The Day Of Hysteria?
I don't know about anyone else but I'm laughing. Hard.
I've seen the LaVeyan Satanists going nuts over it and the fundamentalist Christians that make the rest look bad have been asking me what my take on it is.
To be honest, I'm worried. I'm worried about how much of a grip this has over both sides. Guys, settle down. They got The Omen remake slated for opening that day. Great, I can see why. Horns High Promotions is having their blowout that day when the floodgates for their metal bands come open and they begin flooding labels and promoters with material. Wonderful, great marketing tactic, everyone but where I come up intellectually shortchanged is the amount of panic that fundamentalist Christians are undergoing.
Ok, everybody, settle down. There's a zero in there. We're not at year number six so it's not going to have a huge effect on anything save for a lil underground music/movie history. Remember that The Omen (The original one with Gregory Peck) was set at Damien's birthday being June 6th at 6:00 a.m. Guess what, guys, it's a movie, nothing more. Sure, it's based in Biblical reference but it's not how it's all gonna come down. Besides, if you'll recall, Damien got his ass killed in the third movie and none of that End Of The World stuff ever happened. Not to mention Sam Neill gave an excellent performance. That's why I like him as an actor because he has the same smile but with that movie it was like something immensely bad was hiding behind that smile waiting to devour you.
Oh shit, where was I? Oh yeah....right...the date.
Like I was saying, calm the hell down. Quit flippin out.
Where I started to really laugh and worry at the same time was when I heard Bob And Tom Early Yesterday as I was coming back from yet another hospital sit-up. They talked briefly about the release of The Omen and several other game and movie releases and then, an actual woman whose baby's due date is June 6th but has wished for doctors to induce so that she doesn't give birth to The Antichrist. Hmmmmm..... AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm still laughing about that one but I'm worried as well. How can a date of all things grip people in such a tight web of frenzy? I understand systems of belief and faith and even organized religion but people, you have to understand what the true meaning behind that is and quit geeking over a date. If you want to geek over a date, cool, I'll understand if a hot, young, up and coming celebrity asks you out but over a calendar date? Nah. Settle down.
You want a good reason to settle down? Allow me to give you a few pointers that will put your mind at ease:
1. The Antichrist uses this "666" thing as an identifier and Bible theologians are still in somewhat of a debate over what that identifier will be.
2. To show that The Antichrist is using this type of technique is a further demonstration that, like all evil emporers, he'll lose. By the time that comes up, he's lost. It means he's grasping at straws to hang onto whatever control of whatever people he has left.
3. Doesn't The Prince Of Peace switch to The Prince Of Pissed and kick his monkey ass anyway? Must be true, read that somewhere.
4. I have three things for ya: Y2K....remember that? All that panic all that time and not one single solitary thing happened. January 1, 2000 came and went without one single big huge fuckarow happening. Still people were freaking out thinkin their computers had to be Y2k compliant which was, oh, RETAAARRRDED! It was slated to affect banking and financial systems. People, that was all that was to be affected, why did YOUR computer have to be Y2K compliant? It Didn't! There just wasn't enough people in the know back then to tell you this shit. I saw it a long time ago and I would have told you but blogs hadn't been created yet! It was a mass-hysteria marketing strategy! You bought in! Hey, should have been a consumerist watchdog and you would have caught them at their own game.
Feeling a little more at ease now? I hope so because, if not, then you have severe anxiety issues and, honestly, that bothers me that there can be so many people so anxious over something so trivial. You know what? You might be right. Maybe the Satanists of the world are planning some ceremony somewhere to do whatever. Some of them might even do the stereotypical thing of dressing in black and having wild sexual orgies to some Megadeth album playing backwards...or was that Chicago? Shit, I can't remember.
Look, you Christian people proudly proclaim the power of prayer. Alliteration not intended just happened. Ok, well if all that is true, then use it then leave it in God's hands. God's that strong, he listens to you. Problem is you people don't turn to him with your worries and you strive to change things you can't instead of accepting the fact that that clock is gonna move forward and that sun is going to rise and set on whatever happens here in this world. There is so much that we have to be worried about in this world but what I propose is to work on what you can, do everything in your power and then pray. Pray for the next day and repeat the whole process. Pray to whatever centers you and gives you peace and quit worrying about it. Leave your worry with God. God can handle what you can't. Mold yourselves and quit foaming at the freakin' mouth and you'll learn something from his whole "Be Still" quote that God gave you. God dwells within Creation. Even us...we are part of Creation, aren't we? Be Still and open your ears. Listen. Focus. Concentrate. The more you do, the more you won't worry about what the evil side is doing. If you're so confident they'll lose then don't worry about them. They're gonna lose! What do you possibly have to be worried about?
People, I can understand the trepidation. The Book O' Revelation...hey, that's some scary shit to be lookin at, especially when you think you see it manifesting itself but quit going insane over dumb shit you have no business wasting your energy on because it's not worth it.
Hey, my business cards were slated to arrive that day but they arrived yesterday. Wow! So I was delightfully surprised. I'm not complaining people, I just think you need to settle down.
So do it.