Episode 109: Indestructible
I honestly can't believe how rude some people can be. Apparently, last night, some rather young and stupid morons got bent completely out of shape at the Genitorturers hoodie I was wearing due to the inverted five-point star on the back. And it all happened while I was on the phone with Misty.
Normally, this would be cause for me to start kicking ass and taking names later but there were multiple opponents. Stupid thing to throw threats at a man walking near the fucking police station. Great idea, champ. There was also one other problem that I won't mention here but all I will say is that a later confrontation with police would not have fared well for me. I had to make a decision and that decision was to ignore them at first. All four elements were satisfied for me. This bunch had the opportunity and ability to do me harm, I had the jeopardy but I also had preclusion going against me. I did, however, have one problem...the whole thing seemed like a bomb about to go off and the only one to diffuse it was me. I decided to go do just that. Pounding some idiot's head into the ground next to the cop shop wouldn't have been a smart move on my part but ridding these idiots of their ignorance would.
Indestructible, determination that is incorruptible
As I walked past them, one of them decided to be rude again by deciding to call on me as I was on the phone. Jesus Christ, don't these morons learn?
I walked over to this kid and became as nice as possible, asking him how they fared through Ike and Gustav, letting them know where I lived, etc. To some, this may seem crazy...it's not...it's running right at danger. The closer I am to danger, the further I am from harm. Why?
From the other side, a terror to behold.
Annihilation will be unavoidable...
Because if this buncha fuckin' chumps would have dropped their nuts long enough to actually decide that this is where they're coming...my new little Taurus Millennium PT111 Pro 9mm would have dealt with them in a cold, calculating, and destructive manner. I stood right in their midst and suddenly the ones that were screaming "Bald, Devil-Worshipping Motherfucker" and "Better keep walkin...we believe in God around here." suddenly didn't seem so potent. Not that they've even bothered asking my religious affiliations or lack thereof or even belief system or practice. Screwing with an ordained minister with a certification in Post WWII Hand-To-Hand Combat isn't exactly smart on their part, either. One of them kept running his head trying to get my attention but I was engaged in a brief but pleasant conversation with one of them. My focus strictly on that one dude with awareness to there being only three guys and maybe four girls.
Every broken enemy will know
that their opponent had to be invincible...
Then, suddenly, this tough guy had literally nothing to say. I wished him and the rest a good night and told them to stay safe and made my way back home, diffusing the bomb in under one minute.
Take a last look around while you're alive
I'm an indestructible Master of War...
Recently, I started reading Sammy Franco's book When Seconds Count. From the onset, he states that the tactics that lie within are lethal and will give the reader insurmountable power...but it is power NEVER to be abused. In this book, he challenges his reader to approach life in peace and live up to the highest moral and ethical standards. I love a good challenge and the information was useful in an immediate capacity.
As I walked away, I heard one of the girls tell the loudmouthed tough guy that he was "such an asshole" and then begin nagging him. Once she did that, suddenly, she became this guy's enemy and the fighting and bickering amongst themselves began. No punches thrown. No injuries suffered. Much like the last time I was outnumbered. The trash talking stopped and they all became very friendly. Why? Hell if I know. I've always attributed it to there but by the Grace of God being on my side. Whether or not I'm right is still up for debate.
Now, I didn't tell you this story to brag. I came to bring you three things I've learned from it and they are as follows:
1. Minds Are Like Parachutes...Only Useful Once Opened.
2. Care Not About What Others Think...They Rarely Do That Anyway.
3. And Confucious Say "Man Who Fart In Church, Sit In Own Pew"
4. Open Mouths May Not Always Catch Closed Fists But They Do Gather Feet Quickly.
5. The Less You Know, The More Assumptions You'll Make. Everyone Knows That When You Assume, You Make An Ass of U and Me.
Normally, this would be cause for me to start kicking ass and taking names later but there were multiple opponents. Stupid thing to throw threats at a man walking near the fucking police station. Great idea, champ. There was also one other problem that I won't mention here but all I will say is that a later confrontation with police would not have fared well for me. I had to make a decision and that decision was to ignore them at first. All four elements were satisfied for me. This bunch had the opportunity and ability to do me harm, I had the jeopardy but I also had preclusion going against me. I did, however, have one problem...the whole thing seemed like a bomb about to go off and the only one to diffuse it was me. I decided to go do just that. Pounding some idiot's head into the ground next to the cop shop wouldn't have been a smart move on my part but ridding these idiots of their ignorance would.
Indestructible, determination that is incorruptible
As I walked past them, one of them decided to be rude again by deciding to call on me as I was on the phone. Jesus Christ, don't these morons learn?
I walked over to this kid and became as nice as possible, asking him how they fared through Ike and Gustav, letting them know where I lived, etc. To some, this may seem crazy...it's not...it's running right at danger. The closer I am to danger, the further I am from harm. Why?
From the other side, a terror to behold.
Annihilation will be unavoidable...
Because if this buncha fuckin' chumps would have dropped their nuts long enough to actually decide that this is where they're coming...my new little Taurus Millennium PT111 Pro 9mm would have dealt with them in a cold, calculating, and destructive manner. I stood right in their midst and suddenly the ones that were screaming "Bald, Devil-Worshipping Motherfucker" and "Better keep walkin...we believe in God around here." suddenly didn't seem so potent. Not that they've even bothered asking my religious affiliations or lack thereof or even belief system or practice. Screwing with an ordained minister with a certification in Post WWII Hand-To-Hand Combat isn't exactly smart on their part, either. One of them kept running his head trying to get my attention but I was engaged in a brief but pleasant conversation with one of them. My focus strictly on that one dude with awareness to there being only three guys and maybe four girls.
Every broken enemy will know
that their opponent had to be invincible...
Then, suddenly, this tough guy had literally nothing to say. I wished him and the rest a good night and told them to stay safe and made my way back home, diffusing the bomb in under one minute.
Take a last look around while you're alive
I'm an indestructible Master of War...
Recently, I started reading Sammy Franco's book When Seconds Count. From the onset, he states that the tactics that lie within are lethal and will give the reader insurmountable power...but it is power NEVER to be abused. In this book, he challenges his reader to approach life in peace and live up to the highest moral and ethical standards. I love a good challenge and the information was useful in an immediate capacity.
As I walked away, I heard one of the girls tell the loudmouthed tough guy that he was "such an asshole" and then begin nagging him. Once she did that, suddenly, she became this guy's enemy and the fighting and bickering amongst themselves began. No punches thrown. No injuries suffered. Much like the last time I was outnumbered. The trash talking stopped and they all became very friendly. Why? Hell if I know. I've always attributed it to there but by the Grace of God being on my side. Whether or not I'm right is still up for debate.
Now, I didn't tell you this story to brag. I came to bring you three things I've learned from it and they are as follows:
1. Minds Are Like Parachutes...Only Useful Once Opened.
2. Care Not About What Others Think...They Rarely Do That Anyway.
3. And Confucious Say "Man Who Fart In Church, Sit In Own Pew"
4. Open Mouths May Not Always Catch Closed Fists But They Do Gather Feet Quickly.
5. The Less You Know, The More Assumptions You'll Make. Everyone Knows That When You Assume, You Make An Ass of U and Me.