Episode 98: The Great Crunch Conundrum
Graduation night. Jamie, James, my girlfriend and I were flying through town in my dad's Ford F-150. We had two ice chests chock full of a multi-colored assortment of sodas and ice and the back was loaded with cartons of smokes that they'd no doubt leave me to be the sole proprietor of in the morning after. Not that we really needed all that for the trip but with all the parties we'd crash, we'd work up strong appetites for junk food and drinks with strong caffeine content. We'd raided many of these parties already and had made out with much in the way of loot. We were living as teenage pirates and here we were, on a deserted highway, simply cruising. We were loaded full, completely twisted on caffeinated beverages and heads full of metal...good people. Good times.
There it was. I'll never forget it to this day. Try as I may, it is an incident that will forever live in infamy in my life. Knowing then what I know now, I'd have made a U-turn and hauled ass the other way. Instead, I let my sense of "adventure" get the better of us all.
"Anyone ever think that maybe that fog is a gateway to another dimension?" I asked as we drove through it, "like one of those parallel universes where the world we know is going horribly awry or something?"
"Dude! Shut the fuck up!" Jamie spat from the back seat.
We sailed right through it but the thought has never left our minds. Not one of us. Not once. Eleven years later, it still haunts each of us. I've been in contact with all three of them since that night. The last was my ex-girlfriend. It was a subject that has been brought up in conversation whether I wanted it to be or not. Seems after that, for each of us, the whole world seemed to turn upside down. The good bead we had on things suddenly did a complete paradigm shift and left each of us in the most dire of straits. I see our world burning and flying apart in the wind. Everything flies apart like leaves and our idyllic summer was flashed away as we drove through that damned fog.
May 31, 2008:
I'm planning one more excursion. I've got my mind made up on this one. If you suddenly find yourself dealing with a Damien that you don't recognize, I ask you all to please be patient with him. He's probably been through a rough eleven years as well. He's probably still not used to that idyllic charmed life.
Truth is, if this is his reality then I truly do not belong here. It's his and it is his to deal with. I'm giving it back to him and I'm taking mine back.
What am I hoping for? Really? I'm hoping to return to a world that doesn't need a Lord Genocyde. I'm hoping to fade back into obscurity. I'm hoping to watch you again and take it all in once more. That's what I loved most about where I come from; watching you. I want to watch you go to and fro about your lives without a care in the world. It seemed you were much more enjoyable to watch in that state. Something about it just seemed more natural.
I hope that whatever tragedy brought you to me doesn't happen. I want to spare you all that hardship. I may end up losing some of you as friends in my reality. I hope that your alternate selves will understand when I cast a proud smile upon them and then simply disappear into the crowd again. Should our friendships be inevitable, then let us hope that it isn't tragedy that brings us together. May our friendships be as long-lasting in my homeworld as they are here. Still, please be careful with my alternate as he will not understand what's happened to him. I'm not sure that any of us understand.
Of the other three that were in the truck with me, they're simply not afforded the luxury of going back home with me. Two of them have families and James...I'm not sure where the hell he went. To Jamie, Kae and James, I wish you the best of luck in this reality. I hope that you all triumph.
To the rest of you, my friends, my fans, all of you. Know that I love you all and I wish all of you the best. If any of you wish to join me, be there on May 31, 2008 on Highway 27 North and we'll all go together. Perhaps I can show you where it is from whence I came. If you can't come with me, I understand completely.
I have, however, postulated that I may not be able to return home. I have further theorized that perhaps this reality didn't shift and it is possible that there is nothing but a fog that was there, obscuring part of the road for about 30 seconds. I have factored all of this into the equation but something about this timeline doesn't make any damned sense to me and I have to rule out the improbable before I can discount it as impossible.
Maybe I'll go home. Maybe I'll go nowhere but, either way it goes, I have to go for myself, at least.