
Thursday, May 10, 2007



World Rockin Saturday Night

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Thursday, May 03, 2007

The Poetry of Mice And Soldiers

So there I was sitting on CherryTap (one of those online communities like MySpace) and looking through the bulletins. I love looking through bulletins. It's one of those places you can find a whole lotta things like when a band is releasing something or when the next show date is going to be...that kinda thing.

Still, since the inception of this war we're locked into, I still never fail to see the subject lines of "If You Support Our Troops, Repost This!" and up until now, that is precisely what I've done.

I've recently quit reposting them. Before you get completely disgusted with me, just hear me out.

I was out for a walk recently. Misty's been sick. I'd been sick. I've had a lot on my mind. The filming has been halted in exchange for some base R&R. I've just needed a little time to think about some things and this was one of them.

Seems like everytime I'd opened one of these bulletins, it would be a picture of a battle-weary soldier, carrying a hell-load of gear, trudging off to some destination that isn't in the frame of the picture and a poem would appear that would state something to the effect of, "For all you protestors out there, you're welcome ya buncha fuckin' ingrates!" and then the poem would go on to state all that they've done and how disgusted they are with us. Almost as regularly as clockwork, I'd repost these things time and time again, thinking "They're from soldiers, maybe I can show them that we're not all that bad." I thought wrong.

No, dear reader, my friend, these very same messages kept filtering through and, soon, I had become disgusted with myself. You see, I'm a hardliner for telling people to wake up from the reality to which they've been programmed and begin to think for themselves and to stop living in fear because it's bad for you. At the same time, I'm passing along these poems and some of them amount to bottom lines of someone telling you to be a "Good American" and wave your flag and support a war for good or ill. Why send the double message? I have but one...Think For Yourselves! To me, that is the greatest definition of being a "Good American."

I've known several soldiers personally, all of them have been to Iraq and most of those that have been there agree with me that something is inherently and terribly wrong with our employees on The Hill. They've alienated us completely. They keep their jobs by keeping us in fear and they have annhilated our very way of thinking. The most recent public opinion polls shows that the "conspiracy nuts" are now in the majority, leaving those who think that everything is all just fine in the dreaded minority.

Well, my friends, I value my thought processes because they do serve me well from time to time. There are occasional lapses in judgment but once the processors catch up, that's when the biggest and most startling revelations begin to formulate and begin their Tom Clancy-like Splinter Cell Sneak on my conciousness to assassinate the little Mind Control Trolls that are stuck in my brain that have become like insurgents.

It occurred to me, after reading one of these posts that I wanted the origin of the message desperately.

I want to KNOW that it's one of our brave-souled, hard-knuckled, can-do protectors that had the awesome presence of mind and expression thereof to write such literature. These soldiers have influenced masses of people! They should have this stuff published, by God, That's The American Fucking Way! Goddamn Right!

No luck...ran it down as far as I could and could not actually find the damned poem/graphics origin.

This lead me to only one conclusion...this COULD be someone masquerading as a soldier, hating protestors and trying to make us all look "un-American."

I wonder if that particular person has any type of ethics in that. I wonder what the soldier whose photo was used knows about this activity? If this is the case then why not have some respect for both the protestor and the soldier and actually sit down and discuss the issue? No, the coward's way has been taken. These types would rather hide behind something they see as bulletproof and they feel threatened by my own point of view.

If this is a soldier and it is authentic, then by all means, allow me to properly illustrate why I am in opposition to the war or to violence in general. I am not so threatened that I wouldn't show that type of respect to someone who did what they believed was right even if I didn't agree with it. I'm not above telling someone who is going to be deployed, "Hey, just remember, go with God, keep your head down over there and come back home. You're always welcome here and if you need anything, here's my card. Get in touch."

It is not the soldier that I do not support. I simply oppose the war, but if you have an issue with me and the way that I do things here, tell me and I'll be more than happy to help you understand why. I understand why you're doing what you're doing and that, to me, is highly commendable. I only ask for the same kind of understanding.

If you choose to repost the bulletins on MySpace and CherryTap, that is fine and by all means, do it with my blessing but remember that, prior to calling me "liberal scum", why I have chosen not to and respect that. Also remember that calling me a liberal will not offend me in any way. There is a vast ocean of difference between what you may think and what I know.