
This Year...I Give You The Gift Of Laughter

Here's Ya Button...Tune In, Rock Out!!

Here's Ya Button To The Microsite...Tune In, Rock Out!!
Premier Encore!!! More From DSBP Premiering On The Genocydal Empyre v2.0!!! And I'm Celebrating Four Solid Months Of Hosting For Krush Radio Dot Kom!!!
The Genocydal Empyre v2.0
Playlist for 12/24/05
6:00pm - 8:00pm EST
The Genocydal Empyre v2.0 Theme (Faith And The Muse - Cantus)
Station ID
Vocal - Music By 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment
Outlaw Nation - Pass The Doobie
Immune System Feat. Zephyrael - Quitter
KMFDM - Free Your Hate
Tamtrum - In Blood We Trust
Station ID
Vocal - Music By 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment
Collide - Like You Want To Believe (Antistatic Mix)
Type001 - Apathy And Shattered
Frequency Construct - Media Whores
Things Outside The Skin - Mettle IV: Programmed Apathy
Pail - What They Call Paradise
Station ID
Vocal - Music By 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment
L3V3L 5 - Control (I Am God)
Organ - The Ultimate Front
Android Lust - Mother
The Genocydal Empyre - Outro

Here's Ya Button...Tune In, Rock Out!!

Here's Ya Button To The Microsite...Tune In, Rock Out!!
Premiers!!! More From DSBP Premiering On The Genocydal Empyre v2.0!!!
The Genocydal Empyre v2.0
Playlist for 12/21/05
2:00am - 4:00am EST
The Genocydal Empyre v2.0 Theme (Faith And The Muse - Cantus)
Station ID
Vocal - Music By 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment
Outlaw Nation - Pass The Doobie
Immune System Feat. Zephyrael - Quitter
KMFDM - Free Your Hate
Tamtrum - In Blood We Trust
Station ID
Vocal - Music By 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment
Collide - Like You Want To Believe (Antistatic Mix)
Type001 - Apathy And Shattered
Frequency Construct - Media Whores
Things Outside The Skin - Mettle IV: Programmed Apathy
Pail - What They Call Paradise
Station ID
Vocal - Music By 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment
L3V3L 5 - Control (I Am God)
Organ - The Ultimate Front
Android Lust - Mother
The Genocydal Empyre - Outro

Just Do Us All A Favor And Quit Your FUCKING WHINING!!!

Thursday Night's Playlist With Enough Time For Requests!!!
The Genocydal Empyre v2.0
Playlist for 12/15/05
12:00am - 2:00am EST
The Genocydal Empyre v2.0 Theme (Faith And The Muse - Cantus)
Station ID
Vocal - Music By 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment
Reism - Any Other Way
KMFDM - Dogma
KMFDM - Free Your Hate
Punish Yourself - U.S.D. (We Are Ready)
Station ID
Vocal - Music By 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment
Collide - Like You Want To Believe (Antistatic Mix)
SiNDADDY - Rock This Hauss
Dope - Rebel Yell
Choke Chain - Cannibal Attraction
Apoptygma Berzerk - Until The End Of The World
Station ID
Vocal - Music By 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment
Frontline Assembly - Dead Planet
Organ - The Ultimate Front
The Mercy Cage - (act III) The Church Of The Cathode Ray
The Genocydal Empyre - Outro

If You Think They Look Cool Now...Wait Til You See Them Perform....
The Second Level Of Darkness And Below:
Collide "Like The Hunted" Review
by DJ Genocyde
I'll admit that I was tired. Possibly not in the best condition to be thinking and moreso, not the best condition to be carrying on about watching anything that would require some degree of intellect as most of what I had for the evening had been spent.
When I prepared to stretch out on the couch, it wasn't my massive book of DVDs that I reached for. I had two of them that I hadn't watched yet but I didn't reach for them, nor did I reach for my Star Wars or Lord Of The Rings DVDs.
No, I decided to descend further into the abysmal depths and indulge my sickness by watching Collide "Like The Hunted" because, to me, music is what usually revitalizes me.
I was right. Drained, I ceremoniously put the DVD into the player and Live At The El Rey was the first thing that came up in the main menu. I'd just written the review on the CD. Now, I was going to get my wish...I was going to the El Rey to the Collide Concert visually. I would get the pleasure of not just hearing the music but SEEING it performed.
I stretched out on the couch and began to watch. My cats, Tails, Nermal, Snowball and Ares piled themselves on top of me. Normally, they all just fall asleep but when the music started they began looking at the TV. Then, there was the silhouette behind the screen. Unmistakeably kaRIN dancing like something out of a Babylonian seduction. Statik stood awash in blue light that would turn purple and then red. The guitarists were rocking back and forth in anticipation, with guitars ready like soldiers ready to begin firing at multiple targets.
BOOM! The music began...remember what I said about the CD "Live At The El Rey" lacking nothing? Well it was true but this had the added bonus of kaRIN coming out from behind the screen and beginning her part of the performance, dancing like some demonic goddess, using some strange magick to seduce the crowd along with her voice. Only on "Beneath The Skin" and already it was becoming less of a DVD and some sort of dark ritual.
Screens flashed imagery, lights bathed the band members in differing hues of green, blue, purple, red and mixtures of them all and kaRIN kept her dancing and her voice wickedly fun, decadent, and her eyes told a story of insanity. I noticed that my cats had also taken notice.
The performances were only magnified on the DVD. The contrast of the music to kaRIN's voice was creepy and the crowd was loving it.
So was I, for that matter. I'd been revived to face certain sacrifice as now, I could not take my eyes from my screen. The whole of the scene threatened to envelop me and lose me in the insanity. I was more than happy to let it.
The "Live At The El Rey" session is something I could watch over and over again.
It's more than just concert footage...it's an experience.
The Rest Of The Story:
I'd spent hours tooling along the special features. The videos were hypnotic, the songs were abysmally beautiful and the imagery was tormentingly wonderful. The interview and video outtakes do nothing to destroy the illusion that is Collide. That is, if you believe it was all illusion.
Collide has done nothing short of creating a highly underrated media phenomenon with this work. Their attention to detail and hard work both as a studio unit and live act prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that you reap what you sow. This band hasn't created itself...it was spawned. There is no illusion to this band...and the source of their material comes from somewhere dark that even angels fear to touch.
There are things on this disc you'll see that you can't undo. You'll never get them out of your head. The imagery is beautiful and haunting and if you even remotely like Collide...this will cement your position as a die-hard fan. Even after I sieze control of my mind again, I'll still remain a fan after seeing this. I'm sure residual trace images will remain and threaten to overtake me.
But hey...what a helluva way to go huh?
Now...Lord Genocyde says, "Forth, my minions to grab your copy now!"

Meet Collide...They Rock....You Listen!
The Collide Experience (Live At The El Rey Review)
by DJ Genocyde
Sometimes, when composing a live album, bands take serious risks. Live venues are, by and large, are simply not the best for recording quality and many live albums that I've heard have left me wanting. There have been a scant few exceptions to this rule, of course.
KISS: Alive III, Marilyn Manson "The Last Day On Earth Tour" being two of the ones I considered exceptions. The great thing about live albums is that they tend to capture the most essential elements of the rock and roll experience. It's the reason you show up, dress your best (or worst) and go. You wanna be up front, feeling the sound rattle your body. You wait with trepidation for that one member of the band to point at you, touch fists with you, blow you a kiss...something...anything personal. One connection that you know the band member may forget but a moment you'll remember forever. That's where it matters, doesn't it? Then there are The Rock And Roll Moments that you look forward to. Maybe a lyric gets screwed up, maybe they say something that will be remembered forever, no matter, that part can be captured and forever immortalized in digital electronic media and with certain permissions, can be used for a variety of ends.
The Collide Camp informed me that their DVD "Like The Hunted" had been sent to me but I never expected "Live At The El Rey" to accompany it. What a pleasant surprise. The only shame of receiving the items when I did was that I had to work. The next morning would prove to hold no moment free for me to properly listen to it either but then came the moment. I woke up for work...my last day of the week to be twisted on Stackers to survive another dull and boring night at work. I took a few spare moments while in the shower to let it spin on my CD player which needs to desperately be replaced. I heard the near-doomlike sounds of the intro flowing in and the music built. The funny part was that I could barely hear the crowd. Normally, the crowd either adds or takes away from the recording but with this particular Live compilation, they added even as far in the background as they sounded.
Then I went sideways. kaRIN's vocals came in loud and true, blending and harmonizing perfectly with the music. There was no doubt in my mind that this album was going to be good but now, my suspicions were cemented and forever sealed. kaRIN, Statik, Kai, Scott, Rogerio and Chaz went all out in their performances and nothing was held back...no quarter asked, none given. AND THIS WAS ONLY THE FIRST SONG!!!!
I was able to listen to about two or three tracks before I went to work and all through the night I waited and quietly bided my time. I wanted to hear the rest of the disc. I couldn't wait!!!
Finally home this morning I finally was able to sit down and listen to the rest of it...I can honestly say that, as a fan, "Live At The El Rey" will join that once-duo of KISS and Marilyn Manson in terms of the best live CDs of all time. Performances never lacked. Nothing was missing. It was everything I'd hoped it would be and much much more than I expected.
The live cover of The Fun Boy 3's "The Lunatics Have Taken Over The Asylum" was great, their cover of "White Rabbit" far surpassed the original, Beneath The Skin, Crushed, Slither Thing, Modify, Razor Sharp and Euphoria were done more than beautifully. Collide took away my power over my own ability to describe the performances. I think the whole disc can be brought to two words...Simply Excellent!!!!
I walked away from the CD once it was over wishing I'd been AT the El Rey the night of that concert. This disc is a must-have for anyone proclaiming themselves to be a fan of music within the gothic genre or even of Collide in general.
I can't believe you're still reading this....GO GET YOUR DAMN COPY!!!
And THAT's The Genocydal Maniac's Bottom Line.

And Here's What's On The Show This Wednesday!!!! All New Shit Baby! The Soundtrack To The Apocalypse Just Started To Really Kick Ass!!!
The Genocydal Empyre v2.0
Playlist for 12/7/05
2:00am - 4:00am EST
The Genocydal Empyre v2.0 Theme (Faith And The Muse - Cantus)
Station ID
Vocal - Music By 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment
Needleye - 2econd Coming
Punish Yourself - CNN War
kHz - It's Yours
Electric Hellfire Club - Devil Inside
Reism - What I See
Station ID
Vocal - Music By 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment
Interlock - Straight
6Bit - You Know What You Are
Diverje - Stupid People Shouldn't Breed
Collide - The Lunatics Have Taken Over The Asylum
The Unknownn - Nocturnal
Organ - Exploited Freedom
Razed In Black - I've Suffered Long Enough
Station ID
Vocal - Music By 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment
Interlock & Needleye - Death By Design
Y-Luk-O - Electricity
Curse Icon - Down
The Mercy Cage - Hymn_01
Collide - Euphoria
Diskonnekted - Neon Dream
Biopsy - Cx State
SiNDADDY - Terrorama
The Genocydal Empyre - Outro

The ACA Audit is every C.O.'s worst nightmare. Usually, The Headquarters Audit defines whether or not the prison meet the standards of the ACA (American Correctional Association) and where we need to tighten up.
Wednesday Night was going to be hell. They stuck me with the trainee who had to be told two or three times before something clicked, I was in the only Dorm on the compound that exhibited a problem with the inmates wanting to act up during the count and what's worse...it was right at shift change when the auditor came in.
Great...what the fuck else could go wrong? I thought. This man would know that our professional exteriors were only a front. He would know that the real Louisiana DOC was a guise for the next nostalgic Police Academy rip-off. We'd all be fired. I'd come to peace with this fate, this having been my first audit in the 5 years of employment out there...and I thought it was going to be a fucking nightmare. My neophyte partner wasn't going to be much help, I thought, I'd have to kill him at once. If not he'd surely have these ACA Swine on us, hunting us like dogs. I'd have to cut off his head and bury him somewhere. It goes without saying that he wasn't ready for this, having only been on his third day on the job.
Great Odin, did I say that? Or merely think it?
Were they watching us?
Did they hear me?
Finally, halfway during shift change the auditor spoke.
"What is this you're doing?" he asked.
"We're making rounds with the shift we relieve," I answered, "We even do this with the shift that relieves us. Checking for discrepancies and the like. This way, we're not left hanging out to dry with some backdoor open or something of the kind."
"Hmm..." he said. I didn't like that. I don't like when people signify that they're thinking on an action which I or my partner am performing. Usually, it signifies that this is something he's never seen and something is wrong. But what exactly?
"Why not just hand over the keys and call it a day?" he asked.
"Because some swine had left with the keys before," I told him, "they were in a hurry to get home and it caused a mess. Now we have to do this before anyone goes home. It ensures everyone is where they're supposed to be and we have our equipment."
"Hmmm..." he said again.
I wanted out of there. I wanted to go home and immerse myself in music again, get lost in the thrill of the show. Scream to the far corners of the earth as my voice ripped through the electron stream into a harsh vibrational pattern out of someone's speakers.
"For fuck's sake, man!" I thought, "Get a grip on yourself!"
I was running on two hours of sleep and the Stackers I'd taken earlier were now beginning to take me into their terrible grip. Soon I'd be in some type of sweat, I would shake and there would be the fear that some fat backwoods midget was hiding in a toilet with a tactical nuke bullet in a slingshot waiting to kill me with radioactivity and then realizing to his own horror that I wouldn't die....I was too wound up.
"Sit down!" the bodiless voice announced, "Sit the fuck down! You'll be straight in a few minutes! And Breathe you bastard!"
We finished relieving the shift and called for count. They didn't make a sound. The bastards never made so much as a sneeze in the dorm. This wasn't right....this was about the opportunity they took to lose control and make us look terrible. They didn't though. Like choirboys in church, they sat in silence. I explained the count procedure as my partner did it. I explained why they weren't allowed in the TV area while we counted. I explained the entire nightly count procedure and a basic outline of what my partner and I would do that night....save for the usual idiocy.
"Hmmm..." he said, again.
"GODDAMMIT YOU SWINE I'LL KILL YOU!" a voice in my head screamed.
"NO!" I thought, "Calm down!"
The vibrations in the dorm were becoming nasty, but why? Was something wrong? What comes next?
The surge of caffiene through my system caused me to think irrationally and my thought patterns were becoming more and more erratic. If he wanted to fuck with the Emporer, then I would have to fight internally to keep him at bay. I'd eventually lose that fight until my partner finished counting them all and I began to turn it in. As he talked to my partner I fell into a deep abyss of despair.
"Oh Gods!" I thought, "find me some hip waders and a machinegun or I'll never get out of this mess alive!"
"Ok, guys, thanks!" he said, "Keep it up, this was great!"
With that, he walked away.
Hours later the captain came in, scratching his head.
"What happened in here with the auditor?" he asked
We told him everything in as much detail as my caffiene addled mind could recall.
"Whatever happened back here," he said, "he was impressed. He specifically named you two as doing one of the most smooth and professional shift changes he's ever seen. He's going to make that type of shift change Official Policy at the prison where he works."
My look was that of mindless stupefaction. I'm sure my partner's was as well. If it wasn't...it fucking should have been.
As the captain left, I looked at my partner.
"Did that just happen?" I said.
We're used to being told where it is we're fucking up. Very rarely in our line of work are we ever met with a "Good Job" type of quote. This was something to which I was unaccustomed and was sure I had dreamt. The nightmare I'd been afraid of never happened.
I still looked for that goddamned midget.
Friday, December 30, 2005
|Sunday, December 25, 2005
The Best Christmas Gifts Of Them All.

This Year...I Give You The Gift Of Laughter

There are a great many things I haven't done yet. I haven't started on the promo CDs, I never went Christmas shopping, I still haven't written reviews for a whole lotta CDs that came in in a rush. Still, I will get to each of those. Now, though, is that time for a well-deserved break.
Many harp on the Christmas/Yule/Kwanzaa/Hanukkah Holiday as though it's another stress in life. I must admit that, for some, it can be. For me, though, it's always meant walking around looking at the different houses lit up with strings of various multicolored lights that blinked, stayed lit and chased each other. Normally, I'd even set up a tree and hang my own small collection of ornaments from it. This year, however, was different. The usual ritual of attending the annual dual parties hosted at my grandma's and my parents' place was still a mainstay. Each year we all gather and each year we eat until we're all stuffed.
Then there's Annie. Each year since she was born from my ex-girlfriend, Kali, and adopted by my aunt and uncle due to her long string of medical problems, I've faked a smile for her but deep within, I'd felt nothing but sadness for her. I am prone to say that I take pity on no one...sympathy yes but never pity. This small, beautiful child is the exception. I cannot conceive the suffering she's been through and I doubt that even she can. Still, I'd look at her and I'd think ill of myself for not being able to do more for her. While not biologically her father I was the only thing she knew of a dad for the first two months of her life. I've sworn to myself that should she ever be harmed by anyone, that unfortunate swine would suffer a wrath far greater than has ever been noted in recorded history...at my hands, no less. Each year, she wouldn't recognize me. Each year seemed to take this child that I loved to no end into a farther separation from me.
I'd prepared myself for that this year, keeping my thoughts on the good things that have been happening to me over this past year and preparing myself to watch from seemingly afar as Annie would play. I expected to see the little toddler that I remembered but when I stepped in, a beautiful child, four years of age, rushed me at the door, wanting a hug and saying, "Marry Chrimmus! Hi! Eat sumpin!" I never showed it but I was stunned. It takes much to shock one such as I but this time, deep within, I'd nearly had my feet taken out from under me.
My arrival was late, having filled in for Orchid on KrushRadio last night but still, Annie didn't care about any of that. She reached her little hand up and clutched one of the chains that hung at my side. It's one of those biker type wallets and I've always modified the chains to make extra length or to just make it look as though there were three attatched. She took the bottommost chain and practically hauled me into the kitchen trying in her own way to show me where everything was and as I prepared my own dinner, she was pulling at me again, trying to get my attention. In her other little hand was a Winnie The Pooh fork and a Piglet spreading knife. She was handing them to me.
Normally, I pass myself off for Evil Incarnate, The Principles Of Evil Made Flesh, a terrible, imposing and frightening icon that is to be feared but in that one moment, all of that went away. In the mind of this small child, she only wanted to ensure that I was well-fed and no less and she would even give up her own utensils to ensure that that happened. Many of you reading this are wondering if I used them. I'll ruin my reputation now...I did. Everyone, my grandma included, thought me to be some sideways fool and insisted that I use the usual silverware. I refused. This little girl was seeing to it at the tender age of four that everyone was entertained and that her new puppy, Cowboy, was left to his sleep. If this would make her happy then Winnie The Pooh and Piglet would be used to aid in my consumption of the Christmas meal and that would be the end of it.
Throughout the evening's festivities, Annie danced to her Disney princess theme songs CD with all eyes on her. Annie took center stage that night. As any of us would step outside to smoke she'd say, "Byyyyyyyyye!" and would insist on doing so, even if we reassured her we weren't leaving just yet. I stayed even after Mom, Dad and both my younger siblings left. I wanted to hang out with her and she showed that she was happy I stayed. Finally, after a time, she began to pack all of her presents into a bag and tell everyone "Byyyyyyye!" meaning she was ready to leave. My aunt and uncle had began to pack up things and I decided that maybe it was time I left too. Before I left, Annie gave me one last hug and said, "I wuv ooo...marry chrimmus!"
Maybe there was recognition there. Maybe she just didn't give a shit either way. Maybe, to her, family was just that...family and she loved them no matter what.
I usually rant about how much life, the world as it is, humanity as a collective, and all the other shit pisses me off, but one look through her eyes at that one moment in time...it wasn't so bad.
The party at my folks' place is usually tinged with neuroses of some sort. Maybe a constant static variety of sarcasm, ridicule at things or whatever the menu has to offer. Again, this year was different. For the past three years, my mom has themed the gifts at things aimed at my childhood, that was no different. For the second year in a row Star Wars was the theme. Most of it were the collectable toys they stick in the kids meals at Burger King accompanied by all six of the Episode-Themed watches. Most of the toys I'd already acquired (geeky, I know but you gotta understand...I love that series) but some of them I hadn't. I'd gained two more Darth Vaders (the rarity of the collections) and there are still a great many I haven't sorted through yet. There was a book on the construction of the sets for each movie, all three of the prequels, a big damned Crocodile Dundee type knife that my dad got me, a few different types of oils for a scented lamp that I have and a Star Wars Revenge Of The Sith Calendar. According to my mom, this was not all.
She'd been discussing my fanaticism for the Star Wars franchise and it's story with a friend of hers when a man came into the florist shop where she worked. He, of course, listened and interjected. His wife had been a collector of things to collect and he had some Star Wars memorabilia and he had no idea what to do with it. He'd given her two large boxes of this stuff as a gift to me. When I finally got the chance to sort through the menagerie of things in this box, I found some unidentifiable playset, an Ewok village playset still in one piece, several loose figures including some rarities like an original Han Solo, Lando Calrissian, Boba Fett, An Ewok, and a Luke Skywalker in Bespin fatigues that was still in it's original packaging. There was a Rebel Transport ship that had pieces missing, a Millennium Falcon that had parts missing as well, an Empire Strikes Back Blaster or two and many many other things that would keep me occupied for days.
During the party we took pictures and, of course, my little brother began screwing about during them, eliminating all possibilities and hopes of a family Christmas portrait as the film ran out with each of his comedic takes. Then, the topic of the Hurricane came up. Nobody likes to talk about it but my little brother began doing impressions of Geraldo Rivera, Sheppard Smith and an assortment of weathermen getting blown about during the hurricane in completely Jim Carrey Absurdity type fashion, which kept us in stitches for hours. Even I laughed in hysterics, nearly unable to breathe.
When I got home, I took a breather. I kicked back and tuned in to Cyberage Radio on KUNM out of Albuquerqe. I had to do that through my computer, folks, my radio's not that powerful. During the show I tried to call in but either the phone was busy or it rang and rang. Finally, when I got through, I had a long conversation with Tommy T. Tommy T. is the mastermind behind DSBP Records, and his bands on the label include but are not limited to Diverje, Electro-Synthetic Rebellion, and In-Fused and the man hosts Cyberage Radio late at night on KUNM. I honestly didn't know he could get away with half the stuff he gets away with on the air. For the first time, I heard Tommy go completely crazy on the air. The man started to sound like me but when I got through, I found out why. I won't go into that but I found out that Tommy and I are a lot alike and as we drank and talked, we were on a wavelength that could almost be described as spooky by others who didn't know what was going on.
When the conversation was over, I talked with Helen and during that time, I realized many many things. It wasn't what I'd gotten for Christmas that made me happy. It's what I realized I already had.
This Christmas, my 27th, has been the happiest one by far. As Tommy and I discussed, we may always strive to have all that we want but we know that when we have it all, we'll never be as happy as we are now.
Thanks Tommy! Thanks Helen (My Bunny)! Thank you all!
I have my friends, I have my home, I have the love of people all over who mean a lot to me. Maybe many of you will never know what that means to me but someday soon I hope to show you. Normally, I'm a mass of negativity. Normally, I'm holding on to anger because it is what drives me. I don't profess that I don't hate people, I do sometimes but it's never permanent. I have a strong disliking for things as they are in some ways but then I realize that it's not what I get that matters, it's what I already have.
I've ranted about the Yuppie Scum who are doing a seek and destroy mission of our individual expressions of what this season means to us but they can't take mine. No legislation will keep me from expressing it...ever.
This Christmas, I've realized that I've had and have held onto the greatest gifts of them all...love and laughter...and may your upcoming year be filled with it.
It's been my longest post yet people. Just remember though, this was a labor of love for me and it made me exceedingly happy to do it.
There's no proper way to end this really. I'll just come out and say it.
Merry Christmas...Happy New Year!
Many harp on the Christmas/Yule/Kwanzaa/Hanukkah Holiday as though it's another stress in life. I must admit that, for some, it can be. For me, though, it's always meant walking around looking at the different houses lit up with strings of various multicolored lights that blinked, stayed lit and chased each other. Normally, I'd even set up a tree and hang my own small collection of ornaments from it. This year, however, was different. The usual ritual of attending the annual dual parties hosted at my grandma's and my parents' place was still a mainstay. Each year we all gather and each year we eat until we're all stuffed.
Then there's Annie. Each year since she was born from my ex-girlfriend, Kali, and adopted by my aunt and uncle due to her long string of medical problems, I've faked a smile for her but deep within, I'd felt nothing but sadness for her. I am prone to say that I take pity on no one...sympathy yes but never pity. This small, beautiful child is the exception. I cannot conceive the suffering she's been through and I doubt that even she can. Still, I'd look at her and I'd think ill of myself for not being able to do more for her. While not biologically her father I was the only thing she knew of a dad for the first two months of her life. I've sworn to myself that should she ever be harmed by anyone, that unfortunate swine would suffer a wrath far greater than has ever been noted in recorded history...at my hands, no less. Each year, she wouldn't recognize me. Each year seemed to take this child that I loved to no end into a farther separation from me.
I'd prepared myself for that this year, keeping my thoughts on the good things that have been happening to me over this past year and preparing myself to watch from seemingly afar as Annie would play. I expected to see the little toddler that I remembered but when I stepped in, a beautiful child, four years of age, rushed me at the door, wanting a hug and saying, "Marry Chrimmus! Hi! Eat sumpin!" I never showed it but I was stunned. It takes much to shock one such as I but this time, deep within, I'd nearly had my feet taken out from under me.
My arrival was late, having filled in for Orchid on KrushRadio last night but still, Annie didn't care about any of that. She reached her little hand up and clutched one of the chains that hung at my side. It's one of those biker type wallets and I've always modified the chains to make extra length or to just make it look as though there were three attatched. She took the bottommost chain and practically hauled me into the kitchen trying in her own way to show me where everything was and as I prepared my own dinner, she was pulling at me again, trying to get my attention. In her other little hand was a Winnie The Pooh fork and a Piglet spreading knife. She was handing them to me.
Normally, I pass myself off for Evil Incarnate, The Principles Of Evil Made Flesh, a terrible, imposing and frightening icon that is to be feared but in that one moment, all of that went away. In the mind of this small child, she only wanted to ensure that I was well-fed and no less and she would even give up her own utensils to ensure that that happened. Many of you reading this are wondering if I used them. I'll ruin my reputation now...I did. Everyone, my grandma included, thought me to be some sideways fool and insisted that I use the usual silverware. I refused. This little girl was seeing to it at the tender age of four that everyone was entertained and that her new puppy, Cowboy, was left to his sleep. If this would make her happy then Winnie The Pooh and Piglet would be used to aid in my consumption of the Christmas meal and that would be the end of it.
Throughout the evening's festivities, Annie danced to her Disney princess theme songs CD with all eyes on her. Annie took center stage that night. As any of us would step outside to smoke she'd say, "Byyyyyyyyye!" and would insist on doing so, even if we reassured her we weren't leaving just yet. I stayed even after Mom, Dad and both my younger siblings left. I wanted to hang out with her and she showed that she was happy I stayed. Finally, after a time, she began to pack all of her presents into a bag and tell everyone "Byyyyyyye!" meaning she was ready to leave. My aunt and uncle had began to pack up things and I decided that maybe it was time I left too. Before I left, Annie gave me one last hug and said, "I wuv ooo...marry chrimmus!"
Maybe there was recognition there. Maybe she just didn't give a shit either way. Maybe, to her, family was just that...family and she loved them no matter what.
I usually rant about how much life, the world as it is, humanity as a collective, and all the other shit pisses me off, but one look through her eyes at that one moment in time...it wasn't so bad.
The party at my folks' place is usually tinged with neuroses of some sort. Maybe a constant static variety of sarcasm, ridicule at things or whatever the menu has to offer. Again, this year was different. For the past three years, my mom has themed the gifts at things aimed at my childhood, that was no different. For the second year in a row Star Wars was the theme. Most of it were the collectable toys they stick in the kids meals at Burger King accompanied by all six of the Episode-Themed watches. Most of the toys I'd already acquired (geeky, I know but you gotta understand...I love that series) but some of them I hadn't. I'd gained two more Darth Vaders (the rarity of the collections) and there are still a great many I haven't sorted through yet. There was a book on the construction of the sets for each movie, all three of the prequels, a big damned Crocodile Dundee type knife that my dad got me, a few different types of oils for a scented lamp that I have and a Star Wars Revenge Of The Sith Calendar. According to my mom, this was not all.
She'd been discussing my fanaticism for the Star Wars franchise and it's story with a friend of hers when a man came into the florist shop where she worked. He, of course, listened and interjected. His wife had been a collector of things to collect and he had some Star Wars memorabilia and he had no idea what to do with it. He'd given her two large boxes of this stuff as a gift to me. When I finally got the chance to sort through the menagerie of things in this box, I found some unidentifiable playset, an Ewok village playset still in one piece, several loose figures including some rarities like an original Han Solo, Lando Calrissian, Boba Fett, An Ewok, and a Luke Skywalker in Bespin fatigues that was still in it's original packaging. There was a Rebel Transport ship that had pieces missing, a Millennium Falcon that had parts missing as well, an Empire Strikes Back Blaster or two and many many other things that would keep me occupied for days.
During the party we took pictures and, of course, my little brother began screwing about during them, eliminating all possibilities and hopes of a family Christmas portrait as the film ran out with each of his comedic takes. Then, the topic of the Hurricane came up. Nobody likes to talk about it but my little brother began doing impressions of Geraldo Rivera, Sheppard Smith and an assortment of weathermen getting blown about during the hurricane in completely Jim Carrey Absurdity type fashion, which kept us in stitches for hours. Even I laughed in hysterics, nearly unable to breathe.
When I got home, I took a breather. I kicked back and tuned in to Cyberage Radio on KUNM out of Albuquerqe. I had to do that through my computer, folks, my radio's not that powerful. During the show I tried to call in but either the phone was busy or it rang and rang. Finally, when I got through, I had a long conversation with Tommy T. Tommy T. is the mastermind behind DSBP Records, and his bands on the label include but are not limited to Diverje, Electro-Synthetic Rebellion, and In-Fused and the man hosts Cyberage Radio late at night on KUNM. I honestly didn't know he could get away with half the stuff he gets away with on the air. For the first time, I heard Tommy go completely crazy on the air. The man started to sound like me but when I got through, I found out why. I won't go into that but I found out that Tommy and I are a lot alike and as we drank and talked, we were on a wavelength that could almost be described as spooky by others who didn't know what was going on.
When the conversation was over, I talked with Helen and during that time, I realized many many things. It wasn't what I'd gotten for Christmas that made me happy. It's what I realized I already had.
This Christmas, my 27th, has been the happiest one by far. As Tommy and I discussed, we may always strive to have all that we want but we know that when we have it all, we'll never be as happy as we are now.
Thanks Tommy! Thanks Helen (My Bunny)! Thank you all!
I have my friends, I have my home, I have the love of people all over who mean a lot to me. Maybe many of you will never know what that means to me but someday soon I hope to show you. Normally, I'm a mass of negativity. Normally, I'm holding on to anger because it is what drives me. I don't profess that I don't hate people, I do sometimes but it's never permanent. I have a strong disliking for things as they are in some ways but then I realize that it's not what I get that matters, it's what I already have.
I've ranted about the Yuppie Scum who are doing a seek and destroy mission of our individual expressions of what this season means to us but they can't take mine. No legislation will keep me from expressing it...ever.
This Christmas, I've realized that I've had and have held onto the greatest gifts of them all...love and laughter...and may your upcoming year be filled with it.
It's been my longest post yet people. Just remember though, this was a labor of love for me and it made me exceedingly happy to do it.
There's no proper way to end this really. I'll just come out and say it.
Merry Christmas...Happy New Year!
Saturday, December 24, 2005
The Premier Show Encore!!!!

Here's Ya Button...Tune In, Rock Out!!

Here's Ya Button To The Microsite...Tune In, Rock Out!!
Premier Encore!!! More From DSBP Premiering On The Genocydal Empyre v2.0!!! And I'm Celebrating Four Solid Months Of Hosting For Krush Radio Dot Kom!!!
The Genocydal Empyre v2.0
Playlist for 12/24/05
6:00pm - 8:00pm EST
The Genocydal Empyre v2.0 Theme (Faith And The Muse - Cantus)
Station ID
Vocal - Music By 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment
Outlaw Nation - Pass The Doobie
Immune System Feat. Zephyrael - Quitter
KMFDM - Free Your Hate
Tamtrum - In Blood We Trust
Station ID
Vocal - Music By 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment
Collide - Like You Want To Believe (Antistatic Mix)
Type001 - Apathy And Shattered
Frequency Construct - Media Whores
Things Outside The Skin - Mettle IV: Programmed Apathy
Pail - What They Call Paradise
Station ID
Vocal - Music By 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment
L3V3L 5 - Control (I Am God)
Organ - The Ultimate Front
Android Lust - Mother
The Genocydal Empyre - Outro
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Playlist For 12/21/05

Here's Ya Button...Tune In, Rock Out!!

Here's Ya Button To The Microsite...Tune In, Rock Out!!
Premiers!!! More From DSBP Premiering On The Genocydal Empyre v2.0!!!
The Genocydal Empyre v2.0
Playlist for 12/21/05
2:00am - 4:00am EST
The Genocydal Empyre v2.0 Theme (Faith And The Muse - Cantus)
Station ID
Vocal - Music By 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment
Outlaw Nation - Pass The Doobie
Immune System Feat. Zephyrael - Quitter
KMFDM - Free Your Hate
Tamtrum - In Blood We Trust
Station ID
Vocal - Music By 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment
Collide - Like You Want To Believe (Antistatic Mix)
Type001 - Apathy And Shattered
Frequency Construct - Media Whores
Things Outside The Skin - Mettle IV: Programmed Apathy
Pail - What They Call Paradise
Station ID
Vocal - Music By 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment
L3V3L 5 - Control (I Am God)
Organ - The Ultimate Front
Android Lust - Mother
The Genocydal Empyre - Outro
Monday, December 19, 2005
Holiday Irritation

Just Do Us All A Favor And Quit Your FUCKING WHINING!!!
Each and every year, I hear the sobbing, the pissing, the moaning and the crying over why people hate with such fervent intensity the holiday known worldwide as Christmas. Frankly, I'm sick of it. Personally, there are some drags that come with the Christmas holidays. Mom's bitching about what I'm wearing no matter that I have toned it down in the most extreme cases. She complains that I wear "entirely too much black." I've learned to completely ignore that part of her neuroses and just move on. Maybe there are just annoying as shit relatives who want to know for the umpteenth time how I could go from a mass of long hair to no hair at all. Nevermind the fact that I've told them time and again I was losing my hair and decided to just give nature the helping hand. Or, the worst flea with the dog...the relative who just won't get over the pictures they have of the "sweet, young and vibrant optimist" that they knew. Hey, shit happens. It's called life and experience and I still have plenty to go, gods willing. I still, through it all, remain thankful that my Paganism hasn't come up. That would not make for a Christmas Dinner conversation that I'd particularly want...especially in a house of Catholics with one hardline Baptist in the room.
I'm willing to put up with these things. It is only once a year on a vast majority of them and I know how they are. I understand that not all of them can be as far slung into left field, enjoying every moment of pure, raw, unbridled intense insanity as I can. In that, I try not to become offended. I make up smartass comebacks for stupid questions and they have accepted the fact that I am just that way.
I also accept that in thier respective houses, they are gonna wanna do the pre-meal prayer thing...hey, no problem. They'll pray to their one God and I'll pray to my many. It's not an issue because I refuse to make it one.
Unlike some in the world and here's where I get completely pissed.
Lawsuits flood the courtrooms at a higher rate these days. All the children in the world couldn't use a fraction of the paper spent writing Santa letters to even touch the papers filed on lawsuits. These suits are aimed at the one thing that just inflames me to no end...Political Correct shit.
Let's face it, a nativity scene has never bothered me, "Jesus Is The Reason For The Season", while illogical to me, has never offended me and finally "Merry Christmas" is the same to me as someone wishing me a "good day."
Here is a Holiday Fuck You Cannon fired at those morons who file the suits.
Why are they doing it? Well there's a host of reasons. They feel like they're doing themselves and you a favor. They are "protecting their constitutional rights." Hey, fucktard, try not lookin or just ignoring it. It is everyone's constitutional right to freedom of speech and the freedom to disagree...get the fuck over it. Stop your whining asshole. In the end you're the one spending all that money in court costs just to protect yourself from being offended. Just ignore it you stupid fuck...cheaper on your pocketbook that way.
For those who support that P.C. shit...Fuck You Too!
Now why would I say something like that? Why would I defend a Christian viewpoint even though I am not one myself? Well...to put it simply, when you restrict one's freedoms you put your own at risk.
Get all that? Here I'll spell it out for you.
When...You...Restrict....One's ...Freedoms...You...Put ...Your ....Own....At....Risk. Simple.
When you tell someone they cannot express their viewpoints on an issue then you're looking for one thing...thought and speech control.
I have two words for these fucks....George fuckin' Orwell! Remember him? Wrote "Animal Farm" and "1984". In 1984, speech and thought were controlled to extreme levels with doublespeak, antispeak, whatever. Now it's Politically Correct Speech...same thing, different dress on.
If I said "Jesus Fucking Christ!" as a reaction to something and someone got offended, hey, deal with it. I'm the one that will reap the eternal consequence, not you.
Jesus was born in Mid July as scholars have pointed out. Horus, Mithras, and a host of other deities were born on the 25th of December. Holiday may even have its roots in Paganism of the Druid variety. Do I care about this? Does any of this directly affect me? No.
I'd laugh at the amount of people suing others over dumb shit like that but I can't. The thought of the stupid of our society in large numbers frightens me.
Happy Chanukka, Merry Christmas, Happy Yule, Hail Satan, Happy Holidays! That's for as many of you as I could remember on my sleep-deprived mind.
Want to sue me to take some of this down? Just go fuckin have a beer and use it as an excuse to celebrate the weekend. And, for fuck's sake, stop the whining!
I'm willing to put up with these things. It is only once a year on a vast majority of them and I know how they are. I understand that not all of them can be as far slung into left field, enjoying every moment of pure, raw, unbridled intense insanity as I can. In that, I try not to become offended. I make up smartass comebacks for stupid questions and they have accepted the fact that I am just that way.
I also accept that in thier respective houses, they are gonna wanna do the pre-meal prayer thing...hey, no problem. They'll pray to their one God and I'll pray to my many. It's not an issue because I refuse to make it one.
Unlike some in the world and here's where I get completely pissed.
Lawsuits flood the courtrooms at a higher rate these days. All the children in the world couldn't use a fraction of the paper spent writing Santa letters to even touch the papers filed on lawsuits. These suits are aimed at the one thing that just inflames me to no end...Political Correct shit.
Let's face it, a nativity scene has never bothered me, "Jesus Is The Reason For The Season", while illogical to me, has never offended me and finally "Merry Christmas" is the same to me as someone wishing me a "good day."
Here is a Holiday Fuck You Cannon fired at those morons who file the suits.
Why are they doing it? Well there's a host of reasons. They feel like they're doing themselves and you a favor. They are "protecting their constitutional rights." Hey, fucktard, try not lookin or just ignoring it. It is everyone's constitutional right to freedom of speech and the freedom to disagree...get the fuck over it. Stop your whining asshole. In the end you're the one spending all that money in court costs just to protect yourself from being offended. Just ignore it you stupid fuck...cheaper on your pocketbook that way.
For those who support that P.C. shit...Fuck You Too!
Now why would I say something like that? Why would I defend a Christian viewpoint even though I am not one myself? Well...to put it simply, when you restrict one's freedoms you put your own at risk.
Get all that? Here I'll spell it out for you.
When...You...Restrict....One's ...Freedoms...You...Put ...Your ....Own....At....Risk. Simple.
When you tell someone they cannot express their viewpoints on an issue then you're looking for one thing...thought and speech control.
I have two words for these fucks....George fuckin' Orwell! Remember him? Wrote "Animal Farm" and "1984". In 1984, speech and thought were controlled to extreme levels with doublespeak, antispeak, whatever. Now it's Politically Correct Speech...same thing, different dress on.
If I said "Jesus Fucking Christ!" as a reaction to something and someone got offended, hey, deal with it. I'm the one that will reap the eternal consequence, not you.
Jesus was born in Mid July as scholars have pointed out. Horus, Mithras, and a host of other deities were born on the 25th of December. Holiday may even have its roots in Paganism of the Druid variety. Do I care about this? Does any of this directly affect me? No.
I'd laugh at the amount of people suing others over dumb shit like that but I can't. The thought of the stupid of our society in large numbers frightens me.
Happy Chanukka, Merry Christmas, Happy Yule, Hail Satan, Happy Holidays! That's for as many of you as I could remember on my sleep-deprived mind.
Want to sue me to take some of this down? Just go fuckin have a beer and use it as an excuse to celebrate the weekend. And, for fuck's sake, stop the whining!
Thursday, December 15, 2005
A Vehicular Misadventure
A Vehicular Misadventure
by DJ Genocyde
by DJ Genocyde
My automotive situation has never been a secret. It's been a clusterfuck. From burnt clutches in the old Camaro I had to the warped heads of the Corsica and to the cracked block of the Mirage, there's been a curse on me concerning any type of vehicular structure. I've never been able to keep myself in a mode of transportation save for my feet and possibly my Mongoose, which has been faithful since I've bought it.
Now, The Camaro is back. It's an '83 model and it's seals around the glass t-tops and trunk are leaky. I've had problems starting it up since I got it back a couple of months ago. Today...success was a journey upon which I had embarked. My dad and I primed the carbuerator with gas and let fly. After a few failed attempts at keeping it running, we managed it. My dad drove it to the station and I followed in his truck. We ran into more trouble at the station when dad got a bright idea.
"Throw some gas in it," he said, "but don't shut it off....keep it running"
I did. Lo and behold, the old 350 small block began to perform a bit better.
Back at the station, the trouble began. Turning it off made the problem. The car's ignition's been fucked since forever. A button was rigged to it as a temporary fix but it became permanent. Basically...the car's been hotwired. The button had been burned out and needed replacement. Both inline feul filters had been replaced as well. After all that, the car still needed priming.
"Shit!" Dad exclaimed, "The carbuerator pump is fucked. Know anyone who can rebuild it?"
"I think so," I said, "I can talk to one of the guys I work with and see what he can do. He's on vacation though. I'll have to get his digits from someone who has 'em."
"I think I know a guy," he said, "You working tomorrow?"
"The whole weekend." I said
"Damn," he said, "Ok, lemme talk to Francis tomorrow...see what he can do. I'm sure he can rebuild it."
And that's the story....we were doing so well. Now, the rebuilding remains. I hope to have that bastard up and running soon. Hitting the gym after work with the guys again, not having to hitch to work and just having the means available of taking home more groceries than what my arms can carry...that will be a plus.
Saddening thing is I've worked around cars for several years and know little to nothing about them. I know more about computer hardware than I do about the hardware of an engine. The internal combustion engine has always been one of those things that I thought was a terrible idea. Too much dependency on a resource that won't last us another half century. I've always thought that it was high time we switched to something more viable and readily available. Ethyl Alcohol would be a great way to start.
Then again, take heart! Bush is fucking us and the environment over quite nicely!
Now, The Camaro is back. It's an '83 model and it's seals around the glass t-tops and trunk are leaky. I've had problems starting it up since I got it back a couple of months ago. Today...success was a journey upon which I had embarked. My dad and I primed the carbuerator with gas and let fly. After a few failed attempts at keeping it running, we managed it. My dad drove it to the station and I followed in his truck. We ran into more trouble at the station when dad got a bright idea.
"Throw some gas in it," he said, "but don't shut it off....keep it running"
I did. Lo and behold, the old 350 small block began to perform a bit better.
Back at the station, the trouble began. Turning it off made the problem. The car's ignition's been fucked since forever. A button was rigged to it as a temporary fix but it became permanent. Basically...the car's been hotwired. The button had been burned out and needed replacement. Both inline feul filters had been replaced as well. After all that, the car still needed priming.
"Shit!" Dad exclaimed, "The carbuerator pump is fucked. Know anyone who can rebuild it?"
"I think so," I said, "I can talk to one of the guys I work with and see what he can do. He's on vacation though. I'll have to get his digits from someone who has 'em."
"I think I know a guy," he said, "You working tomorrow?"
"The whole weekend." I said
"Damn," he said, "Ok, lemme talk to Francis tomorrow...see what he can do. I'm sure he can rebuild it."
And that's the story....we were doing so well. Now, the rebuilding remains. I hope to have that bastard up and running soon. Hitting the gym after work with the guys again, not having to hitch to work and just having the means available of taking home more groceries than what my arms can carry...that will be a plus.
Saddening thing is I've worked around cars for several years and know little to nothing about them. I know more about computer hardware than I do about the hardware of an engine. The internal combustion engine has always been one of those things that I thought was a terrible idea. Too much dependency on a resource that won't last us another half century. I've always thought that it was high time we switched to something more viable and readily available. Ethyl Alcohol would be a great way to start.
Then again, take heart! Bush is fucking us and the environment over quite nicely!
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Playlist For 12/15/05

Thursday Night's Playlist With Enough Time For Requests!!!
The Genocydal Empyre v2.0
Playlist for 12/15/05
12:00am - 2:00am EST
The Genocydal Empyre v2.0 Theme (Faith And The Muse - Cantus)
Station ID
Vocal - Music By 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment
Reism - Any Other Way
KMFDM - Dogma
KMFDM - Free Your Hate
Punish Yourself - U.S.D. (We Are Ready)
Station ID
Vocal - Music By 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment
Collide - Like You Want To Believe (Antistatic Mix)
SiNDADDY - Rock This Hauss
Dope - Rebel Yell
Choke Chain - Cannibal Attraction
Apoptygma Berzerk - Until The End Of The World
Station ID
Vocal - Music By 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment
Frontline Assembly - Dead Planet
Organ - The Ultimate Front
The Mercy Cage - (act III) The Church Of The Cathode Ray
The Genocydal Empyre - Outro
Monday, December 12, 2005
Sex, Drugs, Rock And....Amerika!
This Is From The KMFDM CD "XTORT" Released In 1996...I Think It Fits Even Today. Look Around You And Tell Me It's Not True.
All we want is a headrush
All we want is to get out of our skin for a while
We have nothing to lose because we don't have anything
Anything we want anyway...
We used to hate people
Now we just make fun of them
It's more effective that way
We don't live
We just scratch on day to day
With nothing but matchbooks and sarcasm in our pockets
And all we are waiting for is for something worth waiting for
Let's admit America gets the celebrities we deserve
Let's stop saying "Don't quote me" because if no one quotes you
You probably haven't said a thing worth saying
We need something to kill the pain of all that nothing inside
We all just want to die a little bit
We fear that pop-culture is the only culture we're ever going to have
We want to stop reading magazines
Stop watching T.V.
Stop caring about Hollywood
But we're addicted to the things we hate
We don't run Washington and no one really does
Ask not what you can do for your country
Ask what your country did to you
The only reason you're still alive is because someone
Has decided to let you live
We owe so much money we're not broke we're broken
We're so poor we can't even pay attention
So what do you want?
You want to be famous and rich and happy
But you're terrified you have nothing to offer this world
Nothing to say and no way to say it
But you can say it in three languages
You are more than the sum of what you consume
Desire is not an occupation
You are ultimately thrilled and desperate
Skyhigh and fucked
Let's stop praying for someone to save us and start saving ourselves
Let's stop this and start over
Let's go out - let's keep going
This is your life - this is your fucking life
We need something to kill the pain of all that nothing inside
Quit whining you haven't done anything wrong because frankly
You haven't done much of anything
Someone's writing down your mistakes
Someone's documenting your downfall
KMFDM "Dogma"
All we want is to get out of our skin for a while
We have nothing to lose because we don't have anything
Anything we want anyway...
We used to hate people
Now we just make fun of them
It's more effective that way
We don't live
We just scratch on day to day
With nothing but matchbooks and sarcasm in our pockets
And all we are waiting for is for something worth waiting for
Let's admit America gets the celebrities we deserve
Let's stop saying "Don't quote me" because if no one quotes you
You probably haven't said a thing worth saying
We need something to kill the pain of all that nothing inside
We all just want to die a little bit
We fear that pop-culture is the only culture we're ever going to have
We want to stop reading magazines
Stop watching T.V.
Stop caring about Hollywood
But we're addicted to the things we hate
We don't run Washington and no one really does
Ask not what you can do for your country
Ask what your country did to you
The only reason you're still alive is because someone
Has decided to let you live
We owe so much money we're not broke we're broken
We're so poor we can't even pay attention
So what do you want?
You want to be famous and rich and happy
But you're terrified you have nothing to offer this world
Nothing to say and no way to say it
But you can say it in three languages
You are more than the sum of what you consume
Desire is not an occupation
You are ultimately thrilled and desperate
Skyhigh and fucked
Let's stop praying for someone to save us and start saving ourselves
Let's stop this and start over
Let's go out - let's keep going
This is your life - this is your fucking life
We need something to kill the pain of all that nothing inside
Quit whining you haven't done anything wrong because frankly
You haven't done much of anything
Someone's writing down your mistakes
Someone's documenting your downfall
Saturday, December 10, 2005
A Whole New Level

If You Think They Look Cool Now...Wait Til You See Them Perform....

The Second Level Of Darkness And Below:
Collide "Like The Hunted" Review
by DJ Genocyde
I'll admit that I was tired. Possibly not in the best condition to be thinking and moreso, not the best condition to be carrying on about watching anything that would require some degree of intellect as most of what I had for the evening had been spent.
When I prepared to stretch out on the couch, it wasn't my massive book of DVDs that I reached for. I had two of them that I hadn't watched yet but I didn't reach for them, nor did I reach for my Star Wars or Lord Of The Rings DVDs.
No, I decided to descend further into the abysmal depths and indulge my sickness by watching Collide "Like The Hunted" because, to me, music is what usually revitalizes me.
I was right. Drained, I ceremoniously put the DVD into the player and Live At The El Rey was the first thing that came up in the main menu. I'd just written the review on the CD. Now, I was going to get my wish...I was going to the El Rey to the Collide Concert visually. I would get the pleasure of not just hearing the music but SEEING it performed.
I stretched out on the couch and began to watch. My cats, Tails, Nermal, Snowball and Ares piled themselves on top of me. Normally, they all just fall asleep but when the music started they began looking at the TV. Then, there was the silhouette behind the screen. Unmistakeably kaRIN dancing like something out of a Babylonian seduction. Statik stood awash in blue light that would turn purple and then red. The guitarists were rocking back and forth in anticipation, with guitars ready like soldiers ready to begin firing at multiple targets.
BOOM! The music began...remember what I said about the CD "Live At The El Rey" lacking nothing? Well it was true but this had the added bonus of kaRIN coming out from behind the screen and beginning her part of the performance, dancing like some demonic goddess, using some strange magick to seduce the crowd along with her voice. Only on "Beneath The Skin" and already it was becoming less of a DVD and some sort of dark ritual.
Screens flashed imagery, lights bathed the band members in differing hues of green, blue, purple, red and mixtures of them all and kaRIN kept her dancing and her voice wickedly fun, decadent, and her eyes told a story of insanity. I noticed that my cats had also taken notice.
The performances were only magnified on the DVD. The contrast of the music to kaRIN's voice was creepy and the crowd was loving it.
So was I, for that matter. I'd been revived to face certain sacrifice as now, I could not take my eyes from my screen. The whole of the scene threatened to envelop me and lose me in the insanity. I was more than happy to let it.
The "Live At The El Rey" session is something I could watch over and over again.
It's more than just concert footage...it's an experience.
The Rest Of The Story:
I'd spent hours tooling along the special features. The videos were hypnotic, the songs were abysmally beautiful and the imagery was tormentingly wonderful. The interview and video outtakes do nothing to destroy the illusion that is Collide. That is, if you believe it was all illusion.
Collide has done nothing short of creating a highly underrated media phenomenon with this work. Their attention to detail and hard work both as a studio unit and live act prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that you reap what you sow. This band hasn't created itself...it was spawned. There is no illusion to this band...and the source of their material comes from somewhere dark that even angels fear to touch.
There are things on this disc you'll see that you can't undo. You'll never get them out of your head. The imagery is beautiful and haunting and if you even remotely like Collide...this will cement your position as a die-hard fan. Even after I sieze control of my mind again, I'll still remain a fan after seeing this. I'm sure residual trace images will remain and threaten to overtake me.
But hey...what a helluva way to go huh?
Now...Lord Genocyde says, "Forth, my minions to grab your copy now!"
Friday, December 09, 2005
Collide "Live At The El Rey" Review

Meet Collide...They Rock....You Listen!

The Collide Experience (Live At The El Rey Review)
by DJ Genocyde
Sometimes, when composing a live album, bands take serious risks. Live venues are, by and large, are simply not the best for recording quality and many live albums that I've heard have left me wanting. There have been a scant few exceptions to this rule, of course.
KISS: Alive III, Marilyn Manson "The Last Day On Earth Tour" being two of the ones I considered exceptions. The great thing about live albums is that they tend to capture the most essential elements of the rock and roll experience. It's the reason you show up, dress your best (or worst) and go. You wanna be up front, feeling the sound rattle your body. You wait with trepidation for that one member of the band to point at you, touch fists with you, blow you a kiss...something...anything personal. One connection that you know the band member may forget but a moment you'll remember forever. That's where it matters, doesn't it? Then there are The Rock And Roll Moments that you look forward to. Maybe a lyric gets screwed up, maybe they say something that will be remembered forever, no matter, that part can be captured and forever immortalized in digital electronic media and with certain permissions, can be used for a variety of ends.
The Collide Camp informed me that their DVD "Like The Hunted" had been sent to me but I never expected "Live At The El Rey" to accompany it. What a pleasant surprise. The only shame of receiving the items when I did was that I had to work. The next morning would prove to hold no moment free for me to properly listen to it either but then came the moment. I woke up for work...my last day of the week to be twisted on Stackers to survive another dull and boring night at work. I took a few spare moments while in the shower to let it spin on my CD player which needs to desperately be replaced. I heard the near-doomlike sounds of the intro flowing in and the music built. The funny part was that I could barely hear the crowd. Normally, the crowd either adds or takes away from the recording but with this particular Live compilation, they added even as far in the background as they sounded.
Then I went sideways. kaRIN's vocals came in loud and true, blending and harmonizing perfectly with the music. There was no doubt in my mind that this album was going to be good but now, my suspicions were cemented and forever sealed. kaRIN, Statik, Kai, Scott, Rogerio and Chaz went all out in their performances and nothing was held back...no quarter asked, none given. AND THIS WAS ONLY THE FIRST SONG!!!!
I was able to listen to about two or three tracks before I went to work and all through the night I waited and quietly bided my time. I wanted to hear the rest of the disc. I couldn't wait!!!
Finally home this morning I finally was able to sit down and listen to the rest of it...I can honestly say that, as a fan, "Live At The El Rey" will join that once-duo of KISS and Marilyn Manson in terms of the best live CDs of all time. Performances never lacked. Nothing was missing. It was everything I'd hoped it would be and much much more than I expected.
The live cover of The Fun Boy 3's "The Lunatics Have Taken Over The Asylum" was great, their cover of "White Rabbit" far surpassed the original, Beneath The Skin, Crushed, Slither Thing, Modify, Razor Sharp and Euphoria were done more than beautifully. Collide took away my power over my own ability to describe the performances. I think the whole disc can be brought to two words...Simply Excellent!!!!
I walked away from the CD once it was over wishing I'd been AT the El Rey the night of that concert. This disc is a must-have for anyone proclaiming themselves to be a fan of music within the gothic genre or even of Collide in general.
I can't believe you're still reading this....GO GET YOUR DAMN COPY!!!
And THAT's The Genocydal Maniac's Bottom Line.
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Playlist For 12/7/05

And Here's What's On The Show This Wednesday!!!! All New Shit Baby! The Soundtrack To The Apocalypse Just Started To Really Kick Ass!!!
The Genocydal Empyre v2.0
Playlist for 12/7/05
2:00am - 4:00am EST
The Genocydal Empyre v2.0 Theme (Faith And The Muse - Cantus)
Station ID
Vocal - Music By 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment
Needleye - 2econd Coming
Punish Yourself - CNN War
kHz - It's Yours
Electric Hellfire Club - Devil Inside
Reism - What I See
Station ID
Vocal - Music By 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment
Interlock - Straight
6Bit - You Know What You Are
Diverje - Stupid People Shouldn't Breed
Collide - The Lunatics Have Taken Over The Asylum
The Unknownn - Nocturnal
Organ - Exploited Freedom
Razed In Black - I've Suffered Long Enough
Station ID
Vocal - Music By 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment
Interlock & Needleye - Death By Design
Y-Luk-O - Electricity
Curse Icon - Down
The Mercy Cage - Hymn_01
Collide - Euphoria
Diskonnekted - Neon Dream
Biopsy - Cx State
SiNDADDY - Terrorama
The Genocydal Empyre - Outro
Saturday, December 03, 2005
We Came, We Saw, We Kicked Some Ass, We Wanna Go Home...

The ACA Audit is every C.O.'s worst nightmare. Usually, The Headquarters Audit defines whether or not the prison meet the standards of the ACA (American Correctional Association) and where we need to tighten up.
Wednesday Night was going to be hell. They stuck me with the trainee who had to be told two or three times before something clicked, I was in the only Dorm on the compound that exhibited a problem with the inmates wanting to act up during the count and what's worse...it was right at shift change when the auditor came in.
Great...what the fuck else could go wrong? I thought. This man would know that our professional exteriors were only a front. He would know that the real Louisiana DOC was a guise for the next nostalgic Police Academy rip-off. We'd all be fired. I'd come to peace with this fate, this having been my first audit in the 5 years of employment out there...and I thought it was going to be a fucking nightmare. My neophyte partner wasn't going to be much help, I thought, I'd have to kill him at once. If not he'd surely have these ACA Swine on us, hunting us like dogs. I'd have to cut off his head and bury him somewhere. It goes without saying that he wasn't ready for this, having only been on his third day on the job.
Great Odin, did I say that? Or merely think it?
Were they watching us?
Did they hear me?
Finally, halfway during shift change the auditor spoke.
"What is this you're doing?" he asked.
"We're making rounds with the shift we relieve," I answered, "We even do this with the shift that relieves us. Checking for discrepancies and the like. This way, we're not left hanging out to dry with some backdoor open or something of the kind."
"Hmm..." he said. I didn't like that. I don't like when people signify that they're thinking on an action which I or my partner am performing. Usually, it signifies that this is something he's never seen and something is wrong. But what exactly?
"Why not just hand over the keys and call it a day?" he asked.
"Because some swine had left with the keys before," I told him, "they were in a hurry to get home and it caused a mess. Now we have to do this before anyone goes home. It ensures everyone is where they're supposed to be and we have our equipment."
"Hmmm..." he said again.
I wanted out of there. I wanted to go home and immerse myself in music again, get lost in the thrill of the show. Scream to the far corners of the earth as my voice ripped through the electron stream into a harsh vibrational pattern out of someone's speakers.
"For fuck's sake, man!" I thought, "Get a grip on yourself!"
I was running on two hours of sleep and the Stackers I'd taken earlier were now beginning to take me into their terrible grip. Soon I'd be in some type of sweat, I would shake and there would be the fear that some fat backwoods midget was hiding in a toilet with a tactical nuke bullet in a slingshot waiting to kill me with radioactivity and then realizing to his own horror that I wouldn't die....I was too wound up.
"Sit down!" the bodiless voice announced, "Sit the fuck down! You'll be straight in a few minutes! And Breathe you bastard!"
We finished relieving the shift and called for count. They didn't make a sound. The bastards never made so much as a sneeze in the dorm. This wasn't right....this was about the opportunity they took to lose control and make us look terrible. They didn't though. Like choirboys in church, they sat in silence. I explained the count procedure as my partner did it. I explained why they weren't allowed in the TV area while we counted. I explained the entire nightly count procedure and a basic outline of what my partner and I would do that night....save for the usual idiocy.
"Hmmm..." he said, again.
"GODDAMMIT YOU SWINE I'LL KILL YOU!" a voice in my head screamed.
"NO!" I thought, "Calm down!"
The vibrations in the dorm were becoming nasty, but why? Was something wrong? What comes next?
The surge of caffiene through my system caused me to think irrationally and my thought patterns were becoming more and more erratic. If he wanted to fuck with the Emporer, then I would have to fight internally to keep him at bay. I'd eventually lose that fight until my partner finished counting them all and I began to turn it in. As he talked to my partner I fell into a deep abyss of despair.
"Oh Gods!" I thought, "find me some hip waders and a machinegun or I'll never get out of this mess alive!"
"Ok, guys, thanks!" he said, "Keep it up, this was great!"
With that, he walked away.
Hours later the captain came in, scratching his head.
"What happened in here with the auditor?" he asked
We told him everything in as much detail as my caffiene addled mind could recall.
"Whatever happened back here," he said, "he was impressed. He specifically named you two as doing one of the most smooth and professional shift changes he's ever seen. He's going to make that type of shift change Official Policy at the prison where he works."
My look was that of mindless stupefaction. I'm sure my partner's was as well. If it wasn't...it fucking should have been.
As the captain left, I looked at my partner.
"Did that just happen?" I said.
We're used to being told where it is we're fucking up. Very rarely in our line of work are we ever met with a "Good Job" type of quote. This was something to which I was unaccustomed and was sure I had dreamt. The nightmare I'd been afraid of never happened.
I still looked for that goddamned midget.