
Sunday, September 30, 2007

The Genocydal Empyre v3.0 For 9/30/07


Saturday, September 08, 2007

Episode 82: So Much For The Conversion Tactics

I thought there was a cease-fire of sorts on YouTube, however, there isn't. Something has really gotten into these guys. If ever an Atheist wants to accuse you of being a person who's irrationally dogmatic while trying to claim some type of ethical high ground, direct them this way. Let them know they need to keep some of their people in line. What I leave you with is continued from the "How To Convert An Atheist" video comments AND an email from my YouTube inbox which I didn't know existed until now. Fundamentalists being what they are, I submit this for your approval...or not, whichever.

The Comments Continue...
deltabird (1 day ago)
+1 Poor comment Good comment
thats called agnosticism douche... atheism DENIES the possiblity of deities of any sort.

shrouded60606 (19 hours ago)
+1 Poor comment Good comment
Lol hes reading from the bible. Hahaha.

ParabolaStrychnine (16 hours ago)
0 Poor comment Good comment
Hey look... More christian conjecture. I gave the video a five though for effort. When I begin noting concern in my eyes... I'll seek help.

DeimosSaturn (5 hours ago)
0 Poor comment Good comment
no it doesn't you dipshit. Atheism: lack of belief in a deity. It is not the DENIAL of anything. It's not my failure, you jackass, you failed for insisting something that is a total fabrication.

(31 minutes ago)
Keep going guys, resort to verbal makeshift bravado everyone! Isn't self-exposure great?

LordGenocyde (2 minutes ago)
::thats called agnosticism douche::

So when you use Agnosticism Douche, does this make you wonder if it works or do you just have a general idea? Perhaps the Atheism Douche is more your thing. You use it over and over again but no one believes it works.

(3 seconds ago)
Hey! I even found a Buddhism Douche! You guys oughtta try it. It helps so that your Yin doesn't stink out your Yangs.

The Email Exchange...
Pascal's wager: The idea that one has nothing to lose by practicing a faith Jesus Christ as one's lord and that one has everything to lose by being an atheist.

This is a stupid conclusion because it is arbitrarily deciding on one religion (or even any specific denomination, which in each sect sees most or all other sects as idolators and blasphemers) over another. Each religion and denomination offers an equivilent quantity of evidence to show it is the one and only true religion that can save your immortal soul. That quantity is ZERO.

So, the choice you make of Jesus as your savior and not the Flying Spaghetti Monster is totally arbitrary and based primarily on the culture you live in or the beliefs of your parents.

There is no logical conclusion one can arrive at that makes Christianity any more valid a belief than Islam, Hinduism, Scientology, or Pastaism.



I'm going to keep this simple. I respect your decision of being an atheist. I don't care. That's your thing and that's fine. I'm not out to convert you and I'm not looking to be converted.

The whole point was that Dawkins did the same thing Pascal did and since Pascal's Wager isn't valid, neither is the point that Dawkins made, nor is it relevant.

I have been through things most people cannot imagine and I do not expect you to understand those things. I have been through a variety of different spiritualities. I have since abandoned religion. Religion is manmade and I don't buy into it. I choose my spiritual path because it has helped me to live a better life, a much more healthy life and a much more peaceful life. What part do you not get? Where is the problem? Whether you believe the stories or not is irrelevant. This is my end result, not yours. If you'd like the same, I'm more than happy to share. If you are not interested then effectively go to one of these fanatics who are doing the same thing you are doing and find your crusade, conversion, war, or whatever it is you're looking for there

You trying to convince me that I'm wrong when I'm not trying to convince you of anything contrary to your own religion/belief system is getting tired. What do you care what I believe or do not believe in? The video was not a response to you, end of story.

By your imposition you now take on the role you have assigned to nearly every christian on the planet as dogmatic individuals who seek to impose their beliefs on you.

If I am wrong, I'm fine with that. It won't be the first time and it won't be the last. If it's such a terrible thing to you that I'm wrong then answer two questions for me:

1. Where were you the hundreds of other times I've been wrong?

2. What do you stand to gain by your insistence that I am wrong?

Finally, if Natural Selection is all we have to which to look forward then answer one other question. Why do you continue to see a doctor when you're sick in lieu of surviving on your own natural strength?

Continue your emails if you like, however, if you are looking for a war or a conversion on your crusade, you'll not find it here. This may make you as angry as can be but rest assured that I'm currently losing no sleep over that. This is something you'll have to deal with yourself.

Damien "Lord Genocyde" Cross



Thursday, September 06, 2007

Episode 81: On Atheism And Other Madness

Whenever I needed a question of science answered, I asked an Atheist. Some atheists, of course, I didn't ask anything. Those type were few. Apparently, they assumed that the moment I asked them a question, it meant I wanted to be converted. I fail to see "What is the origin of a black hole in the universe?" translating to "Show me there is no God or multitude thereof." For years I'd considered a majority of atheists to be a little misguided but decent and smart.

I've always believed in something. Starting from a young age, I'd decided to pursue a spiritual journey in earnest and my mom, much to my dad's dismay, was happy enough to expose me to Catholicism. It was then that I began the journey through the many rites of passage throughout my entire time in Catholicism. Later on, I found problems within the religion itself and converted to something more along the lines of a Southern Baptist faith. I became disappointed at the gossiping when I found people being nice to each other only to tell the most venomous lies about each other later. Try as I may and as young as I was, I thought, "If this is what it means to be a Christian, then I want no part of it." From that moment on, I made two lists. One was a list of things I was told to believe, the other were the things I actually believed. Many of the things I was taught to believe died miserable deaths but the things that I actually believed that stayed were about to undergo a series of religious changes, resulting one of the biggest spiritual maelstroms ever in my life. It's like a plane where terminally ill patients died and the remaining passengers were about to hit the biggest patch of turbulence known to man.

I dived headlong into paganism, mysticism, native american spirituality, Asatru (Norse) Paganism and even Satanism.

Darker spirituality empowered me like nothing else. The best analogy I can give is watering your small flower garden with a firehose. Once you unleash something that powerful, you can't control it and the price you pay is huge...the garden is destroyed and, in the end, all you have to show for it is a lot of cleanup to do. That type of spirituality also does something else, it consumes you. It does it slowly. You really don't even notice it until you start thinking back. Hindsight being what it is, you never notice it happening right then. People fear you. You tend to give in to every desire you are inspired to have and then, one morning, you look in the mirror and see just how diminished inside you really are.

When I saw it, I was in shock but I still wasn't willing to let go of the tremendous force to which I was holding on. Why should I? People in this town had stopped fucking with me. They were too scared to say a damned thing to me unless they already knew me. When it came to my friends, I was protective to the point of savagery. You messed with them, you also messed with me. I had reduced myself to that of an animal. I was my own god and there was none higher and woe be anyone whom I called my enemy. That was another thing...revenge. Whenever I sought vengeance for some wrongdoing, I made it my life's mission to see that enemy completely in ruin and nothing less would satisfy me.

That was when I'd received a challenge. It wasn't direct but I saw it as a challenge. I was out to prove this man wrong. He'd told me that the dark magicks were potent but the lighter magicks were even more potent and manageable...because it was mastery of the self. I was reminded of an old Hindu tale in which the demigods were conversing with Brahman over where to place the gift of Divinity. They'd finally decided to put it in the one place man would never conquer...himself.

I then shed Satanism to resume my old Paganism and begin a journey of self-mastery. Still, something was lacking. I needed some structure in order to do it. While Christianity had been the largest part of the message that I'd been getting from everything I was reading, I was still reluctant to go back home. What others might perceive as tragedy happened to me, I saw it as a miracle...I'd received two that day and I finally just stopped kicking and screaming. I went into myself and said (mentally?) "Ok, Show me..."

What happened...I don't have the words for it. I just don't. To say it was an experience would be an understatement. I'm where I am now because of it. I still don't understand a great deal of it but that doesn't stop me from examining it. I'm happy with it. I don't require you to be. I don't even require you to agree with it. Quite frankly, I don't care what others think of it or feel about it. I don't even care how it sounds to others.

Which brings me to the point of this thing. A friend of mine and I were on YouTube.com looking at videos on spirituality when we came across three videos. Among their titles were, "Two Christians Attack One Atheist," "Pascal's Wager Is NOT A Valid Argument," and "How To Convert An Atheist Part One." I've provided links with each breakdown so you could see for yourself.

Two Christians Attack One Atheist:

The title of this one is total crap. The conversation was civil enough, however, what the video depicts is one young guy asking two Christians over Yahoo voice the question of what makes Christianity right among the many major religions of the world when so many have a paradise and an underworld. The male voice erroneously attempts to tell him that the two afterlives are ONLY applicable in Christianity, the female voice gets a little too emotionally invested in the conversation and throughout the whole thing...not one attack from either of them. They never condemn him, they never insult him, they never even so much as called any of his points "stupid." He, on the other hand, made faces throughout the entire video mocking them.

My response: A video telling him to continue reading on if he really wanted to know anything but faith isn't something that anyone is going to prove to anyone but themselves. The unfortunate thing about the video is the audio got fucked somewhere.

Pascal's Wager Is NOT A Valid Argument:

Another young man starts the video sighing saying, "Ok...this has been beaten...to death." It's at that point that I want to shut it off saying, "Yeah? Then why are YOU doing it again?" but I set that aside and continue watching as he NEVER ...at any time gave HIS own opinion on why Pascal's Wager isn't a valid argument. Instead, he reads from some book by Richard Dawkins in which Dawkins simply mock's Pascal's Wager and, in turn, makes up his own. Dawkins never gave any type of definitive proof as to why this wasn't a valid argument. It was the same lines of logic in circles which went...nowhere.

My response: I pointed out that Dawkins just performed the same thing he's accused Pascal of doing.

How To Convert An Atheist Part One:

This one, you'd just have to see. Another young man shows off a slideshow while narrating. What it basically comes down to in a synopsis is he's stating that you are only to use a certain level of criteria in order to convince him. Most of his video was basically telling the viewer (provided that they're a believer) that there is no way physically possible to convert him. When he brought up the alien subject...that's where my response came in.

My response: I popped out The Book of Ezekiel on him. He claimed as his last bit that if anyone could provide proof that aliens believe in God, he might be compelled to reconsider his atheism. I'd have popped out with John Mack M.D. from his book Abduction in which the alien abductees share common stories of being told of "The Source" by their alien abductors but I don't have the book and therefore didn't want to be irresponsible.

Now, the first video obviously shows one Atheist doing what I'm assuming he does best. It's the Charlie Brown "Why's Everybody Always Pickin' On Me" thing again. He only got two Christians and they're obviously not the ones I'd want to pick as a representative delegation but they definitely held their own even if he didn't like it. He was right at the video's end, however, he was wrong. Religion CAN be proven to exist. It's pretty much manmade. There are rituals and ceremonies and the like...that's religion and it exists. Spiritualism and Faith, however, cannot be proven or they wouldn't be what they are. I will say this, he got lucky. The title of his video is intent on pointing Christians out to be complete fanatics but remember those responses I left...check this out.

Responses To The How To Convert An Atheist Video:

GalacticAtom (2 days ago) Show Hide Marked as spam 0 (Reply) (Remove) (Block User) (Spam) Your joking, right?? Ezekiel was seeing visions (some translations make this explicit). In other words, he was hallucinating - the creatures weren't real.

The chance that any alien would have features identical to those of any terrestrial creature are almost zero.

Kailoa36 (2 days ago) Show Hide Marked as spam 0 (Reply) (Remove) (Block User) (Spam) I have to agree with GalacticAtom here: Halucination. But there is at least one other possibility: Totally made up fairy tale.
KALEL811 (2 days ago) Show Hide Marked as spam 0 (Reply) (Remove) (Block User) (Spam) you gotta feel bad for this guy i mean he probably sits at home alone on christmas waiting for Santa clause too lol ,hallucination buddy just like all the other "visions" in the bible 0 (Reply) (Remove) (Block User) (Spam) This is a mass of hilarious. He's using the Bible to prove religion? FightingAtheist meant you would need to first produce and ACTUAL alien, not some Biblical myth alien.
LordGenocyde (2 days ago) Show Hide Marked as spam (Reply) (Remove) (Block User) (Spam) Wow, all these people suddenly find thier belief systems threatened. LOL.

DeimosSaturn (1 day ago) Show Hide Marked as spam 0 (Reply) (Remove) (Block User) (Spam) Atheists do not BELIEVE anything. They do not BELIEVE there is no god. They LACK A BELIEF in a god. Atheism is a LACK of belief...not ANOTHER belief. Automatic failure.

LordGenocyde (1 day ago) Show Hide Marked as spam (Reply) (Remove) (Block User) (Spam) Screaming does not help your cause. Glad to know you spotted your failure. Now that it's noted when I begin losing sleep or noting concern in my eyes while I'm putting my contacts in, you'll be the first to know. Promise.
Responses To The Pascal's Wager Video:
RabidApe (2 days ago) Show Hide Marked as spam 0 (Reply) (Remove) (Block User) (Spam) I think the whole point was that Pascal's Wager is bunk no matter which way you put it.

I hope you've got OTHER reasons to believe in god - but I doubt they're good!

EndCredulity (2 days ago) Show Hide Marked as spam 0 (Reply) (Remove) (Block User) (Spam) The very question of Pascal's wager has always suggested to me that man invented God instead of the other way around. It's a "pick what's comfortable" philosophy, akin to the "there are no atheists in foxholes" silliness. The foxhole atheist and the Pascal gambler are creating a god on the spot, demonstrating how the belief originally came about whenever primitive man was frightened.
LordGenocyde (2 days ago) Show Hide Marked as spam (Reply) (Remove) (Block User) (Spam) You hope...right. Well, I'll tell you what, since you're so threatened by my posting, I invite you to prove to me beyond the shadow of any doubt that God doesn't exist. Unlike you, use anything you like. Go for it, sport.

RabidApe (2 days ago) Show Hide Marked as spam
0 Poor comment Good comment
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Threatened?! Don't think so!

"I invite you to prove to me beyond the shadow of any doubt that God doesn't exist."

-that's a cop-out! Can you prove even within (we'll forget about 'beyond') a shadow of a doubt that Pink Unicorns don't exist?

The burden of proof lies on the one making the positive claim. You claim that something called 'god' exists.

Describe this thing and give me your reasons to believe in it's existence.

LordGenocyde (2 days ago) Show Hide Marked as spam (Reply) (Remove) (Block User) (Spam) You don't believe, what do you care? Are you that insecure in your belief that he doesn't exist?
LordGenocyde (2 days ago) Show Hide Marked as spam (Reply) (Remove) (Block User) (Spam) Also, the discussion is about God not leprechauns or pink unicorns, please, do stay on topic.
RabidApe (2 days ago) Show Hide Marked as spam +1 (Reply) (Remove) (Block User) (Spam) The burden of proof lies on the one making the positive claim - can you prove within (we'll forget about 'beyond') a shadow of a doubt that Pink Unicorns don't exist? What about the invisible Klunkdingle Flapty-Whap in my left pocket?

Do you go around believing in everything that you can't disprove?

Try describing this 'god' thing to me, and tell me why you think it DOES exist.

LordGenocyde (2 days ago) Show Hide Marked as spam (Reply) (Remove) (Block User) (Spam) Have to post this in parts so...

Actually, since I have made no attempt at conversion or accusation, no burden of proof exists. I have invited you to make up your own mind (or rather that of the person to whom I was responding.)

As I've pointed out before please stay on topic.

LordGenocyde (2 days ago) Show Hide Marked as spam (Reply) (Remove) (Block User) (Spam) ::What about the invisible Klunkdingle Flapty-Whap in my left pocket?::

Funny, I was just about to ask the same thing.

::Do you go around believing in everything that you can't disprove?::

Actually, I go around believing what I like and that's about the size of it...even if you don't approve.

DeimosSaturn (1 day ago) Show Hide Marked as spam 0 (Reply) (Remove) (Block User) (Spam) What you choose to LIKE is totally arbitrary. Why not believe in the FSM or IPUs? The amount of faith required is all EQUAL. You should have faith in FSM because her description of hell is MUCH MUCH worse than the descriptions in all other religions.

LordGenocyde (1 day ago) Show Hide Marked as spam (Reply) (Remove) (Block User) (Spam) What I should do and what you think I should do...well those are two completely different things. What you should do is stop screaming. Makes you look like a fanatic.

EndCredulity (23 hours ago) Show Hide Marked as spam 0 (Reply) (Remove) (Block User) (Spam) That's the reply of someone who has been backed into an intellectual corner. A corner where reason cannot go. That's usually the retreat of those who invent and insert a god like a convenient, comforting tool.

LordGenocyde (22 hours ago) Show Hide Marked as spam (Reply) (Remove) (Block User) (Spam) You could simply be honest. You can't disprove it, you simply have an belief system to defend and you can't handle that I have my opinion based on 28 years worth of experience you don't approve of it and I have neither asked for your approval nor will I until I see reason to do so.

If anyone has counted more or less than six of these people on one, please let me know. Now, some might see this as "Yeah, you show that dummy who's boss!" but I think we're all adults and we can be honest. The final video "How To Convert An Atheist" makes the claim that WE'RE the ones who are close-minded. As you can see, the evidence speaks much differently.

What I've found out is that those that I can go to with a science question, hang out with and basically enjoy the company thereof with an agreement to just disagree, those are the exception...not the rule. Quite frankly I could give a damn what anyone else believes or not but I think making one group out to be fanatics while dramatically claiming "We Will Not Let Our Children Be Indoctrinated!" seems to be a double standard.

To my friends who are atheists, I can respect your reasons for not believing. I don't agree with them nor do I approve of them but you've never asked me to do either of those and you shouldn't ever think or feel like you have to. You guys know I mean well when I do some of the things I do and say some of the things I say.

To these fanatics. Since you're very much into Natural Selection (and I'm of the firm belief that it really should have claimed you) I have a challenge for you.

Survive. Literally.

That's right, leave all your clothing behind and go out into the environment. That's right guys, take off those glasses. You now have to survive within your own environment by nothing but your wits. I want you to show me that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger and that's all that there is. You'll have to hunt for your food but you can't take a knife or gun. You'll have to find water that isn't polluted and I'm not affording you the luxury of bottled water or a hydration pack. You're not getting shoes...not even so much as a sock. Your challenge is to go out into the woods naked...just you and survive. Let's put this Natural Selection thing to the test. If you get bitten by a snake or stung by a scorpion...well then your body should naturally process that venom out. No clothes, no tools, no chemicals, no aid of any type...just you in your natural state and the environment in it's natural state. Go for it.

When you start in on me about that not being fair then I want you to really rethink of that stupid stance you keep taking when you ask me to defend my faith without affording me the use of my text or anything relating to it.