My Final Word On P2P File Sharing.
by DJ Genocyde
Ok people, let's not kid each other. P2P file sharing is here to stay. The shame of it is? All the fucking bitching. Constantly pissing and moaning, whining and complaining. I've heard it all. I've seen the attacks done by these so-called "bands." I'm not talking just some of the ones in the underground even though there are a few...I'm talking the rich corporate bastards.
The production of CDs and their sale thereof isn't slowing down, the industry's not going under. The day Sony decided to fuck me over alongside my computer when I bought a CD...hey...they lost a customer. Nice job, assholes.
So now Sony's put my computer in danger due to their resorting to criminal tactics in order to ensure their product. Hey, I promote bands. I support them. I fuckin put nearly every bit of my offtime and even some of my money (what I can afford to let go of) to support the underground. What I get from it? I get to hear bands that I otherwise would have NEVER heard being stuck in this little shithole. I work my ass off on my shows to ensure that listeners will return and I do it all for a small I have a love for music. I have a job for money. I'll never make a fortune as a DJ. I may never make ANY money as a DJ. I may do this promotion thing forever for free. It's a fair exchange. If I download something and a band is going to sue me, I think it's a bit unrealistic. Yanno what? I love CD art. I love reading the lyrics. I love having a physical copy of a CD in case I lose everything on my hard drive but guess what? This is internet radio. I'm not getting paid for this...sometimes just to keep up to date, I don't have that with it.
I download but I don't share files unless it's with another DJ and even then I share only to promote.
If you don't have the drive for it, you don't belong in this business as a musician. If you don't have a love for your music first, you don't belong here. If you're not selling, you're not doing something right and finally I'm sick of hearing that all that won't pay the bills GET A FUCKIN JOB!!! I'd love to get paid for sitting on my ass dreaming shit up to talk about on my show, playing the music or otherwise putting my computer and my voice at risk. Never once have I complained about this and I won't ever again. I don't even mention it. Why? I'm having the time of my life...even if it isn't paying my bills.
Now, here's some food for thought.
Take your average P2P file sharer. Take him and sue him into the ground....just legally lay waste to him financially for good. Guess what? He won't be buying any further releases you put out there. He'll boycott your band, the label and all else for good. Guess what you can do about that? Fuck All. Now, imagine that on a wider scale. There go the profits to record shops, recording studios, musicians, the corporate backing....sure, here's your future...gone. Think you have a career as a musician this way? Think again!
On the flipside of this coin there are people who won't take notice...the very people that really ARE hurting you and your career...mass piracy operations. This type of operation has been going on for years. It's not news since the file-sharing cult of Napster came up...that's bullshit and if you believe it, welcome to the Indoctrination Of Mass Media Brainwashing.
To go on record as saying that the sound quality between CDs and MP3s share a huge difference is absurd in itself. I've listened to both compressions and I have an MP3 player. I've since ditched my old CD walkman in favor of it. I haven't noticed any difference in the sound. If there is such a big difference...WHERE THE HELL IS IT???!!!
Individual file sharers are not hurting your business...the mass piracy operations are. Suing the individual into the ground will leave you more broke than what you already are and since the mass piracy operations are still in business, you're going to be losing more and more money out of this. Get the mass piracy operations, put them outta business and I guarantee you you're gonna protect your profit margin to a much greater degree than you would if you sue the individual who just wanted to hear the CD prior to buying it or was just downloading the files for personal use.
Setting the dogs on the individual file sharers out there is overkill. It's like going after an ant with a nuke. It's senseless. Send the dogs after the true pirates and you will ensure your music career.
There was an uproar about the mixtape revolution of the '80s. Nothing happened. There was an uproar about the file sharing/rip,mix,burn revolution of today. Nothing's happened but a lotta people are in financial ruin for the rest of their lives. If you're among the few or many who say they deserve it, great, whatever, remember that when you lose a promoter who worked his ass off to push your underground product and had even paid for it.
Bottom line: I don't care how many bands now will have nothing to do with me over this bulletin or blog entry (as it will be posted there as well) I don't care how many musicians got offended. If you work your ass off on the album, it's concept and artwork accompanying it, damn right you deserve what you worked for but keep in mind that without your fanbase, you're nothing but someone playing music for their own enjoyment.
Like It Or Not, This is DJ Genocyde saying, "Shouldn't you be at home carving veins on cucumbers?"