Episode 55: Damien's Political Stances
To all my political friends,
I understood there were a flurry of facebook postings around the election. It went on for months. There were reasons I should vote Romney and reasons I should be part of keeping Obama in office. I was hounded daily with it until finally I just decided to leave facebook alone and barely post there. I just didn't want anymore of the brainwashing I was getting. Post-Election I expected some political posting but never has it gotten more childish than what I've seen so far.
My friends, frankly I've grown tired of it and I'll give all of you the introduction to me that you all need. This is me, politically and I don't need your approval on it. I approve and that's all that matters.
We all have three basic inalienable RIGHTS according to our Declaration of Independence and they are as follows:
1. Life
2. Liberty
3. Pursuit of Happiness
Got that? Okay good.
The first ten amendments to our Constitution solidify and guarantee those three basic and inalienable rights. I have the right to petition my Government for a redress of grievances...even if that means I do it from a local coffee shop. I have the right to peaceably assemble and associate with anyone I desire and do it that way. If I choose God, Christ, Cthulhu, Satan, Gaia, Pan, Baphomet, Pyriel, Gabriel, Michael, The Great Bugblatter Beast of Kaldar Fucking Nine, then that is my deity to worship. If I choose none of the above, I am permitted to do that as well. If I choose to share it, I will. If I choose to keep it to myself I'll do that as well. I can say what I want, when I want, write it down, take a picture, it doesn't make a damn and guess what....that's all covered in Amendment Numero Uno.
That Second Amendment tells me that if you come to rob me of any of those three RIGHTS unjustly. I am guaranteed the ability ...the RIGHT AND CHOICE of weaponry necessary to keep those rights firmly in place. Take my gun I'll get a sword, take that I'll get a knife, take that and I'll find a means of improvising your fucking demise. That's right...if I choose to deatomize your ass for bursting into my home....that's a RIGHT that I enjoy in this country. It's not up for debate. I can get all my neighbors together and they can get armed or I can arm them...whatever...there's your well-regulated militia...a whole bunch of them.
The rest #3 - #10 Guarantee that I won't be held without trial or charge and that I won't have to testify or provide evidence against myself. In fact it makes the state solely liable for proving that I did anything wrong. It's called Due Process of Law and guess what? It's a wonderful set of protections.
I'm aware of what happened with the Sandy Hook School Shootings, The Theatre Shootings, The Restaurant Shootings, etc. Without Apology I Will Not Give Up My Weapons. I hope that I am clear on this.
Think of The Children!!!
That's a statement I get hit with as though I coldly just said something like maybe the kids should have been packing a heater or two. I AM thinking of the children. When I was a child, my dad took all three of us out to the woods and we learned how to use a gun, how to clear it, how to hand it off, how to unload with everyone else, and the most important thing THE MINUTE YOU DON'T RESPECT THAT GUN IT WILL KILL YOU!!!!!
Senator Diane Feinstien showing her complete ineptitude...take your finger off the trigger unless you intend to fire, maybe?
I understood there were a flurry of facebook postings around the election. It went on for months. There were reasons I should vote Romney and reasons I should be part of keeping Obama in office. I was hounded daily with it until finally I just decided to leave facebook alone and barely post there. I just didn't want anymore of the brainwashing I was getting. Post-Election I expected some political posting but never has it gotten more childish than what I've seen so far.
My friends, frankly I've grown tired of it and I'll give all of you the introduction to me that you all need. This is me, politically and I don't need your approval on it. I approve and that's all that matters.
We all have three basic inalienable RIGHTS according to our Declaration of Independence and they are as follows:
1. Life
2. Liberty
3. Pursuit of Happiness
Got that? Okay good.
The first ten amendments to our Constitution solidify and guarantee those three basic and inalienable rights. I have the right to petition my Government for a redress of grievances...even if that means I do it from a local coffee shop. I have the right to peaceably assemble and associate with anyone I desire and do it that way. If I choose God, Christ, Cthulhu, Satan, Gaia, Pan, Baphomet, Pyriel, Gabriel, Michael, The Great Bugblatter Beast of Kaldar Fucking Nine, then that is my deity to worship. If I choose none of the above, I am permitted to do that as well. If I choose to share it, I will. If I choose to keep it to myself I'll do that as well. I can say what I want, when I want, write it down, take a picture, it doesn't make a damn and guess what....that's all covered in Amendment Numero Uno.
That Second Amendment tells me that if you come to rob me of any of those three RIGHTS unjustly. I am guaranteed the ability ...the RIGHT AND CHOICE of weaponry necessary to keep those rights firmly in place. Take my gun I'll get a sword, take that I'll get a knife, take that and I'll find a means of improvising your fucking demise. That's right...if I choose to deatomize your ass for bursting into my home....that's a RIGHT that I enjoy in this country. It's not up for debate. I can get all my neighbors together and they can get armed or I can arm them...whatever...there's your well-regulated militia...a whole bunch of them.
The rest #3 - #10 Guarantee that I won't be held without trial or charge and that I won't have to testify or provide evidence against myself. In fact it makes the state solely liable for proving that I did anything wrong. It's called Due Process of Law and guess what? It's a wonderful set of protections.
I'm aware of what happened with the Sandy Hook School Shootings, The Theatre Shootings, The Restaurant Shootings, etc. Without Apology I Will Not Give Up My Weapons. I hope that I am clear on this.
Think of The Children!!!
That's a statement I get hit with as though I coldly just said something like maybe the kids should have been packing a heater or two. I AM thinking of the children. When I was a child, my dad took all three of us out to the woods and we learned how to use a gun, how to clear it, how to hand it off, how to unload with everyone else, and the most important thing THE MINUTE YOU DON'T RESPECT THAT GUN IT WILL KILL YOU!!!!!
A few things you should probably know about guns. Let's start with a comparison and test your own aptitude stacks up. Let's see if perhaps you would be a more than suitable replacement for Senator Feinstein.
This looks pretty innocent. It's a Ruger Mini 14. It fires a .223 varmint round and is ideal for hunting. You really only need maybe a few rounds at the most if this is your deer rifle and if you don't know how small a .223 varmint round is, go and find a gun shop and ask to see what one of these rounds looks like. The lead projectile is very small and doesn't travel very far as far as rifle bullets are concerned now I have to wonder...is the next photo the Assault Rifle or is the one above?
The answer to your question is simple....they're the same exact rifle. They fire the exact same round. Do you know that politicians like Senator Feinstein want this rifle banned based on looks alone? Yes, I'm not kidding you in the least she wants it banned because it "looks scary." Both of these rifles fire one shot each time you squeeze the trigger. You can hold the trigger down and nothing will happen.
Let me explain how this works. One round from the magazine gets loaded into the chamber as the bolt closes. Squeeze the trigger and the firing pin strikes the primer. The primer causes the gunpowder inside the shell casing to ignite all at once. The pressure builds and there is an explosion...a very small one. Just enough force to toss that little lead projectile out. The little lead projectile leaves the barrel twisting like a drillbit as it travels until it hits it's target thus ending it's journey. Just because you add a pistol grip, recoil pad and mounting rails for a type of scope doesn't mean it functions any differently.
If you thought that these two were different weapons then perhaps a hunter's safety course or even a gun safety course is in order for you. If you knew they were the same weapon, run for your State Senate. Replace your inept Senators now.
If we had armed guards inside the schools, if we had armed citizens in the theaters, if we had armed citizens in the restaurants, perhaps things would have been a bit different. I can't guarantee that the outcome WOULD have been different but given that if you have the opportunity to change the course of history one thing is certain; leaving it as is will yield the same results.
Now keep in mind, yes there are some real whackadoodles out there and yeah there are criminals. I have not been adjudicated mentally defective and I've held down a law enforcement job where you kinda have to undergo a background check in order to work there. All of my weapons were purchased legally and are properly maintained. They are secure and they have never been used in the commission of a crime. So how is disarming ME going to solve the problem? The Answer...it won't.
Just tonight, Misty and I were enjoying dinner as a television near us announced that a local woman had been killed. She lived in a pretty affluent neighborhood with cameras all over the place. She was followed, robbed, possibly strangled and then burned.
What did I get from that story? Well she was followed which means someone selected her as a target. She was robbed which means someone wanted what he or she knew she had. She was strangled and then burned which means she wasn't shot...the perpetrator did not have a gun. By logic that should have stopped him, right? I mean he was completely unarmed...how could this have happened?
I think you see where this is going. By letting you have the choice to arm up or not, I'm letting you defend your children. Now don't get me wrong, you don't want guns around and I understand. In displaying my understanding for your choice, I swear you will never have to worry about me using any of my weapons to defend YOU or yours.
Abortion & Other Moral Issues:
I don't agree with having an abortion except when the mother's life is in jeopardy. If there is a way to save both, fine but it is definitely a judgment call and not one to be made lightly. Guess what? Not my body. Not my business. Having an abortion because you were irresponsible ...that's wrong. I cannot, however, back legislation of any type of morality issue. I would have to be morally squeaky clean and last I checked I still go to confession each week I'm able so kinda kills that doesn't it?
I think the state should allow homosexuals to marry. Why? Well how fair is it that I'm able to marry, divorce and then part with so much of my shit? Homosexuals can partner up, shack up and split up with impunity. Doesn't seem fair to me. You want marriage? I'm happy to give it to you with aaaaaaaaall the wonderful things that go with it.
I think you should make your own choices. Remember something these are called RIGHTS and that means you don't need my permission nor do you need permission of the State to do those things. Not at all. Things you need permits and licenses for, those are called privileges. I suggest you educate yourselves on the differences between the two.
On Freedom:
Freedom means you make your own choices. I'm not saying everyone should own a gun. Good Grief, I work in electronics and I have met people that shouldn't own anything involving electrical current or batteries. I'm saying everyone should have a choice and those that will make well-informed choices can help those that make terrible choices.
Vice President Biden, that means that if you're telling me that you don't have the money or manpower to enforce the current laws then obviously making more laws won't help. Come on, you can't think I'm that stupid. I am free and I will do what I wish. Try and stop me if you like you won't like the results. That goes for anyone that represents me in office. If you fail in those duties, clear out your desks and make way we're going to hire your replacements.
Final Note:
Now that I have clearly illustrated where I stand politically, you should know I'll NEVER vote Democrat and no I don't have to like how the election turned out. I"ll NEVER vote Republican and no I wouldn't have been happy with Romney in office either.
Democrats, Republicans, So-Called Liberals, So-Called Conservatives GROW THE HELL UP!
Seriously you're acting like children and the thing NONE of you have realized yet is that no matter what, both sides are just arguing how best to strip you of your rights, ruin your economy and bring you to your knees so that you're begging them for a fucking solution.
If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten.
YOU be happy with that.