Episode 46: Tonight The Heavens Revolt!

Now that is what I'm talking about. I have to admit that today at work passed pretty damned slowly. The anticipation was killing me. 10/10/10...the date that "they" would be revealed, at least that's what Abyss promised. This is the date that Sting and Nash stated over and over again that Hogan and Bischoff's true colors would be revealed and I have to tell you...even I could not have predicted the outcome. I'd never put the two together and I'll be damned...even my man Jeff Hardy turned heel. Even though I'd successfully picked the winners of every card, I didn't do so lightly, there were many surprises in store.
Reading up on my Wrestling World News app, Ric Flair says that TNA has another year before it finally takes off. Sorry, Ric, I beg to differ. With quality entertainment like this, it's hard as shit to imagine that it will take any longer than that for TNA does any better. Hands down, it's far better than the bill of fare (or lack thereof) that Vince McMahon seems to think we want.
Vince, it's time to take out the notebook and pen because TNA just took you back to school, son. The Pay Per View event Bound For Glory was exactly what the WWE's PPV Events damn well should be. There was havoc, mayhem and carnage tonight. I'm talking full-throttle, balls-to-the-wall, no bullshit ring full of awesome and you had better believe that it's been a long damned time since I have felt like a kid again watching this event.
Even Dixie Carter had only one word to post to Twitter in response to tonight's PPV event. And that word was "Unbelievable."
Unbelievable doesn't begin to cover it, sister.
Still, Dixie, you and yours have set a very high standard in the world of sports entertainment and take it from Vince, it's one that's very easy to lose if you start compromising where you shouldn't so let's hope and pray that the TNA Company's darkest days stick around. By that I mean dark sets, dark characters and a whole lotta shakin and kickin going on.
Dixie, you keep this up and guess what...I'll keep watching. Chances are, you might even make a full time customer out of me.
First, let's start with the Motor City Machine Guns vs. Generation Me. Jesus Jumped-Up Christ, what a match! Call Daytona Beach Airport and tell them the momentary radar blips are real but they are in fact, human bodies being thrown about like frogs on mescaline. These guys barely touched the damned ground. Okay, they did but only to launch. In the end, after a grueling match, the Machineguns retained their titles and Generation Me's sense of entitlement got it's dick knocked into the dirt.
Second, The TNA Knockouts (Women's) Championship match. It was a four way between Tara, Madison Rayne (who's become a screaming psycho lately), Angelina Love and Velvet Sky. Watching this might as well have been entitled Male Geek Masturbation Matchup. Lemme tell ya, with Mickie James in the ring as Special Guest Referee...this whole thing could have ended differently but surprise, Tara won the title dethroning Angelina. Sorry, ladies but I am a total Tara fan. Now when it comes to Mickie going up against Tara...I gotta side with Mickie.
Third, did you catch the match between Ink Inc. and the team of Eric Young and Orlando Jordan? What the hell was I watching in that match? Eric Young can't seem to decide who he wants to team with. To be honest, Orlando Jordan is starting to unnerve me. Orlando, there's being openly bisexual and being creepy. You decide which one it is, really but I'm leaning more toward the latter. Might wanna focus less on what you wanna wear to the ring tonight and get your partner straight...I hope that last statement made sense.
Fourth, Fourtune got their asses handed to them in the Lethal Lockdown match with EV2.0 and all I have to say to that was I was bouncing around in joy at all the stuff getting destroyed.
Fifth, Abyss...it was your last match with TNA. Seriously, you couldn't have won that one? How's your nugget BTW? Oh yeah, one other thing, I was rooting for Rob Van Dam the whole F'n Time.
That match featured even more destruction and let me tell you it was like watching the final two humans on Earth vying for control of the universe. Looks like Rob got the universe in this match.
Sixth, Jay Lethal defending his X Division title in a match not even I thought he would win. That was probably one of the roughest matches I'd ever seen in my life. Everything went fine until Robbie E. and Cookie aka The Shore stepped in. Apparently they had to infuse two douchebags claiming to be from Jersey. Dixie...next time, just start a Real Housewives division.
Seven...The Big One. This is the seal that was cracked and there was a silence in Heaven. Jeff Hardy wins the TNA World Heavyweight Championship Title and turned on his longtime friend Rob Van Dam and got all chummy with Hogan, Bischoff, Jarrett and Abyss? What is this? The Rebirth of the NWO? As Ed Lover would say...
C'mon Son! Get tha fuck outta here with that bullshit...c'mon son!
And finally...Jeff Jarrett left Samoa Joe...his tag team partner, helpless to fight against Nash, Sting and The Pope? Jesus! But at least we see that The Wolfpack weren't bullshitting about how backward Bischoff and Hogan were.
You can catch TNA Impact and TNA Reaction Thursday Nights on Spike TV at 8pm EST. Forget Monday Nights....Thursday Nights are where it's all at now.
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