
Thursday, November 30, 2006

Meeting The Oracle

Neo approached her in the neutral realm of The Matrix. She always had bad news to give him but forever had a smile on her face of understanding, and wisdom. She forever put nothing but choices in front of him and left him to make the decisions. She worried. She baked. She smoked. She was the largest figure of motherly love to all of these headstrong children of the electron stream. Some of her questions led to more, and oftentimes, more troubling questions but with a renewed sense of strength and courage, her children pulled through in fine style.

Last night, I worked another hospital trip. I'd been for three hours without a cigarette and I still needed to make a call. With my partner up in the room, I headed down to the smoking area just outside the hospital.

I had already had the cigarette and lighter handy. I was ready to blaze up as soon as I reached the rather sizeable atrium where a series of two benches built into semicircles were set apart from each other. Stone ashtrays were set up like remnants of stonehenge set around a central trashcan.

I won't lie and say that a lot hasn't been on my mind. The recent breakup with my girlfriend (sorry, girls, I'm not looking around right now) had left me with a void that felt like it had always been there. Stack that on top of the entire failed operation back during my vacation PLUS some of the other flops along the way, yeah, big time bummer...big time. I suppose you could factor in the whole Michael Richards fiasco at the Laugh Factory. People, it's true that he lost it on stage but this is where celebrity gets to be dangerous...because they can cause you to react so adversely to something that doesn't matter in the bigger running of things.

I guess you could say that my faith in humans has been shaken in a way never before seen.

I sat down and that's when I saw her sitting there. She was short in stature and, as she smoked, she looked as though she'd seen everything but was just enjoying the scene she took in. The entire scene did resemble that neutral space in The Matrix and that's what I think I'd felt...neutral space. It seemed like an area untouched by the insanity outside it's wooden fence.

She moved to sit next to me and began talking.

"Why baby, you alright, chere?" she asked. I looked at her and tried my best smile but the look of worry on her face intensified. She didn't just do what normal humans do. She didn't just look me dead in the eye. She looked into them deeply. She continued, "What's the matter? Tell me all about it."

"Well," I said, "I don't really feel it here. It seems like all those problems are out there."

She listened intently as I spoke. I hadn't realized just how much was on my mind at the time but, for some reason, I felt as though I could trust her and the ultimately weird part was that she'd come out talking to me as though she had known me for years. This wasn't like the small talk that someone strikes up with you when they just feel comfortable with you. No, this was specifics.

"You must be a married man," she said. I nearly fell off the bench and lost my cigarette in the process.

"I was five years ago," I explained, "She left about three months after the marriage."

"But why?" she asked, a half-puzzled look of sorrow on her face.

"Good question," I said, "I guess the money coming in from this job at the time wasn't enough to suit her expensive tastes."

We talked further and throughout the exchange (and I wish I could share the details that I could remember them all) but she seemed further disturbed by the entire mess that was the trouble on my mind.

This little Cajun woman seemed to look right into me and it wasn't so much that she said anything that was important. It was what she said.

The advice she had given me couldn't have come at a better time. I won't go into it all right now but when it was all done, we hugged. I watched her walk over to a couple of nurses as I broke the seal on a new pack as I'd smoked the last one when I'd arrived in the atrium. I realized that I hadn't even caught her name. I looked up and she was gone.

The whole event was completely strange. I opened my phone, lit another cigarette and made my call. I felt both spooked and relieved at the same time.

That night, I'd met my Oracle.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Lord Genocyde's Bottom Line on Racism

Ok, I fail to see why I'm supposed to be in a quandary about Michael Richards, the comedian known as Kramer, spouted out the dreaded "N-word" during a bit of standup he did. Would I be in one if he spouted out the terms Cracker, Honky or Roundeye? How about Paddy? Would any of that have mattered to me? One of the most white guys in existence due to my intolerance toward sunlight?

Please, cut the fuckin shit, people.

Tiger Woods got all bent out of shape over that fried chicken crack and his game suffered. Good! My game would have improved, Tiger, and would you like to know why? I'm not a fuckin pansy! I'm southern.

Would you like to know why they cracked that fried chicken remark at you, Tiger? Because it was a joke and if you want to continue taking yourself too seriously then I hope you lose to a Paddy at the next big international golf tournament...whatever the fuck it's called. Grow the hell up!

Richards cracked off a remark that, if done by any other comic, would have been perfectly acceptable and you booed at him and threw shit? You're at a comedy club! They tell jokes there! Wake the eeeeeEEEEEEEHHHHHeeeeee Fuck Up!

Chris Rock even said these words:

"I'm TIRED of niggas! Tired, Tired, TIRED of niggas! I wish they'd let me join the Ku Klux Klan! I'd do a drive-by from here to Brooklyn.

A nigga will rob your house and come to talk to you about it.

Man, I heard you just got robbed!

WHAT!? You didn't hear about shit 'cuz you was the one robbin my shit, nigga!

Do you hear these songs they got now like, 'It's the first of the mooooooooonth!' ...Niggas are singing Welfare Carols!

On the first day of Welfare, my true love gave to meeeee! We wish you a merry Welfare and a happy food staaaaaaaamp!

and I can hear 'em right now sayin, 'why you gotta be like that, brotha? Why you gotta play us like that, man, that's just the media!"

Look, Ted Koppel ain't never took shit from me! Niggas have! I don't have a gun in my home so I can look out the window and say, 'Oh shit, it's Mike Wallace, RUN!' I have that because of niggas!

The worst thing about niggas is that you can't have shit when you're livin next to 'em. CAN'T HAVE SHIT! Can't have no big screen T.V. Gotta paint it white, move it in at three in the morning and hope them niggas think it's a bassonette! Kids can't go outside and play. Can't keep a disco open for more than two weeks. Grand opening, grand closing.

And the worst thing about niggas. The WOOOOORRRRRRRST thing about them. They talk about shit normal people just do.



See, it ain't the media I'm lookin for when I go to the ATM...I'm lookin for niggas!"

Ok so maybe I messed up the joke but that was the gist of it. Now, I'm not going to ask if you got offended. Why? I don't care. Chris Rock could have made the same jokes about white people and I would not have given a shit. Why? I don't care.

Now, if you made it this far, I have to congratulate you. You haven't thrown the baby out with the bathwater yet but there's more brutality ahead so don't think you're out of the woods yet.

The first thing you should notice is that this race issue shit is just that...shit. It's crap. More shit to make this myriad meandering clusterfuck even MORE clusterfucked. Yeah, we'll be so diverted that we won't notice what's important and by the time we realize what matters most in life, it will be too goddamn late and all that time you spend worrying about your damned ethnicity could be better spent worrying about something better.

Another thing, Carlos Mencia. Yeah, let's talk Carlos.

Carlos goes nuts. Every ethnicity is a target in his sets, ok? EVERY ethnicity is a target. No exceptions. I learn things from Carlos. Up until his comedy, I didn't know white people ate peanut butter and jelly. I just thought that was one of my faves. I didn't know we were all rednecks until I compared his notes with Foxworthy and found out that I fall into that category too! Holy shit! I suffer from a glorious lack of sophistication, I eat PB&J, I tend to explode rather than vent. HOLY SHIT! I'M A STEREOTYPICAL WHITE DUDE!!! Wow...cool. You know what? I LOVE those stereotypes and do you know why? After suffering the stereotypes I've had to come up through, being a stereotypical white guy is the goddamned LEAST of my concerns.

I'm half-Paddy. I'm lookin into buying a kilt to proudly display my Scottish Highland heritage. Call it a skirt and see if I give a crap because after the kilt....I'mma learn to play bagpipes! Bagpipe music is beautiful to me, same as metal, goth, industrial, classical, some rap and a little...not much but a little ...dare I say it...country. It's all part of my heritage and even I make fun of it. I can do the fuckin accents to a cartoonish degree.

People, if you go to a comedy club, be prepared to laugh. If they're not making you laugh then you just don't get the jokes but if you have better jokes, take the stage and drop your nuts.

Drop the race issues, you're all humans. Race divides you. Religion is super touchy and let someone's offense make the news on this one...watch where I go with that one. Our differences were to make us unique, not to cause us to be targets for each other's nastiness. We have differences of opinion, belief, culture, color, language, ability and thinking. The best part is, it's not limited to that. But I'll say this and listen to me when I say this, you humans are becoming disgusting out of your petty bullshit hard feelings for each other. Nothing is politically correct and if you believe in being politically correct then move to Iran if you have the money. At one time, I had a modicum of faith in humans that maybe they'd all get their shit together and evolve but now, I'm back at square one thinking a nukefight is just what this planet needs because humans are like a cancer on this planet and you're malignant.

If an alien asked me if I represent the human race, I'd slap that son of a bitch grey and tell him, "Hell no! What's Wrong With You!"

Humans...on an individual level, I love you guys. I have friends within the human race that I love intensely and dearly and there hasn't been a single human being on an individual level that I haven't liked until they gave me reason not to like them. On a collective level, you suck. You can't get your heads out of your collective asshole for five minutes to consider what really matters or how powerful you really are on a collective level, how you can all get something really great done. Consider for just a minute how well you come together, how well you do things when you all work toward a common goal. Now look at how you're throwing it away.

Humans...You All Look The Same To Me.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Playlist For 11/26/06

Here's Ya Button For Winamp...Tune In, Rock Out!!

Here's Ya Button To The NEW Microsite...Tune In, Rock Out!!

The Genocydal Empyre v2.0

Playlist for 11/26/06

12:00am - 3:00am EST

1. The Genocydal Empyre v2.0 (Faith And The Muse - Cantus) (6:05)

2. WRR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

3. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

4. DJ Genocyde - AmmuNATION Commercial Clip (0:52)

5. Dollface - Black Widow (3:32)

6. Immune System - Bornless One (4:37)

7. Mongrel - West Memphis Hell (2:14)

8. The Gemini Ritual - At Last (4:21)

9. Michale Graves - Butcher Shop (2:55)

10. The Virus Commcenter - Your Options Have Changed (1:06)

11. Mister Monster - Over Your Dead Body (4:29)

12. Charlie Drown - Lithium Nephalim (2:58)

13. WRR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

14. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

15. Dollface - Good Girl Gone Bad (3:33)

16. Cockfight Club - Vampyric (6:56)

17. Nightwish - Ever Dream (4:45)

18. Lords of Acid - Slave To Love (3:23)

19. Encoder feat. Razed In Black - November (6:43)

20. Antitrust - Egypt (5:21)

21. WRR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

22. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

23. Mankind is Obsolete - Still Right Here (4:17)

24. Immune System - Scarlet (3:46)

25. God Komplex - Sin in Numbers (3:41)

26. Gasr - The Light (5:10)

27. Human Aftertaste - Diamond Studded Halo (5:41)


29. Matri-X-Trax - Zombie Girl - Bleeder (4:28)

30. KMFDM - Dogma (4:06)

31. DJ Genocyde - The Genocydal Empyre - Outro (0:48)


Friday, November 17, 2006

Buy The Ticket, Take The Ride...

I still remember watching Paradise Lost: The Child Murders At Robin Hood Hills and I remember it bothering me. It bothered me like nothing had ever bothered me before. Questions were always rolling around in my head as I watched Damien Echols (pictured above) and his friend Jason Baldwin going through that trial over and over and over again in my head. Something wasn't right about that entire trial and now, to me, three more lives blinked away and the only thing they seemed to have against them was local rumor, superstition, reputations and a host of so-called "evidence" that could have just as easily connected you to the murders of those three 8-year-old kids.

I finally was afforded the opportunity to watch Paradise Lost 2: Revelations last year. This year, I finally got my grubby lil claws on copies of Devil's Knot by Mara Leveritt and Almost Home: My Life Story vol 1 by Damien Echols. I'm not very far into his book yet. I wanted to get this straight from his perspective first. I've seen the perspective of others shot through editing and a camera's lens. Bruce Sinofsky and Joe Berlinger did raise some interesting questions but, as I watched the two movies, I still wonder what ended up on the cutting room floor. I'm not saying that I doubt, I'm just wondering what footage was cut out. Is it possible that it's long hours of nothing in particular? My initial reaction of something being dreadfully wrong with the trials still stands but one day, I hope to see everything that was filmed. It may be an unrealistic hope but I still hope nonetheless. Right...I'm off track.

So far, Damien has chronicled most of his childhood and into his teen years with the eyes of someone who appreciates his innocence enough to want it all back. He's gone as far as stating in his brief mention of how the West Memphis Police dealt with him, "I survived because if you push me hard enough, I become an asshole." I bring this into the light of day because I have to say only one thing to that; I can relate.

Damien has detailed the lonliness in his childhood, the completely dirt-broke life to which he'd been subjected and the suffering of poverty. There is light, however and much of it. The poverty-stricken life in which he was unceremoniously cast (and obviously not by choice) is pale in comparison to his even more detailed journey of self-discovery. He describes in great detail the little things that kept him from giving up completely as a kid even though despair and fear were at all sides and angles...it was all around him. Through the tragedy, we get a deeper insight into the joys of his world and what it was like clutching a radio, needing music more than anything, riding a skateboard for the first time or the camraderie between the few friends he had. He didn't have few friends because he was an unpopular kid, he had few friends because he moved around so much. Through the seemingly endless despair, he recalls many memories of magick, beauty and hope.

So far, I've been able to relate to a great deal about what he's written in the pages of Almost Home. There is however, a noticeable difference between myself and the author. While I remember a lot of the abuse and days of all-out (quite literally) clawing and crawling through self-destruction, Damien remembers times spent with friends sharing resources, pulling together and staying loyal, even through the murder trials.

Most people who know anything about this case knows that Jesse Misskelley Jr. gave a statement (boldly called a "confession") implicating Damien and Jason. Damien states in his book that he's not angry at Jesse. He said it's obvious to him that Jesse isn't the brightest bulb in the box and he wonders how Jesse didn't have a nervous breakdown. That, to me, is strength.
People, I'm not about to give this whole book away in detail. I won't. I will say that it is simply worth reading. After reading what I have of this book I realized that many claim I have a lot of insight into the world and it's inner workings. Now, I say that's bullshit.

I don't know a damned thing about how the world works. I don't know a damned thing about humans. They're all very backwards in ways of thinking to me. I don't know why they continue on paths of ultimate self destruction or why they tend to love the misery in which they've become entrenched. No, I'll not understand it. I don't know the cause of the cancer but I look at the cure with a bitter eye at times. Still, if you want an accurate demonstration of how to better clean it up, take a little insight from Damien's book. Many of my friends who've been down may never relate to his childhood but you may relate to him now.

TGE v2.0 News For 11/17/06

Hey Everyone,

Ok, check this out. Last night, the WM3 Support Show nearly didn't happen. Why? The new kid on Krush was actually scheduled for a time slot that I regularly do and have done for a full year or more. Talk about news, right? The day of the damn show? After I've had a playlist up for four stinkin days? Yeah, I was hacked....big time. As luck would have it though, he was having problems with his connection and the show went on as planned.

This coming show 11/22/06 has been cancelled. This is a show that would normally be on Krush and after discussing it with management and productions, we all mutually agreed that it would be far better if the show were moved entirely to WorldRockRadio.com and what this means is, we're still on Krush's Network but we're just on it's Sister Station instead of it's main Stream.

Right now we're attempting to iron out the rest of the scheduling but the playlist for next Saturday's Show will be along sometime this weekend. We'll be continuing the West Memphis Three support thing with an interview with Dollface's lead vocalist Rebecca and it's going to be another one of our brainwashing/weekend party type sessions.

Now, I'mma get outta here. More details to follow soon. Later taters!

Monday, November 13, 2006

Playlist For 11/17/06

Here's Ya Button For Winamp...Tune In, Rock Out!!

Here's Ya Button To The NEW Microsite...Tune In, Rock Out!!

The Genocydal Empyre v2.0

Playlist for 11/17/06

12:00am - 2:00am EST

1. The Genocydal Empyre v2.0 (Faith And The Muse - Cantus) (6:05)

2. KR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

3. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

4. SiNDADDY - 2 Wrongs (4:09)

5. Immune System - Scarlet (3:46)

6. The Gemini Ritual - At Last (4:21)

7. Human Aftertaste - Diamond Studded Halo (5:41)

8. Girls Under Glass - Frozen (unreleased track) (5:03)

9. Antitrust - Egypt (5:21)

10. Andraculoid - Close Your Eyes (3:56)

11. 6Bit - Damned (6:24)

12. KR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

13. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

14. Michale Graves - Butcher Shop (2:55)

15. The Other - In The Dead Of Night (4:06)

16. Frankenstein Drag Queens - Your Mother Sucks Cocks In Hell (2:38)

17. Murderdolls - Graverobbing USA (3:21)

18. Mongrel - West Memphis Hell (2:14)

19. Mister Monster - Over Your Dead Body (4:29)

20. KR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

21. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

22. DerDRAKOS - Lust For Chaos (6:15)

23. Mankind is Obsolete - Still Right Here (4:17)

24. Y-Luk-O - fallen down (5:53)

25. i:scintilla - scin (4:21)

26. Cockfight Club - Hero (Anti-Hero Mix) (4:37)

27. Charlie Drown - Lithium Nephalim (2:58)

28. KR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

29. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

30. Ayin Aleph - Butterfly (4:20)

31. BAD CAMERA - Sustain The Pain (3:45)

32. Biopsy - Harsh Disposal (3:24)

33. Encoder - supernatural / 5 (5:49)

34. Severe Illusion - bad people (2:53)

35. System Syn - momentary absolution (Imperative Reaction Mix) (5:23)

36. KMFDM - Dogma (4:06)

37. DJ Genocyde - The Genocydal Empyre - Outro (0:48)


TGE v2.0 News & The Myspace Pic Change

I know many people are probably gonna flip out on me for the picture change. Save it.

The Peace Candle pic is still among my pics and has not been taken out. I'm still hangin onto it. For now I'd like something different to go up. New pics are posted and a few more will be put up before I roll out to hit the hay. Check them out if you like. If you think they suck, hey, that's cool. Photo shoot will be happening Wednesday Evening and Lady Nikon will be by to do the pic snappin. They didn't happen Saturday or Sunday because we just never got around to them.

For those of you who missed it, Lady Nikon joined us again in the studio on Saturday and Raval of The Gemini Ritual called in to the show to talk about WINNING 2 L.A. Music Awards including The Award for Industrial Rock Artist of The Year and Industrial Rock Album of The Year. Now How Fucking Awesome Is That?

I'm still working on a new podcaster that will allow you to hear that segment in case you missed it. This is why I continuously say...you never know what's going to happen on this show. If you wanna see pics of that Award Ceremony, you can do so Here!

We also talked about the upcoming CD by The Gemini Ritual called The God Syndrome which has taken the place of Chemical Carnivale and will prove to be just as in-your-face as Heroin was. I urge you all to go check out their Myspace site: The Gemini Ritual and have a look, grab a copy of Heroin and Songs Unfit For The Deaf and check them out. Once The God Syndrome gets released, we'll be spinning tracks from it on a regular basis...trust that.

Anyway, got a couple more pics to grab and post, make sure you check out all that and HOLY SHIT! Before I go, you might wanna register at Skeleton Key Auctions before the stuff goes up for auction. They'll be auctioning some memberships to Suicide Girls, An autographed guitar by Alkaline Trio, three pieces of artwork depicting Damien Echols, Jason Baldwin and Jesse Misskelley Jr. tarot style and a whole lot more. Just go there, register and keep an eye on the site and once the stuff goes up, auction away. If you're wondering why, it's all going to a benefit for The West Memphis Three.

Now, time for me to run and dry out my laundry for work tonight. Check out all this stuff when you get a chance, keep your eyes here on the blogs. We didn't get time to do the Collide giveaways or the giveaways of the book by Dr. Misty but that's good news for you guys...that means you can get in on the next show Thursday @ 11pm Central/Friday at 12am EST and be the 10th caller when I announce it to get in on some of these gnarly giveaways PLUS Dr. Misty's still doing her Urban Legends and Myths segments and that's something really interesting so get in here and check out the party you keep missing out on.

In December, we're hoping to have Jewel Shepherd (Return of The Living Dead, Caged Heat 2) and Beverly Randolph (Return of The Living Dead) on for interviews and when that happens, anything is bound to be said. Keep an eye out for that one too. We're also looking to have Jsin Trioxin on the show pretty soon to talk about his band Mr Monster and that should be fun as well so keep your eyes and ears peeled.

Time for me to get this stuff done. See you guys on the flipside. I'm hoping to have the playlist posted as early as tomorrow the 14th. Laters!!!

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Playlist For 11/11/06

Here's Ya Button For Winamp...Tune In, Rock Out!!

Here's Ya Button To The NEW Microsite...Tune In, Rock Out!!

The Genocydal Empyre v2.0

Playlist for 11/11/06

12:00am - 3:00 EST

1. The Genocydal Empyre v2.0 (Faith And The Muse - Cantus) (6:05)

2. The Cauldrons - Hallowe'en (1:57)

3. Human Aftertaste - Diamond Studded Halo (5:41)

4. Antitrust - Egypt (5:21)

5. The Gemini Ritual - At Last (4:21)

6. WRR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

7. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

8. Murderdolls - 197666 (2:19)

9. Mister Monster - Over Your Dead Body (4:29)

10. Michale Graves - Spiderman Save Me (3:16)

11. Matri-X-Trax - Zombie Girl - Bleeder (4:28)

12. WRR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

13. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

14. Mankind is Obsolete - Still Right Here (4:17)

15. The Other - In The Dead Of Night (4:06)

16. Wednesday 13 - I Walked With A Zombie (3:43)

17. Cradle Of Filth - Her Ghost In the Fog (6:24)

18. WRR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

19. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

20. Carfax Abbey - Cry Little Sister (3:56)

21. Mongrel - West Memphis Hell (2:14)

22. Metallica - Die, die my darling (2:29)

23. God Komplex - Sin in Numbers (3:41)

24. WRR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

25. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

26. Collide - Beneath the Skin (6:18)

27. Genitorturers - Sin City (3:39)

28. F5 - Dissidence (2:33)

29. Lords of Acid - Slave To Love (3:23)

30. WRR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

31. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

32. Andraculoid - Close Your Eyes (3:56)

33. Encoder feat. Razed In Black - November (6:43)

34. XP8 - Bleed And Shout (4:51)

35. Gasr - New Society (4:40)

36. KMFDM - Dogma (4:06)

37. DJ Genocyde - The Genocydal Empyre - Outro (0:48)


Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Sick of Telemarketers? So Is He!


Lord Genocyde's Stance on The Death Penalty

I've been asked about my stance on the death penalty before and I've addressed it on the show a time or fifteen. Never once, as I'm listening to some of the playback from the past shows, did I ever really get my thoughts in order on this. What stance you take, hey, go for it. Take your stand, wherever it may be but my reasons are as follows:

1. As a society, we're chock-full of double-standards. We want little to no violence in TV movies or programs but 24-hour, up-to-the-minute coverage of hostility overseas in full-color with digital enhancement on CNN is perfectly acceptable. We have a Department of Defense that engages in more Offense than anything. We have laws in place that allow an intruder to sue you and win if they're harmed in your home in the commission of a crime, no matter how severe and furthermore we have the constant spoonfeeding of bringing America back to family values BUT continually hiking the cost of living to the point of putting the strain on the family. Well, if I'm to believe killing is wrong then it's simply fucking wrong and there is no justification, no reason (morally or ethically) that neither I nor anyone else has for doing it. Period.

2. The Deterrent Factor: Many argue that the Death Penalty is a deterrent. I don't know how many other states fall in with this criteria BUT The State of Louisiana's criteria for sentencing of someone to death is the criteria of that person being unable to be rehabilitated by any means which renders the deterrent to another bullshit statement. It's a punishment and nothing more. In order to be a deterrent, wouldn't it have to be public? If others saw someone die (like some electrocutions that have gone horribly awry) then, quite possibly that might stick in someone's mind enough to sway them but the fact is they're not public, reporters are NOT allowed to take cameras in and the descriptions we get are vague at best. Even today, people still commit the act of murder. What exactly was it supposed to deter again?

3. Rehabilitation: If the person is deemed unable to be rehabilitated then the jury is given this concession over life imprisonment. Ok but let's consider the facts on imprisonment. The actual job of the prisons are to maintain security, custody and control and that's a wrap. Programs are put into place for rehabilitation BUT it must be the inmate who chooses whether or not to accept these programs and ACTIVELY take part. Otherwise, the prisons are left open to lawsuits by inmates who, upon release, repeat the same crime and then file suit claiming that the state did not do their job of rehabilitating them. By this standard every inmate in the State of Louisiana is unable to be rehabilitated. It's left up to them. By state criteria, each and every one of them is looking at the possibility of a death sentence for so much a repeated marijuana offense.

4. There have been too many mistakes on the part of our legal system to have this type of sentence, steeped in finality. Some are infuriated about how long appeals processes take and will rant for days about how one person or another is delaying their executions and they'd rather see executions carried out the sentences immediately after sentencing. This may work if you have evidence that conclusively points all indicators at the accused BUT we have cases of some severe circumstantial evidence at best being the only indication of any connection to a crime, no matter how weak. Due largely to this, our present system has yet another flaw and one far too large for me to simply throw my trust upon it.

5. Money Talks, Bullshit Walks: Capitol cases are a constant testament to this. If you can't afford decent attorneys, then you have only to look forward to your court-appointed attorney who is feeding from the same trough as the prosecutor. The public defenders are not well-funded enough to adequately defend anyone in a case of this magnitude and with court and attorney fees being astronomical, anyone living check to check (regardless of innocence or guilt) is subject to this, yet another, enormous flaw in our judicial system.

This is not the same as buying a rubber or a diaphragm. This is not the same as big business. The original question that was raised was a question of ethics and morality. Mine stand where they are and the legal reasons are the ones that back them each time. Even if our legal system were perfect I wouldn't support it for my moral reasons. Then again, if our legal system were perfect, I'd be out of a job.

Playlist for 11/8/06

Here's Ya Button For Winamp...Tune In, Rock Out!!

Here's Ya Button To The NEW Microsite...Tune In, Rock Out!!

The Genocydal Empyre v2.0

Playlist for 10/26/06

10/26/06 @ 7:00pm - Whenever It Ends EST

1. The Genocydal Empyre v2.0 (Faith And The Muse - Cantus) (6:05)

2. KR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

3. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

4. Y-Luk-O - electricity (3:49)

5. The Gemini Ritual - At Last (4:21)

6. Starlit - Transformation (5:04)

7. Mister Monster - Over Your Dead Body (4:29)

8. Static X - Bled For Days (3:47)

9. Michale Graves - Spiderman Save Me (3:16)

10. Godsmack - Speak (3:57)

11. KR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

12. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

13. Charlie Drown - Lithium Nephalim (2:58)

14. David Bowie - The Pretty Things Are Going To Hell (4:46)

15. Bound In Oblivion - Don't You Forget About Me (5:41)

16. All:My:Faults - Alles ist gesagt! (3:40)

17. KR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

18. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

19. Collide - Euphoria (5:27)

20. BAD CAMERA - Sustain The Pain (3:45)

21. Ayin Aleph - Butterfly (4:20)

22. Drones - I Wanna Know (4:40)

23. KR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

24. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

25. i:scintilla - scin (4:21)

26. Matri-X-Trax - Zombie Girl - Bleeder (4:28)

27. DerDRAKOS - Lust For Chaos (6:15)

28. Mankind is Obsolete - Still Right Here (4:17)

29. Gasr - The Light (5:10)


31. KMFDM - Dogma (4:06)

32. DJ Genocyde - The Genocydal Empyre - Outro (0:48)

Lord Genocyde vs. Michael Moore

November, 7th, 2006

5 Good Reasons to Vote Today

1. IT'S A NATIONAL REFERENDUM. Although candidates' names will be on the ballot today, this election is NOT about this candidate or that candidate. Make no mistake about it: This election is nothing less than a National Referendum on George W. Bush and his War. Don't waste your time trying to learn about who the schlump is that's running for office. You know they're all pretty much the same, a few are better than others, but... please. They is who they is. THIS election is not about them. It's a simple up or down vote on staying the course.

To vote in favor of the war, vote for the Republican. To vote against the war, vote for the Democrat. As crazy as it sounds, even if the Republican is against the war, or the Democrat is for it, it doesn't matter. All that will matter by midnight tonight is the math on the big tote board. Did America say YES to Bush or NO to Bush? The ONLY way they're going to add it up is by counting the number of votes under the big D and the big R. The only way to take a stand against Bush today is to vote for the Dems on the ballot.

2. IN ORDER TO CATCH THE REPUBLICANS STEALING YOUR VOTE, YOU FIRST HAVE TO VOTE. There are huge and valid concerns about the new electronic voting machines that must be addressed. It is far too easy to use new technology to rig the vote. But if your fear of that leads you to decide that you shouldn't bother voting, well, then, I guess they've succeeded in snuffing out your voice without having to rig the machine. Make them break the law if they want to win. Vote. We'll catch them if they do. I promise.

3. WITH THE DEMOCRATS IN POWER IN THE HOUSE AND/OR SENATE, WE CAN GO AFTER THEM! These spineless Democrats who enabled Bush to start this war and funded it ever since are due for a shellacking from all of us. For nearly 6 years, they've hidden behind the cop-out of, "Hey, we're the minority, we have no power." As of tomorrow, hopefully, they will have no mask to hide behind. And it will be up to us to go after them.

4. I'LL PUT YOU ON MY WEBSITE. That's right. You can appear on my home page and be seen by millions later today. All you need to do is bring a broom when you go to vote. The broom is our mascot today because we're going to sweep the crooks and the warmongers outta office. Take a picture of yourself holding a broom outside your polling place, e-mail it to me, and I'll put as many of you as I can up on the home page of my website. People all around the world will see you! Government files with your name on them will be initiated! What better way to celebrate this historic day?!

And the final reason to vote today...

5. 2,836 + 655,000. Each one of them, American and Iraqi, are no longer with us because of the decision by one man to start a war. Each one of them represented a precious, God-given life that no man had the right to take away. Each one of them had a mother and father, sisters, brothers, husbands, wives, friends and loved ones, little boys and little girls. It's mad, my friends, utterly mad, this senseless loss of human life.

So, do it for them. Call up whoever you know and tell them to meet you at the polls. And tell them to bring a broom, real or imaginary, with a big D on it. It's the only true American thing to do.

See ya at the victory party tonight!

Michael Moore

P.S. Forward this to all your friends. Today is the day.

Sunday, November 05, 2006



Saturday, November 04, 2006

Better Get To Killin'...

Those words from Mark Phillips will ring forever in my mind. I'll never forget Cathy being taken aback by those words when he told her that was what he told the Feds that threatened him as I read their book Access Denied: For Reasons of National Security and it screamed in my mind loudly.

I wasn't threatened by any Feds or Spooks but by people who have only proven one thing; They've Found The One Man They Can't Shut Up.

It's been a no-brainer that I haven't been able to keep my mouth shut since birth. I can roll with things when I need to but, when you come right down to it, I talk when I feel it's warranted and I take kid gloves off when I'm threatened.

I'm described by people who know me as nice, smart, a good person, etc. To those that don't, you'd swear I was the only person with Down's Syndrome who had the Illuminati working for him. The laundry list of insults has been launched at me even after I had to watch the disintegration of all the hard work that my crew and I put together. Yeah, rough week and when I thought I'd finally earned a reprieve, they had to come out of the woodwork to ambush. I'm not whining about it, mind you. This is what I'd set out to be, initially...The Most Dangerous Mind On The Internet. The Most Hated DJ Around. This, to me, has shown confirmation. I've actually seen these people say things like "He thinks too highly of himself!" Well, at least I know that the self-esteem problem isn't mine.

Among some of the other rather tawdry quotes I've received were the following with my commentary:

"I did enough to get you to dedicate a show to me and publicly announce it. :D

You're welcome btw.

I'm sure your listener enjoyed it immensely.

But tell your mum that she should really be listening to music within her own age bracket."

And I think too highly of MYself? I wonder when I dedicated anything to this one. I might not get many listeners live but the ones the can't make the live shows (and hey, I know not everyone is as nocturnal as myself) there are always something called podcasts. Buy a clue or do better.

"DJGenital hasn't advanced past Kindergarten obviously."

About the only thing that's obvious is that this dude has a fixation...and an unhealthy one to boot. The Westboro Baptist Church is gonna have a field day with this one...now if I can just find what I did with thier number...

"I think he is trying to impress with his macho grande attitude."

What am I, a menu item at Taco Fuckin Bell? Looks like I'm the item that people order most. Let's not belabor the fact that there's a huge ocean of difference between what I know and what this one thinks.

"It must be real, otherwise if you could act that stupid, and not really be, then you would be in Hollywood."

Anyone got an application for The Church of Scientology? I think this one needs Dianetics...pronto.

"Damn, can't you even be original with anything DJGenital?"

Sure I can, ask your mom sometime. Told you his fixation was unhealthy. Watch this, he continues.

"You wanna try and talk all big and tough like, but you prove with every post that you are nothing but a big mouthed punk."

Let's get one thing straight. I don't have to try anything, I just do it and I make it look fuckin great. The only Punk I see here is the one who has the unhealthy fixation. Textbook Closet-Case Self-Loathing, it's an ugly thing, isn't it?

"I could go on and on about your bullshit, but I don't have the time at the moment."

Ah, yes, the famous cop-out of everyone who doesn't have an arguement that they can back up. Coming from a person with no spine, I consider the source.

:You won't get far around here. While I'm sure it would be fun for you to try and fuck with me, you might want to think twice. Two things. First, you may not feel the repercussions for a while, but you'll feel them eventually. I never forget, and I have lots of patience. I can assure you that you might want to think twice about it."

My first ever threat and not much of one. I wonder what the specifics are? Obscene calls? Kill one of my cats and stuff them in my mailbox? Propose marriage? Crossdressing? Another one on a message board in the same breath went as follows:

"Second, I can ban your ass."

Well seeing as how they haven't done that yet I see Spineless is as Spineless does. I think I can still sleep well during the day without going emo over being banned off the message board. Wait...nevermind...can I borrow someone's shoulder, I feel tears coming on...of laughter.

"Smartass, shitty comments aren't a requirement. Being nice isn't really hard, when you are dealing with a nice bunch of people. But come in with a shit for brains attitude, and you get it back."

I'm dealing with "nice" people? Smartass shitty comments are my specialty. It's how I got YOU to listen isn't it? Keep loading my gun, doll, but you're runnin outta places for me to shoot you.

I think this about sums it up. These people make one thing very obvious...they're terrified they have nothing else to offer. They have nothing to say and no way to say it and instead of actually making an attempt to do better, they'd rather throw their shit.

Got a piece of advice for you guys, think you can do better? By all means go for it! I'll give you whatever you need to get started. Gonna ban me? Hey, get to killin' Pahdnah. I'm sure you'll feel much better in the morning when you wake up. Wanna make references to my genitals? Hey, I'm all for that but you should remember two things. First, no one cares about your latent homo fantasies and second, I haven't had a single complaint...ever. When in doubt, just ask your mom. She just got off the phone with me asking me if I was going to be bringing my bondage gear she loves so much. Yeah, you only THOUGHT you were a deviant.

One thing for all these people is more than blatantly obvious...this is what happens when you're breast fed by your father.

Friday, November 03, 2006

This Old (Haunted?) House

This house of mine has a reputation. Not many have lived here and stayed for any substantial length of time. I was once told by a friend who lived here of some of it's many odd nuances.

"Place is fuckin...goddamn strange man," Dave told me. Dave and I had grown up together since kindergarten. That night, I was watching his band, From Ruin, practice in thier band house which was not much more than a run-down trailer in the middle of nowhere.

"What's wrong with it?" I asked, "Sure, I've had some pretty off-the-wall stuff happen in there but nothing hair-raising."

"Yeah?" he asked, "Well you need to talk to my dad about that. We stayed for about three months in that place and it was bad...just fuckin horrible. That place is notorious for just eating things."

"Eating things?" I asked.

"Yeah," he said, "Like shit just disappears."

"I had always chalked that one up to dishonest roomies," I told him, recalling when my celtic cross ring went missing as many things did.

I've had some pretty odd experiences here, most of which I've attributed to too much sleep or lack thereof, possible drafty spots, etc. The ring, however, was a different story. i recall putting it next to the sink in the bathroom as I was apt to do and then, it was gone. Even after a couple spring cleanings, the ring never turned up.

Dave started naming the list of things that went missing while he and his family lived there. Some of them made no sense. Entire posters off of walls, pictures, clothing, personal items.

"The shit part of it is," he continued, "all the crap at the back was ok."

"The back?" I asked, "What the hell made that so important?"

"Beats me," he said, finishing his beer and tossing the can into the huge bonfire, "Fuckin place is wierd dude."

Later on, my landlord would confirm that the bedroom in which I'm sitting as I write this was once a doctor's office. The living room was the waiting room, the smaller bedroom adjacent to the living room was an exam room and the bathroom has never changed. That was 70 plus years ago. Later on, at the rear of the house, an additional bedroom and kitchen were later added.

Sometimes there are creaks and noises. Sometimes, even now, things still go missing that do not make any sense. I don't try to explain them. I don't know for sure what any of them are. I've been told by people there are about 7 different energies in my house other than my own. I've even been informed by others that they recieve emanations from my wall that are unwholesome to say the least.

If you believe in ghosts, this house might have what you're looking for.

If you don't, it's just an old house.

There are still far more things than any of us are able to perceive.

Hail Halloween!

I get lots of ideas. While they may not always be more suited to writing, they are destined to be earmarked for action. Action is truly the spice of our life and, while it may not always seem feasable, it suits us far better than any writing ever could.

Halloween has been a time-honored tradition for revelry for me. Each passing year, I've expressed myself out loud with all other kids. Going door-to-door was not the point of the tradition but it helped. Each year, I seemed stuck on this tradition. Each year, my expression became louder, more pronounced and far more prolonged.

Every year after I became "too old" for the door-to-door routine, my friends and I would take a month's worth of allowances and money unspent from odd jobs and, if any of them were like me, they actually had a job, and we'd raid anyplace that had our Halloween favorites.

Halloween is the season for horror, suspense and terror. We'd watch cheesy slasher films, Freddy, Jason, Dracula movies of any and all varieties before any of us were old enough to really appreciate what kind of art form they were, marking eras in Hollywood as the times passed. We'd watch suspense thrillers with the monsters portrayed as human but certainly not. We'd become vegetarian after repeated viewings of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre films. This came, of course, after we would terrorize our repsective neighborhoods.

The local police could never catch us. By the time they were out of their comfy units we had split up into different directions and, if one of us was pursued, we were freaky enough to blend into some of the crowds of people that decided to freak out in costuming for one night. We would rendezvous at designated locations to have a smoke, maybe a drink or two that we managed to sneak. Plenty in the way of junkfood, music and movies all designed to rot our brains awaited us. Back then, we didn't appreciate Romero's work on the zombie films. Zombies were boring, Jason Voorhees was a beast and Freddy Kreuger had personality. We were forever debating who would win in a match between the two. None of us ever dreamed they'd make a movie about it.

We had fun and a few near-misses but we managed to come out of the shit smelling like roses...or Marlboros. Yes, these were the times when the only thing that was complicated was getting a pack or two before the festivities began.

Later on, after my friends had moved out of town and I'd acquired more that I didn't necessarily see as "friends" but more as acquaintances. Halloween festivities still concerned horror movies and consuming junk in vast quantities but also just losing our minds. We found ourselves resorting to extreme behavior. By then, I was conducting ceremonies and rituals in darkened rooms alone in the term pagans call "skyclad"...it's the only way to fly. I'd found, through meditation, that I could achieve any altered state that drugs could do but I could still keep my senses about me. I found, during these strange times, my entire life had taken a turn for the weird. Going into detail of these great and terribly strange times could take up volumes and time you don't have to spend. I will say that those strange times continue...even to this very day.

The attendance at the parties dwindled, though. Some never grew out of their addictions and that left me with choices I found myself having to make. I simply chose not to watch anyone else destroy themselves.

It didn't take long before I figured out that no one would be coming to the annual Halloween bash. For three years, All Hallows Eve seems sort of different. I haven't done my ceremonies, no door-to-door, not even costuming since 2004 when I made myself up for the last time.

2005 had come with a new idea. I had the clothing for it and the right props. I was going to go door-to-door again and not for candy. No, I was going to be The Satanic Bible Salesman. I would go door-to-door in my spoofing of tradition and say, "Have you fooouuuunnnnd our Lord And Master, Satan?" The idea was cancelled by two things. First, a nasty case of an upper respiratory infection. The joke wouldn't work unless I could speak or walk without hacking up a lung and the second thing, it was a popular consensus among my friends that I'd probably end up dodging the blasts of shotguns even in residential districts. Ok, definitely not one of my best ideas. Might work in a bigger city but not here. What I have to wonder is why the oddly-timed upper respiratory? Did I piss a larger force off?

2006 came with the inmate costume. No case of upper respiratory this time. I decided that it would look a tad too real and rather than spend time in jail until they determined whether or not I was actually just a costumed man walking about, I decided to pack it away. It might be of some use later on. In time, anything I get finds a use...even if it is one time, it still finds a use. Still, walking around, looking like a normie while the rest looked at me incensed that I didn't join them proved to be an altogether new and unique experience. I watched the kids in costume running back and forth, listening to some of the songs I used to listen to with my friends way back when. I even walked through my old neighborhood and took in the sights and sounds that were familiar to me. I can't count the many Jack Sparrow costumes I'd seen.

So here's to The Tradition of All Hallow's Eve. Another has passed and we wait for the next.

I guess you could say that it never got weird enough for me

Snowball's Adventures

I've been sitting here unable to sleep all day. Insomnia strikes again. Perhaps it's like it is during any vacation time I have. It's simply the fact that my body somehow wants to adjust to see the thing that usually screws me up (flesh and eyes) on a near-daily basis...daylight.

A revelation unfolded in my mind as I began reflecting on Snowball's latest stunt, his long journey away from home.

Snowball's been clingy these past couple of days. Many were happy that Snowball returned, as I was, but I began wondering why wouldn't this cat let me work? Furthermore, why would he cling to me or run for the door whenever I stood from where I was sitting? It didn't make sense to me. I was the one that was here the whole time. He was the one who had left and each time he left, I'd take the furry shit back with open arms.

He didn't appear wounded by any means. He still has his collar. He doesn't look as though he's missed a meal since his journey.

So what the hell was making this cat as clingy as a few of those past girlfriends who had little to no self-esteem.

I recalled after Rayne left he had disappeared for about a week. He had become close to her as well as me and no matter whether he ate just prior to me, he would still beg for whatever it was I was eating. On some occasions, he'd become daring, trying to sneak off with my food before I caught him. A master thief, he is not. Still, he'd become close to Rayne and would be her constant companion as well as my own. Once Rayne left, though, things changed. He'd left as well and stayed gone. I didn't go in search of him. He liked the outdoors and something inside me told me he'd be back. One week later, he was, begging to come inside.

He instantly connected with Misty when she arrived. During her two-week stay, I'd see him curled up to her constantly. He'd seem a bit perturbed when she would take walks with me. I didn't even take notice of these things until much later but when Misty left for Jersey again. Snowball left as well and there's no telling how long he'd stayed gone this time.

That's when things began to add up. Snowball was going in search of his two lost companions. This last time proved to him to be the most harrowing. He'd become lost and confused, having to rely on his instincts for survival. There's no telling where he slept or ate, where he played or with whom he met along the way. There was just the fact that he turned up when he did. Now, the little fuzzbucket clings to me as though he's afraid I'll be the one to abandon him.

I used to be of the mind that animals were not in need of psychiatric evaluation. Perhaps it's time Snowball had one.

Don't get me wrong. I love my cats. I'd resort to savagery to protect them but Snowball has issues.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Happy Returns And TOO Much Realism

Relax, He's Just Gettin A Snuggle

Yep, that's me and Snowball. Snowball's been missing for some time now. Probably ever since Misty left and went back to Jersey. I don't know where he went and yesterday, Misty and I were thinking about him.

"He's most likely found somewhere that serves better food," I said. I didn't really mean that, though. I couldn't think of anyone serving Snowball any better than what I buy for him. I do not spend sparingly on such fine cats. Their coats are smooth and they're either fat as all outdoors or in great muscular shape for a reason. To me, the only way to feed them any better would be to literally cook meals for them and to do that would thoroughly interfere with the diet in which I give them. Come to think of it, I don't even treat myself this well.

"I don't know," she began.

"Well I'd rather think that than the alternative," I said. I didn't want to think about Snowball being lost and alone, the only sign that he's mine being the flea collar around his neck that is perfectly camoflauged in his fur. We both agreed we didn't want to think of him as roadkill. All we knew was that we missed him. Misty's cat, Whitey, had to be put down yesterday as well but not until that afternoon. His name was originally Snowball and he was 24 years old. That, to me, was not a good omen. Especially after suffering Muffin's loss.

Tonight I walked to the convienience store across the street from me to get some Pepsi. As I came out with the Pepsi, something caught my attention. A cat had quickly turned I noticed something. The half-tail! The markings!

"Snowball?!" I asked.

The cat stopped and turned around, delivering his trademark, "Mraow-ow!"

I nearly ran to snatch him up but thought the better of it. It might spook him and then all I'd have had of my best friend in the world would be a glimpse. Instead, I walked over to him and picked him up and carried him home. Nermal was happy to see her son again, though he wasn't happy in the least to see her. He became defensive and hissed at her.

Long story short, after this pic was just taken, he now lies in my lap here at the computer, sleeping his pure white life away.

Now, I'd actually had the idea proposed to me about possibly walking around during Halloween dressed as an inmate. Part of me already had problems with this. That part being I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE IN SAN MARCOS DOING A LIVE SHOW! Then again, Halloween itself was three days away from The San Marcos Fiasco. Did I get the costume? Bet your ass! A crazy stunt like that? Me? Oh yeah! Did I wear it out? No. Now, before you go nuts on me, check this out.

I did try the two-piece the day I got it and after checking it out, I took it off and gave it long, serious thought. While posessing no markings, it just looked too damned real. I was gonna spend a night in jail behind that and I'd already had that cemetary incident counting against me from earlier in the year. Mom so strategically brought that up on Dad's birthday during dinner. Why? My younger brother just joined the local P.D. and he got the story from one of his co-workers. Mom thought it would be funny. Yeah, fuckin hilarious.

Anyway, I decided not to wear it. In fact, this is the first year in 28 that I didn't "get dolled up" for Halloween. I found out I didn't have to. I still got stares anyway. How bad is that? Did the ones that did get all dressed up and made up suddenly feel like a crowd alone? Thank you, all...welcome to my world. Now, I was wondering, should I have gotten dressed up? Naaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh! Look At This And Know...I Rest My Case!