally hundreds of books at my disposal. I was just opening them, sampling them and then closing them. Then, there were the Comic Book Archive (.cbr) files. These are files that need a special program (thankfully included in the files) and you look at them in Comic Book format on your screen. There are literally hundreds of images of different things in here.

One could easily become lost in the shuffle of all of this stuff.

After awhile, my head began to spin and hurt from looking through all of this. I think I'm going to read one of Erich Von Daniken's books while I copy a CD compilation for a friend.

I've gone into information overload. Capacity exceeded.

Thank you all and goodnight.


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