Here Comes Your Dose Of The Dark Side Of Genocyde... 
You know, there are things in this world that (evidently) make my Dark Side act up. I don't know why I wanna cover them now but I figure now is as good a time as any.
1. Flakes. I understand there are a large amount of them here in the music industry. I ran into one. Get this. A friend of mine by the name of Autumn has had a really hardcore desire to sing goth. Not a problem. One night, via IM, she tells me of this "producer" type who's given her links to Projekt Records (known big time among those of us in the know). After seeing the actual links he'd given her, I looked them over, not having been to the site in quite sometime. The realization hits me. Autumn has NOTHING recorded meaning that he HASN'T heard shit yet and already she's receiving offers. Intriguing. I contacted him and gave him samples of Antitrust (the metal band I'm managing), gave him the site and literally ran the sales pitch down as best I could. Using a very wordy method of saying, "I want them signed as of 20 years ago PLUS someone to produce the CD and anyone possible to distribute." I'd ran my fast-talk to him but he didn't seem interested. As time passed, my doubt grew...why? Let's cut to the chase, The pieces fell into place very quickly. First, he's talking to a rather attractive girl...TWO of them (one being my roomie to be), asking them about their bands when one of them (My future roomie) doesn't have one. Having never heard either one, he's talking about hooking them up with labels and people to talk to, venues, etc. He'd heard Antitrust and wouldn't give me the time of day if I'd held a gun to his head under the honest assurance that I'd decorate the walls in brain matter grey if he didn't. Looking at his profile, he was married. He was tailchasing on the internet...two friends of mine at that. Using my future roomie as bait, my suspicions were confirmed. He began talking with me once he'd been baited by my future roomie that she'd be more than happy to let him produce her if Antitrust were coming along (New Englanders sticking together...she's from Maine, Antitrust is based outta New Jersey) and he bit. Much to his own chagrin, I'd already exposed him. Which brings me to my next point Illustrated gloriously by this tailchaser...
2. Liars. What a waste of fuckin time I could have spent putting together the cyberpresskit for Antitrust this guy was. He made a fundamental mistake though. Don't lie to two when the third can expose you very easily. The whole of his problem was he picked up three people within a chat, one with his foot in the door of the industry, one who has a desire to be there and one totally unrelated except by proxy. He wasn't counting on the closely-knit friendship between the three. Message to Tailchaser Productions...Learn to cover your tracks better, fucktard. Onward and forward.
3. Impatience. I exploded once in a chat. I hate it when I'm actually engaged in something, I'm behind and people have a lack of faith in me enough to say, "He's ignoring me again." I don't do that. Unlike Tailchaser Productions, I actually get into this work. It pays nada but every moment of it is rewarding. I get off on it and I have a great many things that need to be done. Why was I in the group discussion? Advice! There are still a great many things about the technological marvel being used right now that I still don't understand. I just wanna be sure I'm doing it all right...the first time...everytime. In this line of work, there are no room for mistakes. It's fraught with peril and this line, unlike others, is filled with overtones of extreme personal danger. Do you guys know it takes 45 minutes to burn a label to these lightscribe discs? That sucks but you know what? I refuse to sacrifice minutes to print you a quick image that's shit. I want you guys to have the best promo discs I can put together. It's not slapped together all haphazard. I wanna give you something you'll talk about. Something you'll share with friends (consider that permission to copy and distribute copyrighted material in the name of exposure!) and something that you'll listen to over and over and over again without getting fuckin sick of it. But, those things are taking time. Thank FedEx for me losing two weeks on the project by leaving the fuckin package containing this bananular drive at my back door where rain could have destroyed it and it did rain but the only thing affected was the packaging. I ask people to be patient with me. I've got a show to run, plan and execute, issues to address and a band to manage which entails many many responsibilities. I have a priority list, don't get me wrong but I try to at the very least, touch everything so that no one thinks I've abandoned the project. Hell I'm barely able to squeeze in a blog and the hurricane damage to my yard...that's been backseated since Rita PMSed all over us.
4. Pointless Bullshit (aka Drama): Goddamn people, understand when people make a joke. If your feelings got hurt, cool, tell em. If they explain that it's all just a joke, let it lie. If your feelings got hurt by one of my jokes or my sharp sarcasm remember, I don't even take myself seriously, what the fuck makes you so damned special. Nothing is Sacred, Everything Is Permitted.
5. Drama v2.0: Ok I understand when people have a legitimate beef but do you fuckin mind actually making your attempt at wrecking shit further when the one who's trying to fix it is fucking present? Had some shit like that happen on Krush recently and I unloaded the Fuck You Cannon on several targets. Apparently some people can't mind their own damned business. To those Fuck You Cannon Targets, Perhaps you should do something a little more stimulating to your intellect and won't overload the one synapse you have left firing...like reading a fucking book.
6. Hypersensitivity: Look, if I say "Fuck" as I'm apt to do, don't police my damned speech and don't get all bent outta shape over what I think. If you don't like the fact that I say what I think, don't ask my opinion. Give me some credit here, in a lot of cases I do try to accommodate and give a little ground where it's due but when you come to me and ask me, shut the fuck up and listen because Lord Genocyde just assumed power. Don't wanna be powerless and get your ass run over in a no-contest battle of wits? Don't ask me questions.
7. Hypersensitivity v2.0: This is an extension of the first one but with an addendum. I'm a smoker, get over it. It's not something I'm proud of but I don't expect to be hassled about it and Lord Genocyde's Warning CLEARLY States That I Reserve The Right To Choke A Bitch Down With My Thoughts If You Harrass Me About My Smoking. Contrary to popular belief, I'm only callous about my health. You would be too if a perfectly good bullet should have made it's way through your brain AND skull but didn' and blood alcohol poisoning couldn't KEEP you flatlined. I figure if the Gods wanted me dead by now, I would be.
()________))___________________))) *lights up and inhales deeply* now...*exhales* Fuck off.
8. You Say It Best When You Say Nothing At All?: People who call me up only to say a grand total of fuck all while I'm doing something and then want me to initiate conversation. Hell, what did you call me for? Talk, strike up conversation. I'm cool with talking about everything. Don't call me up to say nothing and get sideways when I put you on speakerphone. Those Motorola RAZR phones were not logistically made to be cradled between the shoulder and the head like regular phones and it will have to do until I get one of those bananular Bluetooth Headpieces.
Now *breathes better* Just a lil catch all. If you think the West Memphis Three are really child murderers, cool, you're entitled to that. I no longer give a shit but do me a favor, don't try to convince me they are. I watched both documentaries...I OWN the fucking things. Both sides were presented equally but I saw what I've seen in this town time and again. Don't tell me how to interpret what I'm looking at.
To be fair, when I first saw the trailers on HBO, I thought they did it immediately but, after watching it, I realized I was way wrong. The difference? I watched it. I reserved final judgment for myself. I feel bad for the parents of the three murdered 8-year-old boys. No parent should have to go through that but no one should have to see 13 years of their life fucked away in a blink by hearsay, rumor and circumstantial evidence if you could call it evidence to begin with. Wanna believe what you want? Cool, go for it.
If you have a different point of view, and here's a little tip, you know you're losing the arguement when you're reduced to namecalling and nastiness....that's another war you don't want with me.
That's a battle of wits.
From your end it will be like coming to a gunfight armed only with hopes and dreams.
To be honest I wasn't even pissed off when I wrote this...but I feel better for some reason.
*walks away whistling Infernosounds "Creature Of The Night"