Tuesday, March 27, 2007
|Friday, March 16, 2007
|Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Paranoia or Precursor?
You know Marvel killed Captain America? Yep! It's true and the most fucked-up part is they practically detail it on their site for all to see. Now, I'll skip the history lesson, showing you what a geek I am and go straight for the present situation, thereby reverting to that of a total nerd.
If you don't feel like you can stomach this, I'll understand.
Civil War
(Author's Commentary: I'll be delivering a lot of my words parenthetically to properly show parallels and explain them in conjunction to what's happening today)Recent events have been tumultuous for Captain America. As the passage of the the Super Hero Registration Act
(Author's Commentary: The Superhero Registration Act was, in the storyline, an anti-terrorism law enacted by The Department of Homeland Security. What it did was require all superheroes, masked or not, to reveal their true identity. Spider-Man was the first among them all to do it) drew near, Maria Hill (the leader of S.H.I.E.L.D.) propositioned Rogers and the Avengers to join S.H.I.E.L.D. in enforcing the act. When he refused, Hill had her trained "Superhuman Response Unit" attack him.
(Author's Commentary: This is the part that they're going to show you. Captain America is iconic of what, ideally, we as a nation, our constitution, our flag and our way of life all fits together so that anyone, anywhere can become anything they want. He knows what he represents and refuses to compromise that.) During the scuffle Rogers avoided being tranquilized and managed to escape by lodging his shield in an aircraft and forcing the pilot to fly him to safety. Soon after, at the Baxter Building the Watcher told the heroes who had gathered there about the Captain's escape. Captain America soon became the de facto leader of the Secret Avengers, heroes fighting against the registration act, much to the consternation of his erstwhile friend Iron Man.
(Author's Commentary: After being asked to compromise his principles and all he holds dear, he's had the dogs set upon him because he refused. Well hey, that kinda defeated the purpose of "asking" didn't it? Why attack him? Because now, he's a threat. That's right, he's a government superweapon that's been in use off and on since WWII. So now, he's a "terrorist" or an "enemy of the state" along with the others who refuse and are thereby forced to live underground. Starting to see the pattern?) While they two made sporadic attempts to reconcile during the Civil War, the clashes between their respective teams became more and more heated, ultimately leading to a pitched battle in the middle of New York City. At the end of the battle, as Cap was about to deliver a finishing blow to Iron Man, he was tackled by several emergency workers. Realizing the damage the war was doing to the city and its civilian population, Captain America unmasked and surrendered as Steve Rogers.
(Author's Commentary: The price of ego when it comes to a common goal for the greater good...the guard got let down)
The Death of Captain America
On his way to an arraignment at the Federal Courthouse in New York City, Captain America was shot in the right shoulder by a sniper's bullet. Several subsequent shots were fired point blank at Rogers by Sharon Carter, brainwashed by Dr. Faustus who was allied with the Red Skull.(Author's Commentary: Not "brainwashed" but rather Mind Controlled. The Red Skull was symbolic of Nazi Germany and, as history buffs know, many of the top Nazi scientists and engineers were hustled out of Germany after WWII to prevent the Soviets from getting their hands on them. Look up "Operation: Paperclip." One of the projects that was started from this operation was the CIA's now declassified Project: Monarch or Project: MK-Ultra. In short, led by Joseph Megele, this project used unwitting G.I.s and private citizens for drug and trauma-based mind control experiments.) Sharon, unaware of her actions and concealed by the crowd during the shooting, escorted Rogers to the hospital while the Falcon and the Winter Soldier subdued the sniper, Crossbones (Brock Rumlow). Captain America was pronounced dead on arrival at Mercy Hospital. Sharon's memory was restored by a keyword spoken by the Red Skull's daughter, Sin (Sinthia Shmidt).
(Author's Commentary: Trauma-Based Mind Control works on a series of codes, keys and triggers via the use of harmonics aka neuro-linguistic programming. Normally memory loss and lost time are huge players in this particular field.)
So let's sum up.
1. Legislation aimed at the wrong people.
2. Those very same people who are capable of helping us rather than a government that is dangerous and out of control now labelled a "terrorist" or "Enemy of The State."
3. They now have to operate underground...in a guerilla type unit or many thereof
4. Mind control plays a part in an assassination and a patsy to take the fall.
Precursor or Paranoia...you make the call.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
|Sunday, March 11, 2007
Has Internet Radio Started To Disintegrate
1. Okay, what's going on?
On Friday March 2nd, the U.S. government (specifically, the Copyright Royalty Board, or "CRB") announced its determination of the royalty rates Internet radio webcasters must pay the owners of sound recording copyrights to license the music they play for the years 2006-2010. The owners of these sound recording copyrights are, in the vast majority of cases, recording companies ("labels").
While successful webcasters which have built loyal audiences can usually cover most of their costs from their revenue (and sometimes even make a little profit), these new rates will almost certainly destroy the Internet radio industry, as they amount to well over 100% of even the most-successful webcasters' online radio revenues. In other words, these fees are grotesquely disproportionate to any other expense a webcaster would normally face, and certain to bankrupt him or her.
2. Are the rates really that high?
First of all, the rates webcasters pay are "per performance," meaning any time ONE listener hears ONE song (or any portion of a song), that's a "performance." If ONE listener hears ten songs, that's TEN performances. If 1000 listeners hear ten songs, that's 10,000 performances. Still with me?
The rates announced for 2006 (long story, but the licensing term is for 2006-2010, and it took this long to figure out the royalty rate, thus webcasters will pay "retroactively" for 2006) are $0.0008 per performance. Now, that's only 8/100ths of a cent, but let's do the math to see what happens.
Let's imagine a webcaster with an AVERAGE audience of 10,000 listeners (obviously, listeners come and go, and no one listens 24 hours a day, but we're talking about an average number... so sometimes there'll be lots more than 10,000 folks listening, sometimes lots less... but for math's sake, let's deal with the AVERAGE audience). Our webcaster plays 16 songs every hour, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, to an audience that averages out to be 10,000 people.
$0.0008 X 10,000 listeners X 16 songs/hr. = $128. It'll cost our imaginary webcaster $128 to play one hour of music for 10,000 people. At the end of the day, that's $3,072 ($128 X 24 hrs./day) -- for just a single day! After a week goes by, it's $21,504 ($3,072 X 7 days/wk.). And for all of 2006, this webcaster with a steady average audience of 10,000 listeners would owe $1,121,280!! (the $3,072 X 365 days/yr.)
That takes care of 2006. For 2007, the rate increases 37.5%! So, with no audience growth, the cost of streaming music for the year would increase to $1,541,760.
And the royalty rate goes up another 28% in 2008, and another 28% in 2009, topping out at a $.0019 per performance rate in 2010 (resulting in a royalty obligation of $2,663,040 for that same audience averaging 10,000 listeners) for that year. I wish my boss gave me raises at those rates!
3. What about the commercials I hear? Aren't webcasters making money from those?
Advertising rates are expressed as a "cost per thousand" ("CPM," as M stands for thousand). Rates vary, but national radio ads (pretty comparable to Internet radio) go at about a $2 to $3 CPM. In other words, an advertiser would pay $2 or $3 for every 1000 people that heard their commercial one time. For our hypothetical webcaster, let's go with a $2.50 CPM. The webcaster would earn $25 ($2.50/1000 X 10,000 listeners) to run a commercial.
If this webcaster ran an average of 5 commercials an hour from 6 am to midnight every day, not only would he or she win the "set of steak knives" for selling more ads than any other webcaster ever, but would earn $821,250 in ad revenues ($25 X 5 commercials X 18 hrs./day X 365 days/yr.). Not a bad job, but unfortunately, it'll cover just about three-quarters of our webcaster's royalty obligation for 2006 ($1,121,280). And you can be sure ad rates won't increase 37.5% in 2007, 28% in 2008, another 28% in 2009, etc. like royalty rates do.
4. Can't you make a "percentage of revenue" deal -- you know, the more money you make, the more you pay?
Not this time... small webcasters were able to operate with just such a deal for the previous 5-year term, but the CRB made sure all webcasters would be subject to the "per performance" method of royalty calculation.
5. Well... independent music is cool. Why not just play independent music?
This is very important to understand, as lots of people see this as a solution. The statutory webcast license covers ANY copyright music, from the biggest labels, down to the smallest, and even independently-released music. Again, the license covers ANY copyright music. The copyright owner need NOT be part of SoundExchange or the RIAA. The ONLY exceptions to this are (A) direct deals with each and every sound recording copyright owner, (B) copyright owners that are willing to make a blanket "waive" of fees, or (C) non-copyright, public domain music.
6. This is crazy, and I don't wanna lose my favorite station. What can I do?
Glad you asked! Please click the 'Sign the Petition' and 'Send a message to your Representative' links available in the upper-right of the Save The Streams page (http://www.savethestreams.org/), or on the website of your favorite webcaster. And please, tell your family, friends, and anyone you know that would rather not see Internet radio disappear.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
The Genocydal Empyre v2.0 News 3/10/07
Lord Genocyde here and normally, I'm clowning and promoting shows using this but today, this won't be the case. I have something very important to announce to listeners, fans, bands, etc.
Doc Nasty (Owner and Operator of KrushRadio Networks):
"okay, so, yesterday, the Govt passed specific legislation that was
initiated by SoundExchange, wwho is the licensing body of the RIAA...for lack of a better
what this legislation does is ....for lack of a better way of putting it ....
outlaws the way we broadcast, which is via mp3.
the way it works, is that we have to have DRM Enabled streams... This
will kill our ability to do what we do.
The main reason for this new law, and new fee structure is because XM
and Sirius are merging. which means, they are losing a couple million dollars in licensing. to
make it up, they have to get it back somewhere
As of today, krushradio, and other stations of hte krushradio networks,
are now operating without a license. I cancelled it. We are not protected from legislation, not
that we ever were, we were just operating legally.
now, i'll be doing a broadcast in about 4 weeks, which is going to be heard
by as many people and stations as i can find to tune in.
it will cover everything i can muster up regarding this, what our
alternatives are, and how the EFF is going to approach this."
How will this affect us?
It won't yet. The Empyre still marches on, defiant to the last. ALL these shows still play and spin your music, however, now we aren't ALLOWED to even post playlists as we're not to announce what's on our show. We're also going to be using more embedded players (the Darkside toolbar, the Cherrytap lounges) rather than streaming directly into your media players.
What these two things will do is help curb streamripping. We can only do what we can to prevent it but we simply can't quell it.
Some of you have limits as to what we can do and what we are not allowed to do with your music. Some of it may be understood but then again, this is law type stuff we're talking and when it comes to the law, nothing is understood so what I'm asking for each of the bands to do is send me a specific list of limitations on how to use your music in terms of online promotions.
Why am I asking this? Well, remember that YouTube promo thing I talked about that would replace the posting of the playlist? Check this out. The idea is simple, I still record the vids of me talking excitedly about the show. Once the vid's recorded, I add opening titles that read "DarkSideRadio Dot Com" and "On The Next Edition of The Genocydal Empyre v2.0" and then you get the video and then, once that's over you get a closing title that will give the date and time, ex "Tuesday, March 13 8pm - 10pm EST" and "Music by (insert Band name and songtitle and band websites)" The song clip would only last as long as the video itself lasts and it would give proper credits. Like a short promotional ad of sorts. I hope this makes sense.
Also, I'm cutting out anything that isn't independent. That means no more Metallica, Slipknot, Nine Inch Nails, etc in my playlists except by request. The only exceptions will be the respective theme songs which will be replaced within the future and KMFDM's music. Basically, if I can buy the stuff at WalMart or the Mall, I'm not playing it unless it's by request or I have permission from the band. Why?
Anyone, anywhere, at anytime can hear the same thing on the stations that are merging (XM and Sirius) as well as FM radio. These FM stations are controlled by ClearChannel and most of the bands they've played have backed the RIAA in full, hereby putting us in the spot in which we find ourselves. It's one thing to be part of a corporate entity but it's something else to set the ball rolling on making a vicious monster. If your band does break big and is available at Walmart or the Mall, drop me a line letting me know to go to hell or keep spinning. This way, we violate no copyrights and we can officially tell the RIAA's corporate thugs to get fucked before we have to resort to using some rather nasty and underhanded tactics on this end to keep them off my doorstep.
When the Napster debacle popped up, the RIAA went on their tyrannical march, touting that they were "protecting the copyrights of their artists" and suing individuals for outrageous sums and the bands saw none of that money at all. That action alone showed me where their loyalties really lie...The Almighty Dollar and The Pocketbook/Bank Account Inner Sanctum. This is why we're ditching the mainstream as much as possible. If your brush with the mainstream was getting on a movie soundtrack, don't worry, you're safely still on my playlist. Why? I can't begrudge a band that wants to get paid. We all do. I'd love to do the show every night as a living if I could but right now, that's just not possible so I have to let one thing guide me, my love for music.
If there are any questions, concerns, comments or various other data that you'd like, contact me here or at 337-764-9908. For now, though, it's bedtime for me.
Thanks everyone,
Damien "Lord Genocyde" Cross
Friday, March 09, 2007
|Playlist And Promos
Important Message from Lord Genocyde:
I know this may be a disappointment but I'll no longer be posting the playlist to my blogs any longer. From here on out, I'll simply post video promos telling you what you can expect on the upcoming shows the weekend before the shows air. They'll include the dates, times, and shit like that. I've figured out how to refine the YouTubes I post so that they come out a lot better and include opening and closing titles PLUS music.
The playlists are still being sent out to the people who signed up at TotalGenocyde@gmail.com because bands and labels use them to figure them up in statistics and whatever it is they do with them. Few actually repost the playlists. We're not really concerned with that, that's not why we're axing the posting of the playlists. What we've figured out was that a video promo with the banner was enough to really hype the show. The posting of the playlist itself was overkill and took up too much space on the blogs and in bulletins.
Is it too late for you, listeners, DJs, Bands, promoters, etc. to subscribe to the playlist? Shit, no! As a matter of fact, we encourage it and all you have to do is email me at TotalGenocyde@gmail.com with the subject "Playlist Subscribe" and I put you on the list for No Money Down, No Interest and No Payments ever! So by subscription, I don't mean you're paying for a damn thing.
Now, what we're going to be doing when we send out the playlist is sending out the promo code to the video, banner and buttons as a .txt attatchment and, if you feel like reposting it wherever, hey, go for it and you have my hugest appreciation for doing it. Most of all, the actions of copy/paste haven't changed...that's all ya do only this time it won't take up so much damned space and you have a playlist for reposting or for just looking for your favorite bands or songs or seeing where you wanna make requests.
Seems like we're complicating things? We're not. We've just made the posts a little smaller.
Thanks All!
Lord Genocyde
Monday, March 05, 2007
Tommy Gunn Fires Again!
His name is Tommy Morrison and he was, in real life, the wunderkind of the boxing world. He was not only a promising, energetic, up-and-coming star but he was also an upstart of sorts. He had the attitude, the technique and the physical prowess of a damn predator in the ring. God forbid you'd ever have to go up against this bad motherfucker.
That career's publicity screeched to a halt when it was announced in 1996 that Morrison was HIV positive. I was, as a kid, heavily disappointed. He wasn't a heavyweight but watching one of his matches, to me, qualified him for one of those nature shows that displays vicious attacks made by different species. His fights were magical in the least and I remembered that I loved one thing about the guy more than his fighting skill...his Devil-May-Cry Attitude. He had balls of steel to me. He could go up to anyone he wanted, say what he wanted and what the hell were they going to do about it? Me? I was a bit of an introvert but I always thought, "Man, I wish I could get away with that!" Nobody messed with him except the other fighter in the ring and I'll be damned if that dude didn't show some sort of hesitancy to strike Tommy for fear of being gunned down by those quick and savage fists concealed beneath those gloves. Even if Tommy ever lost his matches, to me, he was still a winner because he had drive, ambition, attitude and pure, solid adamantium intestine. Oh yeah, baby...guts!
Tommy fought in Japan well after the announcement was made and then...he vanished. I never heard from a man who served as a mental role model to me.
Now, he's announcing his return to boxing. Scared yet?
Ready to have your fear solidified? He's NOT HIV positive after all. He's had eight tests done during these passing years and they all came up negative. Be afraid...there's nothing holding him back now.
He did time in an Arkansas prison for drug and weapons charges. Damn, now that is a stinger but now, he's a new man with a new attack plan and I can't wait to see it. He's ten years my senior and I still look up to him. I still look forward to his comeback. Why? He's human. He's not ready to give up. This man is ready to rise and reverberate. What does that mean to you? Nothing...unless you're getting in the ring with him. Then, it means you're about to say hello to unconciousness.
Truth to be told, though, I admire the thing he said about these past years and what he's been through and why he's changed.
"Aging has a way of making you simmer down a bit," he said in an interview with the Associated Press on Feb 20th.
Perhaps in life. Perhaps, even, in your social interaction. In that ring, though, I'm ready to hear the rapid fire of Tommy "Gunn" Morrison.
Saturday, March 03, 2007
|Friday, March 02, 2007
World Rock SiNDADDY Saturday Night!!!

Here's Ya Button For Winamp...Tune In, Rock Out!!

Here's Ya Button To The NEW Microsite...Tune In, Rock Out!!

Come Rock With Us In The CherryTap Lounge!!
The Genocydal Empyre v2.0
Playlist for 3/3/07
12:00am - 2:00am EST
1. WRR - The Genocydal Empyre v2.0 - (Hatebreed - I Will Be Heard) (4:54)
2. WRR Genocyde Friends (0:38)
3. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)
4. Antitrust - Respect Me (3:51)
5. SiNDADDY - 2 Wrongs (4:09)
6. SiNDADDY - Rock This Hauss (4:01)
7. Immune System - Neo-Con (4:44)
8. Tamtrum - Paranoiak Hypocondriak & Toxic (5:45)
9. WRR Genocyde Friends (0:38)
10. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)
11. Murderdolls - Dawn Of The Dead (3:43)
12. Deepest Symphony - Dead Like Thing (3:24)
13. BonesawS - Dirty Motherfucker (1:38)
14. XP8 - Cuttin N Drinkin (Painful Remix) (5:31)
15. Wildhearts - Suckerpunch (3:00)
16. WRR Genocyde Friends (0:38)
17. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)
18. SiNDADDY - Maniamerica (Skyclad Remix) (2:23)
19. SiNDADDY - Newcultremix (2:35)
20. George Dumbya Bush - My United States of Whatever (1:24)
21. Charlie Drown - Lithium Nephalim (2:58)
22. Mongrel - West Memphis Hell (2:14)
23. WRR Genocyde Friends (0:38)
24. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)
25. SiNDADDY - thekingstardemos-moTHErfucKINGbaSTARd (3:57)
26. Collide - Like you want to Believe - Antistatic Mix (3:53)
27. Bile - I Reject (19:53)
28. Deadstar Assembly - Breathe For Me (4:06)
29. The Gemini Ritual - At Last (4:21)
30. WRR Genocyde Friends (0:38)
31. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)
32. SiNDADDY - thekingstardemos-BIGNAIL(hammer) (3:14)
33. Ghost and Writer - From Hell (3:23)
34. Dark Avatar - Devil (4:23)
35. Marilyn Manson - Antichrist Superstar (Live) (5:16)
36. Under Darkest Skies - Scriptures of The Dead And Forgotten (7:09)
37. WRR Genocyde Friends (0:38)
38. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)
39. Mr Pre$ident - Dirty (Primitive) (2:55)
40. God Komplex - Not Human (9:00)
41. Mankind is Obsolete - Rapture (3:29)
42. WRR Genocyde Friends (0:38)
43. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)
45. FUCK ALL Y'ALL - Suburban Cowboy (4:05)
46. Immune System ft. Zeph - Necronomoron (Slit Wrist Mix) (4:02)
47. KMFDM - Dogma (4:06)
48. DJ Genocyde - The Genocydal Empyre - Outro (0:48)