
Friday, April 25, 2008

Episode 98: The Great Crunch Conundrum

May 31, 1997:

Graduation night. Jamie, James, my girlfriend and I were flying through town in my dad's Ford F-150. We had two ice chests chock full of a multi-colored assortment of sodas and ice and the back was loaded with cartons of smokes that they'd no doubt leave me to be the sole proprietor of in the morning after. Not that we really needed all that for the trip but with all the parties we'd crash, we'd work up strong appetites for junk food and drinks with strong caffeine content. We'd raided many of these parties already and had made out with much in the way of loot. We were living as teenage pirates and here we were, on a deserted highway, simply cruising. We were loaded full, completely twisted on caffeinated beverages and heads full of metal...good people. Good times.

There it was. I'll never forget it to this day. Try as I may, it is an incident that will forever live in infamy in my life. Knowing then what I know now, I'd have made a U-turn and hauled ass the other way. Instead, I let my sense of "adventure" get the better of us all.

"Anyone ever think that maybe that fog is a gateway to another dimension?" I asked as we drove through it, "like one of those parallel universes where the world we know is going horribly awry or something?"

"Dude! Shut the fuck up!" Jamie spat from the back seat.

We sailed right through it but the thought has never left our minds. Not one of us. Not once. Eleven years later, it still haunts each of us. I've been in contact with all three of them since that night. The last was my ex-girlfriend. It was a subject that has been brought up in conversation whether I wanted it to be or not. Seems after that, for each of us, the whole world seemed to turn upside down. The good bead we had on things suddenly did a complete paradigm shift and left each of us in the most dire of straits. I see our world burning and flying apart in the wind. Everything flies apart like leaves and our idyllic summer was flashed away as we drove through that damned fog.

May 31, 2008:

I'm planning one more excursion. I've got my mind made up on this one. If you suddenly find yourself dealing with a Damien that you don't recognize, I ask you all to please be patient with him. He's probably been through a rough eleven years as well. He's probably still not used to that idyllic charmed life.

Truth is, if this is his reality then I truly do not belong here. It's his and it is his to deal with. I'm giving it back to him and I'm taking mine back.

What am I hoping for? Really? I'm hoping to return to a world that doesn't need a Lord Genocyde. I'm hoping to fade back into obscurity. I'm hoping to watch you again and take it all in once more. That's what I loved most about where I come from; watching you. I want to watch you go to and fro about your lives without a care in the world. It seemed you were much more enjoyable to watch in that state. Something about it just seemed more natural.

I hope that whatever tragedy brought you to me doesn't happen. I want to spare you all that hardship. I may end up losing some of you as friends in my reality. I hope that your alternate selves will understand when I cast a proud smile upon them and then simply disappear into the crowd again. Should our friendships be inevitable, then let us hope that it isn't tragedy that brings us together. May our friendships be as long-lasting in my homeworld as they are here. Still, please be careful with my alternate as he will not understand what's happened to him. I'm not sure that any of us understand.

Of the other three that were in the truck with me, they're simply not afforded the luxury of going back home with me. Two of them have families and James...I'm not sure where the hell he went. To Jamie, Kae and James, I wish you the best of luck in this reality. I hope that you all triumph.

To the rest of you, my friends, my fans, all of you. Know that I love you all and I wish all of you the best. If any of you wish to join me, be there on May 31, 2008 on Highway 27 North and we'll all go together. Perhaps I can show you where it is from whence I came. If you can't come with me, I understand completely.

I have, however, postulated that I may not be able to return home. I have further theorized that perhaps this reality didn't shift and it is possible that there is nothing but a fog that was there, obscuring part of the road for about 30 seconds. I have factored all of this into the equation but something about this timeline doesn't make any damned sense to me and I have to rule out the improbable before I can discount it as impossible.

Maybe I'll go home. Maybe I'll go nowhere but, either way it goes, I have to go for myself, at least.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Episode 97: Between Alpha And Omega

There are times when I truly question things. There are times when I truly question my own judgment. Take message boards for example. These things can be a shitload of fun. Then again, they can be a real pain in the damn ass too. More often than not, the latter has proven true.

Granted, I'm not one to complain about putting in some effort for some type of recognition. I'm all for letting a self-evident end result just do that for me. If I can look at something with the knowledge that I helped build it, I don't need anyone else to tell me jack shit. I don't need anyone else to tell me how great something looks. I'm fucking looking at it and it looks pretty awesome from here.

At first, I just didn't want to deal with WM3.org's board but now, I don't want to deal with ANY damn board associated with that case. They're like hurricanes, in my opinion. They start out kind of exciting and they end in complete disaster. Let me let you, my dear readers in on a little bit of advice. If anyone truly values your friendship, they should never ask you to join these boards. If there's perhaps a small lapse in judgment on their part, don't take it personally...just do the right and proper thing and pass. If you're already involved, best of luck.

See, I ended up on a no-shit private board. It's one of those invitation only kinda deals. You get invited, you join and what happens on that board, stays there. Now what happened between the time I got the invitation until now is what's interesting. Apparently, somehow, (and I must have a pretty colossal power that I'm not quite aware of yet) I got blamed for starting the thing. Now this went on for quite some time. At that time, I was just one of your run-of-the-mill low-level posters. Later on, I was an administrator and then, recently, I literally had the responsibility of running the board handed to me. I was, officially, a no-shit board runner of sorts. Now, I volunteered myself for that position because the person who owned it was going through some shit that wouldn't allow them to continue running it. Granted, I've bitten my tongue on being kept out of the loop in a lot of shit recently but I wanted to go ahead and rework a few things. I'd seen where other boards had failed and I wasn't going to let that happen. I was going to succeed where others had failed miserably.

So you figure that spending a few hours working offline might have an effect. Well, it would have but apparently, it wasn't enough to leave the board for five damn minutes. When I got back 24 hours later, everything had gone to hell. Half the damn board including some of my sections were gone. Blasted into oblivion in the click of a mouse and here I was, fuming. Yep, I felt like I'd just fucked my way to the middle and the bad part was...the lay wasn't even decent. Someone else wanted this job worse than me, it seems.

Now, emails were coming in left and right, demanding explanations. Hey, I had no problem with that. Dammit, I wanted one too but by the end of the night, I ended up committing myself to a dramatic reappraisal of the situation. I'd been fired. Without notice, I'd been fired in less than a week. Now, perhaps it was impatience. Maybe it was jealousy. Hell, who knows but finally, after being circumvented nine ways to sundown, I pretty much packed my shit from the one section of mine that was left open and I left. Fuck it.

Let's face it, I'd had all I could possibly take. There were no emails sent prior to the unceremonious deletion of my sections. No emails, no phone calls, no voicemails...nothing. If I was to do a job then, stay out of my damn way and let me do it. If I wasn't going to be at least kept in the loop until after the fact then, obviously, I'm of fuck all help. So all the work I did...I should have spent it playing a video game.

That's when the thought occurred to me...I just might. Perhaps it's time that the Crusader Armor gets tossed to the bottom of that pile of shit in the closet and left to rust in peace. Maybe now, when I'm done with shows and shit like that, I'll just head to Newgrounds Dot Com and go play some games or watch some fucked-up cartoons. Sounds more like my kind of thing anyway. Honestly, I'm sick of "coming to the rescue" for others to fuck it off when I'm not even there and then I have to hear about it later.

Really, at this point, there isn't a single explanation that would work for me right now. There's not an excuse, there's not a reason, there's not a damned thing anyone can tell me that would make any sense to me.

So what did I do? Well, I kinda figured that my Cry HAVOC! Self-Defense articles weren't even being LOOKED at much less discussed. Seeing as how there used to be a lot of different sections, I kinda expected that. Since I've stepped down and vacated the board, I went it, dug out all my posts and killed that section myself. Let them piss and moan about it. I didn't get an explanation...neither will they. Turnabout...it's fair play.

The good news is that my blogs, my MySpace site and all that shit will still be up and running. At least this way, I don't have to worry about someone going in to ixnay something while I'm not fucking there.

I'm sorry I have to continue bringing you news about shit like this but I figured that each and every one of you needs to know just what it is you're dealing with before going into boards like that.

There is good news though. Now that I've found myself with the whole "NOW what the fuck do I do?" thing, there will be a message board popping up that will not have anything to do with the bullshit. We're currently planning an official website with a link to this blog AND a messageboard for you to visit and post to whenever you'd like. Primarily, the board will be a discussion board about the show and it's many offshoot projects but we'll include a host of other shit on there to make it fun and, if someone wants to come over being a dickhead, the answer is very simple...we're hiring ninja assassins skilled in the art of literally blending in with people's shadows to effectively tail then and then kill them with almighty ninja rodents of doom. That's right people, real-life, No-Shit Ninjas. I might hire some aliens like Mr. Grey to arm and man the Fuck-You Cannons and STFU Bombs while I'm at it. I'm thinkin of all kinda shit and I have all kinds of things in store for you.

Let's face it...I've got to occupy my time somehow.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

The Finish-The-Quote Challenge (Blogger Exclusive)

Who posted this first? Tammi. It took me a little while to decide on what I would use in a response. I still haven't decided but here goes nothing...

I dream...of really horrible things. Long story.
I cannot stand...Fake and apathetic people who honestly think that I'm going to stop doing what I do because they can't do what they want to do based on their social status. I work, I pay my bills and if I don't owe you money, I'm not your kid or I'm not fucking you then I don't owe you an explanation. End of Story.
I stopped...giving a crap what others thought of me. Hate me all you want if that's what you like but take it elsewhere. If you accept me for who I am then that's cool. I'd rather have a few true friends than many false ones
I wish...larger groups of people would quit taking shit. There are people out there fucking you around in just about every aspect of your life both financially and socially. Know why they're doing it? Because they can. Know why they can? Because you let them with your "Oh but that's just the way it is and nothing's going to change it" mentality.
I could...be a real monster if that's what you wanted
I would...never drive through another fog patch again.
I don't understand...how so many people out there just don't give a damn enough to change things when, if they just took a few minutes to organize, they could.
I yell...just to blast it all out and then I'm alright.
I get aggravated...when people state their opinion as fact and then act like I'm simply not to question them just because they're saying so.
I'm shocked...that there are many of us working our asses off but we're not able to support ourselves while others out there are having that living handed to them and they've got it better than those of us that are working. Wonder why some won't work? Don't be shocked when those people tell you "I can't afford to work!" I'm not making this up. Sadly, neither are they.
I dislike...our troops are being denied their benefits to which they're entitled! Weren't they promised that when they signed up? It's theirs, give it to them. If V.A. Hospitals are so understaffed then perhaps it's time to staff them.
I can't wait...to get the fuck outta here and head for Jersey!
I sense...a disturbance in The Schwartz.


Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Episode 96: Proper MOTORvation

You know, in hindsight, that old tired damn addage of having a set of wheels as a social status is true. When you have wheels, you've got lots of friends. That same group of friends, for some reason, they see you with wheels and it's an instant ticket to going anywhere they want to go. It's especially that way if they know that you're all about some road trips too. That group of friends will not only propose a road trip and make you feel practically awesome about taking them on it but they'll praise you, citing that it was your idea. Not only that, but they'll thank you for inviting them along.

The bad part is, most of them have their own rides but don't want to take them for one reason or another.

I have to say this, the minute your ride breaks down, they're suddenly nowhere to be found and you're left with such a lack of options that it's hideously pathetic. That whole car-shopping thing made me think long and hard about that. That's part of what took me so long to get one after selling the Camaro. The Camaro would have made a decent set of wheels but the problem is that it was more of a project than I had the time for. I'm glad that it was a buddy of mine who bought it. I get a progress report on it on a bi-weekly basis.

I had a list of criteria, you could say. I didn't want a car. Cars mean going fast and going fast means high insurance...especially here in Jerkwater, Louisiana. For some reason, every kid that saw The Fast And The Furious had to have some rice rocket with racing stripes and a performance engine. Ever since that, insurance rates jacked themselves way up. I settled on a truck. The problem with a good pickup is that most of them are so damn big. I'm not much on big vehicles. They're just too much hell on gas. It was only by luck that I found a '95 Nissan Hardbody. That's right...single cab. So far, the only people who've been in it since I got it are me and Phoenix. He was in it because I took him for a spin and showed him how smoothly the thing ran. Not only that but, for a '95, it's freakin' beautiful.


It did take me some getting used to after I got everything ironed out. I had to get used to a standard 5-speed transmission again. After knowing all the benefits of a 5-speed, I don't think an automatic is a good idea for me.

I ended up driving out to a friend's house to bullshit with him and talk shop with him. He's tearing his old house down to put another one on it and I'm thinkin, when I get a spare moment, I might just go help him out in getting it torn down. He's offering me the windows out of the old house and since they're in great shape, I might just take him up on the offer. After that, there's going to be one helluva crawfish boil and all of us here are invited. That's freakin' handy because that means I'm gonna park my ass on the damn tailgate and chow down when that happens. Hopefully, I won't scorch the roof of my mouth off doing it because many a Louisianian can tell you that if you don't have the taste for Southern Louisiana spice...your digestive system will hate you the next day and it will never forgive you for that again. I, being a native Louisianian can tell you that I've never been one to spice any of my food up to be hotter than hell in the middle of one of our Augusts but that doesn't mean that I haven't tasted that part of the 12th Circle of Hell before only to suffer in the bowels of the 13th later. Take it from me, when there's a house with only one bathroom, it's occupied and your stomach starts roiling...it's time to make a polite exit if you have time to and head for the house with a swiftness.

I'm getting way off, aren't I? Yeah, ok.

So I looked this truck over. Single cab, two seater (I'm not reaching in between someone's legs to grab my damn gearshifter), runs smoothly, CD player, just a bottom-line awesome truck that's been well-taken care of. Not to mention the price...a mere $3200. Not bad. The insurance is the only thing killing me right now. With my financier requesting full collision coverage (note the sarcasm with the word "Requesting") it's going to eat me alive. The payments aren't bad and the best part is, if something happens, I have all the protection I need. Still, the question I get most often is, "Is it 4-Wheel Drive?" No. Looks like it, though! It's actually rear-wheel drive with a lift kit and bigger tires. That means it actually goes five miles faster than what it reads on the speedometer. I keep this in mind always when I'm travelling.


I'm thinking I might go for a little drive for a bit. Couldn't hurt. This thing gets 25 miles to the gallon and, being that it's only a four-cylinder with a five-speed transmission, I'm bound to actually push that feul as far as it will go. Now, the question that I have is, do I put my voodoo beads or my indian headdress on the rearview? I already have the Brass Balls Keyring coming in. Why? Well, I figure after being half-assed stranded for so long, I might as well show off just a little.


As for those who will now need rides on a frivolous basis, I guess I'll just have to ask them why their numbers suddenly dwindled when my last car (a Mitsubishi Mirage) died on me. Fuck 'em.

Friday, April 04, 2008

Episode 95: The Great Car-Shopping Debacle

My feet beat the streets on a regular basis. I’ve been walking since my first car. I love to drive but when things are in walking distance, even across town, why bother? Better to take the mountain bike and burn off some calories or even walk, doing the same and enjoy podcasts of Coast To Coast AM or my music that’s been loaded onto my iPod. Why drive, burn more gas and sit there through traffic when my state of motion without a vehicle is almost always perpetual?

Still, being completely without a vehicle is possibly the most undesirable state that can be imagined. During extreme weather that can be the norm here in Louisiana. Rain, thunderstorms, humidity, cold, heat...none of these are worth the effort it takes to run to the store for a pack of batteries. Not only that but while catching a ride to work while without a car by mechanical failure or by absentia, it still leaves me at the mercy of relying on someone else or having to take the grueling bike ride through merciless wind drag from large 18-wheelers passing or unforgiving terrain when the asphalt shoulder runs out. Put simply, that ride was more or less designed for auto or walking and most assuredly not mountain bike.

So, it was last year sometime that I began looking for a car. At the time, the credit union had approved me for a loan of $6,000. This would afford me great breathing room in finding a vehicle. The only question that I had was that which did I want, a car or a truck? After much thought, I hadn’t really come to a decision. During my walks since then, I’d seen many cars and trucks that were just out of range for me as well as being completely uneconomical on feul. Still, I wanted to sell the car I had first. After having sold it for the price asked, the thought of actually obtaining a car had never crossed my mind again. I simply could not find one that was within the range.

I couldn’t, that is, until I’d decided, against my better judgment, to go for a little walk. Upon my little walk, on my way back to the park to sit and begin writing my latest blog, I spotted it. It was a 1996 Chevy Silverado in a beautiful green color and the price was only $4,000. Not bad, I thought. I gave it much more thought along the way as I made sure that the phone had firmly had the phone number from the truck. I sat around, biding my time until morning when I would call the number and inquire more about the truck. After calling Misty and waking her up, I finally called the number. The conversation was only slightly disheartening. The girl who owned the truck, Amber, detailed to me that the inside door handle was broken, the driver’s side mirror was busted, the gas cap was gone, many things were disconnected due to lack of knowledge as to how to work them, it had almost 160,000 Highway miles, the speedometer was ten miles slow due to the size of the wheels, the blinkers had a short and the oil pressure guage wasn’t working. Needless to say, I still went to the tanning salon where it was parked and had a look. Upon closer inspection, I could see that the truck would be worthless to me. The low-profile tires on the truck were bad and new tires would cost roughly $2,000. As well, there were wires hanging from the underside. It worried me greatly. I thought for sure I’d found myself at another dead end. Damn. I returned the key and told her I’d get back with her.

As I was leaving, my dad and I discussed it. That worthless scrap pile would never do for me at all. I would spend more than I cared to fixing it. Basically, I’d have been better off trying to fix my old Camaro that I’d sold. As my own frustration was about to settle in one more time, that’s when the good news came. A man my dad knew was bringing a truck in to sell it. Everything worked on it, it had brand-new tires and, in lieu of the V-6, I would be getting a 4-cylinder. The price was even better $3,600. For a truck where everything worked and worked well but was only one year older...that was a steal.

When I took a look at the truck, I got even more good news. Brand new CD player with the option to patch my iPod into it, the AC also and barely 102,000 miles on the odometer. The only two downsides are the crack in the windshield and the fact that it’s a standard transmission rather than an automatic. When I asked again what it was he wanted for it, that’s where the last bit of good news came. He quoted me a price of $3,200.

Immediately, I got his number and ran home to call the credit union. After much talking, they agreed to the price but would not agree to finance the truck in full. My part would be nearly $350 down for tax, title and license. After checking my account, I realized that this would dip into the money I had saved for the trip to New Jersey this year. This alone was disheartening as the man to whom my dad had introduced me would need word by the end of the day. I called Misty to tell her about the problem. She seemed optimistic but I had one problem...what would the payments be on this? Could I afford it? I called the credit union back and received a quote that lifted my spirits slightly. I finally called him up and told him that it was on like Donkey Kong and we would be able to start the proceedings by Monday if that was good. He agreed and now...it seems that I’ll be driving a black ’95 Nissan single cab come next week.

As odd as it may seem, I won’t be driving it much. I just normally don’t drive unless I have too much to carry. Still, knowing that I will be able to do far more than what I have been doing and having that option is a rather cheerful thing. Knowing that I don’t have to hurry my ass off when I’m running slightly behind so my riding partner doesn’t become too impatient with me is also comforting.

Monday morning, I’ll be piloting a small black truck around town on occasion. What is most interesting about this is that my vehicle problem is finally solved and, while I still may retain a vehicle, I’ll still be known for my walking.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Episode 94: Everything In Doing Time

You know, when I actually made my approach and offered a few responses to the atheists on YouTube, I honestly expected some backlash. Most of the atheists I’ve ever met were decent people, without a nasty bone in their body even in the face of people of any religion who were at their most venomous. Very rarely have I ever met someone of the atheist persuasion who decided that becoming hateful during a debate or even a discussion would aid in any progress.

Given, my own perception of atheists was that many of them backed science and the scientific method. During my limited time on this planet and within this temporal existence, I’ve had the pleasure of actually becoming familiar with the methods of a true scientist. If something can be proven after full review of facts, then it is scientifically established as fact. If something can not be proven after a full review of facts then the question that begs itself is can it be disproven? If it cannot, the scientist will, of course claim that it is, in fact, a mystery and it is left to the individual to use faith to determine whether it is truth to them or not. If it can be disproven, then the subject being reviewed is said to be fantasy.

Many of the atheists that I have had the pleasure of meeting and engaging in (often stimulating) discussion have taught me this very method. While it’s true that the existence of God cannot be scientifically proven or quantified, it also cannot be disproven. It is then left up to me which religious practice to which I’ll subscribe or whether I’ll subscribe to one at all. It is also left up to me what I will and will not believe and how I will form my basis. Granted, the atheist friends of mine who have discussed this with me support and respect my decision. On the basis of that, I have also done what I feel is the right thing to do. I have talked with them about it, rather than talk to them (there is a difference) and now, the decision is solely up to them. It is their soul and not mine for which I have to worry. Granted, it saddens me at times that these people do not believe in the One that created them but, as I’ve said, it is not my mind to make up on the subject.

Obviously, I’d met a few who use atheism as an excuse to make asses of themselves or maybe they just do it to rebel against a perceived enemy. Still, I never once based my opinion on all atheists to be like them.

I never did, that is, until I made three videos respectively in response to three other videos on YouTube. That’s when the really nasty ones came out of the woodwork. Granted, I’ve met a few who could post intelligent retorts and state their points. I see no reason to argue with them because, the way I had it figured, I’d given a crowd of atheist whom I’d perceived to be intelligent grounds to be as irrational, irresponsible and as unreasonable as these people claim that I am. Keep in mind, I do not make the previous statement simply because these people have vehemently and rather immaturely disagreed with me. Absolutely not, they have the right to disagree with me and vice versa, however, I will illustrate in full just how irresponsible, unreasonable, irrational, disrespectful and immature these people have been and I will do so without the mudslinging as these types are incapable of doing.

Several months ago, I’d posted responses to the videos called “How To Convert An Atheist,” and “Two Christians Attack One Atheist” respectively. There was one more title but it has escaped me at present as I’m not at home and able to pull it up onto my desktop PC for purposes of review. Oddly enough, I posted the video responses and I left them alone. I figured I’d leave it to the posters themselves to take the points into consideration and incorporate them or not. To me, that does not sound like an imposition. In fact, I question the credibility of anyone who screams at me to not impose on them with such a video. In my own opinion, those who would claim that it is an imposition may as well come forth with the “irrefutable evidence” they feel that they have or just spout the phrase “Don’t question me!”

Cutting right to the heart of this thing, I’ve been getting responses to my “How To Convert An Atheist” response even to this day. While some of those responses have been intelligent, one person had actually left four responses laden with nothing but insults as well as an inbox that stated that, and I’ll quote, “If I had to guess, you were in prison with nothing but God to hold onto. Convict.”

That was it. This poster had even left a similar message in my comments. Why did he leave such a comment? I’ll get to that in a minute.

It’s no secret that I know what goes on behind the wire. I’ve seen my share of people on both sides who have a variety of different beliefs. Predominantly, there are hundreds of Christian people there and many, many more who are only playing the part…the HypoChristians. It’s also no secret that a majority of the people I know have done time in one form or another. It’s also no secret that about 99% of those friends of mine did the stretch and hit the gate running like hell. While those facts are not secrets, this is not the source of my “inside” knowledge. What is the source of my “inside” knowledge is the other fact that is no secret…that I actually work in a correctional setting. It’s not that I do it because I enjoy it immensely. It’s a paycheck and little else to me. It’s a job. Rather than join the ranks of the unemployed, knowing that so many generations of my countrymen and illegal immigrants are depending on me to work, I do so.

So how did this one poster arrive at this rather uneducated hypothesis? The way I was dressed in the video. My Free The WM3 t-shirt and bandanna that I’d been wearing were all that this one needed to make his judgment while, in the same breath, claiming that I was imposing on his beliefs when the fact that this was YouTube and you choose what videos you will look at and which ones you will not was clear.

Another poster claimed that they couldn’t befriend a Christian for more than two days because the Christian would always try to convert them. Well, to that I have to say that with so many failed platonic relationships under that one’s belt, however many there may be, based on the statement given and it’s rather venomous nature, I would venture a guess at the scenario that it was the poster who expressed a distaste in the extreme for Christians and when the other party revealed that they were a Christian, this person distanced themselves and created the platonic schism on their own. My basis for this conclusion is the lack of an attempt at actually asking questions and making no attempt at gaining an understanding based on a video that spanned less than ten minutes. It is most likely that the relationship rift is solely based on the most common denominator in the equation…the poster.

One more poster left a series of THREE videos to respond to my one. He has also attempted discrediting me by rudely calling me a coward as I have not allowed the posting of his own video response. I have not allowed the posting of his video response for a few reasons but chiefly among them are the following:

  1. “I’m SOOOO Qualified”: This was a direct quote from him. I sat through 30 minutes (give or take) listening to his thinly-veiled ad hominem attack while he never once listed a single qualification
  2. He has also gone on further to bait me into posting his thinly-veiled ad hominem attack or suffer the unveiled ad hominem attack. In this, he has assumed that he never has to be wrong.
  3. The fact that he has felt compelled to waste much of his own time on three videos while I chose to make my point as clear as possible while being concise has put him into an investment that will not make a favorable return. Not my fault and not my problem. I’d say that lies in his vicinity and finally
  4. The fact that I couldn’t get this controversial when I was a Satanist has become very interesting to me.

The fact that one video spanning less than ten minutes has sparked such controversy is telling. It is telling primarily on my lack of judgment of character as I’d falsely generalized a greater majority of atheists to be logical, reasonable and respectful. I must say that, sadly, I have been proven very very wrong in that respect. It is telling that the immaturity displayed is truly the only defense that these people have and that they obviously feel threatened by anyone who may dissent from their own point of view. It is strangely telling that I am secure enough in my own Truth to not have to gather up an entire gang of my friends to force this down their throats until they accept it. This is exactly the very thing that I am currently being accused of doing as these people launch their own Atheist Crusade in their desperate belief that, perhaps, no one will listen to me.

The solid fact remains that, after many months, people still seem to be listening to me, after all. To all my friends who have done time, think I came through it okay or would I end up a recidivist?


Fred Brito Threepeat...Saying Goodbye To T.G.E. v3.0

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Be Sure To Tune In !!! Special Show Featuring A '3-Peat' Interview With Fred Brito !!!
Rock out with Lord Genocyde:
7:00 p.m. Central Time

Click above to DOWNLOAD THE DARKSIDE RADIO TOOLBAR which will make it EVEN EASIER to access the Darkside Radio stream.
OR go HERE to the MySpace for a direct tune-in!

Brought to you also by:

The Lady Misty Genocyde. Welcome to the softer side of insanity....

Lord Genocyde will be interviewing this awesome dude:

Fred Brito aka The Benevolent Con

You've seen him on Dateline NBC and Dr. Phil, but do YOU know the WHOLE story? Mr. Brito will be joining Genocyde live on the show to discuss such things as his current and upcoming books and lectures, an ordeal with The American Red Cross, and the future release of a motion picture based on his life! You'll be getting it all HERE !!! Because this is a very special event the regularly scheduled Millennium Omega segment will be suspended but worry not... it'll be back soon enough just as soon as Misty catches up with her blogs.

Lord Genocyde will also be debuting new music TBA... and as always we give big shout-outs to Todd of Immune System!

Buy the CD
IMMUNE SYSTEM: Live in Hyperborea
click to order

EVERYBODY needs to buy a copy of the live CD. It features Lord Genocyde and is a reflection of the great success of the live tour. Buy it now; you won't regret it.

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