
Wednesday, May 31, 2006

The Day Of Hysteria?

June 6, 2006 aka 6/6/06.

I don't know about anyone else but I'm laughing. Hard.

I've seen the LaVeyan Satanists going nuts over it and the fundamentalist Christians that make the rest look bad have been asking me what my take on it is.

To be honest, I'm worried. I'm worried about how much of a grip this has over both sides. Guys, settle down. They got The Omen remake slated for opening that day. Great, I can see why. Horns High Promotions is having their blowout that day when the floodgates for their metal bands come open and they begin flooding labels and promoters with material. Wonderful, great marketing tactic, everyone but where I come up intellectually shortchanged is the amount of panic that fundamentalist Christians are undergoing.

Ok, everybody, settle down. There's a zero in there. We're not at year number six so it's not going to have a huge effect on anything save for a lil underground music/movie history. Remember that The Omen (The original one with Gregory Peck) was set at Damien's birthday being June 6th at 6:00 a.m. Guess what, guys, it's a movie, nothing more. Sure, it's based in Biblical reference but it's not how it's all gonna come down. Besides, if you'll recall, Damien got his ass killed in the third movie and none of that End Of The World stuff ever happened. Not to mention Sam Neill gave an excellent performance. That's why I like him as an actor because he has the same smile but with that movie it was like something immensely bad was hiding behind that smile waiting to devour you.

Oh shit, where was I? Oh yeah....right...the date.

Like I was saying, calm the hell down. Quit flippin out.

Where I started to really laugh and worry at the same time was when I heard Bob And Tom Early Yesterday as I was coming back from yet another hospital sit-up. They talked briefly about the release of The Omen and several other game and movie releases and then, an actual woman whose baby's due date is June 6th but has wished for doctors to induce so that she doesn't give birth to The Antichrist. Hmmmmm..... AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm still laughing about that one but I'm worried as well. How can a date of all things grip people in such a tight web of frenzy? I understand systems of belief and faith and even organized religion but people, you have to understand what the true meaning behind that is and quit geeking over a date. If you want to geek over a date, cool, I'll understand if a hot, young, up and coming celebrity asks you out but over a calendar date? Nah. Settle down.

You want a good reason to settle down? Allow me to give you a few pointers that will put your mind at ease:

1. The Antichrist uses this "666" thing as an identifier and Bible theologians are still in somewhat of a debate over what that identifier will be.

2. To show that The Antichrist is using this type of technique is a further demonstration that, like all evil emporers, he'll lose. By the time that comes up, he's lost. It means he's grasping at straws to hang onto whatever control of whatever people he has left.

3. Doesn't The Prince Of Peace switch to The Prince Of Pissed and kick his monkey ass anyway? Must be true, read that somewhere.

4. I have three things for ya: Y2K....remember that? All that panic all that time and not one single solitary thing happened. January 1, 2000 came and went without one single big huge fuckarow happening. Still people were freaking out thinkin their computers had to be Y2k compliant which was, oh, RETAAARRRDED! It was slated to affect banking and financial systems. People, that was all that was to be affected, why did YOUR computer have to be Y2K compliant? It Didn't! There just wasn't enough people in the know back then to tell you this shit. I saw it a long time ago and I would have told you but blogs hadn't been created yet! It was a mass-hysteria marketing strategy! You bought in! Hey, should have been a consumerist watchdog and you would have caught them at their own game.

Feeling a little more at ease now? I hope so because, if not, then you have severe anxiety issues and, honestly, that bothers me that there can be so many people so anxious over something so trivial. You know what? You might be right. Maybe the Satanists of the world are planning some ceremony somewhere to do whatever. Some of them might even do the stereotypical thing of dressing in black and having wild sexual orgies to some Megadeth album playing backwards...or was that Chicago? Shit, I can't remember.

Look, you Christian people proudly proclaim the power of prayer. Alliteration not intended there...it just happened. Ok, well if all that is true, then use it then leave it in God's hands. God's that strong, he listens to you. Problem is you people don't turn to him with your worries and you strive to change things you can't instead of accepting the fact that that clock is gonna move forward and that sun is going to rise and set on whatever happens here in this world. There is so much that we have to be worried about in this world but what I propose is to work on what you can, do everything in your power and then pray. Pray for the next day and repeat the whole process. Pray to whatever centers you and gives you peace and quit worrying about it. Leave your worry with God. God can handle what you can't. Mold yourselves and quit foaming at the freakin' mouth and you'll learn something from his whole "Be Still" quote that God gave you. God dwells within Creation. Even us...we are part of Creation, aren't we? Be Still and open your ears. Listen. Focus. Concentrate. The more you do, the more you won't worry about what the evil side is doing. If you're so confident they'll lose then don't worry about them. They're gonna lose! What do you possibly have to be worried about?

People, I can understand the trepidation. The Book O' Revelation...hey, that's some scary shit to be lookin at, especially when you think you see it manifesting itself but quit going insane over dumb shit you have no business wasting your energy on because it's not worth it.

Hey, my business cards were slated to arrive that day but they arrived yesterday. Wow! So I was delightfully surprised. I'm not complaining people, I just think you need to settle down.

So do it.

Monday, May 29, 2006

The Long And Short Of It All (The Day The Whole World Went Away)

I think I'm just gonna leave this post for this blog....maybe not. Depends really on how many epiphanies I churn out.

Some think I'm educated. I've been called a modern-day prophet by some, kook by others, mysterious, shit, the list goes on and on. Many different schools of thought in the Great Pool of Humankind. Not all of them like me very much to be honest. I can't say I blame them. Means my job is being done.

About the only thing that really disappoints me is that really, it's all an illusion. I did a decent job on it, sure, but I'm in no way larger than life. I just do what I do and then do what I want.

It's really simple actually, nothing to it. No mystery, no fuss, no really big bang, just a lotta web-weaving to either allure you or repulse you. There's no middle ground there. That's a set of absolutes.

Sure, I'm out to prove that there are so-called "absolutes" that are bullshit. You don't need college. If you really want to learn something, go learn it. Teach yourself, get with others. It's part and parcel of The Human Condition. Never get picky over one issue or one way of doing it if the outcome is a happy one and mutually beneficial.

Never let someone tell you you're doing something the wrong way unless they can prove it. If you can perform the same task without all the bells and whistles, you just found less-strenuous way of doing it.

Never hang on every word someone says. Not even mine. Remember that everyone has an agenda. Remember that even I am guilty of the knee-jerk reaction.

Always do something that scares the hell out of you. It will mold and shape you for years to come.

Remember there is no classroom like the classroom of life and experience is always the best professor but focus, learn, and concentrate.

Always strive for strength of mind, body and spirit. With the three working in unison, you'll never fail and if you do, you'll keep going until you succeed or finish.

And finally, the biggest piece of advice I can give anyone; When things go wrong, don't go with them. You'll put your best foot forward and, eventually, feel a greater sense than accomplishment. Fall back on that previous bit if you ever doubt it.

I still remember in school, we focused so hard on what was ahead of us that some of us nearly never enjoyed the moment. Some of us lost sight continually on what was in the here and now. Is it any wonder we find ourselves fascinated by Michel de Nostradame and his "Prophecies" that can only be used after the fact.

If nothing else just remember that Yesterday's Gone, Today Is Here and None Of Us Are Guaranteed Tomorrow. Have a good day everyone.

Come to think about it, I'd rather like sharing this one.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

The Power Or Consumerism

See The Finger That's Hanging...Read On! Posted by Picasa

Yeah, that's me smugly flaunting my own power voice and button finger of the almighty consumer.

Why you may ask? Let me refer you to the Sony/BMG DRM Fiasco.

This was where SunComm/MediaMax in association with Sony, BMG, EMI and others decided to resort to criminal behavior in order to stop it.

How? They began putting root kit software that secretly downloaded to your computer even if you were an innocent buyer seeking to simply play the music on your computer. Well, after the blogosphere and it's fellowship cried out for relief, Antivirus software developers made a downloadable patch to let you know if you had these root kits. They wouldn't get rid of them, they'd just detect them and tell you they were there.

What's that mean to you? Well, let's get to the heart of The Root Kit and why it's criminal.

Hackers created root kits years ago that secretly downloaded to your computer...once it was downloaded, it installed. Real ninja-like kinda stuff. Once it installed, this would kick a backdoor on your computer open in order to let the perpetrator have free reign.

Imagine the tower as your home and some malignant perp removes the backdoor and you know nothing about it. Well that means that they can come in, look around, take stuff, put more stuff in and essentially ruin your home if they wanted to. Yep, this can also happen to your computer.
Now, back to computers. When The Computer Fraud And Abuse Act of 1986 came out, that made these kinds of things illegal. Now that it's been made illegal, we thought the use would only be left to criminals right?

Enter Sony/BMG/EMI and an assortment of other corporations did, much to the chagrin of some of their artists and large populaces of consumers, was use this, now telling us that we now have to pay with our systems in order to protect their bottom line. The problem, they took it one step farther.

Another analogy: Imagine ordering a pizza. The pizza delivery guy brings you the pizza but comes straight in, grabs a beer from your fridge, switches your favorite show that's been on for the past thirty minutes to something lame and pretty much has the run of your house and then kicks the back door clean off and does not bother asking you. Being the street savvy person you are, you'd throw him out. He does not take this lying down. Upon leaving your abode, he trashes the place and then leaves, leaving you with a chaotic house and a backdoor that no longer exists.

This is what would happen with your computer but to give it to you exact would mean simply this; any attempt at removing the rogue program will disable your CD/DVD drives, rendering them useless under any capacity and essentially leaving you to pay out more hefty sums to have the computer or parts replaced. Guess what? You still don't have a backdoor anymore.

Well we cried out for relief. They began giving us the End User License Agreement, upping the stakes. Even if you say "No" to the EULA, it forgets that you don't want this crap program on your computer and installs it anyway, giving you the illusion that you're saying no to the program itself. Well, under the EULA, you lose any rights to any digital copies that you made. If you have the CD in MP3 format or if you made a copy of the CD for whatever purpose, you trash any and all the minute your original copy of the CD is lost, stolen or damaged. This is just one of the many things in the list that's extensive.

Class action suits against them brought a settlement. Great. Problem. There are still CDs being pressed and shipped with the software on it.

Bring this thing around fullcircle with my index finger and The Awesome Power of Choice In Consumerism.

I'm a net DJ and shortly after becoming one, I subscribed to BMG as a means of getting music for my show instead of illegally downloading it due to the fact that BMG's prices were so cheap that it would help me in keeping up to date. I bought several discs from them, fulfilling my agreement before I figured out that thier selection sucked and all I was going to get out of them were a ton of metal bands I didn't particularly care for. After getting into the underground bands on MySpace, well over half of them were sending me their selections for free in exchange for promotion and I'm loving this stuff more than what the mainstream had to offer.

I got locked out of my yahoo account...this is where the emails from BMG were going. Forming a new one, my former card that I was using was expiring and I didn't know. They sent me something in the mail saying so but I didn't pay it any mind, let the thing expire and it would save me the trouble of having to cancel the account myself. They sent me something in the mail today stating that they'd tried to send me this month's featured selection but the card wasn't accepting.

Well, I see they just don't get it. I logged onto the BMG site and where cancelling the account was easy before, I had to jump through hoops like some dog and pony show to cancel the account but I finally got it, letting them know that I'm proudly boycotting them altogether.

Take that you backward thinking morons!

I'm constantly ranting about how much power we hold. This is just one of many illustrations. When we quit giving our money out, they have no choice but to listen to us. Why? Without our money they are nothing. Start taking back your authority today.

In other news, further proof that the Recording Industry Artists of America (RIAA) has become less concerned with protecting the copyrights of their artists and more concerned with money, they are now suing satellite radio for their podcasts because they're downloadable. It's not enough that the Napster victory was won on their behalf but they sued until WinMX, Morpheus, Kazaa, Ares, and Bearshare were casualties as well. I've been saying any artist who backs them is foolish and it's proven true. I wonder how many of these artists are getting their cut?

The Answer: They're not. They're getting just as shafted as the rest of us.

People, quit buying CDs from these guys. Dig. Go into the underground and buy their CDs. They won't screw up your computer, they are producing quality music at prices that not even the CD shops can beat and the best part, they'll show more appreciation towards you if you do.

Quit buying from the big wigs and start buying from the little guys because, in the end, the RIAA and the artists they claim to support will scramble like mad to kiss our behinds to placate us.

To the RIAA: That...is Lord Genocyde's Bottom Line.

Friday, May 26, 2006


It's Big Letters For This One....Because It's Fuckin Important

  • You Mean If I Serve, THIS Is The Way I'm Gonna Be Treated? BTW, Shade, Take A Look At This Before You Open Your Mouth To Me About How Essential This So-Called Military Protection Of Freedom Is Now.

  • Ok, I know I'm going to go off because I see things like this day in and day out and I have to say this is just plain disrespect.

    The U.S. Military Handbook For Chaplains officially recognizes Wicca as a religion and furthermore, we have an amendment in our Constitution (if it hasn't been eradicated by The Patriot Act) that protects people's freedom of religion and the expression thereof.

    The Department of Veteran's Affairs has no say so in the matter.

    DJ Genocyde's Bottom Line: VA, You Will Respect This Soldier's Wish, plain and simple.

    Bottom Line Illustration:

    We've been suckered time and again into believing that "terrorists" are stripping us/threatening our Constitutional freedoms and that we must rush overseas to some godforsaken rock to dodge bullets, scuds, IEDs, Imperial Star Destroyers, Vorpal Bunnies and whatever other fictional threat they make up for us. Ok, well if you believe that then how about starting with this one soldier's wish. Isn't his freedom won? He went, he fought and he died to protect this particular freedom which he cherished and it's being forcefully stripped from him. That part is a fact. Now, the part that is speculation but only made fact by the answer to the issue of whether or not he died directly in the combat zone is will his family also get shafted out of benefits promised to them by our military. Anyway, I digress. Back to the point.

    This war has been nothing less than insults on our fighting men and women. First, I don't agree with this war or any for that matter. It reflects poorly on us as a society BUT this man did what he believed in. Give it to him

    I've seen this disrespect time and again. I've watched with a friend as her dad died as a result of cancer from the agent orange he got hosed down with during just one of two tours in Vietnam and the VA denied him his benefits. The VA hospital in Arizona even had the gall to deny the family his personal effects after he died. I've watched as people who come back from tours in Bosnia completely unstable get locked up in jails and prisons because the VA denied their use of mental health facilities and professionals. That's just two of the many things I've seen that I can recall and now I have to look at this? No! Unacceptable! Wrong!

    I've had to watch as The Idiot Child stole two elections after going AWOL on his own National Guard unit to avoid going to Vietnam only to later let a House Resolution pass that makes it mandatory for every man and woman ages 18 - 42 now serve two years in the military. I'm not lying here, it's now compulsory.

    Ok, now, let's see if I'm CRYSTAL Stinkin Clear on this. First, the VA denies rights and benefits at will despite what's in the Last Will And Testament that every soldier writes prior to being deployed much less the fact that the contracts are now no longer legal and binding on their end. That's right, once you sign up, it doesn't matter if that contract says two years, the laws now state that they can keep you as long as they like and without justification.
    We have been made to believe that we need more controls and levels of fear under our Federal Government (and if you don't believe me, just ask yourself when the Color Coded Alert System has ever gone into the green meaning we're all safe)and finally the clincher here (and people, feel free to throw in anything I've missed) It's all compulsory...you have no choice.

    No way!

    The Very Least This soldier has earned is that symbol if he wants it. You don't have to like it but understand, it's going to be there and if you're so afraid of seeing it then the solution is simple, don't look at his particular Memorial. It's not yours. It's none of your business. It's bad enough our rights as citizens are being eroded more quickly than the Louisiana Coastline during Hurricane Katrina but still, our soldiers signed up as volunteers with that concept that they were defending all freedoms. Is it their fault that they've been sent out somewhere to kill off entire generations? No, not at all so it's about time we quit spitting on them and give them the last few things they are Owed by the Government and Us as The People.

    And THAT's My Bottom Line

    Thursday, May 25, 2006

    The Unfunny Yes-Men (or How To Cut The Crap From Reporting)

  • Read This Load Of Crap Before You Catch Me Tearing It Apart

  • Ok, done reading that? Good because here's where the news media just messed up. That's right, Lord Genocyde caught 'em slippin. Now, whenever someone mentions this article they'll be knockin' on wood.

    From the evident strain, analogies and examples they've given you must remember the one rule that applies to all writers, no matter what the medium...they write about what they know. It's apparent that these reporters didn't do their homework.

    There's no revolutionaries in rock? Did I read that correctly? Was that the gist I got? It strikes me that these reporters come from an entirely different generation than I. They simply stuck to classic rock. That's It? You're going to make a claim as big as that and all you have to offer is the material that sprung up yesterday?

    Ok, cut the crap right now.

    First off, there was no bothering to look into the underground. Pop/mainstream culture is riddled with one of two camps in rock these days. On FM Radio, MTV, VH-1 and a sad assortment of others, all we have are classic rock and this Three Doors Down/Dave Matthews Band/Nickelback junk. Yeah, all the pro-America songs you used to hear three years ago are gone now. Why? Because people cut through the crap. Still, for an arguement like this, classic rock was all that we were offered.

    I'd be willing to bet that this particular assignment was the easiest money ANYone could have earned. If you call that earning. Get Ready....because now, you get taken apart.

    First off, corporate media has made no effort to bring up and break out the bands that DO have revolutionary messages to them. Bands like Poker Face, SiNDADDY, Immune System...yeah, they're underground! All you have to do is start digging on MySpace!

    There are others as well! I'm not done yet. KMFDM, remember them? They're still going strong! In 1996 they wrote a song for the X-Tort album called "Dogma" in which the singer says, "We fear that pop culture is the only kind of culture we're ever gonna have/ We wanna stop reading magazines, stop watching TV, stop caring about Hollywood/But we're addicted to the things we hate." Not revolutionary enough? Oh there's more

    SiNDADDY blasted out songs like "Maniamerica," "Terrorama," "The Payoff," and the scathing "Two Wrongs" which have offered their alternative viewpoints as well. Still want more? No problem.

    Here's a list of band names and song titles I've compiled on-the-fly, just for the occasion:

    Immune System - Weapon
    Immune System - Weltanschuuang
    Poker Face - Kontrol
    KMFDM - New American Century
    Mankind Is Obsolete - Puppet
    Static-X - Start A War
    Nine Inch Nails - The Hand That Feeds
    Ministry - New World Order
    Rage Against The Machine - Freedom
    Organ - Exploited Freedom
    Marilyn Manson - (s)AIN'T
    Diverje - Individual
    London After Midnight - Hate
    Frequency Construct - Planet Genocide
    The Mercy Cage - Prozac, God And The Atomic Bomb
    Bio-Mechanical Degeneration - Hybridization
    Things Outside The Skin - American Way
    Nocturne - Whore

    And That should do for starters. There are hundreds upon thousands of songs and hundreds of bands churning them out. Mainstream media has stagnated and the mosquitos from that pond have started to just make me irate. What really gets me is, as reclusive as I can be at times, as small of a town in which I live, as cut off from the rest of the world as I seem to be, I still know of these bands. I still play them. There's a whole underground movement in the works right now and it didn't take much work to find and expose some of the bands I just mentioned. I have a ton of them in my CD book and I will make guarantees to you right now that I'm the only man in this town to have this CD collection. No one else in town has it. I found them though. I did the homework and I found them.

    What's unsettling is these reporters and many others will claim no knowledge in any way, shape, or form about these bands and that's not the unsettling part. I expect that, to be honest. The Truth of the matter is they'll do nothing. They'll remain uneducated and uncultured in rock and I was like them at one point. I wanted to see if there was another rock n' roll Revolution and I found one...or two...or more.

    These ignorant people have no excuse.

    Now, do these reporters truly wish to insult my intelligence by printing such an article that's only one brick shy of a full load?

    No way. I know better.

    To the reporters, educate yourselves and earn your pay or get out of reporting in the music industry.

    Wednesday, May 24, 2006

    Has Tom Cruise Really Lost It?

    Now That I'm Going To Address This Can We...oh...LEAVE IT ALONE! Posted by Picasa

    When I first saw this pic, I wanted to know what was going on. I fell asleep to Tom Cruise being one of the most celebrated A-list actors out there. Now, I wake up to people screaming to the heavens or anyone that will listen, "Tom Cruise Is NUTS!"

    "Ok, so what makes him so nuts?" I would ask anyone who would repeat this phrase verbatim over and over ad nauseum. I never received an answer. So, in my apathy towards Hollywood Celebrity figures, I gave up. I never really gave a shit in the first place, I was just a tad curious but since no one would answer, I just went back to what I was doing.

    Then, one day, rant requests began springing up like mad.

    "Do one about how nuts Tom Cruise is," they said. By then, I had somewhere in the neighborhood of 9 or 10 requests for this but the problem was, I didn't know enough about it and since no one would tell me anything, I didn't care enough about it. Michael Jackson was enough of a media fiasco that went far too long and much too far for my tastes. I had to tell people to just relax over him because it was the same shit every time.

    There's a discernable pattern with celebrities and if you just step back you'll notice it. Once their star fades they become obscure or they go bugfuck. If the latter occurs then they're back in the limelight and, as we all know, there's no such thing as "bad publicity." This will carry on for awhile until it fades again and they'll either fade into obscurity or they're back at it again. It's a vicious cycle which never ends for some. It continues until the whole thing gets uglier than Barnum's Bearded Lady looting during the L.A. Riots.

    Just relax people...calm down. This isn't affecting your paychecks.

    Ok, so Tom's excited about Katie and Scientology. I'm happy for ya, Tom. Feel free to jump on my couch any old day of the week. Guaranteed, I'll be selling it on eBay once it's all done just to get the money to refurnish my home. Or I'll have him jump on my copy of Interview With The Vampire while autographing the movie box. Does no one but me see the endless possibilities?

    I say leave him alone. Some of us know the euphoria about finally finding that spiritual walk through life that works every time. Some of us even know the intensity of finding that special someone. Are we really being made to believe that he's not entitled to this? He's human, everyone. He wasn't abducted by aliens. If he was and they sent a pod person to replace him then this would show you one thing...the proof of extraterrestrial ability is here and we don't need any more. I don't think this is the case. He's entitled to his expression of his happiness and he has a career that spans back over a decade and a half. Guess what? He's more famous than any of us. You people at TomCruiseIsNuts.com are doing him a favor.

    If your favorite actor/actress does something you don't like or agree with, discuss it with others if you like but quit going to their movies, quit watching their shows, QUIT SENDING THEM YOUR MONEY!!! Do something constructive with your time, for fuck's sake. These people are more famous than you or I. They have most of the money and half the admiration. They worked and they earned it.

    If I ever become half as rich as any of these people, I'm going insanely wierd. No more eccentricity, I'm going insanely wierd...off the rocker. Many of you ask "why?" The answer is simple...because I can. By the time I've earned that kinda money, I'll get bored. There won't be struggling to make ends meet. Ends will be meeting like all hell by that time. Ends will be wrapping around each other in spades, becoming twisted in the process and so will I.

    Now, back to the point. Tom Cruise is that rich and that famous. He doesn't care what you think. He's made his money. Michael Jackson obviously doesn't either. On that note, is Scientology and Katie Holmes (who's my age) really that terrible of a reason to be in the limelight. I'd rather be known for that than a washed-up entertainer with a nutty family and three times accused of child molestation or child endangerment. Keep that one in mind for later, trust me, it will come in handy.

    Point is, Hollywood will keep going on as long as it has the money to do so. If we quit giving them our money in favor of things we actually LIKE, they lose power. If we quit giving our government money (in the form of your high-as-all-hell taxes) collectively, all in one shot, sure they can threaten and try to intimidate us but how would they be able to pay anyone to enforce their rule? If money and knowledge equal power than guess what? We have it. quit giving it away and start taking it back. Then WE'LL be the rich, wealthy and elite...the way it should be. Don't be in awe of them. They played parts and did it well. They convinced you that they were someone else for a moment. I can do that, it's easy and, at it's end, I'm still the same me that you know. I'm still nuts. I'm still a bit on the wierd side. Those that know me more than they should will know this for an undisputable fact.

    I reserve that right, and so does Tom Cruise.

    Now, even if he can't calm down...do you guys think you can?

    Tuesday, May 23, 2006

    Tonight On The Genocydal Empyre v2.0

    Here's Ya Button For Winamp...Tune In, Rock Out!!

    Here's Ya Button To The Microsite...Tune In, Rock Out!!

    TONIGHT We Rock Your Socks! Tune In, Amp Up, Get Down, Rock Out!!!

    The Genocydal Empyre v2.0

    Playlist for 5/24/06

    2:00am - 4:00am EST

    1. DJ Genocyde - Pre-Show Disclaimer (0:26)

    2. The Genocydal Empyre v2.0 (Faith And The Muse - Cantus) (6:42)

    3. KR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

    4. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

    5. The Sisters of Mercy - Dominion - Mother Russia (7:01)

    6. Concrete Blonde - Bajo la Luna Mexicana (5:07)

    7. Cradle Of Filth - No Time To Cry Sister Of Mercy (3:22)

    8. Collide - Son Of A Preacherman (Bat Remix) (5:45)

    9. KR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

    10. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

    11. Betrayal - Of Fire And Ice (4:53)

    12. Antitrust - Trust (3:55)

    13. Dope - Always (3:17)

    14. Organ - Exploited Freedom (2:25)

    15. KR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

    16. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

    17. Immune System - Weltanschauung (3:40)

    18. Digital Dream - Industrial, My Love (4:19)

    19. Encoder - supernatural (brainclaw) (4:52)

    20. SiNDADDY - Maniamerica (2:57)

    21. Hyeno - orchid (5:58)

    22. Severe Illusion - Open Rebellion (4:21)

    23. KMFDM - Revenge (5:08)

    24. KR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

    25. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

    26. Reism - Demons (4:33)

    27. Poker Face - Forces (4:57)

    28. SiNDADDY - Terrorama (3:36)

    29. Within Temptation - Stand My Ground (3:52)

    30. Mankind is Obsolete - Puppet (3:36)

    31. KMFDM - Dogma (4:06)

    32. The Genocydal Empyre - Outro (0:48)

    Sunday, May 21, 2006

    Conciousness On A New Scale

    The recollection of this one didn't hit me until I was at the vending machines. I still don't know what triggered it.

    I was running through the halls of the hospital, knocking people over and out of my way. In front of me, just several steps ahead, there was someone else running from me with a hand cannon big enough to blow a hole in the world.

    "MOVE!" I screamed running after him. All these people were in the way. Again, they were faceless. In brief moments, things seemed to slow down and that's when I'd noticed him. He'd spun around, the barrel of the semiautomatic .50 caliber handgun bearing down on me.

    "FUCK!" I barked as I saw the flash of the muzzle. I tried to dive out of the way but the bullet zinged past my ear, taking a small piece of the lobe with it. More bullets flew as I watched people being hit left and right and falling over in the panic. People scattered and some didn't know which way to go. Finally, the shooting stopped and I heard him start running again.

    I started after him. I ran until my legs burned and my viens pumped sulfuric acid through them. It was when I stopped and levelled the small revolver at him that he stopped, grabbing one of the nearby nurses and whipped around with her, pulling the gun to her head and screaming at me.

    "Right there!" he shouted, "You ain't movin or I'mma kill this girl right here!"

    Even from our short distance, I noticed something. The nurse was already dead. She was half-bruised from where the blood had settled and looked as though she'd come straight from the morgue's drawer. Her hair was dark, limp and damp. Her eyes were glassy and her mouth hung open.

    "Wrong again," I shouted back, "because she's already dead."

    A scream issued from the dead nurse and her body fell to the floor of the hospital, bleeding out in the process. Two more shots rang out and I took advantage of the adrenaline I felt to dive behind something.

    He started running again with me following suit, jumping over the dead nurse.

    Now I was shooting as I ran after him. Soon, all six rounds had zinged past him and I was out.

    It was time for one last move. I tossed the gun. It was useless and I bore down on the strength of my legs, forcing them to move faster beneath me, leaping and bounding over whatever I could, shoving whatever else I couldn't jump over that was in my way.

    He spun around one more time and that's when I performed a solo-style Fastball Special. I bent into a low crouch...nearly a squat with my arms out to my sides and then sprang forward using whatever was left of my strength to do it. Now, I was flying, quickly bridging the gap between him and me and my arms were out in front of me, turning me into a human, two-fisted projectile.

    My fists missed him but my right shoulder hit him dead on. He folded into half as he went backward. When we went to the ground, his head had hit the hard tile floor and bounced a couple of times. I looked into his left hand and the gun was still there. I ran my knee over his wrist and I noticed that, from the time I leapt forward, everything had slowed to a crawl. My knee was now a mainstay weight on his wrist and I'm nearly certain I'd heard a bone snap and then.....

    "BANG! ....BANG!" I'd heard the last two shots in the handgun ring out. I had both hands around his throat, strangling him. It wasn't intentional. I was trying to keep him down. I had heard a scream again and that's when I noticed it. My knee had been driven into the underside of his forearm and four holes had now found their way onto me. He'd used his thumb to pull the trigger and had unloaded two more shots into me.

    I heard a scream again. Now, I wasn't on top of him like I'd thought. I was on the floor next to the nurse dead eye to dead eye and hearing a scream erupt from her mouth.

    That's when I woke up. The alarm screaming at me. I brought my hand down onto the snooze button, nearly karate style. The last vestiges of the nightmare had simply vanished. I couldn't remember it. I had remembered that the entire thing was really weird. They're getting more and more fuckin weird by the damn day. I'd given up trying to remember what hellish nightmare had visited itself upon my brain and then, I was at the vending machines at the hospital on a routine babysitting when it happened. It flooded me. I could have sworn I was actually going through it and it seemed to happen within a split second until...

    "Hey, man," I heard, "It's been awhile since I seen you."

    It was one of the hospital's security guards on his rounds.

    "Yeah," I said, getting my Coke from the machine, "They don't like to send me up here as much."

    "You ok? You don't look so good," he asked.

    "I'm cool." I said, "just remembered something is all."

    "Yeah, aight," he said, "holla at us if ya need anything."

    "Thanks," I said as he left.

    On my way back to the elevator was when I caught my reflection in a pane of glass. He was right, I didn't look so good. I looked as though I haven't slept in weeks. I still look that way. It's been a real struggle lately...these nightmares. Seems like they're really pulling some moves on me.

    Time for a vacation, I think.

    Friday, May 19, 2006

    The New American Century (A World Symbiote)

    Imagine this.

    There's a man who's about 25 years of age. He sits on top of a building bearing a satellite antennae. There's a small phalanx of wires running from his laptop computer to the antennae itself. He sits there, toying with one of his many multicolored dreadlocks. He stretches his long, willowy limbs waiting on the call to his cellphone. He looks up into the night sky and sees what everyone else sees...a beautiful sea of stars on this moonlit night. Clear air permeates his lungs as he takes in a deep breath of it and then lights one of the many clove cigarettes he's pulled from the pack sitting in the long black coat, adorned with many shiny hooks and clasps. The sounds of Regenerator's song "Apnea" center him and bring him into focus before his cellphone vibrates. He hits the pause key on his mp3 player and opens the clamshell device.

    "Yeah?" he says, never looking at the caller ID.

    "Do it, run it, go!" the female voice on the other end says with urgency.

    "Yeah, no problem," he says and shuts the phone hitting the enter key on his computer.

    Suddenly, he smiles, fangs bare and there's a distinct "whirrrrr" as the disc in the CD-ROM drive begins to run and a status bar comes up on the screen reading 20% complete....40%......60%......86%.....100% and then "Execute Virus Now?" and he double-clicks the enter key once more, unhooks the phalanx of wires, shuts down the computer, packs it away into his back pack and leaves.

    A week later, The Anytech Cable Company suddenly develops a problem. Each customer in their region is flooding their customer service desk. The queue of calls defies measure. Then, suddenly, the entire queue drops. No one's calling anymore. In the digital broadcast center, it's a madhouse. Many technicians are running to and fro, printouts being torn from printers, an overworked boss is on the fringe of a breakdown. This broadcast was never cleared to air but now it's airing ...to nearly 500,000 people.

    Halfway through the broadcast, if it's lucky enough to have made it this far, the plug is pulled and on every channel rests the screen bearing the message that technical difficulties are being worked out.

    At local stations, the madhouse is the same. They know they can't pull the plug...they don't have the luxury. Still, hundreds of people scamper like ants at the prospect of not being able to shut this down.

    The Virus was a broadcast. The Virus just aired to over 500,000 people, letting them know that they've been had and their government was not working for them, by them or of them but against them. The audio was broadcast over radio, television, the internet, cable, and any other media form available in the electron stream. Still, once the government intervened and Our President restated, "Let Us NOT Entertain Wild Conspiracy Theories" We all knew what was happening. Do you know CNN, MSNBC, The Associated Press, etc would label that man I just told you about and anyone associated with them "terrorists?"

    The Patriot Act clearly states that if you are part of an underground movement then you are also an enemy of the state. It never specifies what an underground movement is. Check this out, read it.

    Well what is an "Underground Movement" and what does that mean for us? Well, let's leave it loosely-coined as is. Vic Mendoza's show promotes underground music as do many others on RadioStarFleet.com and KrushRadio.com and WorldRockRadio.com respectively but have we once promoted the idea of terror?

    Raves are the most common underground celebrations of electronic music out there but did you know that sponsorship or promotion of one is considered a terrorist act?

    Art house movies are in no way mainstream. These movies are about as underground as one can get and only a small percentage are considered for the Sundance Movie Festival but these too can now be declared terrorist acts.

    As we sit here, constantly having mainstream media poured down our throats and many of our governments acting like the parents they claim to be, we find ourselves discouraged from taking the alternate routes, from attempting other forms of opinion.

    Break free.

    Notice that when someone does speak out publically, their character, integrity and even their intelligence is insulted...publically as well. This is the only basis we're offered for their "questionable credibility" and furthermore shows us who's really in charge.

    In a time of malevolence, it is up to us to put our best foot forward and show benevolence. When they offer hatred, we should show love. When they offer controls, regulations and surveillance, we should know to tell them who is in charge and why our Constitutions were written as such and when we speak of Revolutions, we should know that it will be a silent one like the man I mentioned above.

    Things are going wrong in our society and it's time we stood up and said we'll no longer take it. The people in our respective governments are not in authority. They have sworn a solemn oath and a duty to us. It's time we see that fulfilled.

    Revolution does not have to involve violence. There is no need to take up arms or extinguish the precious life that dwells within anyone. Ours is an information war and it can only be won if that verifiable information can be made available to others. This is our responsibility that has come to us with the power given to us through the information and knowledge that we now have in our hands.

    If we do not and we continue the Cycle Of Apathy that has plagued us through the last few decades, we risk our entire lives, down to the very individual being on file. Our every action will be filed, documented and easily referenced.

    Are we dangerous because we have information that is essential to our civil liberties and functions? Yes! We will disrupt the entire infrastructure that those "in power" have prepared. We are dangerous because this is a house of cards waiting to crumble. All we have to do is take one card from it out and the whole thing comes crashing down. If we burn the cards they used to set it up, no one will be able to put this plan into motion again. It's a delicate plan, a plan that has taken centuries, if not millennia to institute and it will only take a few to set it back millennia and keep it that way.

    The plan for a New World Order of hope, caring and benevolence is a good one and one I'd endorse, back and institute if given the chance. Unfortunately, the New World Order that has been instituted is not any of these things. On the surface, it would eliminate a lot of complications, hassles and even borders but it would eliminate a lot of our freedoms, rights and sovreignty as well. I'm not sure if I spelled that last one right but I hope you get my meaning.

    Each day is a new day for hope. Each day is a new day for more to wake up.

    Each day is one day closer to true freedom.

    In the vision I've had of the world, I see a world where the entire world is like one huge neighborhood. Each of us shows a compassion, caring and a love for each other. We understand each other's differences and respect them. I see a world of self-educated people, educating the uneducated. I see a world where everyone can rest comfortably at night with the security of thought that there is no one to stand between them and their goals, let alone some false concept of race, economic background or cultural difference.

    Of all the visions, dreams and theories I've had, this is the one that I hang onto with every fiber of my being.

    Wednesday, May 17, 2006

    Playlist for 5/19/06

    Create your own video at One True Media

    Here's Ya Button For Winamp...Tune In, Rock Out!!

    Here's Ya Button To The Microsite...Tune In, Rock Out!!

    The Genocydal Empyre v2.0

    Playlist for 5/19/06

    12:00am - 2:00am EST

    1. The Genocydal Empyre v2.0 (Faith And The Muse - Cantus) (6:42)

    2. KR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

    3. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

    4. Poker Face - Illuminati (3:01)

    5. Charlie Drown - Dominhater (3:55)

    6. Collide - Beneath the Skin (6:18)

    7. OUTERKORE - TakerGiver (6:16)

    8. Ben Moody feat. Anastacia - Everything Burns (3:43)

    9. KR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

    10. Charlie Drown - Lithium Nephalim (2:58)

    11. Static-X - Cold (3:40)

    12. Hyeno - orchid (5:58)

    13. Digital Dream - Industrial, My Love (4:19)

    14. KR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

    15. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

    16. Dope - Die MF Die (3:06)

    17. Slayer - Raining Blood (4:16)

    18. Pantera - Hollow (5:45)

    19. KR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

    20. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

    21. Alice Cooper - Poison (4:28)

    22. Def Leppard - Rock Of Ages (4:06)

    23. Alice In Chains - Man In The Box (4:46)

    24. Creed - What If (5:17)

    25. KR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

    26. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

    27. MetallicA - Seek and Destroy (6:55)

    28. Antitrust - Trust (3:55)

    29. i:scintilla - scin (4:21)

    30. Lexincrypt - Sleepwalker (7:08)

    31. KMFDM - Dogma (4:06)

    32. The Genocydal Empyre - Outro (0:48)

    Tuesday, May 16, 2006

    Thinking In Absolutes (The Newsspeak Remix)

    I've been accused of a great many things since I began exposing the truth about how corrupt our system is. I've been called a kook, whackjob, crackpot, insane, in need of professional help, etc. I've even consulted some of the social workers at my job to get their opinions. Some have said that there may be some truth to them, how much of it is true is where we get lost. Others have said that it's inherent within the individual's anger and level thereof; it's a search for a faceless scapegoat, in their opinion and others have expressed thier deepest concerns with how quickly our freedoms have been eroded due to the overwhelming amounts of evidence. The key factor within this is simply the individual.

    Some of them have been shocked and surprised when I pull out the printouts from "reputable" news sources like CNN or MSNBC. I've pulled from other sources like The American Free Press, a far more reputable source than the others which I've mentioned. These guys keep track of the things popular media is afraid to tell you.

    Everyone who reads my writings on the political arena knows that I come into a battle of wits armed....to the teeth. I say nothing I cannot back up with hard, documented and verifiable through research evidence. Whatever I can't back up with that type of evidence, I let you know it's merely my point of view or speculation on my part or the part of many.

    I never expected to see what dropped into my email from a musician. Musicians to me have always fallen in one of two categories; they're either politically oriented choirboys and cheerleaders or they're free-thinkers who give you the way they actually think. This is the tale of one such cheerleader.

    I know nothing of this man's life, I'll be sure to note that outright. He's supplied me with no information to show me where he was coming from and I, therefore, know absolutely nothing about him except that he's in a band.

    I posted the actual House Resolution (#4752) detailing that men and women ages 18 - 42 are now required to serve a mandatory two years of military service. I'm not joking. I honestly wish I were. I posted the quote from me, "Our present administration has done naught but take and take never giving anything but newspeak, lies and more rhetoric among the many criminal acts in which they've engaged. Time to draw the line people. Make your stand and make it now!" Why? Because they strip us of our rights and civil liberties nearly daily, commit criminal acts with virtually no accountability and we, the people, are letting them. Now, they want to take you because they're largely stretched for resources.

    I found this email from this particular musician sitting in my inbox. I've offered the band in which he plays promotion the same as all others that I've met and was ignored...this bulletin post was not. When I opened it, I thought I would be receiving, at a possibility, support. What I got instead was nasty character assassination. I was insulted. I was in essence, being asked to no longer ask questions, to just shut up and quit complaining. I could go into detail but this would make for the longest post in the history of my blogs. If you want the actual post, I'll email them uncut and unedited, email me at LordGenocyde@yahoo.com if you're interested in reading the exchange.

    Bottom line, he was going to stick to his guns...normally, this is a trait I admire but he brought nothing to the table to substantiate his claims.

    If there's anyone who wants to back this issue, fine. If you think me signing up today and going against my morals and ethics and killing people who haven't done anything to me or invading some country I have no business being in will serve my community, let me run a few things down.

    Defending our freedoms does not begin with attacking another country. It begins with the oversight by the people of this nation on the people within our government and codified policies both past and present. When we make posts concerning our civil liberties and freedoms, we make sure we have documentation and evidence to back up the fact that even yours are being violated. Yes, we do have a concept of what it is like to defend those civil liberties because that is what we are doing now with our posts. And, each time we post, this is exactly who we are. We are fighting a war of information. In this day and age, that's truly what it's all about.

    The problem that most of us have with just war (in the physical sense) is that it's wrong. We've all been taught from cradle on out that violence and killing is wrong. Killing one person can have ramifications that ripple outward. I personally can see no moral or ethical reason to be anywhere, killing anyone for any reason. They've done nothing to me or my family. I cannot see a reason for killing unless it's some animal for food and that's it or possibly using a measure of preventative force to protect my home, my family or those who dwell within it.

    If military service were compulsory to serve to defend our borders, that, to me, would be reasonable but a keeping the armed forces strictly voluntary makes it more professional. First, you're not going to have total slackers who do not wish to be there slacking and dragging down the whole team. Second, you're not going to have those like myself who object to senseless murder getting killed and murder is murder whichever way you go with it. Third, those who volunteered will, as always, have more of a sense of duty than someone who is just told that this is where they're going or what they're doing when they don't have the mindset to take orders.

    I cannot count the number of times I've been told by people who were formerly military (all of them volunteer) that the draftees they saw (not all but many) were inadequately trained, completely without a sense of direction within the jobs they were assigned and doing the bare minimum while the others who had volunteered had gone the extra mile to get the job done.

    I have no problem with team efforts. I have no problem with a chain of command. I have no problem with missions. I defend my country, the land but never my country in terms of government. Our present civil liberties and freedoms aren't threatened by an outisde force and we have only been attacked two times (i.e. Pearl Harbor and the 9/11 attacks) ever since. Why make military service compulsory if we don't face an invasion? Border defense is one thing but invasion of another country is something else entirely. That's an offense as opposed to a defense.

    Service of the community should be mandatory, I agree with you on that much as should showing some responsibility. I have a few ideas for that.

    First, let's take some of these able-bodied people living on welfare off of it. If they are able to work, they should.

    Second, let's repopulate our "positions of governmental power" with the common, American working man or woman. No more political parties, just Americans stripping this policy back down to basic Constitution/Bill Of Rights kinda stuff.

    Third, The current administration, president included need to stand trial for a string of criminal offenses. No more smoke screen scare tactics to control this nation.

    Fourth, break this system to pieces and bring it down to the county level. For more on this, visit
  • Building The Local Solution
  • for starters. There are plenty of links all around to show you that there are a world of Americans out there spreading Truth (another item on This guy's general interests) about a variety of topics in the realm of politics.

    Most of us are growing a local solution to the problem we have at hand. We have the information in our hands that our people involved within the current system are corrupt and that corruption stayed there and festered through most of us living in a bubble, I agree with him on that. There are many that still live in those microcosms, I also agree with him on that but here we are, those who woke up, spreading this word around as we felt that this is our responsibility to do so. Many of us are taking a stand towards keeping our life, liberty and our pursuit of happiness alive.

    Making military service compulsory under this administration will only serve to throw the lives of more Americans away. The responsible solutions that he mentions (i.e. possibly making a service with the U.S. Border Patrol mandatory or perhaps the U.S. Coast Guard) will not happen. This is to feul their own ends. If we, as the people, attempted to apply it to a senator's son or even our own President's daughters, they would be very apt to object and they'd win.

    Yes, we're crying foul because we know they're not talking about any and all as they've stated. They're talking about the poor to middle class. The wealthy and "elite" will never have to go through the pain and suffering of losing their only children. They'll be blessedly free of having to go through this.

    I'm more than happy to do what's needed to help my community. I do something each day whether it's helping someone learn something new or possibly setting out to learn something myself each day and experience something new each day so that I can pass it on. I took that to the next level as soon as I got my show. It's not about me and yes, I want more listeners so that they can at least have exposure to something documented, factual and verifiable, even though I do attempt to entertain the audience to keep them listening. I don't watch TV. I have one but the only thing I'm really doing with it is popping in a videotape or DVD into it. I'm not into all this pop culture crap, I'm more into documentaries such as Paradise Lost: The Child Murders At Robin Hood Hills or Paradise Lost 2: Revelations. I spend large amounts of my free time preparing information that isn't just Orwellian Newsspeak, rallying support for three innocent men locked away for crimes they didn't commit, rallying support for independent bands like your own or, most recently, running sound and lights for a stage production on short notice because a 13-year-old boy needed a heart transplant and that particular production was using the proceeds to go to his medical bills.

    These are things that I believe in. To me, these are morally and ethically right and true.

    Do I accept one red cent or dime for any of that? No.

    That's what I have my job for. That's what I have my cafepress site for. I don't need them to pay me for all these things I do. I do them because I know something and I feel that it's my responsibility to make one person stronger. It's my duty to aid in someone's healing rather than aid in the genocide currently taking place.

    Yes, I'm crying foul but not without reason. I'd ask no one, not even you to do things that I wouldn't do myself.

    I'm no saint. I'm no angel. I'm not a "good" person and I don't care whether or not you see me as that but I will cry foul at this and continue to do so because I know I am qualified and justified in doing so. If you don't like it, hey, that's fine and great with me. That is your right to think that but never assume that we don't know what we're talking about when we come armed with the evidence. We feel our responsibility and we are living it through to it's end.

    Do I think in terms of absolutes? Damn straight but I temper it with a little common sense. I don't claim to have all the answers but I do have some of them and I will offer them. Take Them or Leave Them.

    Perhaps I'm as lost in this philosophy as Young Anakin when he turned to The Dark Side but like him, I do mean well.

    Monday, May 15, 2006

    Another Wake Up Call For America

    I could tell you how the interview for Saturday Night's Show went on World Rock Radio Dot Kom...but don't just take my word for it, hear it for yourself here. This Is America's Wake Up Call. Thanks to Bara and Pet from RadioStarFleet.com's Show "London's Kalling" Check them out on
  • The London's Kalling Website.

  • Right Click To Save Segment One!!

    Right Click To Save Segment Two!!

    Friday, May 12, 2006

    The Mother Of All Days.

    Yes, this is another one of those posts about Mother's Day. Yes, I'm going to tell you about my own. It isn't, however, what you'd expect.

    My mother and I have never seen eye-to-eye on a lot of things. I value individuality, never denying your nature and just going off into the unknown territory. Screw the social circles if they can't accept one for who they are, mind their own business or simply live and let live. This is where I've committed many of my sins in the eyes of my own mother.

    She values what other people think. It's not who you are, it's who you know. In her mindset, you must be able to impress upon people that you are someone to be valued and they must be able to believe this. If you're not standing where the majority are, you must stand with them, despite the cost to the thing that makes you up inside. If it means altering your looks to conform to the masses, you must be ready to do this.

    I'd decided a long time ago that I would not be like that. I was brought up on two conflicting camps of thought. In one corner rested the "Be Yourself" way of thinking and in the other, "You Have To Fit In" hysteria was kicking me.

    As a child, I knew no better. Sure, I gave it a shot, doing my best to blend into the crowd that mom decided was the best to hang with. Later on, these people would be the popular high-schoolers, class valedictorians, overachievers...and the biggest buncha snotty people I'd just as soon deliver a roundhouse boot to the head a la Chuck Norris. I detested the way these people were later on. Come to think of it, I could say I detested them then too. Still, believing that my mom knew what was right deep down, I trudged into that crowd, was chewed up and spit out with the utmost distaste.

    At one point, I'd decided that trying to fit in wasn't working. I began becoming quiet, introverted. I dug a deep hole within myself and retreated within. Sure, I had friends and they weren't many but still, my best friends were my thoughts, books, art, music and things like that. I no longer cared what clothes "The In Crowd" was wearing. I still don't. I began a search for my own identity. After failed attempt after failed attempt to mold my identity to fit in, I'd decided that being myself was the only option with which I was left. The few friends I had, our friendships grew tighter. We hated "cliques" and their detestable behavior that was nothing short of socially barbaric but we failed to see that we were a clique in and of ourselves. Fights were more and more common, moreso with my friends than me and better believe I stepped in if one went down. You messed with one of us, you messed with all of us.

    We cut our teeth on Guns N' Roses, Skid Row, Def Leppard. We progressed to Metallica, Megadeth and Anthrax. We descended into Cannibal Corpse, Alice In Chains, Six Feet Under and we did it together before realizing that slowly, we were branching off. One developed a taste for Pantera, Lamb Of God and the louder grindcore bands that were out there. You may know him as Dave Ferguson, the lead vocalist of From Ruin. Another developed a taste for more mainstream rock like The Dave Matthews Band and most of what's played on FM radio today. I found out a few weeks ago, he'd come out of a five-month drug rehab. I, on the other hand, delved into Nine Inch Nails, Marilyn Manson, Cradle Of Filth and things of a much darker flavor.

    My mom and I, however, began butting heads waaaaaaay before all of that. It got worse as time progressed.

    Despite the fact that I studied as much as I possibly could, maintained a grade point average that was acceptable (C+ until senior year which came out to a near 4.0) and abided by my word, remembering from the movie Scarface, "The only two things I got in this world are my word and my balls and I don't break niether of them for nobody." I still caught flack.

    At first, it was the hair length. I was growing it out. That was the style for us and I wanted it as long as I could possibly get it. To me, that was cool. Black clothing kept me from mismatching colors, a feat that, to this day, I still have not perfected, nor do I wish to do so. Band logos splattered across the shirts with hellish designs and menacing writings were a defense mechanism for me. By the time my senior year came around, I had no fear of what I called "those lamefuck in-crowd pricks." I became razor-tongued and nasty with them but was polite and respectful to anyone in authority and anyone who was the same in turn to me. By the time high-school ended for me, I had a small following of freshmen and sophomores who were asking for my advice on what to do when someone started rumors about them. I was still the target of the devil-worshipper rumors and when the vampire cult thing happened in Florida and touched home in Baton Rouge, somehow, the collective mentality was that it was my fault. I had enough good come along to balance out the bad and my dad was a great supporter. He backed my play step-by-struggling step and never faltered once.

    It was my mom who didn't. My reputation in high school was what was going to be my reputation for the rest of my natural (unnatural?) life, in her mind. She continuously made references to me "looking like a stoner" though I had yet to lay eyes on my a joint. I was more experimental then. I looked to other outlets. I wasn't interested in drugs. I was more interested in the things they taught us to keep away from in my catechism classes like metal music and Dungeons & Dragons. I still, to this day, do not understand why they're not better educated on matters of the occult or music. To me, saying that these forms of entertainment cause people to do nasty things is like blaming spoons for someone's obesity.

    My mom was certain that I had depression and anger problems, perhaps she's right but I'd like to think that I've done a damned good job in handling those issues myself. I cannot count the times her and I've had the verbal knock-down, drag-out. I cannot count the times, which I'm sure rank higher, that I simply stormed away, hopped on my trusty mountain bike and sailed on into the night on a collision course for nowhere other than just to get the hell away from her. I dare not recall the rather angry, bitter and vengeful words between us or why I thought she was intellectually inept for not understanding why I didn't like this town or the people in it.

    To be certain there was a tremendous power-play between her and I upon my decision made to move out of their home and into this house. I know that the decision was made after three panic attacks that day and Zeph appealing to my rationale that she technically couldn't tell me how to live my life.

    I'll admit the things I've said, done and even said to her were not the best. Hell, I know they weren't good and, while she can worry about every little detail ad nauseum at times, I have to admit some things.

    1. She meant well. In her mind, establishing a firm, good and decent reputation out of the gate probably would have helped me in a lot of areas.

    2. She was kind enough to bring me into this world. I was an accident. My dad had other plans, he wasn't wanting kids but when she found herself pregnant with me, both got together and stayed together to make sure I grew up well-adjusted. I'd like to think that they succeeded in staying together and raising me but, Mom, Dad, Sorry...I'm too damned maladjusted by nature.

    3. There were no excuses or regrets for sacrifices made to raise me or my siblings. Period and I'm damned proud of them for that.

    4. No matter what Mom did, she did it out of love for me and I can't deny that. As much as it aggravates the living shit out of me at times, she does try.

    The point is this, no matter what has happened between you and your parents (especially Mom) today is the day to tell them what they mean to you, what they meant to you and how much of a part of your life and character makup they've been. None of us are guaranteed tomorrow and it's arrogant of us to think that we're owed tomorrow. No, this is wrong. Today, if nothing else, let your mom know you love her. I know I love mine...dearly so...even if she does come across as neurotic to me at times, I still love the hell out of her and wouldn't trade her for the world and all it's wealth and power.

    Mom, you've brought a deviant into this world, a terrorist and a force that cannot die. Each of my deeds that I have done in this world is what you've made both good and bad. I'm not the type that prides myself on the bad things I've done and I'd hope you take pride in the achievements I've made. I'm still making more. I might be crazy. I might be insane. I might even have deeply-seeded issues for which I should seek professional help but the truth behind it is, if I did that, I'd cease to be within my own awareness. I understand if you can't bring yourself to back my actions of staying here through the hurricane because of my job and living through the crappy aftermath. I understand if you can't figure out why I stick so faithfully to this internet radio thing. I understand if you can't comprehend why I don't work during the day or even go out much while the sun shines upon the rest of the world. All I ask is that you understand that I feel that I have things I have to do. I have information, a world of it and I have a responsibility to share that, to wake people up to what reality truly is...stranger than fiction. The worlds we live in are one and the same, yet different only in perspective. My way is the way of highest intensity and an overbearing desire to push the envelope and take advantage of each and every moment I have. At times it's internally violent. Sometimes, it's savage. Sometimes, it's the most frightening of things that anyone can do. You and Dad taught me not to live in fear, Mom. You and Dad taught me personal responsibility and speaking up for what I believe was right. I may have been foolish in my choice of battles and friends but when has anyone ever been perfect in that, right? Just understand that I have to do this. This is what you made of me and I just hope that you're proud of it and you see that my intentions are not insane...just my methods. If you understand nothing else, understand that I love you and I hope this Mother's Day is the happiest you've ever had.

    "Let my heart go....let your son grow
    Mama let my heart go...or let this heart be still..."
    Metallica "Mama Said"

    Tuesday, May 09, 2006

    Playlist for 5/10/06


    Here's Ya Button For Winamp...Tune In, Rock Out!!

    Here's Ya Button To The Microsite...Tune In, Rock Out!!

    TONIGHT On The Genocydal Empyre v2.0 6Bit Talks About Thier Legacy Of Abuse And Erick From Pyrexia Calls In For An Interview! Giveaways, Madness, Mayhem and General Insanity Like You've Never Heard! Tune In, Amp Up, Get Down, Rock Out!!!

    The Genocydal Empyre v2.0

    Playlist for 5/10/06

    2:00am - 4:00am EST

    1. The Genocydal Empyre v2.0 (Faith And The Muse - Cantus) (6:42)

    2. KR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

    3. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

    4. 6Bit - (Pt 3) A Legacy Of Abuse, Gimp The Normal Guy (7:10)

    5. Collide - Beneath the Skin (6:18)

    6. Cockfight Club - Hero (Anti-Hero Mix) (4:37)

    7. Gravity Kills - Enough (4:16)

    8. KR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

    9. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

    10. Pyrexia - The Wicked Rise (3:55)

    11. Curse Icon - Falling Away (3:57)

    12. Anathema Device - Reminder (4:28)

    13. Bound in Oblivion - The Living End Maxed (5:57)

    14. DJ Genocyde Feat. Antitrust - Krush Bumper (0:20)

    15. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

    16. Antitrust - Snap (4:25)

    17. Mankind is Obsolete - Puppet (3:36)

    18. Reism - Demons (4:33)

    19. SiNDADDY - Panties(Drukore'sInABunchRemix) (4:12)

    20. Gasr - Conspiracy (4:50)

    21. The Unknownn - Britney Bumper (0:03)

    22. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

    23. The Unknownn - Cure All (5:07)

    24. Severe Illusion - Open Rebellion (4:21)

    25. Dope - Always (3:17)

    26. Encoder - supernatural (brainclaw) (4:52)

    27. KMFDM - New American Century (3:56)

    28. DJ Genocyde - The Genocydal Empyre - Outro (0:48)

    Never Underestimate The Power Of The Stupid

    I've actually seen some of these!!

    On a Sears hairdryer -- Do not use while sleeping.
    (Shoot, and that's the only time I have to work on my hair.)

    On a bag of Fritos -- You could be a winner! No purchase necessary. Details
    (the shoplifter special)?

    On a bar of Dial soap -- "Directions: Use like regular soap,"
    (and that would be how???....)

    On some Swanson frozen dinners -- "Serving suggestion: Defrost."
    (but, it's "just" a suggestion).

    On Tesco's Tiramisu dessert (printed on bottom) -- "Do not turn upside
    (well...duh, a bit late, huh)!

    On Marks & Spencer Bread Pudding -- "Product will be hot after heating."
    (...and you thought????...)

    On packaging for a Rowena iron -- "Do not iron clothes on body."
    (but wouldn't this save me more time)?

    On Boot's Children Cough Medicine -- "Do not drive a car or operate
    machinery after taking this medication."
    (We could do a lot to reduce the rate of construction accidents if we could
    just get those 5-year-olds with head-colds off those forklifts.)

    On Nytol Sleep Aid -- "Warning: May cause drowsiness."
    (and...I'm taking this because???....)

    On most brands of Christmas lights -- "For indoor or outdoor use only."
    (as opposed to...what)?

    On a Japanese food processor -- "Not to be used for the other use."
    (now, somebody out there, help me on this. I'm a bit curious)

    On Sainsbury's peanuts -- "Warning: contains nuts."
    (talk about a news flash)

    On an American Airlines packet of nuts -- "Instructions: Open packet, eat
    (Step 3: maybe, ooh...fly Delta?)

    On a child's Superman costume -- "Wearing of this garment does not enable
    you to fly."
    (I don't blame the company. I blame the parents for this one.)

    On a Swedish chainsaw -- "Do not attempt to stop chain with your hands or
    (Oh my ..was there a lot of this happening somewhere?)

    Now that you've smiled at least once, it's your turn to spread the

    Monday, May 08, 2006

    Abusement Park

    I'd heard all the hype. Apparently, Krush's own Vic Mendoza (http://www.v-m-u.com/) was doing some snooping. Getting really deep into the personal life of Genocyde. That's not the part I mind. What I was minding was that he was asking Rayne and an ex-girlfriend of mine.

    Now, I'm not gonna get all pissed at VM. He's like that. He's like a high-schooler that digs all the juicy gossip on those he's worked with and relishes each moment. After I found out, I was listening to his show and since one of his bands didn't call in, I gave him a willing substitute...me.

    I punched a few keys and before I knew it, I'd speed-dialled him and was kicked back on my lounge just waiting. When he picked up the phone, he, Stonie from The Unknownn, Lana from The Breakup and a couple of others were surprised to hear from me.

    It was time for Genocyde to set the record straight and I'll do it here as well. Why? Because I can.

    Some of Vic's questions earned answers like this.

    1. First and foremost, Genocyde sleeps in the nude...not in his undies as was stated in the previous interview with Rayne and Kali. I think they were trying to help me save face in some way but it's not needed. My bed, My bedroom, no clothing, no hassle. Not to worry I always keep my sweats nearby to jump into so you're not horribly scarred should you walk in and see me sprawled out on my bed Skyclad as the day I was born.

    2. Rayne and I are strictly platonic. Yes, we live together and yes she knows me way more than what others are comfy with knowing about me and yes I support the both of us but she does clean my place for me and at times, she's even done my laundry. I consider that fair. I know that persuing a serious relationship with Rayne would kill my chances with furthering my relationship with Helen and it would devastate a friendship that Rayne and I have had for over 11 years now. I don't want that. I love her to death and would do anything for her but it's strictly platonic.

    3. Best believe Genocyde has let rip some belches and has blown ass in Rayne's presence.

    They laughed at me and I think I even got the "Oh, Damien, dude, that's fucked up" from someone but please, take a minute to understand something.

    Everyone who lives with me undergoes what I call The Mental Abusement Park. This is not me belittling or demeaning the person in any way. No, instead it's the most socially repugnant behavior in which I can engage. This includes but is not limited to passing wind (aka The Terrorist I-bin Pharteen), Belching at near operatic levels (Tarja Turunnen, meet your competition), hearing me in the bathroom when I have to push (hey, sometimes it helps to breathe the right way...learned this at work, blame them) and blowing out with a string of profanities when my machine decides it wants to act stupid...Sam Kinison style and yes, I scream off air as well at times.

    The method to this madness is merely thus. Soon, they'll realize that I don't act this way in public and if I have to do any of these things, I'll simply excuse myself politely, perform the repulsive act, and then return. Once the realization occurs, they're more inclined to want to venture into public with me. Normally, it's a double-edged sword...they want to KEEP me in public to keep me in abstinence of my horrid behavior.

    There is no mystery to me. I simply decided to stop impressing people and be, well...boring. Once I accomplished that, the rise to mediocrity was easy. If anyone becomes impressed with something I've done, great but if not, well, that's ok too.

    I guess there's only so many failed attempts at things you can do before you figure out that your natural gifts have to shine through and there's only so many times that illusion will last before it's detected or countered.

    People, if you're reading this and you've taken nothing else to heart, take this and hold onto it always. Never be impressed with the things I'm doing for amusement. Whether it's the DJ thing or the Tales From The Inside or even some off-the-wall nightmare I'm having that I decide to post, remember that I'd doing this for my amusement and if you're amused as well, I'm happy that you are but never be completely enthralled by it. Other than my aversion to sunlight and my love for the energies of total chaotic crowd unity, I'm like any one of you. I can fade into the night or blast into the spotlight. I still put my pants on one leg at a time. I have to shower when I wake up and brush my teeth, eat, crap and (maybe) pass from this Land of Finite Temporal Existence like the rest of you. I'm not mysterious. I'm not some resurrected corpse from the 17th century trying to seduce anyone in cheesy eurotrash accents while prancing around in rented formalwear. I'm a reanimated corpse from about 1996 and the corpse state was temporary. Hey, shit happens and that's been my most landmark achievement...just never ask how I did it or you'll be severely disappointed to know that not even I know how it happened.

    Now, if you really want the straight dope on how "normal" I can be then keep in mind that I'll be interviewing Charlie Drown pretty soon. I'm fired up and my stomach is doing cartwheels because it happens in a little over two weeks time. I have no clue as to what to ask her, I think she's one of the most cooler-than-beans industrial/metal/rock acts ever and not to mention she's coming from the state that started the grunge movement...it's about damned time something else came outta there other than Nirvana and The Idiot Child President.

    Anyway, it's time for Lord Genocyde to git nekkid (git r' dun!) and check out this new movie a friend at work gave me.

    If you haven't seen it yet, I highly recommend it. It's called "Hostel."

    Sunday, May 07, 2006

    It Lives In My Drainpipe

    Well, now that you're actually reading I figure you must be truly bored. I've hypothesized that people must be extremely bored to be reading this. To look at my life from day to day, it's pretty boring. My days are mostly cerebral. A great many have come to me seeking some sort of psychotic thrill ride and have left, in fact, rather disappointed.

    A friend of mine once told me that someone should make a movie out of my life. Personally, I don't see that happening and there isn't an actor in Hollywood crazy enough (unless you're counting Tom Cruise) lunatic enough to portray me accurately. I'd probably look at script after script rejecting them all the while anyway. I suppose it helps to have a book written first...like an autobiography but rather than tell the story in the third person from someone else's point of view or getting it really skewed from mine, I think the play-by-play here will have to qualify to some extent.

    Ok, let's just say they actually condense my life down to an hour and a half. Let's say the movie is actually ripped from here...my blogs detailing the activity within my cerebellum, what then? Most of the movie would take place in my head and even then, who would believe it?

    It worked with John Nash (A Beautiful Mind) though, didn't it? Most of that movie had nearly nothing to do with what was actually going on with him until he and his "inner friends" developed conflicts of interest. Still, he was far more interesting. A mathematician with severe schizophrenia...it's almost saddening. I can't fathom how humiliating it would be to have to ask someone, "Is that person really standing there?" everytime I met someone new. To me, it would be an excersize of will each day just to summon that kind of nerve.

    I suppose that in the end of it, I'd probably develop one hell of a depression on top of that.

    A movie about me. Hell, I wouldn't even know what the hell to call it. Even then, wouldn't your name have to be nearly household status in order for that to happen. There has to be a climax somewhere in there and then a breeze down toward the end of it. Would it be a happy ending? Beats me really. I've been full of endings but where one chapter of my life ends, another begins.

    I'm still alive, breathing, kicking. It wasn't always this way. Maybe I never truly lived. Perhaps I don't even exist. I've contemplated the possibility that I'm some mass hysteria hallucination. Though why or how is what befuddles my own mind in a lot of respects.

    I wonder if the life I'm leading now is really mine. Maybe I'm someone else dreaming to be this man. Perhapst I'm this man dreaming to be someone else. I think it's that whole zen-type butterfly/man dreaming conundrum that doesn't seem to pan out. Either way it's a different set of eyes and perceptions.

    Maybe that's why I'll never understand what it is people fight about. Race? Hey, we're the same species. Religion? It's a different perception and different sets of information. There's no divine punishment at the end. Evil always destroys itself, there's only so much you can do to prevent that. Politics? I find it funny that this word is derivative of the words "Poly" meaning "Many" and "ticks" meaning "blood-sucking creatures." Enough with it, people. You're all so similar. All these barriers made up to divide you are bullshit. They're some illusion that got imposed upon you. Let it go. Just let it go and realize that there are things in this world that you have no control over.

    I'm really not sure what the point was or even if I had one to make. To take a journey through my own mind is a veritable roller-coaster ride fraught with things...well...maybe things no one should see.

    I guess I thought about that face in my dream again and wondered if there was something I could have done to prevent it. There was a lot of agony then. I just watched her waste away, suffering and I didn't feel like there was a damned thing I could do about it. Maybe there wasn't. She was a bit empty and that was an emptiness I couldn't fill very easily at all. Leave it to an idealistic one to think that. The world made sense to me then, I think. Now I just think of the title of that one rock album and I can't remember who the artist was but it was "Mama, We're All Crazy Now."

    I guess it's the reason I work so much. I don't want a spare moment to think about those things. I want those memories to fade. I'd almost swear they don't belong to me. When I do look back, I see them through eyes that are much different than the ones I posess now. The colors, imagery ...all of it is still the same but it's some kind of mentality associated with them.

    Maybe, just maybe, I've stuffed all these into some mental drainpipe and it's clogged now. Perhaps the mental sewer is backed up. The mind isn't as simple as a computer. A few clicks, drag, drop and flush and all that crap that's been overloading your hard drive is gone. Quick virus and adware scan, clean the registry, defrag...hey, you're done and it runs as good as new. The mind doesn't work that way. Things don't remain forgotten for long. I think I've proven to myself drinking them away wouldn't help. Putting them in a shoebox labelled "burn" didn't.

    But what if that's the case. You were thinking again, weren't you? What if the possibility exists that the two hemispheres of my brain are conflicting with each other. One side of me wants to find something wholly bigger than myself and the other part wants me to be the biggest thing out there. One part wanted to die and the other wanted to live. One wants to find little green men somewhere and the other wants to tell them where they can shove their nasal-probe implants...or wherever the hell it is they're implanting them these days.

    There's a movie, in my head and it plays back over and over and over again. No, I don't think I want to show that to the world. They've seen it here. They'll see it again. Words are immortal. By the time I depart our Land Of Finite Temporal Existence (provided I do exist) then I think I'll let that projector finally run out...just kill the power to it.

    Maybe you've seen enough of it. To see any more will probably drive you as mad as I've become in some ways, and it's not all fun and games, I don't recommend it.

    For now, it's time to rest. Long night at work.

    Yeah, that's it. Just slide down into that bed, old boy...it's all smooth sailing from here for a bit. Won't hurt a lick.

    Damned right...

    Saturday, May 06, 2006

    The Dreamscape

    I remember being in the backseat of the car. Still not sure what kind of car it was. I told her to slow down but she wouldn't listen. We were flying along a stretch of highway at about 70 - 80 mph and it didn't seem that anything else was on that road. The daylight outside reminded me of just how tired I was. I was just about to rest my head against the window of the back passenger door when I saw it.

    An 18-wheeled semi was coming up in the other lane, heading opposite us, quickly and I sensed that it wasn't the only one. That's when it turned out I was right. The other car behind it presented itself. It was a grey sedan...though it might have been silver. I could barely make out any detail to it at all.

    "Slow it down," I told her, "It's coming right upon us!"

    It looked like it was going to miss us in a close call until I heard a loud BANG and then we were spinning. I braced myself as the world entered it's tailspin around me and then...

    KA-BLAM! The spinning was faster now and now glass was flying from a window that had exploded (perhaps imploded?) and then...

    CRUNCH! and the spinning seemed to slow down and finally, we came to a grinding halt in the middle of the road with no more traffic anywhere.

    "You ok?" she asked me, her voice shaky.

    "Yeah," I said, finally breathing. "I'm cool."

    I tried to get out but the door wouldn't open. I unbuckled and tried the other door...it worked.
    "Turn off the engine," I told her as I looked around. The semi was gone. One car was in a ditch with steam coming from its radiator, another was in it's lane, smashed and the one that hit us had it's entire driver side headlights and quarter panel taken out. Glass was everywhere and I realized that none of it was from the car of which I had just recently been an occupant.

    I flipped open my phone and dialled. Police and ambulances were out there in seconds, I didn't have time to check on anyone before they all converged upon us. No one was injured seriously...a miracle in and of itself and then, my phone battery indicated that it needed recharging as it beeped angrily at me. I turned it off and told one cop everything.

    That's when I noticed that everyone seemed anonymous, faceless. Even the one who'd been driving the car in which I'd been sitting. Her voice was familiar but her face...not like it wasn't there but it was like...overshadowed by something.

    The damage done to us was shockingly minimal. The driver's side of the bumper was caved and a headlight and front turn signal were gone. I thought that the car would have been screwed with the way we'd been hit three times. Then, the situation became much more weird.

    "I will stay forever here with you...my love
    the softly-spoken words you gave me
    even in death, our love goes on
    and I can't love you...anymore than I do...."

    Amy Lee was belting the lines from the Evanescence song "Even In Death" (most of you haven't heard that one...it's one of my favorites) from the speakers inside the car.

    "You ok, son?" the cop asked me. I'm guessing he'd seen the perplexed look on my face.

    "Huh?" I said. I'd spaced again, I'm sure of it.

    "You alright?" he repeated, "You hurt anywhere?"

    I looked myself over...my arms were unscarred. Not even so much as a mark from childhood. I removed my shades to see open daylight again and it felt...well, good.

    "I'm fine." I said, still perplexed, "A little shaken but I'll be alright."

    I was trying to see past the tinted windows but couldn't make out her features. What the hell was going on? I couldn't make out anyone's features.

    I'm still unsure as to how we ended up at the house. It wasn't mine, it was hers.

    "Can I use your phone to make a quick call?" I asked her

    "Yeah, go ahead," she told me. She was talking to the cops outside and the story was being pieced together. That flying along that stretch of highway was legal. I had never known they'd raised the speed limit until they told me. I picked up the phone and the dialtone was broken...messages.

    I dialed the voicemail number and punched in the passcode. I still don't know how I knew it. Two voicemail messages popped up. One for me which was unimportant and another one to her from a co-worker of mine wanting to know where she was at. She was supposed to meet him. I found myself thinking, "What the hell is he doing meeting with her?" and then a few things started to make sense...or maybe it was jealousy but I still didn't know for certain who she was yet. I deleted it after replying, relating all the day's information to the co-worker. Maybe that would make him get the picture.

    "Hey," she said, startling me, "They want to talk to you some more."

    That's when I turned around and my eyes widened. I'd seen her in full detail now and I remembered.

    "You ok?" she asked me, "You look like you've just seen a ghost?"

    I woke up, limbs moving like hell, scrambling. When I realized it was just my bedroom and some DVD I'd popped into the player that was going, I calmed down to catch my breath.

    "Fuck," I said as I relaxed. I went to the fridge and got a bottle of the water I'd been drinking before I went to bed and killed the rest of it.

    The dreams have been getting weirder and weirder, now that I'm having them again. Truth is, I had seen a ghost. It wasn't nice at all. I never made it out of that room. She was another friend of mine that had died from an O.D. a long time ago. I looked down at the pentacle with the skulls hanging from around my neck. I couldn't remember if I'd worn it in the dream or not but apparently, something linked me right back to it. What? I have no idea.

    Rayne walked into the hallway from the living room and caught me about to head into the bathroom.

    "You ok?" she asked.

    "If you say I look like I've seen a ghost, I'll pinch you," I said in all seriousness and went inside, shutting the door.

    It wasn't until later that I had told her about it and she had told me she figured it was one hell of a dream the way I tossed about.

    There's probably no explanation for these things. If they're just dreams, I'm happy.

    In the words of Kurt Cobain, "Oh Well, Whatever, Nevermind."