"You Take The Red Pill...And I Show You How Deep The Rabbit Hole Goes." -Morpheus "The Matrix
Friday, August 31, 2007
Episode 80: "Wolf Creek" Should Have Been A Warning, Dumbass!
Frankly, I'll never understand the mentality of humans. I know you're thinking that it's probably hypocritical to remove my association from the human collective on both the individual and collective basis but after this, you may understand why I've done it.
First, let's consider the caliber of people with whom I work. There's an old saying that sums it all up nicely...We're All Here Because We're Not All There. I think that says it all, don't you? Got that locked in? Good.
In a world where our modern-day horror films show the scariest kind of monster to be the everyday man or woman you'd meet, I still could not wrap my head around my partner's intention to spend a vacation backpacking across Australia.
When he initially told me of his intention to one day spend a two-week vacation doing this, I wanted to end his life and save him the trouble.
For those who haven't seen Wolf Creek yet, I must inform you that this will contain spoilers so if you would rather see the movie for yourself, then don't read it. That's all I have to say. Now, I begin.
See, the entire movie is about one man and two of his female friends packed in a car, backpacking across Australia. Granted, these are Australians doing this and, in my mind, they have an excuse. As they're checking out one of the sites along the way (They spent about a day or two in some really rocky region out in the middle of The Great Nowhere and I'm still not entirely sure what they saw in this place) something terrible happens but they only find out about it upon their return to the car. Naturally, the car isn't starting. It's fucked. This is when the stranger in the tow truck arrives and offers a helping hand which they gratefully accept. If you look in the book of The World's All-Time Most Dumbfuck Ideas, you might read about these three in the Great Outback Middle of Nowhere.
The whole thing goes wrong. This one man kidnaps all three of them and begins a series of sadistic physical and psychological tortures on these poor fools. Their reaction is to scream incessantly and cry to the heavens for even an alien spacecraft to save their asses from this maniac. Then, it's unsuccessful attempt after attempt to escape the guy. Both girls are killed and the only survivor is the guy...but he gets picked up by the Australian cops who now think HE'S killed the girls. If I remember correctly, he gets cleared.
I know, I know, "That's just a movie" Weeeellllll...it was based on actual events. That's why I brought this up in the first place. It's the reason most people now wouldn't touch Serbia with a stolen 20-mile or better pole (Hostel, anyone?) even though the murder-for-profit industry is really in Thailand...not counting the defense contractors in our present War on Freedom.
Now, this crazed fucker wants to go galavanting around Australia backpacking. I left it alone. I didn't try to convince the moron that it wasn't a wise idea. I simply recommended the movie to him. Hopefully when he sees this Crocodile Dundee freakshow who could pick people off from up to a damn mile with that rifle of his, he'll change his mind. If not and if he's reading this. It's been nice knowing ya.
Episode 79: Of Partisan Stances On Non-Partisan Issues...
Let's clear the air before I begin this. First, let me start off by saying that I'm not going to lay into one side (and rather mercilessly) without laying into the other. Each and every side will become a target if necessary because I feel it's time to say what many have thought but have never taken the time to say.
Second, I'm not going to suffer anyone's negativity. I'm going to say what I have to say and then walk away. If you have negative comments, you'll be ignored...period. I can tolerate differences of opinion and even intense (though not heated) debate but nastiness will harm YOU more than it will ME. That's the bottom line.
Third, I'm asking everyone to stand down from arms for just a moment. Just long enough to hear what I have to say and give it consideration. Let it sink in. I've come, not to offer a rant bereft of solutions but a striking portrait of how our common goal means nothing to any of us at present and how it can mean something again and how we can rise above, adapt and overcome yet another illusion that surpasses those of Criss Angel or David Blaine.
We've all made some mistakes. I'm a rather young guy at the still-primitive age of 28 and my earliest understanding of politics came when Bush Sr. was in office. My dad and my mom were two politically polar opposites. My dad was a staunch Republican and my mom was ardent in her Democrat stance. I remember the first Gulf War scared the crap out of me. I was just a kid and I was hearing stories at the time of some of my friends having family members deployed. Many of them were understandably worried. Some of them were outright depressed and rather distraught. When the first Gulf War ended so quickly, I was puzzled as to why Saddam hadn't been taken out right then. Then, there were more political fiascos behind the first Bush to which I'd been able to bear witness. I saw his now-famous New World Order speech. I saw him disappointingly reneg on his promise of "no new taxes." He'd lost much of the nation's confidence. I remember thinking that the "Clinton/Gore" signs looked promising...note that I say that with sarcasm but I knew we couldn't trust Bush either. I really didn't know what to make of Perot at the time.
I spent all of high school under Clinton and, as I became more politically aware (I wish I could thank my History and Civics teachers today), I began to realize that he was dangerous to our freedoms. The more I researched the more I realized that half the things I had been thinking had to be crazy and began writing a lot of it off as conspiracy theory. I knew why our Bill of Rights was important. I just didn't know it was under attack...and I, like many of you, was caught in surprise and completely unaware of the attacks on our freedoms we would face in the years ahead. Perhaps I should have paid closer attention to what Megadeth's lyrics had been saying rather than the headbanging factor of the music. Then again, with age, normally, comes wisdom and clarity.
Presidential candidates have become more and more fierce when it comes to eroding our constitution, if not simply brazen about it's eradication.
This is where I finally come to the point and I thank everyone for actually sifting through all of the material that I'd written before.
It seems that, in the face of an issue that doesn't know political divisions, people are divided over who's best to handle the job. We've had people claim that a democratic candidate, a republican candidate, this person, that person, the other person, is best for the job based nearly solely on party affiliation. Many have vowed that they'll never vote Republican again based on Bush Jr.'s performance and actions, despite the fact that many other Republicans are distancing themselves from his actions and policies. Others have stressed populating the "upper echelons" with Democratic candidates, despite the fact that John Conyers has done the same exact thing that Bush has done...violating the terms and conditions of his office. Both have taken oaths of office only to betray the people, their country, their constituents and their respective words.
Many believe that it should be an obvious sign of what happens when we vote Republican based on Bush's many foul-ups. Should it not also be a sign of what happens when we vote Democrat based on John Conyers' betrayal of his most ardent backer, Cindy Sheehan? Some may believe this to be an unfair portrait but let me remind you that both of these respective people have failed to do the job that they were appointed to do and have failed the American people. Both sides have committed injustices of the gravest level and believe me when I say this, Bush's regime has been the most aggressive in ridding us of our freedoms, eliminating most of The Bill of Rights in many ways. In my personal opinion, it would be dangerous to vote against simply to oust the current administration. My prime worry is our second amendment which guarantees us to two things as a safety against a tyrannical government. First, it gives us a provision as states to have a well-regulated state militia made up of it's citizens who volunteer. We had that in our National Guardsmen and women until they were federalized under The Department of The Army and The Department of Defense. The second thing that it did was give us a safety against that very thing happening by stating "The Right of The People To Keep And Bear Arms Shall...Not...Be...Infringed." Still, we are in danger of losing this as well and, while I am opposed to the use of violence, I still say that each and every American Citizen should at least know how to use force to, at the very least, defend themselves. Live to fight another day, if you get my meaning and, if you must be killed, do so doing what is right. For tyrants, this is all they understand at times and, in a perfect world, we would never need that Second Amendment but we do. It has nothing to do with being a barbarian Conservative or "one of those damned" Liberals, it has to do with protecting you, your family and your community.
Remember that, when we're presented with two "evils" that there never is such thing as a "lesser evil."
Still, this is the way we've chosen to attack this issue within the 9/11 Truth movement as only one example. Many have decided to take it from different viewpoints whether it's part of some conspiracy involving aliens from outer space to religious viewpoints. Fortunately, for the adversaries we face, we are divided and are, therefore, easily conquered.
There's the Bad News but I do have Good News!
The Good News is that we can still unite. Look at each other. Liberals and conservatives alike, black people, white people, latinos, hispanics, asians, just name a nationality, a religion, a political affiliation...we're all here under the banner of getting answers and demanding that our questions be addressed, a formal investigation be implemented and, getting the truth behind what happened on 9/11. If that's what we're working towards, then understand something...the architecture of our adversary's aggression.
These criminals do not hate you because of your race, size, color, gender, party affiliation or which brand of cigarettes you smoke. These lines that have been drawn between us have had their reign...time to let them go. Save your vote for the candidate who will do the work to make sure that the oath of office they've taken holds true. Research them thoroughly and remember, they're your employees...hey MUST listen to you.
Remember that these criminals killed nearly 3.000 people and not because of party affiliation or whatever. They did that because they want you living in fear and, when people live in fear, they begin to make decisions that are fear-based...their minds stop working efficiently and thus, we make poor decisions. They did this because those of us they can't control, they'll kill or simply make you wish they had.
If we can't unite to save our Republic, we will be divided and we will lose it.
This is why I ask each one of you today to really look inward and ask yourself why is it you're here and what do you hope to accomplish? If you're here for the same reasons as the rest of us, then back your candidate at the polls. Just don't expect me to back the same person as you. In the meantime, we have our work cut out for us.
Rocking The Police States of America, Damien "Lord Genocyde" Cross
Lately, I've been through a lot. Lots of overtime at work, contact lenses, the new PSP (Playstation Portable), walking, talking, performing street magic, doing shows, planning shows. Just name it, and I've probably done it since the last few entries.
Throughout it all, I've been jostled around like a lone barrel in the trailer of an 18-wheeled Semi on the bumpiest backroad known to earth. I've vanished and reappeared more than David Blaine at a Criss Angel convention. I've had what I'm not sure are nightmares. They seem like images of a life I'm not entirely sure are mine.
Leave it to the cosmos to come up with an open door somewhere. An ex-girlfriend reappeared. She and I have been in contact before and, if I needed answers, I figured I would find them there. After procrastinating long enough, and suffering a severe case of insomnia, I decided to go to her parents' house where she had been staying. She'd been helping them paint and we'd spoken about it over the phone between dead spots on the road just days before. Finally, I was making the short walk from my house to where she was. I found her parents there and talked with them, mostly about work. The funny thing about that family is that two of the five girls married military guys and then one of the two went into my line of work. Small world...round too.
Then, she arrived and two boys popped out of the car with her. One of them 7 and the other 6 years old. I hadn't seen the 7-year-old since he was a baby. He looked at me and locked eyes with me. There was recognition but it was vague. Probably wouldn't have been so vague if I hadn't had to wear shades. In the midst of conversation, I was using the PSP as though it were a photo album, showing off pictures of me and Misty and the various insanity I'd found on the web. The conversation was mostly small-talk. The usual small-talk around groups of people that haven't seen each other for a long time. Most anecdotes are mundane but, when interlaced with a little humor, it becomes somewhat of a decent narrative.
The whole thing moved inside. Good thing, considering my skin was crawling. My ex-girlfriend's seven-year-old challenged me to a friendly race already in progress...dirty little cheat didn't tell me I was three laps down. He ended up winning the race that day. Any honest races...I left him eating exhaust and kissing my asphalt. Not bad for an insomniac. Still, any chance he got, the sneaky son of a gun raced dirty. One day, kid, I'm going to sharpen my skills at the drift racing and then...you're going down. In the words of Kurt Angle "Oh it's true! It's damn true!" The kid took repeated opportunities where I'd step away during car selection, knock the race down to one lap and then his little brother would have to get my attention by saying, "HEY! THE RACE IS ON!" Suddenly, I'd rip myself away from whatever it is I was doing and try like hell to catch up. If his kid was anything like his old man, his old man is not one I'd want to take on. If I did though, I might just go down in gamer history. A modern-day Achilles. My weakness...a kid. Well...shit, there's the heel right? Yeah, in more ways than one. The kid publicly humiliated me but only by cheating and we know four things for sure...cheaters never truly win, winners never truly cheat, players never hate and haters never play. The kid wanted really badly to play with my PSP and I felt badly for him because the ex-girlfriend wouldn't let him play the type of games I play and I have only two; Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories and WWE: SmackDown vs. Raw 2007. I thought for sure WWE would be innocent enough but I hadn't played it yet and when I finally did over these past few days...I found that she was right...it is pretty risque. The last thing I'm sure she wants to see is her son staring at a digital version of Candace Michelle shaking her ass and leaving suggestive messages prior to matches. If she's reading this I have to say one thing, tell him I'm sorry about that but I'm getting Need For Speed Underground sometime and if he ever gets one, we'll do the WI-FI linkup on the respective consoles and then...he's going down. Hey, kid, I want a rematch!
That's when the first of many pieces began to fall into place for me. I remember days spent in this house playing videogames with kids...this exact situation and I was a child all over again. I was a 18-year-old acting like a 15-year-old only I was playing Zelda on the first-generation Nintendo system and other games on a Sega Genesis. I played any challenger. I won some, I lost some but I played and I had a blast...this time was no exception. It was something else that triggered the memory. The way the sun was setting, having all the voices in the background, the laughter, the atmosphere...I don't know but it was there and it was beautiful all over again. I had forgotten how much I missed times like these.
After conceding that the kid wasn't going to race me without cheating, I began discussing cellphone technology with my ex-girlfriend's sister. That reminds me that I need to make that ringtone for her. They practically stood aghast as I told them how easy it was to make their own ringtones and graphics and how they could get them from me and transfer them from phone to phone for no money at all. Naturally, I get the carpet-bomb attack of questions of why didn't I go into this type of field and make all kinda money at it. Come to think of it...why didn't I do that? No matter, on and out.
The conversation moved outside once again as the crowd in the living room was dispersing leaving only me, my ex-girlfriend and her two boys. This is when I got many of my answers. This is when the rest of the pieces fell into place and when I got the biggest missing piece to the puzzle...a story of when the body I now inhabit.
It seems that graduation night, her and I and two friends gathered in my dad's truck, I filled up both tanks and two ice chests and we didn't attend a single senior function except to terrorize them as I was loaded on enough caffeine to kill half the world. All night, we'd drive while having one of my friends reach through the back windshield for a caffeine reloader. As I cracked another soda and killed it in one sitting...we came upon a fog.
"Hey guys," I said, "I wonder...what if this weren't just any fog?"
"The fuck are you talking about?" one of them asked.
"What if it's a doorway to somewhere else," I said, "you know...like what you see in the Twilight Zone."
I was the only one who wasn't frightened by my own comment and, looking back on it, perhaps I should have been. We'd travelled a few miles through the fog. At least, I thought it was a few miles. Driving back through it, going back the way we came, seemed much longer. That had the entire truck, save for one fearless psychotic, LOSING it. In grim retrospect, perhaps that was more of a terrifying situation than my caffeine-addled mind could assess. There we were, four friends in an all-steel-construction-body Ford tooling along the highway through the elements, twisted on any type of caffeine we could ingest...good people...good times.
Now, here we were, ten years later with me trying to fit the pieces of memories together. We're playing catch up. I suppose I've lived far faster than what I should have. Right out of high school is when I kicked into high gear. I was go, go, go, gogogogogogogogogooggogogogofuckingGO! Not all my experiences doing it were pleasant and some of them were lethal but I can honestly say I ripped into life and took it by the balls, hanging on for dear life and praying I wouldn't be dragged to death, riding that strange torpedo to it's very end for good or ill. I've got the scars to prove it.
We left and I walked away, the sun beaming directly at me as it was radioing mission control for it's descent vector and the go for final approach. I walked into the sunlight and when I reached the corner, I turned back and I looked. This time, I did something that I normally wouldn't do. I lifted my shades and let my contact-augmented eyes take it in one more time. This neighborhood looked exactly as it did ten years ago. Not one aspect of it changed. It's still just as beautiful as it was. I walked away with things making more sense. I walked away with a sense of closure on a subject long since past. I walked away, another chapter of my life closed and another one beginning. I stood ready to begin the next phase of my journey. Perhaps the mental hard drive just needed a thorough defragmenting. I felt revived, renewed and ready. Ready for what? I have no idea but whatever it is, if it's hostile, it will find a being reloaded, rebooted, cocked, locked and ready to unleash.
In the meantime, I haven't written about it because I've been unable to sit down and focus much these days. I'm still unable to do it. I'm forcing myself to do it. It has to be chronicled and documented.
I'm nearly certain that they'll carve on my headstone, "It Never Got Weird Enough For Me."
One more thing before I'm out of here, I've got a music player on my blog courtesy of Alfa-Matrix. It's a great way to do premiers. If you want to hear the newest stuff that they have coming out...it's right there on the player...you can listen as you read. The music of The Genocydal Empyre v3.0...on demand.
Ok, I know I'm posting about music or politics or the mundane shit that's happening in this twisted realm of a life sometimes but I think you might like this story.
I was doing my normal thing online. You know, checking email, checking the myspace account, looking at blogs, irritating the shit out of some backwater Australian who hasn't learned by now that he's completely inept when trying to engage me in some insult war on a message board...the usual. Being added to Simara Rose's band page is a benefit. Why? Aside from her band having some of the most killer music on the planet (because she's a pure-born American Badass like that...damn right, I said that to your face) but she tends to offer these rather graphical and colorful bulletins that can take your average shitty day and turn it all around.
Yep, we all feel worthless, rejected, cast aside and we sit there wondering if things will get any better. Or you contemplate unleashing the beast on a few people who desperately deserve it for various reasons. On a side note, that often feels like the best plan of action. Total vengeance. No regard for whoever may be a bystander just a feeling of, "fuck these assholes...let's dance, motherfucker" and then unloading a huge Armageddon-style warhead of ass-kicking on them. Oh yeah, baby...mindless carnage and mayhem and what can that weak pansy do about it? Go home and cry...IF I decide letting you go was the right thing to do. Unfortunately, trying to balance that kinda anger turned inward and that negativity without something to give you a boost. By day's end, you're tired, worn out and you still feel like no one gives a fuck. You begin to wonder if anyone truly knows you exist.
Well, that's when the bulletins come in really handy. Not only are they colorful graphics but they feature some of the most intensely motivational words. Sometimes, those are just powerful enough to unleash that kinda beast on your negativity or whatever is trying to keep you down. That's it...just a few simple words to turn your entire day around. I'll be goddamned if it doesn't work damn near everytime. Spooky part is, most often, it honestly comes across as her talking to you directly.
This day was different. Simara began to feel down in the dumps herself and a friend of hers did the same thing she does for so many of her fans, friends and followers. What did she do? She asked everyone to make a wish and post it to her comments. She wanted everyone to think hard on it and write it down. I did.
I wished for a world that didn't need Lord Genocyde. No lie. Many of you will find this to be a shock but some that truly know me will not. Those that do, obviously, you need an explanation and one I'm more than prepared to supply.
See, everyone, Lord Genocyde is not me. Lord Genocyde is not me amplified. Lord Genocyde is my megalomaniacal ego gone full volume to a capability that can only be described as destructive. It would be if not for one small safety catch...direction. There's anger and violence there. Lord Genocyde is cold save for his anger. Lord Genocyde, however, does not know fear because he knows no reverence...of anything.
I'm the only thing providing the direction that keeps Lord Genocyde at bay. Unfortunately, I feel that this world needs Lord Genocyde to brutally rattle cages and shake trees. So many people walk day to day, back and forth, without any idea of what's going on around them. They're happily oblivious to everything. That, to me, is dangerous. Being nice about trying to tell people this has never gotten any decent results. Let's face it, no one would listen to Howard Stern if he never kicked up some dust. Nope, the nice guy had to take a backseat but Lord Genocyde stuffed him in the trunk and then suicide shifted the car into fifth gear, blasting it straight out into wherever the anger needed focus and direction. It's like one of those high-pressure firehoses. Aim it at someone, they could get killed. Aim it at a fire, it could save lives. The problem that exists with two beings existing in the same mind is the conflict. When Lord Genocyde would like to hook someone by the eyesockets, gouge out their eyeballs and literally skulldrag them, delighting in their screams, I have to retain self-control. I have to redirect the anger. People like Paris Hilton usually get the brunt of the brute force of that and it's concussive. I usually redirect it at social and political figures. Lord Genocyde supplies unrelenting firepower driven on hatred and I supply the deserving targets...those that have betrayed us all. If I had no targets, Lord Genocyde wouldn't be needed. If things were running as they should be, the world would no longer need Lord Genocyde. Then, I could rest, play a game or two, listen to some music and generally not worry about a damned thing. All would be right with the world, I suppose.
Hence, my wish...A World Without Lord Genocyde in it. A World without fear, anger, hatred and suffering. A world where the only thing standing between you and your dreams are opportunity and air...and you're already breathing in the air. A world where we can keep our doors unlocked at night and sleep that much better. A world without all this struggle over things we won't be able to pass on to our children and the ones after them.
We could pursue this type of matter collectively, I suppose. We could begin finding solutions today.
Or we could nukefight it out...not a living thing would survive.
From what I saw in the video, the claims of him "aggressively" selling his buttons and "getting in people's faces" were all bogus. He clearly conversed only with those who engaged him in conversation and the only ones "aggressively" doing anything was Louise Hamilton. Check out the video first and the article next and ask yourself if this man really posed a danger in the least to society? The most aggressive sales pitch the man had was to the small crowd gathering around him. He asked them all to check out the rest of the Market for themselves and give the others some business.
Still, we're asked to endure hundreds of thousands of pop-up ads on the internet and have our computers clog up with adware and we're made to believe that what sales pitches you heard on the video were aggressive...hmmmmmmmm...riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
The actual charges in this case were trespassing because he'd been asked not to return to past markets. Since the market is public and open to such, McConnell did not need a permit. Hamilton couldn't even tell him who was running it. Shouldn't you actually know if a law on the books exists prior to "enforcement?" I know I do when I'm working at the prison.
Activist Arrested In Dispute Over Hot-Button Sales At Public Market
By Matt Zapotosky Washington Post Staff Writer Sunday, July 22, 2007; Page C04
The 74-year-old retired mathematician who is fighting Kensington officials over his right to sell buttons urging President Bush's impeachment was arrested yesterday at a farmers market and charged with trespassing.
Alan McConnell, who had been selling his "Impeach Him" buttons at the Howard Avenue market for about a half-hour without a permit, lay down on the pavement after Montgomery County police asked him to come with them. After McConnell failed to respond to a request that he "please stand up," four officers each grabbed one of his limbs and carried him to the front seat of a squad car.
Alan McConnell says he shouldn't need a license to sell his buttons at the Kensington farmers market, and dozens of supporters protested his arrest yesterday. (By Michel Du Cille -- The Washington Post) Kensington Mayor Peter Fosselman said previously that he would order McConnell's arrest if he showed up yesterday at the market. Fosselman could not be reached for comment yesterday. Montgomery County police Lt. Frank Stone said he didn't know who tipped off police that McConnell was at the market. Stone said McConnell could face a maximum 90 days in jail and a $500 fine if convicted.
A crowd of about 40 McConnell supporters chanted "free speech" and booed the arrest. But others said their objections to McConnell's activities had nothing to do with granting him his political voice -- they simply think that he bothers customers by aggressively selling non-farmers-market products.
"They keep trying to make it about their political position, and it's not about that," said Kim Kaplan, who began selling plants at the market in June. "It's about the fact that he wants to sell his buttons and get in people's faces when he's doing it."
Three weeks ago, McConnell was issued a trespassing warning after being asked to leave the market. McConnell has said that he sold the buttons at the market for months without a license. Last week, Fosselman canceled the market because he was concerned that McConnell's "potentially aggressive" supporters might endanger the safety of customers. On Thursday, two Montgomery County police officers issued McConnell an updated trespassing warning, while a Kensington official gave him a citation for selling at the market without a permit. That ticket carries a possible $500 fine.
McConnell got another of those citations yesterday before his arrest, but he continued to sell his buttons for $1 apiece even as Kensington code enforcement officer Louise Hamilton filled out the ticket. Hamilton said the mayor requested that she come to the market to see whether McConnell was selling his buttons without a license.
Most of those who were at the market yesterday were there to support McConnell, and some vendors said the hype surrounding him has helped drum up business.
"The excitement has certainly brought a lot more people here, but not all of them are buying," said Keith Voight, who sells olive oil at the market. "Hopefully, the protesters today will come tomorrow to buy."
Let's suppose for just one second that your news only came from one source and one source only. Would they be fair and objective still? Would the news media actually ask us to form our own opinions?
Starting with a brief history of the internet here. The Pentagon invented it as a form of communication within the military. By the time we got it, it was believed by our federal government and the military that it would be little more than one huge uber-mall. Yep, it would be one of the biggest bastions of the almighty dollar, another monument to consumerism. That, however, was thwarted when your typical high-school nerds learned the language of the computer and found one simple fact; the possibilities were endless.
Soon, there were programs geared towards communication. Email took the place of physically writing letters to your friends in distant places. Instant Messengers took the place of phones. Then came chat rooms...the connections became faster, the MP3 file came about, information on anything from any source was available and soon, we even had online journals...like this one where we could express our opinions openly and freely. Yes, that's right, we could become our own editorial columnists. Soon, it was like a big damn town hall. For some, it was a means of getting the crap feelings that we have off of our chests. We shared our ups, our downs, our highs and lows, we integrated pictures and video and there were others of us who decided to go where angels fear tread, dig deep and get us the information they felt the rest of us needed to see.
Looks like there are many on Fox News that want the blogosphere shut down because they feel threatened. By what? People who are angry about the state of affairs and the state of our nation? Are we now seriously being asked to suppress our opinions? Are we seriously being asked to NOT express our opinions if they relate to a touchy subject? Did we strike a nerve? I think so, my friends and now, all you have to do is look at the evidence to figure this out.
Well, I'm angry and I'll say this. To the man who said that "Liberals type" and I'm sure you remember that guy. The day you actually bother reading some of these blogs and actually stop to consider what YOUR CONSTITUENTS have to say...that will be the day that I take your "Liberal" remark as an insult.
To the reporter who thought it was dangerous to get such a one-sided opinion when I type something up? Aren't you giving the other side? What are you afraid of? Afraid I might be right?
To the woman who ranted about the foul-mouthed ranting going on. Hey, wake up...this isn't your webspace and if I feel like letting the f-word fly, you have two options; keep reading or go somewhere else. If you got offended, that isn't my problem. I refuse to make it my problem. My articles write themselves. You...get over it or get lost. I'm not here to protect your precious little senses.
I shake trees and I rattle cages and if there are people calling for the violent overthrow of the government and you don't like that, I've got some advice for you...GO LIVE IN CHINA!
Yep, right...umm...HERE it is! Second Amendment which I'll quote in it's entirety as follows:
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
I wonder...why was that put in there? Well, two reasons in particular come to mind.
1. Our militias (now known as The National Guard) were meant to be the state's military. Unfortunately, they were federalized and made part of the department of the army. These people were supposed to answer to no one but the Governor and now, they answer to The Idiot Child In Chief.
2. And here was the safety catch...The RIGHT of THE PEOPLE to KEEP and BEAR ARMS SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. That means that since it was citizens who made the militias in the first place, it is the citizen's place to be armed and ready should he or she be called upon to defend home, family, property, life or state. Yep, citizens CAN get together guns, swords, knives, battle axes, or your weapon (weapons?) of choice strapped to your side, hanging off of you...whatever and, yes, even violently overthrow the federal government if the system of checks and balances begins to break down and the rights and liberty of the people to govern themselves is threatened domestically. By the way, when the military men and women of the U.S. are given the oath to defend this nation and it's constitution against ALL enemies foreign..and DOMESTIC...you might want to be worried less about what I'm saying here and more about when they start to figure this kinda thing out. You might not find them on your side anymore.
Damn right, we're angry and I think we deserve to be. Why? Because I see things like John Conyers betraying his constituents, rather brazenly, by having peaceful protesters arrested and then I see things like this...just have a look and this happened in London...
Let's insert another little factoid here. Alex Jones and several other protesters to the war and the incoming Big Brother state have actually been approached while in London as they've mounted their own protests and, as I'm sure you'd love to know...they had their information taken and were entered into a database of (I wish I were lying to you but I'm not) "potential terrorists."
What happened to these people in the pictures? Good question. This protest looks far from peaceful. Just check out those signs, if you would. These people are threatening violence but none of them faced arrest or terrorism charges for this action. Maybe by incarceration of our own peaceful protesters they hope to send a message to these guys? Yeah, doubt that. Meanwhile, Fox is getting their panties in a twist over bloggers.
When I went to school for mass communication, I was taught that each and every reporter MUST get FACTS and present them and let the public make their decisions for themselves. Still, we were being lauded as "future opinion-makers" and I guess I'm the only asshole that saw a problem with this. Or maybe this was more of the irony on top of taking advanced English classes, trying like hell to diagram sentences from Jabberwocky and having to write on a fourth-grade reading level because that's what 75% of Americans read on? Bullshit, not happening. Call me arrogant if you like, but it's not happening.
Tell ya what, you want my opinion sugar-coated and edited down so as not to hurt your freakin' sensitive behinds, start paying me copious amounts of money. That's right, set me for life. Hire an editor and publisher. Pay for it if you want it so badly and I'll let them have my worst and they can turn it into a shadow of it's former self. Until then, I'll present what I've got and you'll like it...or not, I could really care right now.
Why is the blogosphere coming across as angry...because we are! We're angry that our constitution has been treated like an issue of The Weekly World News after the toilet paper has run out in the bathroom. We're angry that our supposed "opinion-makers" are seriously calling for bloggers to censor themselves or BE censored. Let's go with one more from The Bill of Rights playbook, shall we? Oh yeah, we shall...
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
Missed that one too? Damn, hate when that happens but I'm always happy to kinda point that out.
You know why I'm angry on a personal level? Because instead of hearing about the shit that really matters right now, I have to hear about Paris Hilton, Nicole Richie and Lindsay Lohan ad nauseum. I have to settle for that instead of really digging deep to find out what I want? No, no, no and HELL no!
I've already found two weapons that help me fight The War on Terror. First, I get my information wherever it's available and, if I can't find it there, I dig deep. Whatever the case, I get informed. Second...I'm not living in terror. You can have your little color-coded alert system all day but I'm not going to live scared.
For those of you threatening freedom (foreign and domestic)...you have every reason to be afraid and I see that you are. Oh yeah, I and many others like me see you working overtime.
We will not be stopped. We have a singular and focused vision.
We lead. You'll follow or you'll get the hell out of the way.
This place is a look at the world through the vehicle of my own perception. Free speech is reserved to adults who act like adults. Children and Adults who act like children get deleted and reported as spam.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License.Basically, all this license means is that this is my stuff on this blog. If you wanna use it, get permission and credit me with writing it or podcasting it. That's it...protects the both of us.
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