Monday, April 30, 2007
|A World of Pain
I wake up on the couch. I must have fallen asleep watching the crappy edited T.V. verson of The Terminator rather than just getting up off my lazy behind and putting the damned tape into the V.C.R. Dude on the Couch is sitting across from me as I get up, my mouth dry, my head still foggy, wanting a cigarette, a shower and to listen to my new Foetus CD (THANKS SiNDADDY, IT WAS FUCKING AWESOME!) and just plain damn wake up.
"Good Morning, Sunshine," he says with that big shit-eating grin on his face. That look never ceases to lock up my sleep-addled brain like a computer that's been overloaded looking for a way to process the information. This usually means he has a scheme up his sleeve. It's usually a scheme that sounds just plain great but will cause me pain in the end. It will either end in triumph or tears and it's been known to cause the latter in my case. This is the reason I despise that grin but it's one of those grins you can't resist. He's done this before. We were doing Operation: Bookload when he began by walking up to this cute goth girl at the counter with that grin, laying his charm on her and then, to her horror asked with that grin still on his face, "Where's your shitter? I really have to crap." Geeeeeez!
So now you understand the ramifications of The Grin. I got The Grin and it terrified me. This meant that, quite possibly, I was going to be the Sausage Creature by the end of it....fucked up for life.
"Hey," I said, still hazed, "What's up?"
"Let's work out," he said. Now, The Grin wasn't so terrifying. This was something for my well-being!
It's no secret that I've done too much of a couple of things. First, I drink far too many damned sodas for my own good and second, I spend far too much time sitting around in front of the computer. All of which has contributed to a midsection that has been stocking more than I can afford to store. It was only natural that I decided to consent when he said, "I just need 20 minutes of your time."
I should have read the insidious nature of that tone but I failed to do so. He knew when to snatch me up and appeal to my idealism. He knew all the right buttons to push, the bastard.
We spent a few minutes stretching. I'm nowhere as limber as I used to be and the stretching proved it beyond the shadow of any doubt. Great God, the results were already looking ominous. Then...the push-ups. I think I managed about fifteen before my arms just wouldn't push the ground away anymore. You see, I don't push myself up, I push the earth down but the earth is a stubborn bastard. My arms just shook when I tried. Next were the crunches which weren't too bad except that my back kept making farting noises against the floor. Mixing those with supine bicycles were a monster and I felt my abdomen screaming in protest. Each of these exercises only lasted several minutes but each of those several minutes felt like an eternity. Then, running in place for fifteen minutes. I managed twelve before my mind told me, "You know what? Fuck your ridiculous task and fuck you. I'm not doing it." My calves felt as though acid from a car battery coursed through them.
"Come on! Keep going! This is disgusting! You're quitting on yourself!" Dude kept ranting at me. This was the one factor I didn't figure on...this was something he learned in the military. This was something designed to kill you and then do some type of weird bio-mechanical rebuilding.
After the workout, I was completely disgusted with myself in the shower. We still had a trip to WalMart to make for groceries. By the time we arrived there, my damn calves were killing me. I'd skipped the refreshed feeling and went straight to being sore as all hell.
Oh Holy Shit, I AM out of shape and badly.
I still remember the way I was ten years ago and I loved it. I was light on my feet, I moved with pretty decent agility, I was limber, thinner and this kinda thing would not have been a problem. In the words of Christopher Walken, "You become the thing you fear...I let myself go."
Today, I get up. No workout but it's too damned late to film the promo, I've got laundry to do and still more of those documentaries to watch to get up to date and informed. When we got off on the issues of the War, The RFID Hacks that are already taking place and have taken place, The Nightmare Scenario of The Microchip and many other things, I realized I needed to update myself, address a bit more rather than go off about the same old shit over and over again. That's what I do at the laundromat. I pull out the portable DVD player and I set myself about the task of learning something new through the documentaries...and I have many. Unfortunately, it becomes hard to offend people with substance when the phone won't quit ringing. Mark my words...ring, it did. Finally, with laundry done, I packed it all away and walked back home. Walking seems to take that edge off the pain in my calves. Frustrated with the outcome of my learning time, thinking, "Why is it when I'm bored and have jack to do, no one wants anything but the minute I'm in the middle of something, the phone won't stop ringing?"
This is one of the things that gets me. To me, offending with style has been done. I've been called The Next Howard Stern by my peers and this is a title I do not want. No, I want something more. I want to offend with substance rather than style. There are plenty of DJs online that play metal, say "fuck" incessantly and talk about sex all the time but there aren't many who are willing to slam facts into the faces of those who don't want to look at them. That is what I want to do. Offending with substance takes knowing your subject and when people hear the hard parts, they run with no other option than to make lame excuses not to listen or call you names and, quite honestly, I'm not much of a misogynist. calves are killing me and I wait...for revenge. Yes, my friends, I have returned to my uber-villain ways and I seek revenge against Dude on The Couch. He shall suffer a humiliating defeat at my hands in the one tournament that he cannot handle. His rebuilding of me will be his ultimate shame when he meets me in a tournament of epic proportions...The Mazu-Kan Tournament! I've never been defeated...I've never taken part...but I've never been defeated.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
|The Fred Brito Dateline Hour
I checked out the hour on Fred tonight. I have to say that I the pleasure of interviewing Fred two years ago when he announced that this special would be airing. Needless to say, we were all excited.
After waiting for two years, I have to say that my hope in the mainstream media has been further diminished. Despite his intentions to actually want to do some good, I watched as he was lambasted.
I watched him admit to being a con artist and why. These were facts that I was privvy to two years before and I watched as Dateline took this man apart. Fred and I have been in contact over these past two years and through the whole thing, we've waded through the entrapment called "To Catch A Predator" that went on and on ad nauseum to the point where I'd almost given up hope that Fred's story was going to air.
Then when it did, I found myself disappointed. His effort to even attempt a straight life aimed at helping others and his community have been damaged thanks largely to facts that were exaggerated to the point that the distortion was enough to make me grant him another interview this weekend.
It seems that the mainstream media has not worked again. Rather than giving an unbiased story, the story was slanted largely against Fred.
This weekend we at will let Fred have his say. All questions raised from that hour-long disappointment will be answered and we will give you what Dateline failed to do.

Coming TONIGHT!!!
Renowned "Master of the Con," & "A Real Life Zelig,"
Fred Brito is
"The Benevolent Con."
* * * * * * *
"Catch a Con man,
Before he Catches YOU!"
* * * * * * *
"Provocative, Stunning, Powerfully Entertaining"
* * * * * * *
There are only two "Master's of the Con" in the World
Catch me if you can
A Real Life Zelig
Just what makes Fred Brito a "Master of the Con?"
Here are a few of his many exploits...
He has been hired to 28 Senior Level Executive positions at some of Americas best known organizations. He never attended a University, yet was able to con his way into being hired, and employers were unbelievably able to actually verify that he did received three Master degree's and was a Senior Fellow with a
Ph.D., at a well known University.
It was all a lie.
* * * * * * *
He was hired as the General Manager by 32 well known, plush and exotic hotels around the world. He has welcomed and became a close friend to the Crown Prince of Brunei, Ambassadors, and Heads of State despite full court of Secret Service security and press. Yet, no one knew that he was a Master Con.
He was the power behind many of the secret hideaways and "playgrounds of the rich and famous." Yet, he knew nothing about the hotel or resort business. He was actually able to turn a huge profit for the hotel owners. When he was discovered, he left the hotels, better off financially than when he found them.
* * * * * * *
Fred Brito has the talent to create authentic, and incredibly perfect official documents. He got the attention of Pope John Paul II at the Vatican. The Pope ordered an a world-wide investigation into how it was possible that Fred Brito
was able to dupe two of his well known and powerful Catholic Bishops.
How did the Bishops allow him to be assigned to serve as an "authentic" Catholic Priest? How did "Father Fred" serve and lead the people at some of the
most well known churches in America?
He is charismatic, charming and bilingual and completely changed the churches in which he served. The people loved him. When he would Celebrate the Catholic Mass, people were left in tears and in awe. The power, conviction, passion and eloquence in his sermons moved their hearts towards redemption, Hope and forgiveness. He spoke with conviction and passion. He became very powerful yet it was all a lie.
Fred Brito is the Master of the Con.
He was Father Fred, the People's Priest. He was the Voice of the Voiceless, and powerfully inspired Hope in the Hopeless that started an overwhelming movement of change within the church. He became a star amongst all other priests.
And to this day, people are still talking about Father Fred. Some even say, "I don't care if he was not a real priest, he was more of a priest than the ones that we have. He really cared for us and helped us with many things. We want him back!"
All of this, while he was on the run from Los Angeles Police Detectives. Now who, would look for Fred Brito in a Catholic church? But it didn't end there.
Oh no, there was more to come.
As Father Fred, he crossed into Mexico to visit some friends, and on his way back, he was caught on an outstanding warrant and arrested. In two hours, he managed to con U.S. Customs Agents, INS Border Agents and the Local Police that he was not the man that was wanted. He was Father Fred. And so they believed him. Off he went, and in the dark of night he was off to yet another location and became Father Fred yet again.
* * * * * * *
He managed to Con the Mayor of the City of Lancaster in California to appoint him a "City Commissioner." Once again he became the man who took the city by storm and forever changed the life of its residents. But little did they know that City Commissioner Fred was on parole and had just been released from prison.
At that same time while in Lancaster California, he also became "Special Counsel to the President" in the Reagan White House.
Oddly and surprising enough an official looking Western Union Telegram arrived to the City of Lancaster from none other than President Ronald Reagan himself announcing the appointment of Fred Brito and calling him to the White House.
Now how in the world did this take place? Well it was just a matter of time before City Commissioner Fred became news all over the world. I assure you... they won't be making that mistake again.
* * * * * * *
Sitting in the audience at a concert of the Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra with his friends, in Evansville, Indiana, Fred Brito was not just listening to the music, he was fixated on the actions and movements of the Conductor.
It wasn't long before he became Maestro Federico Gomez de Esparza, the Conductor of a well known Philharmonic Orchestra in Mexico City. Now he too would be conducting the Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra at a sold out performance.
Now how did he do that?
Well, according to him it was all quiet easy. He had studied Zubin Mehta in the past, and well this was one opportunity he just could pass up.
* * * * * * *
A friend of Fred Brito, (and he had lots of friends) was innocently caught with a small amount of marijuana in his car one night while driving down the infamous Sunset Blvd in Beverly Hills. Of course this friend was quickly arrested and taken to jail. Just so happens, a good friend never lets another friend sit in jail. So Fred Brito bails him out.
It was not enough to just bail his friend out of jail... Fred Brito just had to find a way to get him off the hook. Only a Master of the Con could dupe Chief Prosecutors, Attorneys and even a Superior Court Judge. But it was not going to be easy.
It wasn't long before it was show time once again. On the day of his friends arraignment in Superior Court, Fred Brito walks in as Dr. Marc Esparza, umm Psychiatrist.
He came in looking ever inch like a real medical doctor. He even had a briefcase and official looking papers in his hand, like he just knew what he was doing. And so he did.
He literally took over the court room like only a Master of the Con could. He spoke to his friends public defender and convinced him to agree to appoint him as the Psychiatrist for his friend. He concocted a story that just sounded
like what a real doctor would actually do.
So the Public Defender agreed and Dr. Esparza walked over to the prosecutor handling the case and yet again Dr. Marc Esparza aka Fred Brito convinced the Chief Prosecutor to allow umm Dr. Marc Esparza to treat the defendant. It was a done deal. Dr. Esparza was able to convince everyone that this was the best thing to do in the best interest of ummm his patient. Now, he would need to convince a Superior Court Judge face to face.
Here yee, Here yee, the Honorable Judge took his seat and the first case was called. Fred Brito stood up next to his friend and the Public Defender. Be began to speak as if he was Perry Mason. Later, some attorneys in the court room would attest, that he actually did a better job than some of the attorneys themselves.
He cleverly and convincingly asked the judge to appoint him an official Psychiatrist of the Superior Court, to treat the many clients of the Public Defenders office.
But it it doesn't just stop there. Oh no... there was still more to come. Dr. Marc Esparza, actually convinced the Superior Court Judge to set his friend free and allow him to be treated as a free man due to the "significant duress that being incarcerated" would cause his patient.
Well, the judge incredibly agreed, and both Dr. Marc Esparza and his friend walked out of the courtroom and never once looked back.
This took place at the Los Angeles County Criminal Courts Building in downtown Los Angeles. And if you were to take a look today, some thirty-years later, Dr. Marc Esparza is still an approved Psychiatrist in the Superior Court of Los Angeles County.
Oh one more thing. Fred pulled this off so well, that no one, not even the Superior Court Judge ever asked him for identification or a copy of his Medical License.
Oh but Dr. Esparza was prepared in the event that they would ask him.
But it just goes to prove... Fred Brito is the Master of the Con.
There is more... a lot more, but this will get you to think, and I am sure, a whole lot more!
* * * * * * *
This is what the Media says about the "Master of the Con:"
Weekend America NPR Radio
Director, Michael Wranovics
The Los Angeles Times
Star News
San Francisco Chronicle
NBC News, Los Angeles
New York Post, New York
KCBS News, Los Angeles
The Standard
China Business News
"This guy is like Tony Curtis" in the Great Impostor!"
And this is merely the beginning,What is next?
* * * * * * *
THE SEMINAR - "To Catch a Con Man"
THE BOOK - "The Benevolent Con"
"Unbelievably entertaining, Stunning, Provocative, Funny
and Brilliantly well done!"
NJ OFFICE: 856-869-9043
NYC OFFICE: 917-379-1430
Saturday, April 21, 2007
The Genocydal Empyre v2.0 Important Bulletin!!!!
The show for 4/24/07 may undergo cancellation unless I can reschedule
for later on in the night. I'm going to leave a message with Mirage
and Austin about possibly rescheduling the show for 12am EST. If not,
I'll cancel it and resume as normal a week from today.
There is method to my madness, though. You're about to be introduced to it.
Back in late '05, I interviewed a man named Fred Brito. My friend
Tammi urged me to read his blog and have a look. Tammi knows I'm a
sucker for underdog stories and I champion them on a regular basis.
After reading it, I realized, "Holy shit! This is for real!"
I sat in stark amazement. Fred Brito was imprisoned for doing what any
decent human being would do. After his incarceration, while on parole,
Fred was having one hell of a time getting a job that would support
him and his aging mom and dad. Fred just wanted a quiet life and the
ability to take care of them. He just wanted a second chance. That
second chance was denied him time and time again. He wasn't a violent
criminal and he didn't really even do anything dishonest.
What did he do? Long story short, he was an apartment manager of a
complex that was fit to be condemned. He tried the legal channels of
fixing it but the beaurocracy would only delay the action necessary to
have it fixed and have his boss where he prison for
subjecting these people to rent that wasn't worth the places in which
they were living. Fred got together with the tenants, devised a plan
and then took the rent money and fixed the place up with the help of
the tenants. It was an inside problem and when outside intervention
just wasn't there, he took care of it from the inside and, like any
honest person would, delivered the remaining money to his boss.
Needless to say, his boss was infuriated. Not just that but he, in my
opinion, was proof that the morally devoid do exist in our society. He
charged Fred with Misuse of Funds...that's a pretty serious charge for
those who've never been through it. Fred then found himself faced with
a choice. Go to trial on public defense or plead out to a lesser
charge of embezzlement. With the possibility of the term he faced
should he lose, I can't say I blame him for pleading out.
When he came out and had a hard time getting a job, he fell on
desperate times and, as some of us know...when the going gets tough,
the tough get going.
Fred did a little more than just "get going." He literally became a
con. He had to, the survival of him and his family depended on it. He
got cracking. He made up resume after resume, faked identities...ok,
remember "Catch Me If You Can?" Well...that's what Fred did but with
one huge exception. He held senior level jobs, none of them making
under $100K per year and lacked the education and the actual
credentials. More ironic still, he never left the companies in bad
shape. Most, if not all, of them actually fared better than when he
found them. His dishonesty gave him a means providing for his family
while benefitting those for whom he worked...and he worked his ass
Now that sounds like a great life doesn't it? Well, let's check out
the balancing factor. Fear. This man lived with a perpetual axe over
his head each and every day. If the employers found out, they'd cut
him and then it was on to the next job.
There is way more to this story. I'm sure you'd like to know it. I've
still got podcasts from the interview that I prerecorded (back when we
were still "ghetto") through the Yahoo Voice and the story in all it's
glorious detail was beautiful, hair-raising....shit, people this is
better than what Hollywierd has ever produced. To read more, simply go
Now, what does this have to do with the show? Hey, Fred's a friend,
through and through. I love this guy like a brother. He's been a huge
fan of the show and he's been an enormous supporter. Trust me, no one
who has ever supported the show has ever been classified as "small
potatoes" in my book. This is why I may cancel the show...I'm
returning the support.
You see, Tuesday Night, Fred's story is going to be on Dateline NBC.
I've been sitting there bored to tears, wading through their
thinly-veiled excuse for entrapment that went on seemingly forever
(that "To Catch A Predator" series) for this. Fred went through the
recording process and we've been waiting for this's going
to be a crowning achievement. If you go to the blog address I've given
you, you'll see exactly what he's going to be talking about. If you
ever have to work in employment opportunities, you may learn something
useful. Even if this is not the case, you're going to see something
that will amaze you and things that may even surprise you. Check your'll really want to see this!
Worst case scenario, I'll cancel for that evening. As much as I adore
doing the shows, this is for a friend and he's shown us some amazing
support even when things were at their worst for him. Chances are,
I'll just reschedule for later that night. I hope that you'll tune in
to check out the Dateline special and then tune in to hear the show
afterward. We'll have a lot to say on this end for sure. At the same
time, we'll have some new stuff from DSBP Records, Positron Records,
Nilaihah Records and much much more as well as requests. Let's hope I
can have my cake and eat it too!
On a side note, the mission for last weekend never happened. The
weather here was so terrible that we wouldn't have been able to pull
it off logistically much less tactically. Worry not though...that
doesn't mean it WON'T happen, it just means it didn't take place when
we would have liked it to happen.
Filming is still going on and the filming schedule has been extended.
We're hoping to have the shooting, editing and initial distributing
done by next year's end at the latest. Still plenty more things to
happen and plenty of ideas are being discussed and kicked
around...nothing so organized as of yet.
We'll keep you posted. Keep an eye out for Dateline Tuesday Night on NBC!!!
Damien "Lord Genocyde" Cross
Friday, April 13, 2007
|Tuesday, April 10, 2007
|Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Setting The Record Straight
It seems that in a blessed moment of silence, I've found myself at the crossroads again. I find myself asking the eternal question of where the hell do I go from here? I've encountered The Great Duality War again and I'm not really sure which side will win it.
Hell, I guess I should just balance it out, right? Just write the damned thing and see what comes of it.
For starters, I'm beginning to despise just about any and every messageboard in existence. I find a multitude of idiots there. Many of them not having the common decency to cease reproduction and kick natural selection up a few gears, they seem to bear much in the way of dual-natured primates. Prime example is the user who uses "He Who Angers You, Controls You" in their signature line while resorting to nothing less constructive in any online conversation than namecalling and penny-ante, high school tactics. Why? If you guessed that they were doing it out of anger, I suppose you'd be right. Then again, that particular user posting thier love for Nirvana opens up many doors to the realm of possibility of a barrage of insults from me. Yep, I guess he who angers that user does control that user and nothing in the world makes the tedium relieved like playing someone like a damn playstation.
A huge thing that makes me completely amused by the level of inanity of it is this attempt to slash at my own endeavors. Time and again, a project initiated by me and built by me and those involved has some chucklehead who would like to see me completely silenced. That's right. There are people that don't want to see me succeed and even I can admit that I've thrown in the towel on a lot of different projects including bands and a various assortment of other things (all of which even I am unable to recall) but there is one on which I will not back down. Internet radio. I've been involved in it for nearly two years now and I have much invested. From the start, I put my time, effort and some cash into it. Two years and now, rumor circulates about me sending out a mass message that I said, "Hey, guys, I'm done...finished...I can't do it anymore."
Ok, let's break this down so we gain a better understanding. Remember, you're getting this from the source...the one right smack in the middle of it all. You'll get no lies about this. I'm not going to sugar-coat or smooth it over or mindlessly fluff it for you. I'm going to give it to you honestly
The Brief History on Nearly Everything:
I first dabbled in internet radio back in 2000 on Back then, my knowledge of internet connections and equipment was extremely limited. I didn't know you needed a high-speed connection to keep your stream from being choppy. Mine was. Though I sought a high-speed connection then and was unable to get one due to my location and then the program went irrevocably wonky, the idea died. It wasn't anyone's fault, it just wasn't meant to happen yet.
In 2005, I resurrected and reincarnated an old project, The Genocydal Empyre, and the show now had a name, a stream, a face and a voice. Hear The Pulse's (the station on which I hosted) owner began making massive cuts to the content covertly and, though I fought, I faced a choice...put up or shut up. If I valued my spot, my access and my fanbase, I would simply sit by and allow these cuts to happen or I would lose it all and my work would be for absolutely nothing. I made the sacrifice and I quit mid-show because as the show was happening, he decided to wage an information war the he could not win. Why? He had four DJs who were close friends within the same town who could compare notes. Hear The Pulse collapsed soon afterward.
Later in 2005, I resurrected the show. Using a different program and new techniques of my own design, it had a fresh sound and new angles. I had a lotta work to do to wash the Hear The Pulse stink off of it. I had a lotta help and a lot of support that had come out of the woodwork. I have those people for which to be grateful and I am, everyday, without fail.
Not too long after that, Hurricanes Katrina and Rita threatened to take me off the air permanently but, as it has been proven, also irrevocably, not even the forces of nature would stop me.
2006 would see me expand, taking on crew members to handle the affairs that had, like the show, grown and expanded. So much time since when I began and now, when I look back on it, I smile...then I laugh in my megalomania and I have no doubt in my mind that I've done the right thing in staying my course. Sacrifices have been made and not all of them paid off immediately. I've been frustrated at having to do boring and tedious things just to get things rolling but I've done them and they've paid off...everytime.
Right now, we're in the middle of filming the documentary. Initially, I'd slated that to end when Misty leaves but now, I'm not so sure. Why? We lost footage. The chip that I've sent back to the seller for an exchange corrupted crucial data that would have been absolutely wonderful in the documentary.
When I aired the pieces on the Tampa Bay Iraq War Protests, they were not well-recieved. Many of the listeners could not bring themselves to look up the facts for themselves. Many of them said, "Dude, I love your show but just cut to music." My response, "This will air as I've promised them. In it's entirety." Then I was smacked with, "These talk segments are running people out of the chatroom." Then, the next show on World Rock was nowhere near as heavily promoted by our own World Rock Army...our promoters. Still, the talk segments aired. If there was no promotion to be given to us then the damage has been done. I aired them anyway. It seemed odd to me that the listeners had no problem when the SiNDADDY interview aired and they spoke of our involvement in Iraq being a cover to rebuild alien landing pads. When they were hit with the facts, they ran like hell. I still went on.
Ok, so we've been hit with monumental opposition. Our tech toys have even turned against us, we've been deemed not credible because we're not mainstream, MySpace has decimated our contact with many bands, friends and fans when we were snared into the Almighty Phishing Philter of Doom and we're little less than "pretenders" in the realm of music, entertainment and information.
Now, with opposition like that, it's pretty easy to say, "Screw it. What was I thinking? Broadcaster? Yeah right! Rock journalist? Suuuuure! Just pack it in, everyone. Go to lunch, we're done."
I could have done that. I could have sent out the mass message saying "I quit."
But I didn't. If you have received one of these messages, contact me at with the actual message. I can tell you one wasn't me that sent it.
Still, rumors are flying like mad that Lord Genocyde threw in the towel but, rest assured, that's all they are...rumors. Until it comes from me directly...that's all they'll ever be. We're still working on things, does that sound like someone who threw in the towel?
Sure I'm looking around at other stations...for syndication. Still sound like someone who just woke up one morning, weighed all the options on the toilet and then decided to just pack it all in and call it a life?
If your magic 8-Ball still shows the "Not Freakin' Likely" indicator, that's how you know you're on the right track. If it shows "Most Definitely" then throw that thing's repeating the crap it heard spewed out of the rumor mill.
So, Lord Genocyde's Bottom Line Is: I HAVE NOT Quit, I AM NOT Quitting Nor Will I Ever Quit. End of Story.
The one thing that I have quit doing is using the CherryTap Lounge. Why? Well, when you're using it to have more interaction and then the people in the chatroom are completely rude to your guest, I think the answer is pretty simple. Yep, that came out of the Iraq War Protestors airing. The people in our chat were completely rude to them and I'm thankful the interviews weren't live or else they would have been disasterpieces.
The people that were interviewed were put on the air by me, my choice to do that. They have offered to advertise the show and I have accepted. This means that websites like 9/, 9/, and advertise us to draw more attention to their causes and to the benefit. Also, a business (Sacred Grounds Coffeehouse) will also be telling their people about us. Everyone wins. If our existing fanbase doesn't want to hear it...theirs will. There is method to my madness and the plan was to work out a pseudo-sponsorship (non monetary) to help this thing get built up. Starting to see the logic yet?
I was also accused during that show of being afraid of the opinions contrary to the concepts and ideas which are my own. Not true, I stated time and again that night both in that lounge and over IMs that the only things I wouldn't listen to were mindless drivel like, "Take that one to the looney bin" or "The guys in the white coats should be showing up soon." That's crap that wastes my time and I won't put it on the air. Have hard proof to the contrary that the official story of 9/11 or the war in Iraq is legitimate? Then offer it without insulting the others and I'll be more than happy to help you put it out there but, so far, even the 9/11 Commision's Report was a whitewash at best and deception at worst. Got something better? Bring it. Simple as that. Just don't waste my time with your desire to be petty.
Nope, I haven't quit the show, I just quit using the chatroom. I refuse to subject those I interview to that level of disrespect. That means ANYone I interview...ever. I just will not stand for it. Think of me what you will but remember, I've called the shots since this started and I will continue to call the shots until this thing is over...don't hold your breath on this being over anytime soon.