-Guns N' Roses "Garden Of Eden"
Tonight was a rather trying one. I was mostly trying to stay awake. I was that bored. Me and my partners walked into the cellblock with business on the mind. That's when we were informed of two suicide watches we had to do. Uggghhhh...I friggin hate those goddamn things.
This is usually a good indication of one thing. They're not really interested in killing themselves (most of the time) but they're heavily into self-harm. One of them insisted that he was just going to swallow objects that you or I (being the rational people we are) wouldn't swallow. You know, stuff like pencaps, his spoon if we let him have one, etc. Sounds crazy? Keep going.
That's when my partner, Huey, looked on the board and saw the name of an inmate in the cell next to his; also on suicide watch.
"Tha fuck's he all pissed off about now?" he asked. This particular inmate had been a huge problem since the day he arrived. Didn't know it til later but he's a child molester and Louisiana Law doesn't deal with those very well. Hell, in this state, if you've molested a child age 12 or under...it's life...YOURS.
"He just got sentenced to life today," one of the officers from the shift we were relieving informed us.
"Shit," Huey added, "I'd be pissed off too."
I would have thrown my head back in laughter if the situation hadn't been so serious. I couldn't have scripted that exchange any better. Goes to show you that real life is indeed stranger than fiction ...and a lot funnier at times.
One of our social workers was running around talking to some of these guys. I liked the guy even though everyone else thought he was longwinded and boring. I've had some lengthy talks with him and my peers lose hope when I pitch my two cents into a conversation because it means he'll be there for awhile and we'll be picking the collective conciousness apart by micro and macrocosms. Yeah, those talks can last anywhere from one to three hours...and it's happened before.
I don't rightly recall how it happened but I said it out loud.
"Dance to the tension of a world on edge," I said.
His head snapped sideways and his eyes nearly bulged out of his own sockets.
"Where in the hell did you come up with that?" he asked
"It's part of a song," I said.
"I couldn't have put that any better," he said, "whoever wrote that line knew what they were talking about."
"Well, Doc," I added, "I can't remember the exact quote but the gist of it was that if you wanted a good model for society then all you had to do was take a look at it's prisons, yeah?"
"Well," he said, scratching his beard, "In society, people are easily hidden. They have ways of getting away from stresses, but this is a society within society. It's a microcosm and when you throw this many men together under stresses which they can't get away from...then you discover who they really are. You find the real them very quickly. Same with you guys."
"Painfully true," I had to give him that, he knew what he was talking about, "So you'd safely call this something like Life In A Fishbowl?"
"Yep," he said, "And on that note, I gotta get outta here so I can do some paperwork. Thanks for that, by the way."
You should have seen the look on Biggie and Huey's faces...they were absolutely convinced beyond the shadow of a doubt that it was gonna be another one of "those" talks.
As the night progressed, we told stories, jokes and other comedic oral traditions until I couldn't breathe I was laughing so hard. I thought for a second the Pepsi was going to run slap through me...or out my nose which would have burned like hell.
Now, with that, there is one more thing I'd like to address before I close out for all my fellow Coast 2 Coast AM fans.
I'm a skeptic of this John Titor (The Time Traveller) guy. I have a few reasons that I can bring up right now. Three major holes in his story that are ruining his credibility.
1. The IBM 5100: He actually came back from 2036 for THIS machine? Ok, now whether or not it actually goes in between Linux and Unix and various other languages of computers better (http://www.johntitor.com/) the fact is he still came back 36 years for it and furthermore, by this time, it's an outdated and obsolete machine. I personally think it would have been more logical and viable to have gone back to 1975, when it was originally created and snagged one as it hit the shelves. This is back when, I imagine, parts were still being made for it and were more readily available. Now they're not available, in fact, they're not being made at all. Comes with obsolesence, John. Rethink your plan.
2. He went on record as saying that there would be no more official Olympic games after 2004...Well, something changed there, didn't it? I could swear we just had some Winter Games.
3. My final reason...for now. Since 2000, this guy has been off and on and reportedly very hard to reach. Comes with being a time traveller? Ok, I can buy that but how and why does he have a lawyer? Why is he more succeptable to illnesses like colds? Aren't we all? It's a rare occasion if I'm sick but when I am, watch out...it's a real bastard. Ok, but the attorney? For his "estate" and his family? Whoa! Let's put the brakes on here. He won't give out specifics, his predictions are vague at best and most of all he's got an attorney on retainer? A time traveller comes here with no money and he's got an attorney for his "estate"? What the hell is his "estate"?
I'm severely doubtful of this man and his predictions. It's cool, yeah but what would posess a 38-year-old man to come up with such an elaborate story that it doesn't require one shred of proof? My friend Bobby had this to say.
"If he really isn't telling the truth," she said, "then he truly is beyond help. This guy fits every psychological delusional category in the book and then some."
Bobby's a psych nurse and being experienced in the field, I think she knows what she's talking about. Could be that the guy is schizophrenic, living in a fantasy world. He could even be a disgruntled IBM employee.
If he is telling the truth, though. We're truly fucked.
Closing with 9/11
Once I got home and logged onto MySpace, I found the first victory scored. I don't know how many of you have seen this. To be honest, I really don't care. Watch this for a minute, because it has significant relevance to this narrative yarn.
This is only one of the many things I've been trying to tell people for the past few years. Now, calm down, take a step back and just watch. Don't get emotionally involved in it, just watch. Take in the information and take it for what it is.
To me, this is only one of a set of small victories to come. More and more are awakening to the truth every day. Many around the nation are now saying, "No More Bullshit!"
Bottom line: We're being lied to by our own employees and being led to believe that it is US that must follow THIER orders. This is wrong.
Many of us know the truth and that truth is that this entire thing isn't a conspiracy "theory" and it has, in fact, become a known conspiracy with many fall guys, patsies and a host of characters too intricate to detail in one blog after a night of work and I'm tired to boot but this allows YOU an opportunity that is important.
You now have the opportunity to check out the facts for yourself and then YOU decide what to think. Tell me if you like but, honestly, it's none of my business.