
Sunday, April 30, 2006

My Qualifications For World Emporer

I know everyone reading this is currently disappointed with our world leaders.

This is why you should go, right now, and get as many people as you can to read this.

Everyone here? Ok, good. Now, If you fear that you missed anything just go up and read those two lines.

Everyone on the same page now? Wonderful! Great! Follow me.

As I was saying before, our world leaders have become thinly-veiled tyrants, despotic criminals and, moreover, corrupt beyond the point of contention. Just look at the political structure then as opposed to now. The power is being legislated into fewer and fewer hands, the big businesses are stomping the mom and pop operations into the ground, media has been run through filters (the bozo filter within each of us being the exception) and furthermore, our voices no longer count. We've filed petitions, sent them to our congressmen and representatives and have, by large, become ignored.

Are you as tired of that as I am?

Good, stay with me, I'm going to make you an offer and you can decide whether it's best for you or not.

Now, I know that the idea of a global ruler, a one-world currency and basically opening all borders to all nations is a scary thing but know one thing. I don't want control. The thing I want to do with this idea is simply set things straight and then return it all to the way it's supposed to be, not the way it was.

Our American Constitution grants us protection of civil liberties, rights and freedoms. Still, we've gone and let it go over time. We've pissed and moaned to any judge that would listen whenever someone wants to say something to us that we don't want to hear, we've filed lawsuit after lawsuit and litigated ourselves into the ground. We didn't think anything would happen right? Hey, we just get settlements outta the deal? No Harm Done, No Foul.


The thing about litigation (especially when done by the courts) is that attorneys can fall back on cases for reference. They're called legal precedents and what function they serve is to, in an adult way, say, "Hey, you can't tell me no! They were suing over the same thing and they weren't told they couldn't have it!" Then the attorneys go into a battle of technicalities. The precedents build and build until legislators push for laws that will prevent these types of lawsuits from happening again.

Why? That's their job. Through the courts, we make this happen. They take the outcry from lawsuits that have been filed and then they write the laws thinking that it's policy we're looking to make. That's what our job is, making policy. Their job is to effectively codify it and carry it out.

Why am I so opposed to the outcome of The West Memphis Three Case? The precedents will ultimately reinstate witchhunts and not just on one religious group, sect or even solitary practitioners of any faith...it will open the gates for us all to become targets.

Ok, so laws are passed and then modified, amended and put into so much legal jargon. If ignorance of the law is no excuse, shouldn't our government be putting us all through law school? We should know these laws inside and out so that no one can claim ignorance. Each person should be made to pass and fully understand what rules to which we are made to abide. This, however, is not the case. You know there are attorneys who have been through law school for nine years or more and still have to study books, carry references with them and read them, while practicing, in court. Remember this, your case can and possibly will determine the outcome of many many more to come and may even affect laws that present themselves later.

Now, there's the congressional role to consider. Congress actually has to finalize a lot of things. They get stuff from the House of Representatives, The Legislature, The Senate, The President and many many more places. The fact that these are the ones who are supposed to be representing us has now become arbitrary. They're making more and more money and they're voting on thier own pay raises. As our representatives, this should be our call. It gives them incentive to fully represent the majorities that tell them what to do.

Instead of our employees doing as they're told, they're telling us what to do and we're taking the bait.

Ok, so how do we fix this? Well, obviously it's time to overhaul our justice system as this is where it all begins. First, frivolous lawsuits....laws are gonna get written quashing them outright. You live in a zone where free speech rules. If someone says something that offends you, hey, them's the breaks, go somewhere else. Now if you were legitimately screwed and can prove it like say you worked 55 hours one week and only got paid for 40 and received no compensation in turn (in paid time off or otherwise) you have a lawsuit that can result in some money and guess who pays the court costs? The offending party. No lie. You want to sue McDonald's because you didn't know coffee was hot? Wrong! Couldn't stop eating their super sized menus and practice some self-control and common sense? Not their fault! You got injured by someone's vicious as hell pitbull or rottwieler because you wanted to trespass? Sucks to be you! Got injured breaking into someone's house or trying to escape? You're fucked once the cops find you. Sorry...them's the breaks. Many more areas I could cover with this one but we'll cover that. Trust me.

This, in turn will work toward legislation. After this works there won't be any arguement over technicalities. Once something is passed into law (by vote of the people) then notification will be made in the news media in terms that everyone, even the average fourth grader can understand. If you're the type that doesn't vote because it won't count, let me tell you something, under my administration, it will. No rigged electronic machines. If you aren't really able to tell where your vote's being cast, it doesn't go that way, write it down on a piece of paper. It's your vote, it must count either way it goes. It won't be mandatory but it will be encouraged.

Now, let's go to the national representatives. Each one of those (elected by you of course) will come to me, representing the majorities of these nations respectively. They'll present what they have to me and I'll approve them. This instills a proper chain of command and ensures that the power isn't in my hands but a truly representative system.

Now, with that out of the way, let's talk Medical Care. Socialize the hell out of that. That should go towards you. If you have a job then quite honestly, you need to be healthy to work that job. It's provided under the condition that they reserve the right to refuse treatment to people who take part in nasty vices. In essence, let's say Emporer Damien gets a nasty upper respiratory infection and I have to see a doctor. Well, I smoke, so they'll help me out the first time but they'll put me on a program that's optional. I can choose to quit or I can get better and choose to continue. If I choose the former, they'll continue treating me. If I choose the latter, they can refuse me. If my liver gets damage from drinking too much, they can pretty much refuse me the second time as well. I'm not going to put you through anything I won't go through myself. Does it make sense? If not, email me.

Ok, on to environmental issues. I put this before the economy because if we don't have an environment, we won't have an economy to worry about. We'll have to worry about living on a hostile planet. We're going to alternative feuls, plain and simple. We're going to put the hydrogen feul cells on every car if we can, this will prolong the oil we need to run the cars and then, with industrial application, will prolong it even further. The Stanley Meyers Institute For Water Technology will be revived. There will be institutes set up for hundreds of different energy sources run by inventors. Scientists will be at the institutes to accurately measure these things to give us a better understanding of these energies. War affects the environment as well, we need to figure out a way for diplomacy to effectively take place. We need to make it work. Reduce the overall number of tanks and bombs and things that really screw up the places in which we live in order to effectively get rid of war and the threat of war and we win either way. We present ourselves as the highest form of life on this planet and perhaps the most sophisticated. We can begin building a society of cooler heads prevailing.

Welfare and The Economy: Welfare, what it should be and what it is. What it should be is a means of helping those with documentable disabilities that prevent them from working and helping those hold out until the next job comes along. What it has become is a marvelous tool for anyone who doesn't wish to work in a lot of cases. I have a documentable disability. My aversion to sunlight really restricts me in a lot of ways. Thankfully, there are night jobs to consider and I can stay out of direct sunlight for large periods of time. I've found a way around the disability and therefore I am able to work. Others have disabilities that prevent them from working totally. A quadreplegic isn't going to apply for a job on the railroad, this much I understand, and so, they'll need some assistance. With today's rapidly-advancing technology, I wouldn't see the problem with that person being able to start a computer-based business. Some, however, won't be able to do that and therefore will need the means of living. For those that are able-bodied, work. I'm not saying that this is not hard, I know it is but the advantages to having a job far outweigh the pros and cons of living on welfare.

For the able-bodied people out there to get a job means economic stimulation. Let's get rid of the individual income tax. I want you to take home as much money as you possibly can. Why? When you have more, you tend to be happier. With happier workers comes more production and of better quality. In turn, people all over will turn toward buying products in which they put their trust and pride. People will be buying the products that they make themselves. With a flat sales tax that means that everyone will have to be represented. What this means is that the people will be in total control. How much will representatives make? Depends really; how well did you represent your constituents? Your constituents are in control and by your representatives slacking, that means I slack and I don't want to slack off and leave YOU in a bind. The entire world economy will struggle at first but then, level out.

Lobbyist groups and Corporations. I make it my solemn vow to tax the hell outta these guys. Why? They want to have more voice than you in the political arena. Well if that's what they want, they have to pay for it and dearly. By my own freakish logic this will serve one of two functions.

A. They won't want to pay up and they will therefore shut their damn mouths and carry on about their work.

B. They'll have a huge say for a little while and then be too damn bankrupt to pay up and will therefore have to shut their damn mouths and go about their work.

Corporations, like representatives and other Heads Of State will be forced to work for you. The money will be in your hands now...use it.

Subsidies for small businesses, hell, I support that. It's mom and pop organizations that are the backbone of this country and every nation on earth. Everyone likes to visit tourist spots where a small family-owned business exists. To this day, I still like to frequent restaurants that are small and privately-owned for several reasons. First, the service is far better. Secondly, the prices are much lighter on a pocketbook on a budget. Third, the atmosphere is that of a Welcome To The Family mentality. It's not just impersonal mass production, it's a way of life.

Privately-Owned farms won't be taxed into the ground. They'll be getting a hand up as well. We need these guys and no trans-national corporation is going to continue to screw these guys over. Quit screwing with the program. Leave them alone and let's keep the trade for these guys open and free. They need to be able to afford the equipment to better their farming so let them. I'm getting the banks off of them as well. If farming becomes a higher-paying occupation, more people will be inclined to become farmers and the world's food supply will become stronger. What this means is, no more powermad warlords telling their people they must starve. After a mandatory disarmament, they'll be taken out of power and they'll either turn to diplomacy or be ousted.

Lobbyist groups, like The Moral Majority, can live with their morals or they can find somewhere else to live. Morals and ethics cannot be legislated. We will already have a set of laws in place. It's up to the people to make choices and that's what my system will encourage...choice. This leaves a lot of burden on you but it leaves you with more room to move with that burden. The burden you bear is that you have choices to make individually, collectively, locally and globally. You decide what is best for yourself, your community and your planet and then the chain of command carries it out to the letter. The different representative branches will serve short terms and anyone will be able to run. Once this is done smoothly and efficiently then each nation will return to independence.

Now why would I propose something like this? Well, first off, no one would believe that a system like this could work. The predicted outcome has always been that of some iron-fisted tyrant wanting total control. In my own hands, this would not be the case at all. I'm working toward a live and let live society. A society that says you don't have to agree with your neighbor but leave them to their ways and they'll leave you to yours. Seems like the lofty goals of a dreamer, sure but the food for thought is simply this; has anything else worked to your benefit so far?

Items Needed For Total Planetary Domination/Dictatorship

01. A Towel!
02. Stink Bombs
03. Midgets
04. Lego Robot Army
05. Underground Lab so "They" won't get me
06. Pop Tarts
07. Rabid Gorillas
08. Football Helmets filled with cottage cheese
09. (1) Bic Lighter
10. (1) Zippo Lighter
11. The Last Star Trek episodes from each series
12. (1) butter knife
13. Jolt Cola!
14. Killer Klownz From Outer Space (the movie)
15. Killer Klownz From Outer Space (The Klownz)
16. (1) Joker card
17. Dental Floss
18. A Middle Finger Flag
19. A lazy lapdog named Bruiser
21. 24-Hour Broadcasting of WWE: Smackdown! On Every Channel (Reruns If Applicable)
22. Apache Helicopters!
23. Attack Bunniez!
24. Skip This Line
25. (1) Whoopie Cushion
26. (44) cases of soap
27. Snot Rocket Missiles
-list to be continued-

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Lord Genocyde Writes To Freedom

Jason Baldwin Sounded The Call...Lord Genocyde Answered Thusly:

Dear Governor Huckabee,

I thank you for taking the time out of your rather busy schedule and personal time to read this letter.
I’ve read your personal response to Jason Baldwin’s letter thanks to the West Memphis Three Support site (http://www.wm3.org) and, while I fully understand your position, I ask you to understand the position of the supporters as well.

By writing this letter, I do not hope to change your mind. It is my intention to simply help you understand just a few of the many reasons from one supporter as to why neither I nor most of the supporters are satisfied nor are we convinced that the “evidence” of their guilt is sufficient and we highly question the outcome of this case. Know, however, that I only speak for myself on this issue and not for anyone else.

My main issue with this case was the prosecution. Their case was built on local rumor, superstition and speculation. Their only piece of supporting evidence was a tape of a fragment of an alleged “confession” of Jesse Misskelley Jr. It was clear from what I had heard and read from the transcript that Misskelley wasn’t able to deliver a coherent and cohesive story with any degree of aptitude. Couple that with the fact that he had an intelligence quotient that was far below average and was, in fact developmentally challenged then the obvious fact that can be discerned from this piece of evidence is that Misskelley had a very dim view of reality, unable to tell the police even what he was doing the night of those horrific murders.

During summations, John Fogleman pointed out that, while there was nothing wrong with wearing black, listening to heavy metal music or studying the occult in and of themselves, putting all three together we would then, “See into the mind of a cold-blooded killer.” In this the overall premise that was made that anyone in West Memphis, Arkansas could do any one of these three things but putting any combination of the two or three together made that person mentally divergent and dangerous to society.

Even the murder weapon was in question. The knife which had been given to the H.B.O. film crew was presented as possible evidence. The prosecutors insisted that this massive dagger that had been found in the water behind Jason’s house was the murder weapon. I have two problems with this. First, there is no realistic way of being able to discern how long it had been in those waters and second, there was nothing on it. No blood, no D.N.A. evidence, nothing that would even link this knife to the site of the murders. For the brutal emasculation to occur on Christopher Byers (let me note that I think it’s odd how he was the only one that had that horrible atrocity take place upon him), this would take a degree of anger and precision as well as he was actually skinned in one area.
Three teenagers that these three boys didn’t know could not have committed such a crime ritualistically and then cleaned the scene up so well. Take into consideration as well that the boys would have been kicking and screaming, attracting the attention of the nearby neighborhood and possibly the Blue Beacon Truck Wash.
Now, why does all of this really bother me?

“There was an amazing lack of evidence in this case.”
-John Fogleman

Governor Huckabee, I cannot see why or how anyone can be satisfied with the outcome of this case as it stands. I was only 16 when Paradise Lost aired on H.B.O. and, since then, I’ve scrounged for anything I could read, footage I could watch, I pored over law books and consulted attorneys when and where I could on the terminology within legalese so that I could get a better understanding of what had happened in that courtroom during their trial. This trial was not based on hard evidence that was undeniable. Some former witnesses for the prosecution have even publicly admitted that they lied on the stand.

Governor Huckabee, that is perjury plain and simple if they did lie and one crack in the American Judicial System anywhere will bring the entire structure as we know it collapsing.
was taught at the time the documentary was airing that the burden of proof lies solely on the state to prove that the accused parties committed the crimes of which they’re accused.

I’m convinced the only thing Damien Echols, Jason Baldwin and Jesse Misskelley Jr. are guilty of is enjoying a First Amendment right to express how different they were.
Being different, expressed or not, is not evidence of murder. Local rumor and speculation are not evidence of murder.

Governor Huckabee, the only thing I am interested in is the rights of the victims in this case to have justice and that will begin by finding the actual killer or killers. If it is ever proven beyond a shadow of reasonable doubt that The West Memphis Three are guilty on the grounds of solid, real and tangible evidence then I will apologize publicly in any way you deem fit but I will only do that if their guilt stands on solid, hard and tangible evidence, not local rumor, superstition or speculation.

Governor Huckabee, I thank you again for your time and may God bless you and guide you.

Damien Cross
a.k.a. DJ Genocyde



Playlist for 4/30/06

Here's Ya Button For Winamp...Tune In, Rock Out!!

Here's Ya Button To The Microsite...Tune In, Rock Out!!

Lord Genocyde Takes On Loki From Gotham Road! The Premier of Hyeno, Gotham Road and Charlie Drown! Plus, An Entire City Under Siege From Lord Genocyde's Wrath! Oh Yeah...And Rayne Is Gonna Catch Hell Too For A Change! Tune In, Amp Up, Get Down, Rock Out!!!

The Genocydal Empyre v2.0

Playlist for 4/30/06

12:00am - 3:00am EST

1. The Genocydal Empyre v2.0 (Faith And The Muse - Cantus) (6:06)

2. KR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

3. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

4. Charlie Drown - Time to Bleed (Fuck Vancouver, BC) (3:55)

5. Cocteau Twins - Music For Vampires (6:02)

6. Hyeno - manifesto (8:43)

7. KR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

8. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

9. Gotham Road - Seasons Of The Witch (4:19)

10. Antitrust feat. Mike DiMaria - Down (4:01)

11. Leaves Eyes - Elegy (5:06)

12. Collide - Slither Thing (4:00)

13. MDFMK - American Dream (5:22)

14. DJ Genocyde Feat. Antitrust - Krush Bumper (0:20)

15. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

16. Nightwish - Dark Chest Of Wonders (4:28)

17. Betrayal - 11 Chances For A Bloody Hand (2:49)

18. DevilDriver - Die (And Die Now) (2:59)

19. Dope - Always (3:17)

20. Curse Icon - Falling Away (3:57)

21. KR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

22. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

23. Frequency Construct - Media Whores (3:48)

24. All:My:Faults - Alles ist gesagt! (Reprise) (3:40)

25. KR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

26. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

27. The Unknownn - Nocturnal (Jade Bristol Mix) (4:48)

28. Descendents Of Cain - Age Of Icons (4:52)

29. Cockfight Club - Vampyric (drowning in blood mix) (6:22)

30. KR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

31. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

32. Mankind is Obsolete - Puppet (3:36)

33. 1000 homo djs - supernaut (6:42)

34. Concrete Blonde - Close to Home (3:32)

35. things outside the skin - American Way (2:57)

36. KMFDM - New American Century (3:56)

37. DJ Genocyde - The Genocydal Empyre - Outro (0:48)

Candles In The Cemetary

Ok, I know growing up in a small town that has has the mentality that all goths or metalheads must worship some being called The Devil has been a fact of life but isn't there a time when people just need to grow up and start using their brains?

Rayne had been talking to me as she was living in Maine before she arrived here. Though I've told her time and again how this town is devoid of an intellectual aptitude, quick to rely mostly on superstition and speculation rather than cold, hard fact and all the cemetaries are open after dark, she refused to believe me.

Tonight, we set out on a small journey to prove only one of those points. Our journey started after we ate. Along the way, I illustrated the point that, by and large, people only seek what's readily accessable. Not many are willing to do the work to see what's under the surface, which is far more valuable. I pointed out that while independently labelled bands are largely better than what's featured in mainstream radio, independently published writers are dismissed as being "no good" in the eyes of popular media and independent movies are sometimes dismissed the same in the realm of corporate studios, people want to believe that the readily accessable is the best thing and most believable thing because some are too weak of mind to actually get off their lazy posteriors and do the digging. In some cases, for a small price, you don't even have to do the digging. Others have done it for you but, since it's not palatable, it too will be dismissed.

Bara, of London's Kalling (http://www.londons-kalling.com) once told me that there are DJs on the internet who have thousands of songs on their hard drives or even hundreds of CDs, their playlists don't reflect it because they never use them. I told Rayne, in illustration of my point, that people all over are born with minds of their own but they'll never use them. They'll let themselves believe what they're told, when they're told, and they'll never question it.

Naturally, I proceeded to take shortcuts. We were going through the part of town that is predominantly black people. In small pockets, I know some of them. They're good people trying to work, pay bills and get a living as best they can. On the way, we ran into friends, had some laughs and proceeded on our way. Rayne was terrified of one young man on a bicycle that asked in the darkness "Who you be?!" and then proceeded to say to me, "Oh, you're white!" and went on his way. She thought he was racist to say such a thing to me when I told her that I should have added, "Yeah, I'm a round-eye too. I have a severe complex about going to Japan because of that."

As we rounded the corner, getting onto Rigmaiden Cemetary Road, I found I had to keep reminding her to relax. She was getting completely antsy now that the streetlights had run out and the road down which we had travelled was now totally dark. I could see once my eyes did a quick adjustment to the darkness. The display I was seeing as Rayne panicked about the possibility of some feral beast jumping from the woods and attacking her, was beautiful. Lightning bugs were everywhere on either side of the road, illuminating our path and putting on one helluva show for us. They were everywhere, the sight was spectacular.

As we stood upon the threshhold of the bridge that closed a gap in the road to the cemetary, I gave her one last reminder.

"Look at it," I said, "You're standing here worried about some black guy making light of the fact I'm white and then you're scared of some beast jumping out of the woods but look around. There's all these lightning bugs, lighting our way. They're practically putting on a show for us and it's the most beautiful natural event in the world and all you can do is worry."

"Besides," I added, as I crossed the bridge, "The only thing you have to worry about is the Gnar Gnar Troll underneath this bridge." She knew I was only rusing her and, knowing this, she shrugged me off and followed me.

The familiar sounds of Disturbed's song "Stricken" flooded the silent air. Lisa was calling. When I opened the RAZR and put it to my ear, I immediately began clowning Rayne. We came back into the sparse light of a few streetlamps along the cemetary and I continued my tirade of storytelling and making light of Rayne's fears about racist people and things that go bump in the night. Finally, I'd made it to the only standing mausoleum in the cemetary. My intention there was only to stand there with Rayne to point out plots where people I knew were buried. I had no idea of the time and Lisa wanted to talk to her. I handed Rayne the phone and lit a cigarette. My last one in the pack. As she talked, I took a look around. One of the stone benches in the front of the mausoleum had been broken. Not that it couldn't be repaired. All it would have taken was maybe two people to lift the slab bench and a couple more to restack the bricks that held it up on one side. If there was any other damage to the cemetary that had been done due to the elements, I couldn't see it. Soon after a car passed us, I saw headlights coming upon the rear of the cemetary. At first, I thought that it was a car leaving the driveway of a house that was nearby but then I noticed the movement of the car around the back fenceline of the cemetary and knew that it wasn't natural. I thought it was odd, this usually didn't happen.

Then, there was the blinding spotlight. It was a cop and I knew it. Rayne was still in the middle of recounting her side of the previous tale to Lisa when I said, "Come on, bet I know who it is, let's go meet them."

That didn't take long. I'll admit I love being in the spotlight. I do my best entertaiment in the spotlight but not literally and not when it's coming from a patrol car. That's when the local police and I met. One of them, I knew. Jason's been a friend of the family for ages. He's known of my eccentricities from day one and the tale that follows will raise questions in your mind.

Before I begin, let me note that all gates to the cemetary are open at all times. They never close and I often wonder why they are there. Note also that we were wearing black. I wear it constantly, it's my signature trademark. I walk around at night because well, I'm a night person. Rayne doesn't always wear black but tonight, way totally different story and, to be honest, I have no clue as to why she picked tonight to wear it.

Jason stepped out of the car first as he was driving.

"Dude, what are you doing here so late?" he asked, "We got a call that someone was burning candles out here."

"I have a white one right here," I said, holding up the cigarette I'd just dragged on, "it says 'Marlboro' on it." Niether of them looked amused. That's when the second one pulled up, two more stepped out of that one.

"What in the hell are you doing out here at eleven at night?" he asked.

Rayne was still on the phone, talking.

"She's from Maine," I said, "before she moved down here I'd been telling her that the cemetaries and ball parks are always open but she never believed me. I told her I'd bring her out here to prove it, we just didn't make it during the day."

"The cemetaries are closed after dark," he spat at me.

"Why do they leave these gates open then?" I asked, "I assumed that they were always open if the gates were open. There's no times posted. Nothing here indicating other than the light in the sky that they're closed. Most of the people that I know think the same thing." He looked lividly at me. Being a figure in authority at work, I can tell when honest questions get ready to make the authority "click off" so to speak and this one looked ready to throw me a beating. Rayne had been worried about being unarmed in a dark place earlier, now, I was glad that none of us even had so much as a pocketknife on us.

"Any of you have ID on you?" he asked, his tone was frustrated. In a sense of logic, I'd had him cornered and he knew it. When that happens, the authority figure goes into the "Let's Find Something Legit On This Smartass" Mode. I gave him mine and he went packing with it, running it. Fine.

I snuffed my cigarette, really wanting another one and I began looking around as I picked up the butt and tossed it into the empty cigarette box.

I looked at Jason's partner.

"Hey," I said, "know where a trash can is so I can ditch this?"

"What's in it?" he asked

"Just a dead cigarette butt and the box itself," I said, "Nothing superlative really."

He simply shook his head at me. I was amazed he didn't look into it. That's when Jason stepped up.

"You knew this had to happen sometime, man," he said, "You know how it is."

"I do now," I said. During this conversation, one of the parish sheriff's deputies arrived and began talking to one of the others from the second car. Later on, he called me off to the side.

"Now tell me what you were doing out here," he said. From his mannerisms, tone and look, he seemed as though he wanted to tell them to get the hell out of there, that it was just some stupid local panicking.

"Okay, here's what's happening," I said,
"She's from Maine. Before she moved down here I'd been telling her that the cemetaries and ball parks are always open but she never believed me. I told her I'd bring her out here to prove it, we just didn't make it during the day. We've been planning this outing for two days and that short guy, Royer, worked with me. He's known that I usually come out here to either sit here at the mausoleum and dictate stuff I write on my voice recorder, show this place to people from out of town or to visit my grandfather's final resting place which is all the way to the back over your right shoulder. That's it. We weren't even here five minutes before this happened."

"How did you get here?" he asked.

"On foot. We were already out for a walk," I explained.

"Ok," he said, "Technically, the cemetaries are closed after dark unless you're visiting the grave of a friend or relative."

"Which is where we were heading next," I added.

"Where again?" he asked

"Your four o'clock," I said, "all the way to the back."

"Ok," he said, "I'm gonna go ahead and take down the info on your license. If there are any grave desecrations out here, we're gonna come talk to you."

"Fair enough," I said.

He went off with my license and I looked back to see Rayne surrounded by four of our finest. I began seeing an irony in this. Someone drops a dead goat in my yard on Christmas Night, they come screaming down the highway in under minimum response time, waking me up and poking and prodding me for answers I do not posess. My house gets robbed on the one day I lock the door, nothing. My cat gets mauled beyond repair, nothing. I had to take the poor thing out to the middle of nowhere and bury two bullets into one of our most affectionate cats. The neighbor behind me calls the police about my roomies dogs in my yard, they're very quick to follow that lead and now...candles in the cemetary. I'd looked around earlier and had seen the candles, true but they were many yards away, most of them were red and they were burning when we arrived. None of them were set alight nor arranged by us. Now, there was this quandry with which to contend. I suppose, with our black clothing, we could have hidden and we probably would have done an excellent job of such but we did nothing of the sort. We met them, head on and now, our credibility was in question.

I couldn't help but think it was a joke. Rayne had finished with my phone and had handed it back to me. The deputy had handed my license back to me with the order to "Book it the way you came."

Booked it is. Made public knowledge even.

All of the cars had left, not even really staying to ensure that we had really gone. They'd left before we did. Down Rigmaiden Cemetary Road, retracing our steps, we poked fun at their questions, thinking of phrases in response to the repeated questions of "What were you doing here?" in the forms of, "Well, dawn's coming in several hours and we need somewhere to sleep" to the smartassed, "Well, we contemplated raising the dead so we could have some interesting people to talk to" being among the wide variety of responses we were laughing about. I even went as far as mocking the caller.

My intelligence has never been this insulted. I've actually lit a candle in the cemetary before...on the grave of my departed friend, mentor and grandfather William Tobin Fitz-Gerald and I left it there after saying my ...I'd guess you'd call it a prayer for him. I left it there, only returning the next night, to collect the holder and ensuring no wax had been left upon the grave itself. I pride myself on being clean in that respect at least. I've never lit one since.

We stopped off at a friend's house on the way back and clowned the local police the entire time. I recounted my story in full there as a means of protection should something come up later. It was on Grand Avenue that I'd told Rayne, "We're going back tomorrow."

"For what?" she asked.

"To take pictures," I said, "Knowing my luck, some chucklehead's gonna get a wild hair up their back ends to actually desecrate a grave and I want to ensure we have a little insurance on hand."

We knew all the stores were closed but we found ourselves thirsty as hell. Pepsi time. As we made our way toward the only store that was open, I became infuriated. Jason Royer, I had thought, was a stand-up guy. He's had opportunity to tell me about that little after dark thing so he was wrong...this did not "have to happen sometime." I became really troubled. Why didn't he just say something a long time ago? It seems simple enough of a thing to do. If he'd simply said that, I probably would have chosen another spot for swordplay practice, my walks or I'd have visited those gravesites from people I know during the afternoon hours. Seems simple enough. So why didn't he do it? The parish Sheriff's office is shorthanded and that's the only reason local police were there from the beginning. Then, he'd just found out about this tonight. He'd already informed his partner and his sergeant (the one whom I'd cornered with logic) that he knew it was me and that we were up to nada. They were all aggravated and for one simple reason...someone couldn't mind their own business.

He told me via phone just now that their night was full of these calls. And this is what it amounted to...people not minding their own business. Okay. Now whom do I slide my vengeful pen to?

My answer? This sinkhole town's backward mentality.

People would be a lot better off if they just minded their own business. It's one of those things that you risk in a free country...people doing things, practicing religions, listening to and performing music and any assortment of things with which you don't agree or you think is "Wierd."

Rest assured, ladies and gentlemen I'm only a freak out of necessity. I'm only a monster when it's warranted. I'm only your adversary if I'm made to be one. Minding your own business is one of the things that is a plus with me. Leave me and my freakish aversion to the sun out of it. Leave me to my occultism and free thought if you choose not to practice it yourself. Most of all, leave the people who choose to align themselves with me out of it. They are not to blame.

Now, with logic in mind. Let's say for the sake of arguement that I'm some freakish, demonically-posessed satanist who practices dark arts in cemetaries as I sacrifice human beings (THANK YOU GERALDO RIVERA!!!)

With this in mind, should the caller have not taken into mind that I would somehow attune myself to dark forces within the energy stream, lock on to his or her aural signature and then terrorize his or her dreams for the rest of their natural existence and then cover my tracks in such a way as there is no way in hell to prove beyond the shadow of resonable doubt in a courtroom that I am the one plaguing him or her? Surely, they'd be committed to some institution before I was ever linked to such a thing. Well see, the caller never took that into effect. Now granted if I'm that powerful and could do all these hideous things then let me give you some food for thought...

What do I need ritual for?

I'm done.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

God Hates? Are You Sure?

I'm Asking All True Christians To Save A Prayer For This One

I'll admit rather proudly that I do my part to piss off the Religious Right. Why? It's not because I hate God or whatever you wish to refer as to what to refer our Creator. It's because I severely dislike the mentalities of It's self-proclaimed followers.

Slayer once named a CD of theirs "God Hates Us All." It can certainly seem that way sometimes. Take the day-to-day natural catastrophe/Bush getting re-elected/war and controlled media fiasco that graces our life on this rock. Hey, wake up call time!

And I'm gonna give it to you straight.

I came across this site called GodHatesFags.com and I thought it was a joke of some parody site called LandOverBaptist.org but I found that these were no parodies, these people were serious. Seems that Reverend Phelps has used both of these organizations to build a mass of hate-seething bigots and the fun doesn't stop there, folks. These people have actually shown up at demonstrations to taunt, bicker at, belittle and degrade anyone who doesn't believe as they do until police refuse to hold the line and flat-out tell them that their safety is no longer guaranteed. The last demonstration they held, I heard right after the cops left, there were bikers to greet them...with exhaust from their bikes. Normally, I'd be appalled at such a flagrant disservice to our environment but I know a few things that we can take to the bank as absolutes.

1. These people are tough until their protectors leave.

2. Motocycles get the best gas mileage and actually have more noise pollution than emissions from exhaust.

3. Imagining the roar of Harleys (and we all know they sound as roaring farts...which I always think is cool) and then gunning that back tire to throw gravel at them...well that should make them think twice about fucking about when bikers are present.

Now, with that in mind, I wonder, If God truly hated homosexual people, why create them. Why give them that attraction. I'll never understand the attraction to the same sex...ever. I don't agree with it. But then again, I never opted for that. For anyone who has. You know the health risks involved and you know the social stigmas. If you've still chosen this route, ok. I won't tell you what to or what not to do.

If I created a site and a ministry about...say...God Hates Idiots, I suppose they'd be offended wouldn't they? I cannot bring myself to do that, however, and I'll clarify why momentarily.

Then there's these Church of The Hammer types. Their hatred is based largely on The Old Testament (and I'm only making the assumption that both this group and Land Over Baptist disregard the New Testament largely) and the Malleus Maleficarum. The Malleus Maleficarum was a document sanctioned by The Roman Catholic Church just before the Inquisitions took place. This singular document was the basis for annhilation of anyone who did not agree with The Church and many many innocent lives were horribly extinguished. The membership and leadership of Church of The Hammer have committed violent acts against goths, blacks, anyone they perceive to be satanic, people with birth defects, the mentally ill, homosexuals, and the list goes on and on. The last thing I heard about them was that their current leader is in jail for assaulting a 14-year-old kid dressed goth. The kid was beaten to within an inch of his life. The head of this group, The Reverend R.Green has actually encouraged his membership in acts of murder, citing both The Old Testament and The Malleus Maleficarum (aka The Witch's Hammer) as justification for the murders, promising his membership higher honor in the eyes of God should they be successful in their killing.

Westboro Baptist Church and Reverend Phelps have gone even farther, they have actually gone as far as citing that the only good soldier is a dead soldier. They've ultimately disrespected the people that protect their constitutional right from all enemies, foreign and domestic, to resort to their own acts of profanity.

The veritable tale of the pot and the kettle anyone?

Still, there are more mainstream sources of Christianity's spokesmen that have made blatant intolerant attacks against others. Pat Robertson of The 700 Club actually went on the record, stating Ariel Sharon's stroke was "God's Divine Judgment for dividing his land."

Let's not make myself seem biased here, I've known bigoted Satanists, Wiccans, Pagans of all types and even Muslims. I've never seen a bigoted Buddhist.

From what I've read and studied on the subject of Christianity, it's a spiritual belief and code of ethics and morals based on the concepts of love and common sense. Today, science has proven that pork and bottom-feeding animals are bad for you to eat and that love truly does endure.

How can a spiritual code of something as great as love be twisted into hatred?

The New Testament talks of Jesus Christ telling his followers to turn the other cheek if they're struck, to give up their clothing if they are to be stripped of it and to give freely and openly. I can agree with that to some degree. I will say that nothing is more satisfying at times than revenge but it always escalates from there. Sometimes, when confronted, it's best to let the opposition undo itself. I just wish this Christ guy had just said that. It's a devious little trick and if he'd appealed to our sense of deviousness...he might have actually had more followers that way.

He also told us to love one another unconditionally. I have personally taken this to mean you don't have to like someone or even what they're doing but leave them the hell alone. If what they're doing bothers you that much, divert your attention elsewhere and it won't bother you any longer.

Then, there's the most horrid part of that section of The Bible. That awful crucifixion. You know that story and for those of you who braved The Passion Of The Christ...my hats off to you. I can't watch a movie I have to read. Get an English Dubbed version and I'll watch it.

Ok, these three points, combined with Creation itself, and we are all a part of that to be certain, then their message of hatred is wrong. Then again, I'm holding my biblical facts against theirs to be self-evident.

Too bad it takes a Pagan to point this out.

This is why I have chosen the Christian route in this excersize. I don't care to spend the time, nor the energy on them. They'll meet their God and it will be severely disappointed in them. I'll pray that thier Creator does help them see the error they make on a daily basis. I'll do it, not because I dislike them as they are, but because I dislike what they do. Chances are, these people have some redeeming quality that can make them great. Whatever it is, they'll have to find it on their own, I suppose. I'm not a huge believer in the decency of humans...never have been but I believe that a Higher Authority telling them, "Hey! You Mind Getting Off My Stinkin Throne! Thank You! Mind If I Run Things For Awhile?" will be enough to humble them.

I've been there. I've let my own ego get the better of me at times and I've had to be knocked off my pedastal. Sometimes, it's the only way to get through to the thick-skulled.

So, I wonder, If God Truly Hates People...Why Doesn't He Destroy Us All Now?

That's just something to think on and same with the following:

Before appointing yourself His Chosen Messenger, just remember that he built this Universe Of Infinite Possibility...what the hell would he need you to hurt or kill another for?

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Fraggin DSL Lines Screwed Us All.

Yep, you got that last message right. I had to have Lisa, who'd been promoted to my manager just weeks ago, bust up into my blogs and stuff like that to deliver the bad news. I'm not exactly sure when this whole thing happened but I do know that I'd awakened at 5:30pm, rolled outta my bed an hour later...really wanting to just pass out longer and then after taking care of scrubbin myself, hit up the DSL on my system to find...total lockout.

"You've gotta be fucking kidding me!" I thought, "I've got a fuckin show to do and movies to check on! I've got CD Reviews to post! Come On!"

When the error 678 shows up, that's when you know you don't have a chance in hell of seeing the datastream for a while.

I frantically searched for an old phone bill so I could dial tech support. I usually keep one handy just in case I need the phone numbers from it. Where the hell they keep disappearing to...I'll never know. Rayne usually does the cleaning. Perhaps she throws them out on occasion? If so this is not her fault, I suppose. She just didn't know any better.

When I finally found one, Lisa called me to tell me that Loki is on for Saturday night's show. Shit, I still haven't finished off the 6Bit Interview segments and Loki of Gotham Road is going to be joining us? Goddamn. I cut the call kinda short, I had a tech issue that needed resolving in a hurry.

I called the tech support number and hung up after the automated message. All the DSL lines in the southern part of the state (guess where I am?) were down and they were "currently working to fix the problem." Why is it they can never give you an E.T.A. on that kinda thing?

This left me with only one solution, as much as I didn't want it. I'd made up my mind to call Doc to let him know. I had to gather up the laundry for drying first. Rayne was on my phone which made calling Doc an impossibility until later. We gathered the laundry, took it down to the laundromat, threw it and a buck into the dryer and then went for something to eat. As we sat in the restaurant, bullshitting over dinner I remembered to call Doc.

I'd told him about the DSL lines and the inability to make my shift. Yes, the USS Virus would not fly that night, or, at least, the possibility was highly likely. I'm also thinking about a couple of new things for the show. Something possibly humorous. Not sure yet. There is also the possibility of a version of The Genocydal Empyre in the works for Attitude Radio but nothing solid yet. I have a couple who bitch incessantly that the show has turned into more talk and less music when before it was too much music and not enough talk. Hey, I got mics and I like to put them to use. If it takes another show, it will be done. One more place for me to show up and be exposed. Even if it means doing a show in the nude. They'll listen to me and think I'm stupid but dammit they'll listen to me.

Anyway, Dinner was finished, Clothes were done. We came back with the hope that perhaps the DSL was working again...no dice.

Each hour, on the hour, every thirty minutes, every ten, whenever I could remember, I checked and nothing would happen. As the time passed I lost hope. Lisa called and I ended up talking to her about the whole mess. That's when I gave her the usernames and passwords to get into these blogs and an email address. I was having her go over what was in my myspace, my messages...anything she could read off to me and type up a short response in dictation. She never ceases to rise to the occasion when it comes to tactics on helping me out with the show.

Now, with the show postponed, and no way of getting online, there was but a few things left to do. Charlie Drown loved the reviews for her CDs "Silent Rizing" and "Pretty Machine Gun" and I'll be posting those as soon as a few grammatical faux pas are finished being adjusted so the overall syntax is dead on. A tentative playlist for the next show has been made in which Hyeno, Charlie Drown and Gotham Road will premier. Naturally, Loki will be calling in to the show to kick back and bullshit with us. Anyone reading this should join us and feel free to ask questions. I don't have any prepared and I probably won't. I wing them all.

Anyway, I spent last night editing sounds, mulling a playlist over, and working. Does Lord Genocyde stop working because the internet doesn't work? Hellz no! Tell ya one thing though, I'm gonna take a vacation from it all someday. I'm working toward it right now. This is the life of an MP3J...working working working and the outcome is always worth the effort.
After I did all I could do, I sat down to watch Dark City and passed out. I just woke up. I plan on going back to bed soon. Why? I gotta work my regular job. The one that pays.

Sunday night was harrowing there. One inmate smeared shit on his face (literally) and then tried to hang himself. His attempt wasn't successful and we haven't heard anything negative about our push to do our duty to keep him among the Land of Finite Temporal Existence.

Should have seen the statement on that shit I had to write, plus the paperwork, plus the logbook, plus the mass of shit we had to deal with with two or three other inmates who wouldn't shut their damn mouths and then had the audacity to literally make fun of him openly. Our past interim warden wouldn't let us open up a can of Act Right on them for acting like that and causing disturbances. They know that the legacy from that cowardly fuck continues and those types continue to keep railing, meanwhile writing letters to our former Deputy Warden-turned-Warden to get their good time back, claiming that they've been shafted. There are two of those guys in particular that I have no respect for because they only know that we can't do much to them for now. As much as it's against my ethics to do so, metaphysical means may need to be employed to put them in their place. Perhaps a persistant nightmare or two.

Enough, Genocyde....The show, man. Focus on the show.

Anyway. Saturday night from 12am - 3am on http://www.worldrockradio.com/ Playlist plus Reviews for Charlie Drown's CDs will be posted here and other places tomorrow. Keep Your Eyes Peeled!

Show Cancelation (Technical Diffculties)

Hey this Lisa the management for The Genocydal Empyre V2.0. Due to DsL Line being down in the state. The show will not air tonight. The play list for tonight will be the same playlist that will be aired 2 weeks from Wednesday.We apologoze for any inconvience this may have caused so please dont be pissed. We will be forever in your debt.We thank everyone who pimped tonights show we really appreciate everyone who reposted this in their blogs and such.The playlist for Saturday is being made right now. We hope everything will be functioning by the time it airs. In the meantime Lord Genocyde is demanding from his superial forces to answers before they become Bantha Fodder. He realizes that the Earth's communications suck sometimes. And we are still working. This does not mean we are stopping what we are doing. We will be working all night.

For the next show which will be Saturday 4/29/06


Charlie Drown

Gotham Road

Also Loki will be stopping by to chat about the history of Gotham Road and what his future music plans will be. You will be able to ask questions via Yahoo Messenger.

Once again thank you for your patience and understanding,

The Genocydal Empyre V2.o

Yahoo Messenger: lordgenocyde

You can also email your question at lordgenocyde@yahoo.com

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Playlist for 4/26/06


Here's Ya Button For Winamp...Tune In, Rock Out!!

Here's Ya Button To The Microsite...Tune In, Rock Out!!

Lord Genocyde Takes On 6Bit Round Three! More New Music By Collide Plus Your Requests! Tune In, Amp Up, Get Down, Rock Out!!!

The Genocydal Empyre v2.0

Playlist for 4/26/06

2:00am - 4:00am EST

1. The Genocydal Empyre v2.0 (Faith And The Muse - Cantus) (6:42)

2. KR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

3. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

4. Collide - Beneath the Skin (6:18)

5. Cockfight Club - Hero (Anti-Hero Mix) (4:37)

6. Gravity Kills - Enough (4:16)

7. KR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

8. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

9. 6Bit - (Pt 3) A Legacy Of Abuse, Gimp The Normal Guy (7:10)

10. Curse Icon - Falling Away (3:57)

11. Anathema Device - Reminder (4:28)

12. Bound in Oblivion - The Living End Maxed (5:57)

13. DJ Genocyde Feat. Antitrust - Krush Bumper (0:20)

14. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

15. Antitrust - Snap (4:25)

16. Mankind is Obsolete - Puppet (3:36)

17. Reism - Demons (4:33)

18. SiNDADDY - Panties(Drukore'sInABunchRemix) (4:12)

19. Gasr - Conspiracy (4:50)

20. The Unknownn - Britney Bumper (0:03)

21. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

22. The Unknownn - Cure All (5:07)

23. Severe Illusion - Open Rebellion (4:21)

24. Dope - Always (3:17)

25. Encoder - supernatural (brainclaw) (4:52)

26. KMFDM - New American Century (3:56)

27. DJ Genocyde - The Genocydal Empyre - Outro (0:48)

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Insert/Alt, Esc/Ctrl

I've spent hours at this damned disc and I'm hopelessly addicted. I got it on eBay. Apparently this is 2.5 gigs of the seller's collection of oddball, off the wall stuff she's found on the internet.

Trish was the only name she gave me when I asked her if the DVD was region free. It was but the downside is that it can only be played on the computer. Much like my own promo DVDs I've slapped together myself.

The journey through this disc has already produced my Roadmap For Impyrial Conquest...or whatever the hell I named that last entry. There's amazing (and I mean AMAZING) amounts of pictures, sound clips, wallpapers (like my snazzy new Cradle of Filth one on my desktop), video footage and just general insanity. It's the craziest stuff I've ever seen and it's kept me in awe, suspense and in stitches all at once.

The Pictures:

These can range from the elegant computer-generated desktop backgrounds and pictures of things that will have you laughing hysterically to the ones that have you as puzzled as even I have been. Some of them have made me wonder if some of them weren't faked but then again, I bought this thing cheap...it was strictly entertainment and I'm still not all the way through it.

The Sounds:

Plenty of adverts, ringtones, and stuff I can even use for my show...talk about awesome.

The Footage:

Literally TONS of footage on UFOs (my favorite as I'm under the impression that it's arrogant of us to assume that we're the only intelligent life in the universe...and even then I still question our degree of intelligence collectively), awesome stunts (some done beautifully and some...well...not) and then there are the videos that have made my balls retreat and my dick go turtle. Like the backyard wrestling clips. Has anyone seen this shit? There is footage of these two idiot youngsters on the roof of a house. One has another set up to tombstone pile drive his monkey ass into the ground below...picture The Hardy Boyz melding with The Undertaker minus the professional training. The kid jumps, hanging onto the other kid and both hit the ground. End result? Both of them are screaming, howling and in agony...wrecked.


I was in disbelief. Now before something is said concerning what entertainment does to the Youth of this Nation, let's take into consideration some factors. There are wrestling video games out there, why couldn't they just play those? They have character creation modes and, as years pass and new versions come out, they get better and better. You can literally carbon-copy yourself onto the game if you want these days. Or you can set up the you that you want to look like. I still remember the character I created on Smackdown! 2. He was massive, pale, tattooed up with this immense tribal tattoo all over his bare upper body. Eyes that would turn your blood to ice and hair that would have made Marilyn Manson green with envy. Not to mention he was the most cold and bloodthirsty ...nevermind. Geek moment again. Needless to say, I dismantled greats such as Triple H, The Undertaker, Austin, The Rock and many more with that character and the best part...I could do it without wrecking myself in the process.

Kids, remember that these guys are professionals. They're trained in how to fall, how to take hits, how to make it look far more brutal than it really is and they are in good enough shape to have a psychotically high threshold for pain. Over time, the wear and tear on their bodies is massive. If you really want to get into that, great. Start working out and taking care of yourselves. Get a trainer, read up, educate yourselves and build yourself into the character.

Then there are other videos. Parodies and the like. There's even one that two fans made in which a lightsaber duel ensues and it's a damn fine piece of work. I still don't know how these two did such wonderful effects and such great swordplay form not to mention the choreography...I don't think I'd really want to know either. It was a work of art and, save for the one kid that lost due to a trick of The Force which sent the blade of the lightsaber through him, no one got hurt...ok, the other dude gets whacked too but he gets suckerstabbed by another dude with a lightsaber.

Whatever you want to keep yourself entertained is on this disc...including that Alien Autopsy video that is still largely debated. Looks real enough to me but I'm still pending final judgment on that one.

Trish's collection really surprised me. I thought this was just going to be footage of some off-the-wall stuff from a UK documentary but it's not. This is perhaps the most comprehensive disc of oddball stuff you'll find on the internet but paying a few bucks for this saved me some time and has kept me entertained for days on end.

  • 10,500 Of The Most Bizarre Stuff In Existence On One DVD Can Be Found Here!

  • And There's where you can find it. Trish also has some awesome stuff like documentaries but she tells you straight up in her ads that these DVDs will only play on your computer. Why? There's so much on them that it's the only effective way to run all these things!

    There's also a new 6-DVD deal concerning the 9/11 WTC disaster. The truth of the matter isn't being repressed anymore. What do you want to know about it? It's all on these discs and more. Well over Thirty Damn Hours Of Footage...the price? $21 but I call it priceless information by any means. I ordered my copy of that today.

    With that in mind, I'd like to salute all of our soldiers. I'd like to thank you for trying to protect our constitutionally-guaranteed way of life. At the same time, I'd like to apologize. I'm sorry you guys have been spilling blood in shitholes and mud and being lied to all the while. It's not your faults. It's ours. We got too comfy and we decided to let someone else look out for us. You guys were just following orders. As a collective citizenship, we have ultimately failed you and for that, I apologize.

    Normally, I'd go around asking people if they'd just want a copy of what I ordered but Trish put a lotta hard work into these discs and they came out so beautifully that I don't see why you shouldn't go see what she has. It's interesting. It's an alternative viewpoint and it comes from the most reliable of sources...an outsider looking in.

    Trish, if you're reading this. Thank you. Not just for the great deals on the information but on the awareness work. I'm certain the money involve is only just covering the costs of making and shipping the discs but still, the information contained therein is priceless in my book. I commend you by awarding you the title of "Impyrial Knight." I know it's usually a male that's knighted but I couldn't come up with a better term.

    Thursday, April 20, 2006

    A Roadmap Of Impyrial Conquest

    Please, Allow me, Your Lord And Emporer, To Show You Just How I Took Your Cities, The Internet...and all of Howard Stern's Popularity.

    Forgot About This Prog Didn't You. Oh But It's Outdated...But It Still Works Posted by Picasa

    The Outdated Programming's Bugs Were Easy To Work Out With This Posted by Picasa

    Bill Gates Doesn't Know His Account Is Slowly Being Drained Yet... Posted by Picasa

    All Your Systems Are Belong To Me! Posted by Picasa

    And Now....MY EMPYRE!!! Posted by Picasa

    It Was Just This Easy. One Computer, One Outdated Program And A Co-Host Who Won't Quit Giving Me SHIT, One Man, One Inflatable Ego, One Empyre!

    Benefit For Heather With Backinfo.

    I realize there are people out there that hate the goth subculture as a whole. That much, I understand. They mostly think that we're a bunch of devil-worshipping, self-destructive evil types that are out to poison The Youth Of America.

    Ok, fine. If that's your opinion, wonderful.

    This, however is unacceptable. The rate of violence instigated by those in the subculture, nearly unheard of. The rate against goths? Rising...and sharply.

    As much as I try for pacifism and try not to hate anyone, it's people like this that make Lord Genocyde's Dark Side act up.

    I make no promises to my conduct around this guy nor will I be able to be held responsible. Seeing him makes me react but once you read this, you'll see why.

    It's a small scene, somebody out there knows this guy, or knows somebody who knows this guy. Read the live journal account of the assault here-

    The repost below of a bulletin going around suggests calling the New Orleans police if he's spotted. Sure, that's a good idea. BUT, we'd sure appreciate it if you do run into him to be sure to give him a nice big, fat, hard, "HELLO!" from Encoder, in addition whatever else you may have to say to him. Yeah, I think you know exactly where we're coming from.....

    a Friend of mine Heather was just assaulted at convergence in NOLA and her assailant is still currently on the run... it has been rumored that he has already fled and skipped the LA borders... so I'm guessing at that point it has become a federal matter...

    but if ANYONE knows where this guy is please contact the New Orleans POLICE immediately...

    the only info I could find is:

    New Orleans Police Dept

    (504) 821-2222

    715 S Broad St

    New Orleans, LA 70119


    the correct police number for NOLA PD is:

    (504) 658-6080

    but this is him:

    William Hamlet Hunt

    this is her:

    and this is what he did to her:

    "My left cheekbone is fractured in 8 places, broken in 3; my eye socket is broken in two; my nose is broken; my septum is torn; my jaw is fractured in two places; my bite is off and my teeth are misaligned; part of my cheekbone is floating in my cheek; and, if he had kicked me with ONE MORE OUNCE OF PRESSURE I would have died."

    please help us find him, if you have ANY information contact the OLA police department...

    New Orleans Police Dept

    (504) 658-6080

    715 S Broad St

    New Orleans, LA 70119


    There will be a Benefit for
    Heather's Medical Bills at:

    the Whirling Dervish
    1135 Decatur
    New Orleans

    $5 cover/donation

    Guest Dj's

    Tons of prizes for donations.

    Proceeds form the bar go to Heather

    Spread the WORD.

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    Playlist for 4/21/06


    Here's Ya Button For Winamp...Tune In, Rock Out!!

    Here's Ya Button To The Microsite...Tune In, Rock Out!!

    Lord Genocyde Takes On 6Bit Round Two! And Brand New Music By Collide Plus Your Requests! Tune In, Amp Up, Get Down, Rock Out!!!

    The Genocydal Empyre v2.0

    Playlist for 4/21/06

    12:00am - 2:00am EST

    1. The Genocydal Empyre v2.0 (Faith And The Muse - Cantus) (6:42)

    2. KR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

    3. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

    4. Encoder - supernatural(brainclaw) / 8 (4:52)

    5. Collide - Son Of A Preacherman (Bat Remix) (5:45)

    6. Gary Numan - Haunted (5:31)

    7. KR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

    8. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

    9. 6Bit - (Pt 2) Movie Clips, Outcasts, First Period (6:26)

    10. 6Bit - Angels Are Machines (3:45)

    11. Out Out - rememory (4:46)

    12. Dyksick - Discontent (4:34)

    13. DJ Genocyde Feat. Antitrust - Krush Bumper (0:20)

    14. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

    15. Dope - Always (3:17)

    16. Antitrust - Annaliese Michel (7:44)

    17. Betrayal - Of Fire And Ice (4:53)

    18. KR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

    19. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

    20. The Unknownn - Get It (The Jade Blue Remix) (4:17)

    21. Head Drone - Looking Glass (3:15)

    22. Leaves Eyes - Elegy (5:06)

    23. KMFDM - New American Century (3:56)

    24. DJ Genocyde - The Genocydal Empyre - Outro (0:48)

    Tuesday, April 18, 2006


    Arrival at home doesn't necessarily mean that the journey is over.

    The journey of life is fraught with peril. Upon birth, on a cellular level, we all self-destruct and renew. During adolescence, some of us find solitude in some form of self-inflicted masochism. During the adult stage, some of us will spend the rest of our lives recovering.

    Rayne had been going through my senior yearbook. Naturally, she was laughing at all the old pics of me. Days long since gone to me. I was about 150 lbs of scrawny rock potential. I had the sneering attitude, the thin frame, a growing ability at playing classic rock songs on an Ibanez RX-40 Stratocaster-style guitar that was as black as my deepest of moods. I was more tolerant of sunlight then. It blistered me and blinded me at times but it didn't hurt as much. I looked at myself. I recognized him. His smile was genuine but impish. He had already known the persecution in ignorance. He'd had the world figured out and everything was simple. Life was simple.

    Soon after that year, a series of betrayals and deaths would leave him a busted shell. Life would turn on it's ear and rear it's ugly head at him. Those things annhilated him, I think. The happiness that was there won't ever be like it once was. I think Yoda might have put it best when he told Obi-Wan, "He is reckless!"

    He was. Rushing into life head on. No quarter asked and none given. It was a fearless move. Stupid, but fearless. Seems his own memories have melded with my own. The high-octane hellish journey down Memory Lane, clocking well over 6,000 R.P.M. in an insane, frenzied haul was a happy one...if that makes any sense. I'm always saying that I'm glad I graduated when I did but for the past nine years, I'd give anything to relive my best day of it. I'm not sure what I would do. Chances are, I'd just enjoy it. Not worry about a damned thing. I'd put off rushing headlong into a torrent of shit without preparation.

    I looked at that reflection of me, immortalized in photo and thought, "Damn....nearly 10 years...."

    It doesn't seem like so long ago, but it seems like an eternity lost in some hazy blur. I had notions of becoming a rock star. Didn't happen. I had aspirations of being published; managed that one. Never thought I'd be some nihilistic DJ and govenment critic.

    Never Knew I'd End Up This Way.

    "Scorched Earth,
    Disinterred in the flight
    of the known survivor

    Whose worth is worse
    than the curse
    of Sardonicus choking
    on his own saliva....

    Who Shares The Last Laugh Now?"

    Cradle Of Filth
    "Scorched Earth Erotica"


    Monday, April 17, 2006

    Random Acts Of Cultural Terrorism.


    Whoa! Tough Dude! Posted by Picasa

    The Krush Kommandment Posted by Picasa

    Atheism, Morals, Psongs, Psayings, Psomethings, Pnothings.

    Ok Everyone, Read This Link Before You Read My Post.

    This makes the second of two posts I've read by this person. Granted, he makes sense in logical terms but I shut down the minute he starts going on and on and on about Zionist Jews, Christians, Muslims, etc, ad nauseum.

    There is the fact that many pagans were slaughtered by the Christian "crusaders" and pagans have had their wars with the Romans as well. Of these facts, I found no mention of the pagans or the fate they suffered.

    After reading this, I realize that rys2sense's approach to the issue of whether or not morality is possible without religion as a basis for it is based on anger, sarcasm and an approach that is near-fatalism. In his arguement, attacks on Christianity are made and even implied in the treatement of it's dogma.

    I agree with him that morality is possible without religion (organized or otherwise) but would like to do this arguement more service by taking a more logical approach.

    For starters, the only thing that can inhibit someone's morality is their upbringing. In most cases, those raised in a strict and confining moral structure will find themselves in more amoral settings, choosing to break free of constraints for some time before possibly seeing the logic behind some of these morals.

    In other cases, raised in situations to the other extreme, they will become amoral themselves and always blame others or fake morals to get what they desire.

    Each person is different. Morals are separate from religious doctrine but go hand-in-hand with it at the same time. It really depends upon the person.

    Morals change with each person over time. Some might see the moral thing to do to a murderer would be to kill him or her in kind. Others will not see it the same. Some do change their moral opinion on this issue and it's happened more than once.

    Each person on this planet has been given free will. No one is a slave to any abstract concept. Each person on this planet has things to consider and most will choose to serve a higher purpose. Some do subscribe to self-sacrifice, love, honor, compassion and caring. Some to a set of morals of self-serving, carnal, self-gratification. Some will go from one extreme to another and back again, their lives a mass of confusion.

    Does this have anything to do with religion? Sure, depending on the circumstances.

    Does this mean that religion is to blame? No.

    While organized religion shares in the responsibility for it's share of wrongs in the world, people do as well. Remember that I pointed out that people have free will. Indoctrination, while strong, is breakable. There is not a method of brainwashing conceivable to mankind that cannot be broken.

    The point to all of this is there is no single one group that can dictate morals. There is no Moral Majority. If there is, they'd better include mine or be taxed like the rest of us.

    The Bible, The Qura'an, The Torah, Buddha's Teachings, The Hindu Texts, compare them all and stop looking for the differences because the differences were all put there by man. You were born with a mind, use it. Open yourself up to the fact that we live in a universe of infinite possibilities but remember to analyze everything you're given as far as information.

    Rys2sense's arguement is done a great disservice by attacking Christianity. While mine offers no references and paints human beings with broad strokes. It serves better to present a case based on self-evident fact than attack.

    Saturday, April 15, 2006

    Clerks II !!!!

    I Thought Jay And Silent Bob Strikes Back Was The End....THANK THE GODS I WAS WRONG!!!!!



    Here's Ya Button For Winamp...Tune In, Rock Out!!

    Here's Ya Button To The Microsite...Tune In, Rock Out!!

    Lord Genocyde Takes On 6Bit In A Candid, Hilarious One-On-One Interview! Fashion Bomb, Betrayal and St. Madness Rip Up The Electron Stream And Premier All At Once! Only One Place To Get It! Tune In, Amp Up, Get Down, Rock Out!!!

    The Genocydal Empyre v2.0

    Playlist for 4/16/06

    12:00am - 3:00am EST

    1. The Genocydal Empyre v2.0 (Faith And The Muse - Cantus) (6:06)

    2. KR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

    3. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

    4. SiNDADDY - Panties(Drukore'sInABunchRemix) (4:12)

    5. Mankind is Obsolete - Puppet (3:36)

    6. Punish Yourself - Gay Boys in Bondage (4:01)

    7. KR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

    8. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

    9. 6Bit - You Know What You Are (Ministry cover) (5:17)

    10. 6Bit - (Pt 1) History, Influences, Rita (11:43)

    11. 6Bit - Angels Are Falling (6:21)

    12. Severe Illusion - Open Rebellion (4:21)

    13. KR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

    14. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

    15. Betrayal - Of Fire And Ice (4:53)

    16. St. Madness - Speaking in Tongues (3:53)

    17. Fashion Bomb - Mold (4:44)

    18. Biopsy - Harsh Disposal (3:24)

    19. Dyksick - A Grim Future (5:20)

    20. KR Genocyde Friends (0:38)

    21. 6Bit - Crucifixion Experiment (4:18)

    22. Apoptygma Berzerk - Until the end of the World (al (5:52)

    23. Michale Graves - Butcher Shop (2:55)

    24. Bile - I Reject (19:53)

    25. KMFDM - New American Century (3:56)

    26. DJ Genocyde - The Genocydal Empyre - Outro (0:48)

    Lost In Thought Again. Search Party Not Needed

    You know, there are a few things in life I find really thought-provoking when I look at them.

    Wednesday and Thursday were two more solo missions in the control center again. I never realized that my own coworkers (some supervisors included) could suffer such a severe ineptitude of intellectual capability once I'm in there.

    We all know about the count procedures from one of my previous posts. Back in the day, control actually called the first count of the day over the radio to all the areas. Now, it's up to the officers assigned to those places to do it themselves and turn them all in to their lieutenants or to the control center for verification. We don't call any of them now except for the 8:30 pm count and even before that, we have to ensure all the walkways are clear first.

    "Control to 12 and 22, are your walks clear?" I asked.

    "12 10-4," That's my lieutenant and, for the most part, I still don't see how this man got his gold. He suffers from an extreme lack of anything even remotely resembling leadership ability. He's like a frightened version of John Kerry and he's too insistent on detail in areas where it won't make a shit.

    "22 10-50." Great....that's unit two's lieutenant and I have no damned clue what the hell he's doing. Whatever. I'll take my time doing other shit that needs to be done.

    Or so I thought. By now, I'm severely behind on paperwork and Unit Two ain't helpin. I'd give anything to get outta this dump and just do my shows, manage the band, complete the five damn novels I'm fucked up on right now...anything. Still...I wait.

    8:45 pm....still waiting

    8:50 pm...The phone rings for the umpteenth time. By this time, everyone and their brother has called me asking, "Hey did you call count yet?" Welcome to the fold, Einstein. At least I thought that's what this phone call was about.

    Remember the severe ineptitude? Watch This!

    "Control" I said

    "Count for Unit 1," I heard...my lieutenant.

    "I haven't called count yet," I said.

    "Why not, man!" he's saying. Now I can see it, his bug-eyes already popping outta his head from sheer panic. This isn't normal operating procedure, "We can't wait all night!"

    "Unit Two's walk isn't clear," I said, my tone taking on a sound of "bother someone who gives a shit and remind me to cry about it when I'm not goddamn busy."

    "Why not, man!" he says again. Now he's just pissing me off. I'm stretched mentally and this guy just doesn't know when to shut the hell up.

    "Well, you know what? That's a good question. You might wanna call him up and ask him," I said. Shit, pull out the write-ups again, I thought, those damnable things are of little consequence to me anymore. In my five years of working there, I've had four. I was only really deserving of one but I took all four. Now, one for being a smartass. I'd fight it and I'd win. What they don't know is giving me access to a computer with a flash drive on my damn keyring is the most dangerous thing to their worthless careers. I'd level him and I'd win. And that write up? It would be worth ass-wipe by the time I was done.

    "Alright, man," he said. I've noticed he uses that word a lot like he's some burnout throwback from the '60s, "I'll see what's up with him"

    I hang up. I want to scream. I'm about to knock two lieutenants out cold.

    Calling for times so I can put my log together? That was a joke. Nobody kept shit. Normally all I have to do is call and say "Hey, I need times" and they're rolled out faster than I can take them down. Both days were different. Nobody had shit. I had to guess and hope to hell it matched should this kinda stuff ever be investigated thoroughly.

    Have the people with which I work descended to the level of beasts mentally?

    I once read a paper written by an inmate in which he vented his frustrations about us. He painted us all with broad strokes, saying that we lacked either the social or mental capability to hold down an honest job. Funny...I thought this was an honest job. Basically he painted us all to be woodticks incapable of taking two brain cells and putting a thought pattern together with some kind of cohesion from the sum total of it.

    Well, I was beginning to think he was right. Not all of us are that dumb. Some of us, sadly, are. I was suddenly ashamed to have this happen to me. What unfortunate shit had I walked into?

    I can tolerate stupid people sometimes. As long as their idiocy doesn't get in my way, we're all good but this...this was too horrible a fate to ask anyone to bear.

    The second day wasn't as bad but still, I had to deal with others' inability to really use some common damn sense. B-team usually takes the task of taking a few minutes to get everyone issued whatever they need in the way of keys, radios, restraints, whatever so I can get the count done. Nope, not that day. Here's the info on the paper, myshutupnowandleaveyeahfuckyou was the scenario. Running back and forth through the length of that damned place isn't fun and when you're a smoker who hasn't had one in hours...oh yeah, you just learn to ignore people after awhile and tell them they can wait their fuckin turn.

    Side note, they hate that blank stare and a resounding, "I'm waiting for the point to this and I don't have much time so if you don't mind making it so I can get back to my work that would be great" when they're done or a "Yeah, whatever flips your skirt" works too.

    Hell, what can they do, fire me? Hell no. They rank the same. Joke 'em if they can't take a fuck.

    It's when it was all done that I slouched in my chair and looked at my own computer screen suddenly despising our own technology. It's made our way of life better in a lot of aspects. Why do I have to sit down and physically write you a letter? Now I can get you the important updates quickly just by emailing you. What you don't see is what it does to people. Remember the movie Johnny Mnemonic where people got that Nerve Attenuation Syndrome aka N.A.S. or The Black Shakes? I'm beginning to believe that one day I'll become patient zero. It wasn't epilepsy. You were still coherent when it happened. You just couldn't control your nervous system.

    But what causes it? Keanu Reeves asked the question everyone else wanted to know.

    "This causes it! This causes it! THIS CAUSES IT!" Henry Rollins went around slappin different items in his workshop, "ALL THIS TECHNOLOGY YOU SEE AROUND YOU POISONING THE AIRWAVES! But we still have all this shit....because we can't live without it!"

    No shit. Makes you wonder just how far with nature we'll fistfuck just to make things easier on ourselves and at who's inconvenience.

    Another piece of entertainment comes to mind with the X-Files episode "Humbug." Jim Rose and a couple members of his sideshow co-starred in it. Right at the end, he's packing the car while The Enigma sits inside. He's talkin to Scully. Check out what he says.

    Jim Rose: 21st Century Genetics is gonna make you a little hard-pressed to find a slight overbite or a not-so-high cheekbone. Yanno, I've seen the future and it looks...(scoffs and points at Mulder)...Just like him. Imagine walking around your entire life looking like that. The point is, Nature abhors normality that's why it's up to self-made freaks like myself and The Conundrum (The Enigma) to remind people.

    Gillian Anderson: Remind people of what?

    Jim Rose: That you can't go too long without Nature creating a mutant and you know why?

    Gillian Anderson: Why?

    Jim Rose: I don't know either. It's a mystery. Some mysteries just weren't meant to be solved.

    Interesting. How far will we go? How much more will we fight against ourselves, each other and this planet before we figure out that we can only go as far as Nature allows us. Sure we can go much further beyond ourselves through our Supernature but never beyond Nature. It's a living organism and it will lash back until we get it through our thick skulls that someone out there is not willing to just "go with our flow."

    Going back to work with this nature thing, I understand the mentality behind deviant behaviors in a place like that. In some ways, to the human organism, captivity is unnatural and so is deprivation and that loss of autonomy. In that respect, the human organism, as carnal as it is will eventually turn to unnatural things. In others, sadly enough, it is as natural to them as water is to a plant.

    On the mutant issue. Have you ever questioned why people all over the world still think that finding that rare mutant plant with the extra appendage will bring them some mystical good fortune?

    I don't either but I do know I found a four-leaf clover a couple of weeks ago.

    It still hasn't done shit.

    Wednesday, April 12, 2006

    Conspiracy Theories: Fact vs. Fiction

    Welcome One and All To this And THANKS to the_k car for reposting that last one for me.

    Ok, while we're all here let's calm down, reason together.

    I've stated before that, sure, we have an infinite universe of possibilities as to who's behind all of this, who they're working for and what the whole purpose of the plan to restrict freedom is for but here we have a problem. The problem that presents itself is the metaphorical pot calling the kettle black. Truth is, if I'm to toss out "hardcore conspiracy nuts" like Alex Jones (who's professionalism I've questioned), David Icke (who appears crazy on the surface), Michael Tsarion (who offers an interesting and, if nothing else, entertaining alternative historical viewpoint) and Noam Chomsky because of the theories concerning Alien Reptilians, Atlantis, Secret Occult Mysticism and "hokey fairy tales" because they make the author seem deluded, then, honestly, how am I supposed to take The Zionist Jew Conundrum?

    My answer...I'm tossing it out as well. It's only fair.

    As Mark Phillips put it during his speech at The Grenada Forum, "These Are Human Beings Behind This." and I agree wholeheartedly with him.

    There's much I haven't been able to explain in life. I've come upon some pretty Left Field Qualifiers in my time and a greater majority of them, I can't and probably won't ever explain or be able to for that matter but until you have experienced them yourself, you'll write them off as "fantasy" or perhaps even "hokey" yourself. Many of us may have seen strange lights in the sky or even flying objects that we, ourselves, cannot identify. To all of us, every part of it has a unifying link into something.

    The fact behind all of this is, it starts with human beings.

    Now, conspiracy theories...what they are and what they're meant to do.

    What they're meant to do is to inform us to several different alternative viewpoints on key political issues and how it will affect each of us.

    What they've become is a serious P.M.C.F. For those of you who wonder it's a Perpetual Motion and I think you can put the proper term to go with Cluster. People from all over have thought they've found the answer.

    Fact: You've found what you percieve to be the truth behind it all but you're not looking any more deeply than anyone else.

    Getting through research on Conspiracies in my two and a half years of looking at various videos, listening to various radio segments and reading through the deluge of printed information I've been provided, I've had to take a step back from it and take it for what it is...someone else's perception of the truth.

    Fact: Reality is in each individual's perception.

    So, like most things, I view it as such. Take a cat litterpan. Shove one of those scoops into it that's solid and then just throw all of it into the trash to be taken to the garbage bin outside. How much usable litter did you waste?

    The smarter thing to do would be to get a slotted scoop and sift. You're better equipped to throw the crap out and not the usable stuff.

    Essentially speaking, you won't throw the baby out with the bathwater.

    I've seen documentation declassified under The Freedom Of Information Act on Project MK ULtra on disc. Much has been blacked out. Well that means you pretty much have whatever isn't blacked out to work with. Is it true? Did they experiment with our own fellow Americans?

    Fact: Many former CIA agents have come forward with what we've deemed to be the missing pieces of Project MK Ultra but it depends on whether or not you wanna believe it. Information isn't good or bad...it just is.

    Fact: Trance-Formation of America does, in fact, list anatomical details about certain political people and people in high positions of authority. Of course it's irrefutable! Why? Now, considering these guys want to clear their reputations, they have to prove/disprove these statements concerning their anatomy in order to discredit the authors. Do they have something to hide or do they just not want to show manhood off in court because it's just not really worth the trouble to prove/disprove such statements?

    Truth has a way of pushing up through deciet but these kinds of things can only be fought with cold, hard fact.

    Mike Ruppert is one who's done as such. He's given the most comprehensive report on 9/11 and on the world of make-believe terrorism and how it relates to what could possibly happen if we don't take a stand and fight this new war.

    Personally, I'm opposed to violence as it only escalates the opposition. This new war is not fought with guns but with minds, not with speculation or theories on aliens (though I am of the mind that it's arrogant of us to assume we're the only "intelligent" life in the universe) but with facts that can be validated and put on display.

    Remember that it's politicians and legislators that helped us get into this mess but Lord Genocyde's Bottom Line is both good news and bad all in one shot.

    The Bad News: We got ourselves into this mess

    The Good News: We can get ourselves out.

    The Fact: This is our fault. Through the excess of the '80s and the malignant mediocrity of the '90s we were lulled into complacency. When complacency takes hold, it's often hard to shake. Ask anyone who's worked a law-enforcement job and they'll tell you the same.

    Fact: Conspiracy means to conspire against another. One person can be involved or a group or many groups. The biggest fact is many of us may never know who's behind it but they are truly sick, cold, uncaring and overall vicious. These people don't care about you, me or anyone other than themselves but if we realize that there are far too many of us and far too few of them, that's what keeps the fight to protect our rights going.

    Fact: Awareness, even to the skeptics, is a powerful tool. It can be applied from everything such as The West Memphis Three case to The New World Order.

    Fact: The opposition is losing and fast. When your adversary begins to lose they begin to "grasp for straws" to regain the control or semblance of control they once percieved to have had.

    Fact: This is about control.

    Fact: We are capable of so much more than we were told we were. With this in mind it's time for us to rise up as the individuals we are and take a stand for our rights, freedoms and our very way of life. A true Warrior doesn't wait for the next enemy to kill, they fight to protect their way of life as they percieve it to be. Each of us here qualifies and it's that fact that will possibly save us.

    Fact: You have the right to think what you like. You have the right to shape and mold your own reality. You have rights...use them!

    I think this pretty much illustrates my point. Open up all your senses and remember to check it all out. Run up the leads. Use the leads that others have taken advantage of and go from there. The information, the truth and everything we need to fight this war is available to us.

    Fact: Deception Never Lasts! Truth Always Reveals Itself And Is, At All Times Self-Evident!

    Fact: The Enemy Knows That We Know...They Are Now More Frightened Than Ever.

    Fact: All True Change Begins With Each Of Us Changing Ourselves.

    That's it....that's all I have....hope you weren't too disappointed.