
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Burning At The Stake: The Stop Bullying Campaign

I want each one of us reading this to close our eyes and think...not now, Geez! AFTER I post the first part, mmmkay?

Okay...get this locked into your mind. Remember the time you were a kid. There was always someone shoving you, punching you in the shoulder, wouldn't leave you the hell alone and just plain, mean-spirited. Maybe their old man kept bullying them but whatever their reason...they decided that YOU looked like an easy target. Maybe they took your lunch money. Maybe they kept pantsing you in gym class. It doesn't matter what it was they did, you know one thing...it was wrong.

Now, think of all those feelings that you experienced. Remember the pain, the shame, the humiliation and the anger. I know that's a lot of negativity.

Now close your eyes and think on it awhile and when you open your eyes...scroll down a little further...

Ready for the good news...You're Still Alive. Maybe you're a tougher person because of it. Maybe you, whatever the case, YOU got past it and it's over. Isn't it?

Yeah we were all bullied at some point and I've taken my pledge to stop the bullying but let me tell you how I, The Genocydal Maniac is going to do it. Let's run down the list, shall we?

No, wait...shit. I shouldn't start with that, should I? Nah. Let me take you through the anatomy of a bully. I'll show you what it is. I'll take you on a guided tour and I won't get fancy with it. I'm sure Misty can give you the psych profile of one of these assholes but I'm not so forgiving with it so let's go with part one.

Anatomy of A Bully:

A Bully is about the same as a Terrorist, A Criminal, An Extortionist...it doesn't matter what you call it. They all want only one thing, Control over YOU and your actions. That's pretty much it. A bully will do any and everything to get that control...until they start running into serious trouble getting what they want. A bully wants it easy and they won't try taking it if it isn't easy.

Wasn't hard to figure out, was it? Pretty easy to understand. They're scumbags. They're lower than swine. They're filth. They are absolutely, positively...(damn, how can I put this) fucking shit and they'll garner no sympathy from someone like me.

Now...I come with a plan. I'm not here to sit here and just rant about problems, I came to offer solutions. Before I reveal my plan, I'd like to identify a problem.

You see, bullies also do something else. Sometimes, they'll start by suggesting that you do what they say for the good of everyone else. Oh it's sooooo much better if you just don't say things that you have a right to say. Oh, it's not good for you to say such negative things about someone or it's never right for people to ask YOU to give up your power but, isn't it funny that the Stop Bullying Campaign promises to do just that. Don't believe me? Let me show you how this campaign asks you to handle bullying from Their Own Website!

How to deal with bullying:

  • Tell your parents or other trusted adults. They can help stop the bullying.
  • If you are bullied at school, tell your teacher, school counselor, or principal. Telling is not tattling.
  • Don't fight back. Don't try to bully those who bully you.
  • Try not to show anger or fear. Students who bully like to see that they can upset you.
  • Calmly tell the student to stop...or say nothing
    and then walk away.
  • Use humor, if this is easy for you to do. (For
    example, if a student makes fun of your clothing,
    laugh and say, “Yeah, I think this shirt is kind of
    funny-looking, too.”)
  • Try to avoid situations in which bullying is likely
    to happen. You might want to
    • Avoid areas of the school where there are not
      many students or teachers around.
    • Make sure you aren't alone in the bathroom
      or locker room.
    • Sit near the front of the bus.
    • Don't bring expensive things or lots of money
      to school.
    • Sit with a group of friends at lunch.
    • Take a different route through hallways or
      walk with friends or a teacher to your classes.

...are they serious? Do they honestly think that any of this will work? I can tell them from experience...it won't make one iota of difference.

I could run down this litany but let me sum it up. You're running around ducking places and paths that you have every right to walk through. You are restricted. You aren't going places or doing things or enjoying life because, in order to stop the bullying...this group believes you should give them what they want.

Well, I'm here to tell you if you give them an inch, they will take a mile. Sure, this group may be well-intentioned but understand that once they encounter resistance, they will resort to bullying themselves, making those that will not conform out to be bullies themselves and possibly even nothing more than primitive brutes.

Allow me, The Genocydal Maniac to lead this gang of thugs, ruffians, scum and villainy by presenting my master plan for A Genocydal World Order.

First, walk where you want...when you want.

Second, fear no one.

Third, take up a tested and proven course of study in self-defense. Pick the most brutal and vicious and easy-to-remember techniques...and never hesitate to use them when you find yourself confronted by a situation for which there is no perceptible way out. If there is no alternative, make sure...make damned sure that they never forget that they dealt with an explosive and unstable package. Make sure the scars they bear remind them each and every day of it.

Fourth. NEVER let ANYONE take YOUR right to anything. You have rights...exercise them on a daily basis.

Fifth. NEVER let ANYONE CONTROL YOU. Simple as that. The very moment someone wants control of your life, question it and question it fully.

Sixth. Remember that Bullies do not have control of their own lives...what makes you think you'll benefit from them controlling you.

Seventh. Remember that when you are in a state of terror or fear you will do things that you otherwise wouldn't do. If you won't do it when you're not under duress, don't do it when you are.

Eighth. Give a bully hell every time you encounter them. I'm not saying do it unprovoked. But the first shoulder check you get...give a full reciept. Next time, if they're not crossing the street when you walk their way...something didn't gel in their minds the first time.

Ninth. Think of bullies like a cancer. How often does cancer just go away if you ignore it?

Tenth and final. Consider all avenues. Yeah, I'm talking the Stop Bullying Campaign's suggestions, mine and anyone else who might have survived one of those experiences and do one thing....Find What Works For YOU and stick to it.

The number one secret to winning any fight you might find yourself in is just not to get into one in the first place. If you can't get out of it by avoiding it...Show them Hell and Show The No Mercy.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Episode 47: Lock N' Load (Matt Hardy And Other Musings)

I've been burning quite a bit the past few days. No, not out of anger at the world of sports entertainment but because of a fever brought on by one hell of a virus. The virus is gone but it's effects are still being felt. Give ya an idea of how bad it is...I'm on a friggin' inhaler but that's helping me like nobody's bidness so let's get on to bidness shall we?

Five days ago, Matt Hardy, one of the most daring and sick wrestlers (I use the word "sick" in a double entendre...you can figure out which two) I have ever had the pleasure of watching was officially released from his WWE Contract.

I have only two words for that: Thank God!

It's about time they quit shelving the guy. I mean, seriously, did the WWE think they could just keep him mid-carded and happy? No doubt, Matt's had plenty to thank the WWE for but I am not so forgiving. Matt has shown himself far more than capable both on the mic, cutting promos that range from hilarious...to downright disturbing and in the ring. I hope you didn't miss the feud between Matt and his brother Jeff at WrestleMania XXV. Matt showed the world that, while adoring his fans, he could be a believable villain. Did I say believable? I'll be honest, I thought that Matt and Jeff were on the outs...permanently. I watched the news for something of a courtroom battle between Matt and Jeff through TMZ that might involve tables, ladders and chairs. That rivalry had only one word to describe it's proportions; Biblical.

I'm digressing big time here. Now there are people screaming at him to head over to TNA. Chill out everyone...might be a little too soon. The guy got himself whipped back into shape and has basically rebuilt himself and called the Six Million Dollar Man a "wimp" while smirking at Chuck Norris in true trademark Matt Hardy Style in so many actions. Let's hang tight a little bit. I think Matt's earned the right to hang back. To be honest, I completely dig checking out The Hardy Show on YouTube when I have an opportunity. Why? Well you get to see these guys without all the Hollywierd crap surrounding them. You get to see the Hardy Boyz for who they really are, a couple of brothers who have obviously come up with a strong bond with great friends surrounding them. For Matt and Jeff to have allowed fans an all-access portal into their lives...that's a pretty big honor.

Matt, I'll be honest. Whatever you decide to do, if the IWC says it's wrong, chances are, you're on the right track.

I have a couple things to say to the IWC...and they are as follows:

Okay with that out of the way, let's bring up another point of contention that I'm having.

Let me make one thing perfectly clear. I don't care what you do. You can do whatever you have to and I can choose to support it or not but Linda McMahon is taking flak for the WWE's scandals and now attacks are being made on the WWE? I might be from Louisiana, and I might be from a culture steeped in the supernatural but I think even Nostradamus could have predicted in all certainty that this was going to happen.

I'm not standing up for the WWE. Sorry, that will not be happening. The McMahons don't need us. I don't live in Conneticut, I wouldn't vote for Linda if I did and I think the company coming under fire is only one thing....a long time coming.

Before I go any further, understand WWE Superstars. I see talent running all through you. My issue is the writing is terrible and all the storylines have become glossed over crap since the Attitude Era. I understand it's all PG now and that's not my beef with it, I feel I've covered what my beef is in past articles but understand, I follow a majority of you on Twitter, I'll support YOU guys but not your company. Linda's move was bound to draw all kinds of opposition and the thing that each of you could do...the smart thing...is turn up the heat. Step up your games. If the writers will allow you to do that or if you decide to go off script, you might have a prodigal fan returning. Understand that you will share this fan with TNA and that's non negotiable.

Finally let's sit down around the campfire for a moment because that's the last bit of burning my pneumonia lung is gonna let me.

Misty and I were sitting here talking and, let me tell ya how weird life can be, she voiced what I've been thinking. Does anyone who reads this remember when you could hit a Dollar Store for all kinda snacks that were bad for ya? I'm tellin' ya a Dollar General might as well have been named Stoner's Paradise. I say that because you could walk in with five bucks in your pocket and walk out with enough snacks to completely quell a case of the munchies for three days after a good smokeout. Then again, if you were just into comfort food...that was the place to go.

Think on that one awhile...what were your favorites?

Monday, October 11, 2010

Burning At The Stake: Joey Styles

Joey Styles, for the uninitiated, was the color commentator for the original ECW Televised matches. He's irritated most everyone around him including Executives at the WWE and has actually had the nerve and gall to quit, stating that he hated sports entertainment in general AND criticized the WWE over their "lack of wrestling."

Tonight, he posted the following on Twitter:

"Zack Ryder reminds me of MTV's Jersey Shore. By the way, who do you think is dumber, Jersey Shore's Ronnie or whomever writes TNA?"

For anyone who's bothered reading and actually comparing facts, I'd consider this rich coming from someone like him.

Styles has officially lost all credibility with me. For anyone who thinks that this guy might have retired, I beg to differ. He's been under contract with the WWE as Director of Digital Media Content and he hosts some ECW Throwback show on WWECLASSICS.com. His contract is due to expire in November of this year.

My advice, Styles, have a little pride and dignity...do the honorable thing...bow out and let your contract lapse.

Styles, the fact of the matter is that whatever sport you follow, whatever team, whatever player, whatever the stats...it's for one thing...entertainment. If you're so bothered by sports entertainment then you have no damned place in the WWE and I'd be willing to bet that you applied to TNA and they rejected you. So you got spurned, suck it up and be a man and rise above it. Fact of the matter is that you lie time and again and I can't fault anyone for being loyal to money but what I can fault is someone who lies about it.

Styles, what you have done is cheapened sports entertainment and having the gall, the nerve to say that TNA's writing is dumb? Comparing it to anyone on the Jersey Shore? Are you serious? The WWE is only a superior product if you're a kid and last I checked, I just celebrated a birthday...number 32. That means I'm an adult. I can handle violence and for you and Vince McMahon to continue to look out for my sensibilities by assuming that I will just keep chasing a polished turd makes you the worst kind of offender. Have you guys been having board meetings with Steve Jobs? I've noticed a lot of Apple Computers hanging around the sets prior to my walking away from WWE altogether and vowing to myself to never lay eyes on that pile of monkey crap again.

Styles, not that you'd listen as is habit with most of the names in the WWE that aren't in the ring
but when the fans aren't happy, pretty soon, the company will begin to fail. Those that are sitting there just nodding and agreeing with you, guaranteed, never bothered with the WWF during the Attitude Era. You have customers and you're in a unique position to at least make an attempt at making them happy but I know one thing, your constant potshots at TNA mean only one thing...TNA is what it is...a genuine threat to the WWE. Sure the venues are smaller but they emphasize quality over quantity. Make sure that gets back to Vince. Taking a million-dollar shit doesn't make it stink less and the stink's name is Joey Styles.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Episode 46: Tonight The Heavens Revolt!

Now that is what I'm talking about. I have to admit that today at work passed pretty damned slowly. The anticipation was killing me. 10/10/10...the date that "they" would be revealed, at least that's what Abyss promised. This is the date that Sting and Nash stated over and over again that Hogan and Bischoff's true colors would be revealed and I have to tell you...even I could not have predicted the outcome. I'd never put the two together and I'll be damned...even my man Jeff Hardy turned heel. Even though I'd successfully picked the winners of every card, I didn't do so lightly, there were many surprises in store.

Reading up on my Wrestling World News app, Ric Flair says that TNA has another year before it finally takes off. Sorry, Ric, I beg to differ. With quality entertainment like this, it's hard as shit to imagine that it will take any longer than that for TNA does any better. Hands down, it's far better than the bill of fare (or lack thereof) that Vince McMahon seems to think we want.

Vince, it's time to take out the notebook and pen because TNA just took you back to school, son. The Pay Per View event Bound For Glory was exactly what the WWE's PPV Events damn well should be. There was havoc, mayhem and carnage tonight. I'm talking full-throttle, balls-to-the-wall, no bullshit ring full of awesome and you had better believe that it's been a long damned time since I have felt like a kid again watching this event.

Even Dixie Carter had only one word to post to Twitter in response to tonight's PPV event. And that word was "Unbelievable."

Unbelievable doesn't begin to cover it, sister.

Still, Dixie, you and yours have set a very high standard in the world of sports entertainment and take it from Vince, it's one that's very easy to lose if you start compromising where you shouldn't so let's hope and pray that the TNA Company's darkest days stick around. By that I mean dark sets, dark characters and a whole lotta shakin and kickin going on.

Dixie, you keep this up and guess what...I'll keep watching. Chances are, you might even make a full time customer out of me.

First, let's start with the Motor City Machine Guns vs. Generation Me. Jesus Jumped-Up Christ, what a match! Call Daytona Beach Airport and tell them the momentary radar blips are real but they are in fact, human bodies being thrown about like frogs on mescaline. These guys barely touched the damned ground. Okay, they did but only to launch. In the end, after a grueling match, the Machineguns retained their titles and Generation Me's sense of entitlement got it's dick knocked into the dirt.

Second, The TNA Knockouts (Women's) Championship match. It was a four way between Tara, Madison Rayne (who's become a screaming psycho lately), Angelina Love and Velvet Sky. Watching this might as well have been entitled Male Geek Masturbation Matchup. Lemme tell ya, with Mickie James in the ring as Special Guest Referee...this whole thing could have ended differently but surprise, Tara won the title dethroning Angelina. Sorry, ladies but I am a total Tara fan. Now when it comes to Mickie going up against Tara...I gotta side with Mickie.

Third, did you catch the match between Ink Inc. and the team of Eric Young and Orlando Jordan? What the hell was I watching in that match? Eric Young can't seem to decide who he wants to team with. To be honest, Orlando Jordan is starting to unnerve me. Orlando, there's being openly bisexual and being creepy. You decide which one it is, really but I'm leaning more toward the latter. Might wanna focus less on what you wanna wear to the ring tonight and get your partner straight...I hope that last statement made sense.

Fourth, Fourtune got their asses handed to them in the Lethal Lockdown match with EV2.0 and all I have to say to that was I was bouncing around in joy at all the stuff getting destroyed.

Fifth, Abyss...it was your last match with TNA. Seriously, you couldn't have won that one? How's your nugget BTW? Oh yeah, one other thing, I was rooting for Rob Van Dam the whole F'n Time.
That match featured even more destruction and let me tell you it was like watching the final two humans on Earth vying for control of the universe. Looks like Rob got the universe in this match.

Sixth, Jay Lethal defending his X Division title in a match not even I thought he would win. That was probably one of the roughest matches I'd ever seen in my life. Everything went fine until Robbie E. and Cookie aka The Shore stepped in. Apparently they had to infuse two douchebags claiming to be from Jersey. Dixie...next time, just start a Real Housewives division.

Seven...The Big One. This is the seal that was cracked and there was a silence in Heaven. Jeff Hardy wins the TNA World Heavyweight Championship Title and turned on his longtime friend Rob Van Dam and got all chummy with Hogan, Bischoff, Jarrett and Abyss? What is this? The Rebirth of the NWO? As Ed Lover would say...

C'mon Son! Get tha fuck outta here with that bullshit...c'mon son!

And finally...Jeff Jarrett left Samoa Joe...his tag team partner, helpless to fight against Nash, Sting and The Pope? Jesus! But at least we see that The Wolfpack weren't bullshitting about how backward Bischoff and Hogan were.

You can catch TNA Impact and TNA Reaction Thursday Nights on Spike TV at 8pm EST. Forget Monday Nights....Thursday Nights are where it's all at now.

Friday, October 01, 2010

This Is Only A Test

I'm turning over a new leaf and attempting to blog from my fuckin' phone. Cool, huh?
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