My Qualifications For World Emporer
This is why you should go, right now, and get as many people as you can to read this.
Everyone here? Ok, good. Now, If you fear that you missed anything just go up and read those two lines.
Everyone on the same page now? Wonderful! Great! Follow me.
As I was saying before, our world leaders have become thinly-veiled tyrants, despotic criminals and, moreover, corrupt beyond the point of contention. Just look at the political structure then as opposed to now. The power is being legislated into fewer and fewer hands, the big businesses are stomping the mom and pop operations into the ground, media has been run through filters (the bozo filter within each of us being the exception) and furthermore, our voices no longer count. We've filed petitions, sent them to our congressmen and representatives and have, by large, become ignored.
Are you as tired of that as I am?
Good, stay with me, I'm going to make you an offer and you can decide whether it's best for you or not.
Now, I know that the idea of a global ruler, a one-world currency and basically opening all borders to all nations is a scary thing but know one thing. I don't want control. The thing I want to do with this idea is simply set things straight and then return it all to the way it's supposed to be, not the way it was.
Our American Constitution grants us protection of civil liberties, rights and freedoms. Still, we've gone and let it go over time. We've pissed and moaned to any judge that would listen whenever someone wants to say something to us that we don't want to hear, we've filed lawsuit after lawsuit and litigated ourselves into the ground. We didn't think anything would happen right? Hey, we just get settlements outta the deal? No Harm Done, No Foul.
The thing about litigation (especially when done by the courts) is that attorneys can fall back on cases for reference. They're called legal precedents and what function they serve is to, in an adult way, say, "Hey, you can't tell me no! They were suing over the same thing and they weren't told they couldn't have it!" Then the attorneys go into a battle of technicalities. The precedents build and build until legislators push for laws that will prevent these types of lawsuits from happening again.
Why? That's their job. Through the courts, we make this happen. They take the outcry from lawsuits that have been filed and then they write the laws thinking that it's policy we're looking to make. That's what our job is, making policy. Their job is to effectively codify it and carry it out.
Why am I so opposed to the outcome of The West Memphis Three Case? The precedents will ultimately reinstate witchhunts and not just on one religious group, sect or even solitary practitioners of any will open the gates for us all to become targets.
Ok, so laws are passed and then modified, amended and put into so much legal jargon. If ignorance of the law is no excuse, shouldn't our government be putting us all through law school? We should know these laws inside and out so that no one can claim ignorance. Each person should be made to pass and fully understand what rules to which we are made to abide. This, however, is not the case. You know there are attorneys who have been through law school for nine years or more and still have to study books, carry references with them and read them, while practicing, in court. Remember this, your case can and possibly will determine the outcome of many many more to come and may even affect laws that present themselves later.
Now, there's the congressional role to consider. Congress actually has to finalize a lot of things. They get stuff from the House of Representatives, The Legislature, The Senate, The President and many many more places. The fact that these are the ones who are supposed to be representing us has now become arbitrary. They're making more and more money and they're voting on thier own pay raises. As our representatives, this should be our call. It gives them incentive to fully represent the majorities that tell them what to do.
Instead of our employees doing as they're told, they're telling us what to do and we're taking the bait.
Ok, so how do we fix this? Well, obviously it's time to overhaul our justice system as this is where it all begins. First, frivolous lawsuits....laws are gonna get written quashing them outright. You live in a zone where free speech rules. If someone says something that offends you, hey, them's the breaks, go somewhere else. Now if you were legitimately screwed and can prove it like say you worked 55 hours one week and only got paid for 40 and received no compensation in turn (in paid time off or otherwise) you have a lawsuit that can result in some money and guess who pays the court costs? The offending party. No lie. You want to sue McDonald's because you didn't know coffee was hot? Wrong! Couldn't stop eating their super sized menus and practice some self-control and common sense? Not their fault! You got injured by someone's vicious as hell pitbull or rottwieler because you wanted to trespass? Sucks to be you! Got injured breaking into someone's house or trying to escape? You're fucked once the cops find you. Sorry...them's the breaks. Many more areas I could cover with this one but we'll cover that. Trust me.
This, in turn will work toward legislation. After this works there won't be any arguement over technicalities. Once something is passed into law (by vote of the people) then notification will be made in the news media in terms that everyone, even the average fourth grader can understand. If you're the type that doesn't vote because it won't count, let me tell you something, under my administration, it will. No rigged electronic machines. If you aren't really able to tell where your vote's being cast, it doesn't go that way, write it down on a piece of paper. It's your vote, it must count either way it goes. It won't be mandatory but it will be encouraged.
Now, let's go to the national representatives. Each one of those (elected by you of course) will come to me, representing the majorities of these nations respectively. They'll present what they have to me and I'll approve them. This instills a proper chain of command and ensures that the power isn't in my hands but a truly representative system.
Now, with that out of the way, let's talk Medical Care. Socialize the hell out of that. That should go towards you. If you have a job then quite honestly, you need to be healthy to work that job. It's provided under the condition that they reserve the right to refuse treatment to people who take part in nasty vices. In essence, let's say Emporer Damien gets a nasty upper respiratory infection and I have to see a doctor. Well, I smoke, so they'll help me out the first time but they'll put me on a program that's optional. I can choose to quit or I can get better and choose to continue. If I choose the former, they'll continue treating me. If I choose the latter, they can refuse me. If my liver gets damage from drinking too much, they can pretty much refuse me the second time as well. I'm not going to put you through anything I won't go through myself. Does it make sense? If not, email me.
Ok, on to environmental issues. I put this before the economy because if we don't have an environment, we won't have an economy to worry about. We'll have to worry about living on a hostile planet. We're going to alternative feuls, plain and simple. We're going to put the hydrogen feul cells on every car if we can, this will prolong the oil we need to run the cars and then, with industrial application, will prolong it even further. The Stanley Meyers Institute For Water Technology will be revived. There will be institutes set up for hundreds of different energy sources run by inventors. Scientists will be at the institutes to accurately measure these things to give us a better understanding of these energies. War affects the environment as well, we need to figure out a way for diplomacy to effectively take place. We need to make it work. Reduce the overall number of tanks and bombs and things that really screw up the places in which we live in order to effectively get rid of war and the threat of war and we win either way. We present ourselves as the highest form of life on this planet and perhaps the most sophisticated. We can begin building a society of cooler heads prevailing.
Welfare and The Economy: Welfare, what it should be and what it is. What it should be is a means of helping those with documentable disabilities that prevent them from working and helping those hold out until the next job comes along. What it has become is a marvelous tool for anyone who doesn't wish to work in a lot of cases. I have a documentable disability. My aversion to sunlight really restricts me in a lot of ways. Thankfully, there are night jobs to consider and I can stay out of direct sunlight for large periods of time. I've found a way around the disability and therefore I am able to work. Others have disabilities that prevent them from working totally. A quadreplegic isn't going to apply for a job on the railroad, this much I understand, and so, they'll need some assistance. With today's rapidly-advancing technology, I wouldn't see the problem with that person being able to start a computer-based business. Some, however, won't be able to do that and therefore will need the means of living. For those that are able-bodied, work. I'm not saying that this is not hard, I know it is but the advantages to having a job far outweigh the pros and cons of living on welfare.
For the able-bodied people out there to get a job means economic stimulation. Let's get rid of the individual income tax. I want you to take home as much money as you possibly can. Why? When you have more, you tend to be happier. With happier workers comes more production and of better quality. In turn, people all over will turn toward buying products in which they put their trust and pride. People will be buying the products that they make themselves. With a flat sales tax that means that everyone will have to be represented. What this means is that the people will be in total control. How much will representatives make? Depends really; how well did you represent your constituents? Your constituents are in control and by your representatives slacking, that means I slack and I don't want to slack off and leave YOU in a bind. The entire world economy will struggle at first but then, level out.
Lobbyist groups and Corporations. I make it my solemn vow to tax the hell outta these guys. Why? They want to have more voice than you in the political arena. Well if that's what they want, they have to pay for it and dearly. By my own freakish logic this will serve one of two functions.
A. They won't want to pay up and they will therefore shut their damn mouths and carry on about their work.
B. They'll have a huge say for a little while and then be too damn bankrupt to pay up and will therefore have to shut their damn mouths and go about their work.
Corporations, like representatives and other Heads Of State will be forced to work for you. The money will be in your hands now...use it.
Subsidies for small businesses, hell, I support that. It's mom and pop organizations that are the backbone of this country and every nation on earth. Everyone likes to visit tourist spots where a small family-owned business exists. To this day, I still like to frequent restaurants that are small and privately-owned for several reasons. First, the service is far better. Secondly, the prices are much lighter on a pocketbook on a budget. Third, the atmosphere is that of a Welcome To The Family mentality. It's not just impersonal mass production, it's a way of life.
Privately-Owned farms won't be taxed into the ground. They'll be getting a hand up as well. We need these guys and no trans-national corporation is going to continue to screw these guys over. Quit screwing with the program. Leave them alone and let's keep the trade for these guys open and free. They need to be able to afford the equipment to better their farming so let them. I'm getting the banks off of them as well. If farming becomes a higher-paying occupation, more people will be inclined to become farmers and the world's food supply will become stronger. What this means is, no more powermad warlords telling their people they must starve. After a mandatory disarmament, they'll be taken out of power and they'll either turn to diplomacy or be ousted.
Lobbyist groups, like The Moral Majority, can live with their morals or they can find somewhere else to live. Morals and ethics cannot be legislated. We will already have a set of laws in place. It's up to the people to make choices and that's what my system will encourage...choice. This leaves a lot of burden on you but it leaves you with more room to move with that burden. The burden you bear is that you have choices to make individually, collectively, locally and globally. You decide what is best for yourself, your community and your planet and then the chain of command carries it out to the letter. The different representative branches will serve short terms and anyone will be able to run. Once this is done smoothly and efficiently then each nation will return to independence.
Now why would I propose something like this? Well, first off, no one would believe that a system like this could work. The predicted outcome has always been that of some iron-fisted tyrant wanting total control. In my own hands, this would not be the case at all. I'm working toward a live and let live society. A society that says you don't have to agree with your neighbor but leave them to their ways and they'll leave you to yours. Seems like the lofty goals of a dreamer, sure but the food for thought is simply this; has anything else worked to your benefit so far?